The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 27, 1895, Image 1

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The Jury Convicted Them of
Maeh Surprise Felt In Portland at the
Basalt Mew Trial Will Be Asked
For at Once.
Portland " May 26. Ex-Collect or
James Lotan and Beid Back, the Chinese
merchant' prince, who have been on
trial in the United States court during
. the past week, for conspiracy to smuggle
Chinese, were found guilty by the jury
last night. The verdict was very un
expected by the defendants and many
of the attorneys in the case. The de
fense asked until Tuesday, morning to
file exceptions, and will doubtless move
for a new trial. The court granted the
request and instructed the jury to be
present at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning.
The jury reached a verdict about 11 :30
and announced to the bailiff that they
were ready to report, which they did as
" We, the jury in the case, find the de
fendants, James Lotan and Seid Back,
guilty as charged in the indictment."
The names of the jury were then call
ed in turn, and the judge asked each if
it was his verdict and if he was satis
fied with it. Each replied affirmatively.
Mr. Lqtan sat perfectly still daring
the reading of the verdict. He was
afterward overheard to remark to Attor
ney Fulton that it was the greatest sur
prise of his life.
Di let Attorney Murphy asked that
the defendants be remanded, saying that
he bad examined Seid Back's bond and
found it faulty, as it does not describe
the crime charged in 'the indictment
He has not examind Mr. Lotan's bond,
however, and the court refused to make
an order remanding Lotan, but allowed
Seid Back to go upon signing his own
bond to appear in court Monday morn'
An, Important Question . Becardlng;
Indian Schools on Reservations.
. Washington, May 26. Represents
tive Hermann, of Oregon has raised a
very important question in the interior
department in reservations where al
lotments in severalty have occurred
He has presented the right of a state to
extend its common school system over the
Indian's land, with the right to estab
lish school districts in the reservation,
and for the Indians the right to choose
teachers according to the school law, and
to be under the law for taxation pur
poses, except as to tne tanas neia Dy ai
lotment only. The Indian bureau is in
clined to take this view, and further, to
hold that it may aid such schools from
the fund oat of which it already contri
bates to some district schools certain
sums for each Indian taught in them.
Mr. Hermann has formally presented
the matter to the secretary, and it will
likely soon be submitted to the attorney'
general, as the department says It is the
first time the question has come in this
shape. Indians on allotments, being
now citizens, assert their right to enjoy
a common-school education.
Royalists Disappointed toy the Result of
Richard and Walker Case.
: Sax Francisco, May 26. The steam
ship China arrived from Honolulu to-
nig bringing the following advices
' under aate or way zutn :
The correspondence between British
Commissioner Hawea and the foreign
office will soon close with the laurels in
the hands of the foreign office. The
claim made by the political prisoners
Eickard and, Walker, has been com
- pletely refuted by the evidence sub
znitted bv the foreign office. The writ
ten application of these men for neutral
Highest of all in Leavening Power.;
Li '..NX -- issssa U
ization, the payment of the fees, the
taking of the oath of allegiance and the
service of a year in the legislature by
one of them has been carefully proved.
The British commissioner .finds that he
was deceived by the statements of. these
men, and will so report to the British
foreign office. It was the expectation
of these men that the British govern
ment' would interfere in a summary
manner and the royalist are bitterly-disappointed
that the case goes . against
them, ...
French Guiana and Brazil.
;- Pabib,' May 26. The governor - of
French Goiana cables to his government
that, as a consequence of Brazilian free
booters capturing a French settler
named Trajano . and robbing other
Frenchmen on the frontier territory be
tween French Guiana and Brazil, the
governor sent a dispatch boat with ma
rines to restore order. M. Lunier, cap
tain of marines, with only two men
took a flag of truce to demand the sur
render of Trajano. Cabral the leader of
the freebooters, treacherously fired upon
Lunier. A fierce conflict ensued, the
marines coming to the assistance of the
Frenchmen. , In the two hours ol fight
ing Cabral lost over sixty men killed,
including Lunier, and twenty wounded.
It is feared this encounter will lead to
trouble with Brazil. The scene of the
conflict is in debatable territory between
the two countries.
Cinch Bugs in Kansas.
Topbka, May 26. The ravages of cinch the wheat fields of Eastern Kan
sas have become so destructive that the
farmers of many counties are applying
to Professor Snow, chancellor of the state
university, requesting him to send them
infected bugs with which to stop the
work of destruction. . Chancellor Snow
has thousands of bugs at his laboratories
which are diseased. To farmers he sends
a few of these bugs inoculated with dis
ease and they are scattered in the fields.
The contagion immediately spreads and
the cinch bugs die by the million.
No Action upon the Request.
Wabhinokon, May 26. So far as can
be ascertained no action has yet been
taken by the war department on the re'
quest of the secretary of the interior that
troops be sent to the ecene of the threat
ened troubles on the Winnebago and
Omaha Indian lands in Nebraska grow
ing out of the settlement on those lands
by the Flourney Real Estate & Live
Stock Company and others. Secretary
Lamont was out of the city when the re
quest came to the department, bnt he
returned today and the matter will prob
ably come up before him tomorrow.
English Praise for Cleveland.
London, May 26. The Observer, in an
editorial on the retirement of Admiral
Meade, applauds the singular moral
courage of President Cleveland in the
navy department in risking defeat at the
polls for sake of friendship of England in
dismissing Admiral Meade, and suggests
that Lord Rosebery ask the government
at Washington' to reinstate Admiral
Meade. Such a graceful act could not
fail to still closer bind the two people.
While in Stockton, Cal., some time
ago, Tbos. F. Langan, of Los Banos, that
state,' was taken very severely cramps
and diarrhoea. .- He chanced to meet Mr,
C. M. Carter, who was similarly afficted,
He says : "I told "him of Chamber-.
Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, and we went to the Holdan
Drug Store and procured a bottle of it.
It gave Mr. Carter prompt relief and I
can vouch for its having cured me."
For sale by Blakeley A Houghton, Drug'
gists. -
Electric Car and Wagon Collded.
Chicago, May 26. A South Chicago
electric car, drawing a trailer, ran into
a wagon containing five persona at Sev
enty-ninth street and Yates avenue, to
night. The wagon was demolished
Francesda Ruzewicki, an aged widow
was killed, and another woman probably
fatally injured. - . .
Any one who .has ever bad an a tack
of inflammatory rheumatism will rejoice
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Let '
on packing house methods of lard
rendering, and there will be less lard
used. Many people realize that it
is impossible now-a-days to procure
old-fashioned leaf lard. They,
demand something better than the
modern stock-yards product,
The New Vegetable Shortening
fully supplies that demand. It is
clean, delicate, healthful and eco
nomical. Ask your grocer for the
genuine Cottolene. ;
VASE oitly bt
Chicago, New York, Hasten.
with Mr. J. A., Stamm, 220 Boyle
Heights, Los Angeles, over his fortunate
escape from a siege of that distressing
ailment. Mr. Stamm is foreman of
Merrian's confectionery establishment.
Some months ago on leaving the heated
work room to run across the street on an
errand, he was caught out in the rain.
The result was that wnen ready to go
home that night he was unable to walk,
owing to inflammatory rheumatism. He
was taken home, and on arrival was
placed in , front of a good fire and
thoroughly rubbed with Chamberlain's
Pain, Balm. During the evening and
night he was repeatedly bathed with this
liniment, and by morning was relieved
of all rheumatic pains. He now takes
especial pleasure in praising Chamber
Iain's Pain Ba1m, and always keeps i
bottle of it in the house. For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists.
-Knlg-nts of the Maccabees,
The State Commander writes us from
LincolniNeb., as follows : "After try
ing other; medicines for what seemed to
be a very obstinate cough in oar two
children we tried Dr. King's New Dis
covery and at the end of two days the
cough entirely left them. We will not
be without it hereafter .as our experience
proves that it cures where all other re
medies fail." Signed F..W. Stevens,
State .Com. Why not give this great
medicine a trial, as it is guaranteed and
trial bottles are free at Snipes & Kiners
ley's Drug Store. Regular size 50c and
$1.00. '
Whooplnf Cough
There is no danger from this disease
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is freely
given. It liquefies the tough mucus and
aids its expectoration. It also lessens
the severity and frequency of paroxysms
oi congning, ana insures a speeay recov
ery. There is not the least danger in
giving the remedy to children or babies
as it contains no injurious substance.
for sale by Slafceley & Houghton, Drug'
All city warrants registered prior to
February 3, 1892, are now due and pay'
able at my office. Interest ceases after
this date. 1. 1. Bubobt, City Treaa.
Dated Dalles City, Jan. 1, 1895.
Shiloh's Care is sold on a guarantee.
It cures incipient Consumption. It is
the best cough cure. Only one cent a
dose zocts., suets., and $1.00. ,
- Captain Sweenev. TJ. S. A.. San Diesro
Cal., says J'Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I have ever found
that woqld do me any good." : Price 50c
U - : : -
: Karl' Clover Root will purify yonr
Blood, cleat your Complexion, regulate
your Bowels and make your head clear
as a bell. ;Zoc, ouc, ana ?i.uu.
. -'I w -
For Infants and Children.
Castorla promotes XMgee-Mon, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Castorla. contains no'
Morphine or other narcotic property.
" Castorla to so well adapted to children Chat
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Abohbb. M. D.,
Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.T.
" For fwroral years I hare reeommeil3ed your
Castorla,' and shall always continue to do so,
as it has Invariably produced beneficial results."
Ecwnt F. Pardee, M. D.,
, j, K5th Street and 7th Are., New York City.
"The use of 'Oaatoria is so universal and
its merits so well known that it seems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in
telligent families who do not keep Castorla
within easy reach.'
Ciatjoa MLtamr, D. P..
New YorkCity.
Thu Cnrrum Ookpajty, 7T Xurray Btreet, X. Y.
T)r. M!!(.' TCkmt Pr.ATiBtiriir. RTTkitMA.
TISH. WEAK BACKS. At druggists, only 26a.
iteear f ile Lai
166 Second St. u
Dealers in '
Dry Goods, Clothing', Furnish
ing Goods, Etc.,
Letters of Credit issued available in the
' Eastern States.
Sisrht Exchange and . Teleeranhic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Jfrancisco, Portland Uregon,
egon and Washington. .
collections maae at ail points on iav
orable terms.
J. 8. BcrarcK,
J. H. Pattkbsoh,
. rreaiaenc
first Rational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port- .
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schxncx.
Es. M. Williams, Gao. Ian.
H. M. BaALi.
Lace Curtains
White Bed Spreads
Fine Linen Table Damasks
JVI. HOJSlYWlLtli, Importer;
LIME and
Picture Moulding.
TBI. 0-XjDB2ST3iTa
per cent