The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 01, 1895, Image 3

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1 I J 1 Neckband Ba Sejt.3"89 I H
1 ill sif lluii I si
Ladies' Waists.
. We still have a full
Trogan Waist, but they
$1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and
cheaper Waist in a good
at 60c and 75c.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
stored a the V oatotttce at Tbe Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
10 Uuui per line for first insertion, and 6 Cents
ax line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
A.11 local notices received later than 8 o'clock
will appear the following day.
Clubbing Last.
" Regular Our
price price
Omi.U ui 1. 1. . ....... .$2.50 $1.75
" ud WmUj OngMiti ... 3.00 2.00
" i WmIIj Iuair ....... 3.25 2.25
" Weekly lew T.rk WrU. .... 2.25 2.00
JUNE 1, 1895
Kiava From' the Notebook of Chronlele
Additional Local on Fourth Page.
The canal at tbe Cascadess how
of water. When the river begins to fall
the fiahermen may get a biz haul of
salmon within the gates.
Tbe upper river is falling quite rapid
ly. Tbe river here has fallen ,8 in fif
teen hoars, and will fall for the next
lour days. It now stands at 27.0.
The bright .weather of today is very
welcome, as were tbe Showers preceding
it. Tbe conditions for grain are first
class, ana tnis section will rejoice in a
bountiful harvest.
, For the benefit of those who were not
able to attend the exhibition of this
'year's school work at St. Mary's acad-
' emy, the rooms will be open to visitors
tomorrow afternoon and all of Monday.
Dr. H. R. Hesse, the well known vet
erinary, has come to The Dalles as a
permanent resident. ' He is one of the
most highly educated men in his profes
sion. The doctor is temporarily located
at the European House. vr
The fishermen report the salmon to be
coming a little better, bat there is
nothing like a run. When the water
- 'falls there will undoubtedly be a good
catch as the' amount reported at Astoria
indicates a subsequent run here.
Dr. Ford, a prominent minister and
' lecturer, of Seattle, will lecture .at the
Methodist church," on Monday evening,
June 10th. Subject: "American Con-
' flict; or who shall educate our 'youth."
' The admission will be 25 cents.
The new wool press in Moody's ware
house is in shape and the platform built
ready for use. As soon as the wool re
ceipts are small enough so that the men
can give their attention to baling, the
presses in both warehouses ' will ' be
Rev. U. N. Hawk, late of Montana,
bat now pastor in charge of the Method
ist church at Goldendale, will occupy
the pulpit of tbe M. E. church in this
city Sunday evening. Rev. Hawk is
highly recommended as a speaker, and
all invited to be present. '
That there are lots of sheep in the
! " country can be clearly seen from the vast
number that, arc crossing the river daily
Men's Eagle Negligee Shirts
This line is the most reliable on the market,
and we have an immense stock of this season's
goods in all - the latest styles, varying in jprice
from 75c to $3. ,
Examine our Stock. All Fresh, Goods.
line of sizes in the
are going fast at
$2.00 We have a
quality of Percale
at this point. The inhabitants at the
west end of town have occupation watch
ing the enorts or tne neraers to Keep
ssveral thousand Bheep going in one
direction.'- . .
Mr. W. H. Taylor of Dry Hollow is
building a large Chrisman dryer. When
finished it will be very complete, as he
intends buying a prune grader to sort
the immense crop of prunes be has be
fore drying. ltJs worth visiting for
anybody interested in fruit culture.
Those in the drama had theirTBcondl
practice last evening. The different
persons in the caste are snowing great
interest in their work, and Mr. Rasmus,
the director, expressed himself very wtll
satisfied with the progress that is being
made. "Damon and Pythias" will be
put on the boards probably about June
14th, and arrangements will be made to
give it two nights if necessary. .
The Wasco warehouse is being enlarged
by extending the roof of the porch about
twenty feet, thus forming a large shed
for the storing of the large amount of
wool yet expected. The upper floor frJj
the warehouse is completely full and
nearly all the space below is taken. Ad
ditional room will be provided till stor
age for all the wool is provided. . ,
There is some talk of the Third regi
ment holding an encampment at Hood
River duriug one of the summer months
Nothing has been definitely settled bow-
ever. Hood River would be an ideal
place to bold an encampment, but we
doubt whether tbe finances of the state
will permit any encampment this year
Such an occasion would be of great ben'
eflfc to the organization..
The supreme court has ordered the
proceedings brought by F. P. Mays, ex
United States district attorney, against
Judge O. P. Mason referred to C. H
Sholes, of Portland, to take and report
testimony. The proceedings were in
stitoted to have Mason ousted from tbe
bar because of connection with the Sun
flay Mercury under a former manage
ment. It was supposed that the case
had been dropped and logiv sight of.
Portland Dispatch. " X "'
Mr. A. J. Shrum of MitcbelfX Crook
is in the city. " He reports that in com
ing to The Dalles be passed over the new
grade that is being built by Mr. Shearar,
up Currant creek . hill.' . Mr. Shearar
hopes to have the grade completed in
about a week for tbe use of heavy teams
This road, when finished, will be a great
benefit, to all who have to use it and
when completed will be one of the best
in the state. Mr. Sherar is deserving of
great credit for the excellent work he
has done en this and other grades in
Wasco county. '- -"'."
When Baby was sick, we gave her Oastorlav
Wben she was a Child, she cried for Outorta.
When she became Vim, she clung to Castoria.
W&ea sue Lad Chflflren, be gare them CastosU.
Exhibition of Students' Work Held in
the 15 ull a ing A Fin Exhibit.
A Chbokicxe reporter visited St.
Mary's Academy this afternoon to see
the exhibit of tbe students' work for the
past year. The well-arranged building
was devoted to specimens of skill in the
different branches of knowledge. In the
two large rooms on the right of the ball
was placed . the work that bad been
chosen to go on exhibition as . the best.
Long tables, covered with neatly-written
examination papers, told of atten
tive, industrious scholars and hours of
study. On the walls were hung paint
ing in oil and water colors that bore evi
dence of much skill on tbe part of the
artist."- Some delicate samples of needle
work attracted much attention from the
One of the moat interesting portion of
he exhibit was tbe work done by the
boys of -St. Joseph's school little lads
ranging 9 to 12 years of age. The speci
mens were all very creditable, and
bowed a talent that would have done
credit to persons of maturer aee. The
boys had been given subjects upon
which they were to write compositions;
but, unlike most compositions, the sub
jects were required to be illustrated.
Tbe reporter recognized a well-drawn
likeness of Father Bronsgeest, executed
by a lad of eleven years. A picture of
Pope Pius IX was also very creditable
to the young artists. Some of the com
positions were written on such subjects
as the new cruisers of our government;
and on each paper was drawn a picture
of the particular subject about which the
papdr was written.
Among the exhibits particularly no
ticed were a crayon of two dogs' beads,
by - Miss Katie Quaid and some drawn
fancy work by Miss Cassie Thorbourn.
The pictures, in oil-toy Mrs. Baldwin in,-
eluded -tbe "Cascade in . Alps,- "The
Three Sisters" arid several' other "very
pretty paintaings. Mies Downing from
Condon, Grilliarn county, had a picture
of Castle Rock and one also of Mt
Adams, which showed much skill and
training on the part of the young artist.
Upon a table were some carefully pre
pared Herbariums by Alma Schanno,
Agnes LeDuc, Cassie Thorbourn : and
Atla Smith..", The flowers were arranged
with much taste. - Especially fine were
the botanical specimens. Over one bun
dred and thirty had been prepared, but
the limited room allowed only a small
number to be shown. The different
pieces will be taken to Montreal, Canada
for exhibition as soon as the commence
ment exercises ate over. .
The examination papers in all . tbe
different subjects which the students are
taught, were .placed ton exhibition,
They were wonderfully neat. One thing
that especially commended itself was the
requiring of the different subjects to be
illustrated. . In physiology one of tbe
questions was upon tbe structure of the
ear and on each paper was drawn a pic
ture of the ear, showing on the part of
the students a perfect comprehension of
- Continued on Second Fag.
See us before
you buy
We carry a Complete Line of
Fishing Tackle,
Stores and Steel Ranges,
Wire Cloth,
Wire Poultry Netting,
Sewer Pipe,
Iron Water Pipe,
G-arden Tools,
Sheep Shears, "
Barrel! Churns,
Rub"ber and Cotton Wrap
ped Garden Hose,
Groceries and Provisions,
Oak Fir and Maple Cord-
wood and General sup
Mr. Winansof Hood River came up on
tbe boat last evening.
Dr. Siddall took a trip down the river
on this morning's boat.
Mr. T. H. Johnston of Dufur is in at
tendance at court today.
Miss Blanche-Dufur from Dufur is
visiting friends in the city.
Mr. C. J. Crandall was a passenzer to
Hood River on tbe Regulator this
morning. .. r .
Mr. E. H. Merrill leaves Monday as a
delegate to tbe I. O. G. T. convention in
Portland. - - .
Dr. E. R. Wingate of Spokane, form
erly a resident of this city, is in The
uanes; today.
Mr. E. N. Chandler, who has been in
Wamic the last two weeks assessing, has
returned to Tbe Dalles.
Mrs. A. S. MacAllister and Mrs.
Parker of Hood River went to that town
this morning by steamer.
Mr. S. Vandersol. who has ' been in
lne Ualles lor the past week, returned
to Portland this morning.
Mrs. Simeon Bolton and family, who
have been visiting several davs in Gold
endale, returned home yesterday, r
Mr. W. W. Wilson, of the Umatilla
House, returned last evening from
pending some time out of the city.
Miss Annie ThomnBon: who ' has fust
ringed a successful term of school near
Dufur, returned borne last evening.
Mr. W. L. Hinkle ot Antelooe came in
yesterday witn His family to spend a few
days in town.. He says the roads are
covered with wool teams coming into
ids uanes.
Mies Lena Snell. who has been
teacher in the public schools daring tbe
past year, bas returned to her home in
Gilliam county. She was accompanied
Dy ner sister, mips Lilian, who has been
attending school here. : ,
By W. C. Curtis, nastor of the Con ere
gat ion al church of this city, at bis res!
dence on Second street, Wednesday
evening. May 29th, Cbristien E. Franzen,
of Klickitat county, Wash., and Miss
Kose bill, of The Dalles, Or.
The Criminal Trial.- --
The case of Maloney and Snelling will
probably go to the jury this evening,
Tbe following witnesses were examined
this afternoon on . the part of the de
fendant : Frank GabelGeo. Reed, Mrs
Maloney, Emma-Phir man, Tom M&
loney, J. J. Maloney, John Crate, Mrs
Douglass, Mr. Douglass, Bena Snelling
Mr. McGee, Mr. Mesplie,' James Smith
M. Fiemming, Swanson, Robt. Kelley
Hill. ....
At 2 o'clock Pros. Atty. Javne becan
his argument for the state and following
him came E. B. Dufur for the defense.
Mr. Dufur was speaking as The Chron
icle went to press. The impression
around the courthouse seems to be that
either a verdict of acquittal or a disagree
ment will be the result.
- Ladies, Attention ! ;
six weeks, Mrs. M. E,-'
bargains in millinery.
Daring the next
Briggs will offer
greater than ever
line of trim mad
Ladies and ehil-
offered before. Fall
hats always on hand,
dren'a hats from 75c to
street The Dalles, Or.-
2.60. 112 Second
' a23-2w
V .
Can You Buy G
Cheaper than This?
-. . . '
Two ounces of good Ping Cat Tobacco for 5c, and a Missouri Meerchaum with
every eight packages. ' : '.:'-.'
Lemons at 20c a dozen ; usual price, 35c. '. ' -
. Sixteen pounds San Francisco Granulated Sugar for $1.00. v
Seventeen pounds Hong Kong Granulated Sugar for $1.00. ' '
Sixteenounce plug of good Tobacco for 25c.
All stock of fresh and popular brands. Goods delivered free to any part of
the city. You are cordially invited to call and inspect stock and prices.
Southeast Cor. Union and Second Sts. Telephone NoT 92.
Great Shirt
Comiaencing Tuesday and
and Be Convinced.
Tna Tygl al
ly Creamery
Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it.
Every Square is Full Weight.
Hi There !
0 W
H9 o
Largest Assortment in the
Blue Front Store,
Keep Your Eye on.
Iambler and Waverley Bicycles:
V - I2?, Ind.. April 27, 1895.
MESSRS.;MAY8 & CROWE, The Dalles, Or. - - ; '
Gentlemen: We have your telegram of tbe 25th inet., and take pleasure in
entering your order for wheels.;' .. We are .quite confident of the fact that
you will be thoroughly satisfied with the "Waverley,'-' as it is a high grade ma
chine in every sense of the word, and yon can guarantee to your customers that it
is the equal of any machine manufactured.1 We make no exceptions at all, and
areVrepared to prove at any time that there is not a better bicycle in tbe market.
i - Yours very trulv,
We Bent and Repair Kleyelee.
Wheels from C45 to SIOO.
DOCTORS' PRESCRIPTIONS Correctly compounded with the ut
most care from drugs of guaranteed purity by a capable staff of experienced
dispensers. All the latest Pharmaceutical Preparations kept in stock. Prices
will be found as low as is consistent with the 6tffpfy of first-class drugs.
v npotheeary and Chemist.,
ontinaing entire week.
A. A. B.
Men's Straw Hats,
Boys' Straw Hats, . V
Misses' Straw Hats,
Ladies' Straw Hats:
Opposite Diamond Mills.