4 '11 NON SMRlNIBLE I liff '':'."'; V i l l NECKBAN06lSin;3!'89 Hi " " I 111 iii ill p IllJ .-. Ladies' Waists. We still have aull Trogan Waist, but they $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and cheaper Waist in a good at 60c and 75c. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Patty Chfoniele. n tared a the Poetofflce at The Dalle, Oregon as second-class matter. 10 Ceuui jmr line for first Insertion, and 6 Cents per Una for each subsequent Insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than o'clock fill appear the following day. Clubbing List. Begalar Our price price ftmicli ul I, 1. Trihie. " ni Vwklj Orcgnitt . . .$2.60 $1.75 . 3.00 2.00 " id Wwklj Eitmiier 3.25 ." WwkW Ifew Toil Worli ; 2.25 2.25 2.00 TU ESDAY MAY 28, 1895 BRIEF MENTION. Leaves From the Notebook of Clironicls Reporters. . Additional Local on Fourth Page. Still cool and cloudy. Cnt roses for sale, at Mrs. Flinn's on Tenth street. The price of eggs have risen and are now selling at 10 cents a dozen. Strawberries are retailing at 10 cents' per box, or three boxes for a quarter. The Ladies.' Aid Society will meet at Mrs. J. B. Condon's Wednesday at 2 o'clock. ' The Pacific Express company received sixty crates of strawberries for Eastern shipment last night. " ' The river here rose last night three tenths and now stands at 26.3 feet above the low water mark. ' Constable Trana came up from Cas cades today wtth James JKelley under sentence to the county jail for larceny. Thk Chronicle is under obligations to the Misses Flynn for a beautiful boqnet of roses that graces the. editorial table. A corona around the sun today was a brilliant spectacle. Its presence Indi cates that we are liable to experience frost. ' The weather forecast predicts occasion al showers for Tuesday, fair weather for Wednesday and probable showers on Thursday. Charley Hall caught a salmon last night in his' fish wheel weighing over sixty pounds. It will fill several oTMr. Herrick's cans. ' Quite a party of excursionists left by Regulator thjs morning for a trip down the river and return. The day probably proved rather windy. A train of fqurteen cars loaded with sheep left this point last night for Chicago. Another train of seventeen cars will go tomorrow. The river report indicates that the up per river is rising. : At Umatilla the water rose one foot yesterday. The river here will continue to rise. ". There will be a meeting of the tennis club this evening, at 8 p. m., in the office of Dr. Sutherland.' Every member f the club and any one interested in tennis wishing to join are requested to be present. Mens Eagle Negligee Shirts This line is the most reliable on the market, and we have an immense stock of this season's goods in all the latest styles, varying in price from 75c to $3. ... Examine our Stock. All Fresh. Goods. line of sizes in the are going fast at $2.00 We have a quality of Percale PEASE Mr. S. Van Dersol of Salem has an ele gant picture of the national capital, around which will be printed the cards of prominent business houses. The picture will be hung in some prominent place in town. The Taine class met last evening at the residence of Mrs. W. C. Curtis. Quite a number of ladies were in at tendance- and passed a very pleasant evening. The author lor discussion ana study, was Thackerey. The next meet ing of the class will be- at the residence of Mrs. Dunham. Hood River shipped 277 crates of strawberries to the Eastern market last night. They went to Helena, Salt Lake, Kansas City and the Colorado markets. The cold weather has reduced the ship ments and when the sun comes out again there will from 800 to 1000 crates leave Hood River daily. Thus it is that old Waeco leads the world. la tne Circuit Court. The case of the State vs. Dan Maloney and Chas. Snelling was called this morn ing the first thing. The state was rep resented by Pros. Atty. Jayne, while A. S. Bennett and E. B. Dufur appeared for the defense; Great difficulty . was an. ticipated in - securing a jury and so yea terday a special venire for twenty jurors was issued. . These appeared today and were soon questioned and most of them dismissed.' Another venire for fifteen jurors was issued which bherifl .Driver is now serving. The whole day up to four o'clock has -been spent in securing the following seven jurors. C. H. Hall, A. G. Hall, TV. H. Sharp, J, W. Atwell, Herman Metz, John Carey and John Roth. It is expected that the remaining five jurymen will be Been red from out of the special venire. Consider able interest is manifested in the trial and the court house. bids fair to be crowded during the hearing. Twenty two jurymen were examined and excused. A decree of divorce waB granted in the case of Warner vs Warner. Defaults were entered in the suits of Dietrioh- vs. Dietrich and Miens vs Coateworth. The Wasco Company Coming;. Arrangements have been made where by Co. "A" of Wasco, Sherman county will come to The Dalles Thursday, to take part in the memorial exercises Uapt. v . C. Brock will . command the boys. . The Dalles will give a welcome to its friends ;-from ' Sherman cbuntv in dicative of appreciation for ' their kind' sess in assisting in the observance of Decoration Day. The company will make the trip overland as the roads are now in good condition. Captain Sweeney, fe. S. A., San Diego, Cal.j says : "Shiloha Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I . have ever . found that would do me any good.". Price 50c, The best is always cheapest. ' Herrin makes the best cabinet photographs for only $2.50 per dozen. Chapman block p stairs. aau-tr. if"" ''' OX? '.. Jit . Z 1 & MAYS. Presentation to Miss HolUster. One of the pleasantest occurrences of the year took place last evening at the residence of Dr. Hollister. Word had gone out that Miss Matilda ilollister was soon to leave for the East, with the possibility that she would not return. The members of the Orchestral Union, of whom . Miss Hollister has long been one, felt as if they wished to show some appreciation for her kindness in playing with them bo long ; and so among them selves they planned how best they could show their good will and kindly feeling. About 9 o'clock last evening the or chestra quietly assembled in the yard of the doctor, where Miss HolliBter is stay ing, and soon the sweet tones of music floated on the evening air. The occu pants of the house were considerably urprised, and not a little pleased at the com pli meat so sincerely shown. After the playing of several selections the young gentlemen were invited into the house, where another impressive scene was enacted. After some conversation, Rev. W. C. Curtis stepped forward, and a few well-chosen words presented to Miss Hollister, in behalf of the Orches tral Union, an elegant gold watch and chain. The recipient, though consider. ably taken unawares, feelingly expressed her thanks to her friends tor their grace ful act, and hoped that when another year has rolled around it will have proved a prosperous one to them. The evening was then spent in having a good time, during which dainty refresh ments were served. "- Those of the orchestra who were pres ent besides Miss Hollister were Prof. Bergfeld, Mark Long, Harry Burchtorf, J. P. Benton, Julius Fisher! Ed M. Wil liams, Will Corson, , Jud Fish, Lewis Matlock, Chris Paulsen, J. C. Fritz, Ally Henderson, Harry Liebe, Cart Gottfried, and Jos Koehler. ' In addition to these were present as guests Dr. and Mrs. Hollister, Rev. W. C. Curtis, Mrs. Wm. Birgfeld, Mrs. Otto Birgfeld and Miss Marden. - PERSONAL MENTION.' Mre. F. S. Rogers is in the city. Mr. Polk Butler and wife of Xaneene are in the city. -' ; Dr. A. Dietrich of Dufur is in the city attending court. Mr. Aleck McLeod of Kingsley is on our streets this afternoon. " Mr. E. L. Wing of Kingsley was in town yesterday evening. Mr. M. S. Koshland a wool merchant of San Francisco is in the city. Mr. Grant Bolton ot Boyd is - in the city as a juror in the- circuit court. ; Mr. Frank Vogt has gone on a camp ing expedition towards Mt. Adams. Mr. N. Parker Wilson, who- has been attending the Leland Stanford Univer sity, returned home last evening on the boat to spend his summer vacation. ; Mr. J . x. xioricic ot iNortb,-Dalies was a passenger to Portland this afternoon. Mrs. J. H. ' Mosier from Mosier sta tion, came up on the local this afternoon. Mr. Charles Butler, a sheep buyer wnose former noma -was in The JJaiiee. but who now lives in Victoria, is in The uaiies today on business. See us before you buy. r We carry a Complete Line of Fishing Tackle, Ammunition, Stoves and Steel Ranges, Wire Cloth, 'v.-. -''-- Wire Poultry Netting, Sewer Pipe, Iron Water' Pipe, Garden Tools, Sheep Shears, ' Barrell Churns, Rn'b'ber and Cotton Wrap ped Garden Hose, Groceries and Provisions, Oak Fir and Maple Cord wood and General sup plies, MAIER "ft BENTON. Hon. C. M. , Cartwright, of the Bald Live Stock Co., is in the win Sheep & city. Mrs. James Thrall nee Miss Emma Vogt of Kingsley, came into town yes terday. Mr. R. B. May, representing Mason, Ehrman & Co.; is registered at the Umatilla. ; . , Mr. C. C. McDonald representing Cor- bett, Failing & Co. was in The Dalles on business today. Mr. G. 'H. Riddell, one of the solid men of Columbia precinct, came in from hiB farm this morning. Mr. W. If. Wiley is in' town again after spending some time in the country looking after hiB stock interests. . - Mr. J. H. McDonough of Cascade Locks, who in years gone by was a resi dent of this city, is in town today. Mr. M. H. Nickelson, city treasurer of Hood Kiver, was in the city this morn ing returning home on the local train. Mr. Wm. Eccles of Hood River,' who is interested in the Oregon Lumber Co., was in The Dalles on business yesterday. Mrs. Otto Birgfeld of Portland, who has been visiting the family of Prof, Wm; Birgfeld for several days, returned to her home this morning. County Commissioner A. S. Blowers was a passenger on the Regulator last evening. He came to attend a special session ot tne county court Mrs. Benton Mays and family of Wallowa county have been visiting Mrs. Robt. Mays at the Tygh ranch. They returned to town last evening. - Air. jonn m. rcotn ot ivinesiev is in the city. He is the owner of the famous tl at Jonn J-.., that trots la the gentleman a entleman'al "ds. J ttea was inl roaaster races at the fair grou Mr. J. C. Egbert of Deschutes town today. He reports that the cold weather is causing the grasshopper to be dormant and that the gram is erowmar nicely.- He is in town today getting lumber and materials for a new house he is going to build on the farm. Mr. William Rasmus of Spokane is in the city. Mr. Rasmus is an actor of ability 'and arrangements are being at tempted whereby in connection of home talent the play of "Damon and Pythias'' may be put upon the boards.. Mr. Rasmus would take the leading part. , Dr. Hugh Logan returned this morn ing from a six weeks visit in Chicago. Daring his stay there he attended post graduate lectures in a course of clinics; The doctor, returned by way of the Chicago & Northwestern and Great Northern railroads, while in . going he journeyed by the Union' Pacific and Rock Island routes. " Hard Freeze at Dufur Last Night.. Mr. Timothy Brown of Dufur called on The Chronicle this morning and said that at Dufur and In the vicinity a hard frost came last night. It is yet too soon to ascertain- just how much the damage is, but potatoes and small fruits such as berries are considerably injured. The grain is too far along to be hurt. The frost was not unexpected, as in the early evening it was much colder there than in The Dalles. ; Mr. Brown has. been working in the Dufur Flouring Milla but on account of ill health is compelled to take a rest for some time. : , rrs '- '' :'.'; ': Wanted. . , -" Lady solicitor ; good salary paid ; per manent position. Brown Bros. Co., Chicago, 111. Can You Buy Groceries Cheaper than Thig7 Two ounces of good Plag Cat Tobacco for 5c, and a Missouri Meercbaum with every eight packages. . . . Lemons at 20e a dozen ; usual price, 35c. Sixteen pounds San Francisco Granulated Sugar for $1.00. Seventeen pounda Hong Kong Granulated Sngar for $1.00. V Sixteen-ounce plug of good Tobacco for 25c. All stock of fresh and popular brands. Goods delivered free to any part of the city. You are cordially invited to call and inspect stock and prices. ' . . . Southeast Cor. Union and Second Sts. Telephone No. 92. Great Shirt Commencing Tuesday and Too Tyg Tal- I I I C" ljro Cr..m.ry 3 J I I l t Ask Vanbib'ber & Worsley for it. Every Square is Full Weight. TELEPHONE 3STO. 80. JOS. T. PETERS & CO., -DEALERS IK- BULK . - , Telephone 3XTo. 28. Keep Your Eye on- Rambler and Waverley Bicycles. Indiaxapoms, Ind., April 27, 1885v, MESSRS.SMAYS & CROWE, The Dalles, Or. ! - ' Gentlemen : We have your telegram of the 25th inst., and take pleasure ih,' ; entering your order for wheels. " We are quite confident of the fact that you will be thoroughly satisfied with the 'Waverley," as it is a high grade ma- . chine in every sense of the word, and you can guarantee to your customers that it , is the equal of any machine manufactured.. . We . make no exceptions at all, and are prepared to prove at any time that there is not a better bicycle in the market.. Yours very truly, INDIANA BICYCLE COMPANY- We Bent and Repair Bicycles. Wheels from 45 to SIOO. Hi There I H O w Largest Assortment in the ROBERT E: Blue Front Store, ., DOCTORS' PRESCRIPTIONS Correctly compounded with the ut most care from drugs of guaranteed purity by a capable etaff of experienced eTensers. All the latest Pharmaceutical Preparations kept in stock. Prices lbe found as low as is consistent with the supply of first-class drugs.' Deutsche rpotHehb: Sale continuing entire week. JOHN . C. EESTS. Is CREAMERY Dellelous. A. A. B. AND - MAYS & CROWE. MATERIALS Men's Straw Hats, . Boys' Straw Hats, Misses' Straw Hats, Ladies' Straw Hats. City. , WILLIAMS, Opposite Diamond Mills. Apottieeaiy and Chemist. Telepho n IB