The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 27, 1895, Image 4

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Some Items of Interest From Our
Neighboring Town.
Strawberries are here and the ' best
season of the year is at hand. Who can
fail to enjoy it? Some of the people
think it strange that some of oar straw
berry men should import foreigners
(Japs) to pick their berries, when there
are so many of the neighbors that wonld
like the job and are needing it.
Mr. Frank Hunter, a taroale maker of
Portland, is here with his brother, who
is not expected to live. .
Mrs. Root and sister, Mrs. Wagner,
took a pleasure trip to Cascade Locks
last Tuesday. .
The concert was a grand success in
every way. Some splendid singing and
epeaking and the receipts were far be
yond what was expected.
Mr. Geo. Sellinger is remodeling his
bouse. He will finish it now by lathing
and plastering it.
Mr. Kelley, a fruit commission mer
chant of Butte, Mont., was in this vicin
ity looking for customers. He was well
pleased with the prospects for a fruit
crop and the way they prune and culti
vate these orchards here.
Mrs. Kincaid of Portland, is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Powers. V
Thursday we were called o attend the
funeral of Grandpa McClure. He passed
away Tuesday night, being 77 years and
9 months old, and if he had lived but a
few days longer he and his wife would
have been married 53 years. A large
crowd, was out. -Rev. .Johns of Hood
River preached the funeral sermon fol
lowed by a few touching remarks by Mr.
Michell of The Dalles. The family has
the .sympathy of the writer and all
friends in the neighborhood.
Deschutes Freclnet.
The farmers are looking with longing
eyes for the much-needed rain, that still
persists in not coming. It is very dry,
and vegetation needs a soaking rain.
The present prospects for fruit demon
strate that the high ridges and uplands
of the Deschutes will raise fruit aband
Sheep shearing is about over. Some
of the sheep are already in the mount
ains The sheepmen seem to feel hard,
and justly too, at the course of the offi
cials at Washington in regard to the Mt.
Hood Reserve, that they cannot graze
their stock within , its limits. They
"hold up their hands" and wonder what
is the next calamity to come. This ad
ministration seems to be "into the
wool" oi the sheepmen in particular. It
had better offer a bounty on their scalps,
ani finish the "good work" at once.
The roads all over the county are in
unusually good repair, and are a credit
to their respective supervisors. Let
vihem keep up the present condition.
i Lots of Sheep.
Mr. Geo. A..: Young is moving his
sheep to the summer raDge near Mt
. Adams. They arrived here this morning
and the ferryboat has been busy all
morning, transferring to the number of
-several thonsand. As they came down
Second street they filled IV completely
for a distance of several blocks. Many
people found it an amusement to stand
on the railroad bridge and watch the
. efforts of the ferrymen and herders to
get them on the boat. Looking at their
actions one could not help agreeing that
of all animals the sheep is the stupidest
In the spring, the human body needs
assistance to throw off the stagnation
' produced by winter diet. As the tem
perature rises under the growing heat of
the sun's rays we feel tired, half-sick
and low in spirits, because the blood is
sluggish and full of impurities. Dr. J
H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and
Blood Purifier is a reliable spring re
medy to invigorate, the body and give
tone to the digestion. Price $1.00 -per
bottle, for sale by Snipes-Kinersly
Drag uo.
A severe rheumatic pain 'in the left
Bhoulder had troubled Mr. J. H. Leper
a well known druggist of Dea Moines
Iowa, fo? six months.' At times the
pain was so severe that he could not lift
anything. With all he could do he
could not get rid of it until he applied
Chamberlain(s Pain Balm. "I only
made three applications of it," he says
, and have since been free from all pain.
He now reccomenda it to rersons simi
larly afflicted. It is for sale by Blakely
uougnton .Druggists.
When your heart pains you and un'
. usual palpitation . is frequent, accom
panied sometimes with' shortness
breath and low spirits you are suffering
from a disordered state of the liver, di
gestion is imperfect and there is wind
on the stomach. If allowed to remain
. the trouble will ultimately reach the kid
neya and then become dangerous to life,
Steps should be taken to stay its pro
grees on the appearance ot the first
symptoms. Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver
and Kidney Balm is especially adapted
for disorders of this kind. Price $1.00
per bottle. For sale by Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains. v, .
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Scalds, "
Blisters, V
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mustang Liniment conquers
Makes flan or Beast well
Two Lives Saved.
Mrs. Phoebe Thomaa.of Junction City,
111., was told by her doctors she had con
sumption and that there was no hope
for her, but two bottles' Dr. King's New
Discovery completely cured her and she
says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eg
gers, 139 Florida St. San Francisco, suf
fered from a dreadful cold, approaching
Consumption, tried without result every
thing else, then tiought one bottle of Dr,
King's New Discovery and in two weeks
was cured. He is naturally thankful
It is such results, of which these are
samples, that prove the wonderful effi
cacy of this medicine in coughs and
colds. .Free trial bottles at the Snipes
Kinersly Drug Store. Regular size 50c.
and $1.00.
- Sealed Proposals.
Bids will be received by the Water
Commission for digging a ditch, from
Liberty street to the residence of Dr,
Shackelford, on Fourth street, sufficent
to lay a four inch pipe, and for filling
the ditch after the pipe has been laid
at the office of the Water Commission in
this city, until noon of May 31, 1895
For plans and specifications and full in
formations apply to the superintendent
of the water works.
Dalles City Water com'bs
The Dalles, May 24, 1895.
Fay the County Debt.
All county warrants registered prior to
Nov. 1st, 1891, will be paid if presented
at my office, corner 3d and Washington
streets. The Dalles, Or. Interest ceases
after May 25, 1895.
County Treasurer,
Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening
Cordial and Blood Purifier is admirably
adapted to make "a little health go
long way." Its curative power is large
ly attributable . to its stimulant, tonic
and nutritive properties, by which the
energy of the system is recruited. It is
pleasant to taste, easily borne on the
stomach and harmless under prolonged
use. mce si.uu per bottle, a or sale
by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Those wishing cut flowers for Decora'
tion day wonld do well to call on Mrs,
S tabling. Flowers of all kinds and dif
ferent wire designs may be had at very
reasonable rates. Leave orders at either
Kellar's bakery or Donnell's drug store,
or at the conservatory on the hill, lw
Kranich & Bach
! On. Very Easy Terms. ..
HontUtch and Neuralgia cured by Dr.
ni.t3 raia riiju. -yjae cent a aose.
For flaking a Fortune Lost!
ThftrA ata man v nennle who Emend the last
half of their lives weighted down under the
burden of disease. With ill health, life drags
bo; opportunities tor travel and pleasure are
lost; possibilities tor making a fortune la
business are thrown away. They stand pas
sively by and see others, withno better nat
ural aDiiities or advantages, carry oa tne
Drizes in life, having won them because they
tried tor them.
Half of success In life, Li In daring to try. .
Are yon a little nervous?
Nervousness is nrostratinor and is followed
by sleeplessness, exhaustion, hysteria, men
tal depression.
nervous prostration is roiiowea Dy nervous
debility, nervous debility left alone, soon be
comes paresis, (soteninfr of the brain) a com
plete breaking down of the system.
insanity, anu ueato.
There are troubles in life. Annuirb. to har
den us down, that are ana voidable; without
disease; especially, when a little care, a little
medicine, ana you are ria ox ra.
Albert Denno, 17 Engrew Ave., Rutland,
Vt., under date of April 2, 188. writes;
"Dr. Miles' Nervine Is a wonderful medi
cine, mv wife has taken it after havinz La-
Grippe and It has helped her very much when
everything else had failed." -
mrs-Anna reuser, wire or tne proprietor or
the North Bide Brush Works, 938 3rd St, Mil
waukee, wis., writes, may , ihm:
"I had been sufferlntr for vears from head.
aches, neuralgia. sleemessnesB and a general
nervous prostration, unfitting me for social
ana nousenoia auties, ana at times i was
comDletel v o rostra tea with nain. I tried
several physicians and many remedies, but
received no benefit until I used Dr. Miles' Re
storative Nervine, when I found almost Im
mediate relief and in a brief time have be
come quite my former self. I have since rec
ommended the Nervine to others who have
used it with the same good results." .
Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold on a nasitlva
guarantee that the first bottle will benefit.
All druggists sell it at SI, 6 bottles tor $5, or
it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
cculd eet relief
from a most horri
ble blood disease. I
had SDent hundreds
!of dollars TRYING various remedies
5 and physicians, none of which did me
l any good. My finger nails came off,
and my hair came out, leaving me
perfectly bald. I then went to
Hoping to be cured by this celebrated
treatment, but very soon became
disgusted, and decided to TRY
i ne ertect was
truly wonderful. 1
commenced to re
cover after takinc-
the first bottle, and oy the time 1 had
taken twelve bottles I was entirely cured
cured by S. S, S. when the world-renowned
Hot Springs had failed.
WM. S. LOOMIS. Shreveport. La.
Our Book on the Diseam and Ita Treatment -mailed
free tu any adclrecs.
SWIFT 8PECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Oa.
Pianos and Organs, Books,
Call and eet their ortces. Sell PIAKOJ on
easy monthly payments, and Is prepared to meet
162 Secoiia St.. THE DALLES, OR.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Land Officii, The Dalles, Or.,
- Mav 4. 1895.
Notice la herebv riven that in comnllance with
the provisions of the act of congress of June 3,
1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Territory." Joseph W. Ward, of
Boyd, County of Wasco, State of Oregon, has this
day filed In this office his sworn statement No.
for the purchase of toe BK BWJi and SW
r-i, 01 tsec. ro. o,ana rv;4 rtw4, nc. rwi,
Sec. 7, all in Tp. No. 2 S, Range No. 12 E, W. M.,
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural Dumoses. and to establish his claim
to saia iana Deiore tne uegister ana .Receiver oi
id is onice at rne Danes, oreeon. on Baturaav.
the 27 ih day of July, 1895.
He names as witnesses: Henry Hanner,
Joseph Hanner, The Dalles, Manley Ban, John
Decker. Boyd. Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims In this office on or before said 27th day of
juiy, iyo. jab. r. mjun&, i&egisier.
.U.S. Land Office, The Dalles, Or.,
Mar. 80. 1895. I
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Sylvester Babcock against E. Clarence Meek
for abandoning his homestead entry No. 3740,
dated May 5th, 1891, upon the &A, NW)i,
8WJ4 andN WJi ,8EK,SecUon 5,Townshlp 1 South,
Bange 12 East, in Wasco County, Oregon, with a
view to the cancellation of said e. try, the said
parties are hereby summoned to appear at this
oiuce on tue 2om uay oz may, lsvo, at xu o ciock,
a. m. to respond and furnish testimony concern
ing saia aiiegea aDanaonmenc.
J. F. MOOBE, Register.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has filed his final account as executor of the last
will and testament of Catherine While, deceased.
The County Court of Wasco county, by an order
made on the 27th dey of April, 1895, has fixed
Friday, the 31st day of May, 1895, as the time and
the County Courtroom In Dalles City as the place
for bearing said final account and objections
snerew ana oojecuons to tne nnax settlement oz
saiaesiaie. . YYM. ts.. iailuk,
Ml-5t . Executor.
U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Or.,
March 27. 1895.
ConrDlaint having been entered at this office
by William T. Mceics against John Sperry for
aoanaoning ms nomesteaa entry ao 33S2, aatea
January 10, 1890, upon the El4 8W4 and Vi4
Sec. 20, Tp. 2 N, R. 12 E.. in Wasco
county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation
of said, entry, the said parties are hereby sum
moned to appear at this office on the 23 th day of
May, 1895, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and
luraian testimony -concerning saia aiiegea aoan-
uoiuneni. - jab. i. auuiiis, oegister.
"Tie Regulator Line'
Tie Dais, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Freigfii ana Passsnser Lias
Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a.m., connectingat the Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connect
ing with Steamer Regulator for The
Dalles. ,
Oneway...... ....$2,00
Round trip S.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except car lots,
will be brought through, with
out delay at Cascades.
Shipments for. Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
o p. m. .Live stock snipmenta solicted.
uan on or address,
General Affent
Tics. F. Oalcs, Eesry c. Puns, Hsiry c. souse,
- s
Sleeping Cars
Elegant 1
Tourist ':
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
HELENA and '
Through Tickets
For information, tlma cards, maps and tickets,
can on or writ u -
W. C. ALLAWAY. Aeent,
The Dalles, Oregon,
A. D.' CHARLTON. Asst. O. P. A..
266, Morrison, Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon.
Spring1 Clothing,
Imported Suitings
Suits made to order
from $30.00 up.
John Pashek,
Tb Mftrcknt Tailn
A XIV liAvl V 11 Will u AUJAlUlt
-nr THI
Old Rptnotry Building
Washington Street, between Second
bet. Second and Third,
Cleaaftg and Repairing a Specialty
Harry Liebe,
. . All work promptly attended to, - ;
and warranted.
Can now be foctad at 162 Second
atreet.' ......
'Rie the
of. all
High Frame, Wood Rims,
tacnable Tire, Scorcher,
weight, 21 lbs 85
Steel Rims, Waverley Clin-
cnor urea, a ids . . .aso
Regular Frame, of same
weignts .sjt5
Ladies' Drop Frame, same
weignis ana ures. .J70
Ladles' Diamond, Wood
Rims, wt. 20 lbs. . . .7
A Good Agent Wanted in every town
where we are not satisfactorily represented.
A splendid business awaits the right man.
When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on ths South Side
This large and popular House does the principal hotel business,
and is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any
House in the city, and at the low rate of
$1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass Ieals, 25 Ccpts.
' Office tor mil Stage Lines leaving The Dalles for all
points Im Eaatsra Oregon and Sastsrn Washington,
In this Hotel.
Corner oi Front and Union 8ts.
ID. 7". "VTX
Successor to
And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in
PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the beBt brands
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masnry Laquid Faints. - No cnem
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to.
Stere and Paint Shot) corner Third and
"There is a tide in the affairs
leads on to fortune"
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
Who are selling these goods out at. greatly-reduced rates.
Pips Wort Tin nspairs aqct Uooring
Dep on Third Street, next door west of Young fe Kusa'
Blacksmith Shop. :
This 'well-known Brewery ia now turning: out the; best Beer , and Porter
eaut of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health
ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the, first-class article will be placed oa
be market. '. .W"-; ;' :'".:---'. . V t ' v
Warranted Superior to any Bicycle built in the
World, Regardless of Price.
Read the following opinion of one of the most pro inent Amer
ican dealers who has sold hundreds of these wheels :
r ' -I ' ; - Richmowd, Va., Oct 2,1894. .
Indiana Bieyele Co.TTndianapoli, Ind.:
Gkntlucbh The Waverley Scorcher and Bell came to hand
yesterday. We are afraid you have sent us the high-priced wheel
by mistake. You can't mean to tell us that this wheel retails for
8S T We must say that it is, without exception, the prettiest wheel
we hav ever seen, and, moreover, wo have faith In it, although it
weighs only 22 lbs., for of all Waverley s we have sold this year and
last and you know that is a right good numberl, we have never
had a single frame nor fork broken, either from accident or defect,
" and that Is more than we can say of any other wheel, however
high grade, so called, that we sell. We congratulate ourselves
every day that we are the Waverley agents.
Yours truly, Waltxb C. Mbbcbb a Co.
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
Paul Kref t A Co
in all our work, and none but the
Washington Sts., The Dalles, Oreoi
of men which, taken at its flood