The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 25, 1895, Image 4

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An Amtsni Citizen Writes sf m Dtifer
oua Practice.
Editob Dalles Chboxicl : Tbe
writer would breathe a eigh of relief if
some way conld be found to prevent
boys from jam ping on and off trains as
they are running, sometimes, at com
paratively high rate of speed through
the streets of our city. From one to a
' dozen boys, who seem to have no regard
of their lives or limbs, board almost
every train that passes the Umatilla
House during the day, and unless some
thing is done soon to stop this practice,
a few parents will be mourning empty
chairs or some boy will be maimed for
life. Only yesterday one of our boys at
tempted to climb on an engine which
was drawing. a heavy train and his foot
slipped from a step, throwing his leg
directly in front of the wheels of the
fender. Only his agility prevented the
3oss of the limb. Some clumsy boy will
try -this trick once too often, just for fun,
and -the next thing will be a suit for
heavy damages. "
Have we not a pity ordinance under
which the city officers can act and com
pel the boys to respect their lived?.
Q. Z.
Memorial Sana?
Memorial services will be held -In tbe
'Congregational Church on Sunday S',n"
ing, May 26th, at 8 o'clock. The
will be preached by the Rev. W. C. Cur I
us, ana can be counted on being a mas
terly effort. The G. A. R. and Women's
Relief Corps will be in attendance. Ev
eryone invited.
Chicago, May 24. Tomorrow1 after-
..wu t .sociock mere will leave the
iiocitweii-street power-house of he
LuwiiBuo-BireetcaDie line a neat white
ciosea.coacn, and the street rail wav postal
At the Congregational church, corner
of -Court and Fifth streets Sunday
services as usual, with the exception
that at 8 p. m. there will be special
"memorial"" services. '.
The Baptist church, Rev. O. D. Taylor
pastor, will hold services at 11 o'clock
tomorrow morning. All not worship
ping elsewhere are cordially invited.
Sunday school follows the morning ser
vice. No service in the evening.
Methodist Episcopal church Rev.
John H. Wood, pastor. Services at
11 o'clock a. m., arid 8 p. m.; Junior
League at 5 :30 p. m. ; Epworth League
at 7 p.m.; class meeting Sunday at 10
a. ru. Al are cordially welcomed.
. Calvary Baptist church, Union and
Seventh street, Elder J. H. Miller, pas
tor Preaching every Sunday at 11 a.
m. and 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting on
Wednesday evening at 7:30 p. m
Sunday school at 9 :45 , m. All arc
cordially welcomed.
Services at the Christian charch to
morrow by the pastor.' Subject, at 11
a. m., "Why We Observe Sunday." At
8 p. m.,1 "The King's Entertainment."
Sabbath school at 10 a. m. ; Junior Chris
tian Endeavor at 5 o'clock; Young
Peoples' Society Christian Endeavor at 7
p. m. " A hearty welcome is extended to
those not worshipping elsewhere.
- Burled In tbe Potter's Field.
O'ao, May 24. A cousin of Gen
eral iiffftt. Dner,aan wui 06 Duriea to
day in' tBW v""otter'8 field. This comes
about noeh'h any ,a?ect, l th
I tfc result of a sole n Prome to
hef a mowtb. ago- ....u
Matgare.t Hoga-nVa """""
the resident -e of MTriv anv er- ln
service conceived by Pestmaster Hesing f' M bot ltt ZZ JrcuZ
will ,. s. i- .- : K I HftW . rrn in nroatXTOTlS C rcnm-
xne car will " ' . . and
will have its realization
be of the ordinarv ncth j , stances alter coming to
will be attnoho o. r ... . , their danrrir - was reared in luxury,
trains of the road. It will be a tZ," -In New York argaret'a affections wan
tbe rear enri AtA .i. ., . . ' dered ifieM. i settled upon a Drass
v iue man service. .. ' ,
bitterly opposed
and fitted un with tl,.n.n.i v . ' molder of th sxu ne of Hogan, a
'.. -"- piawu-uoies . j nironmstances.
.' . for
Burns, " l. ' :
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Piles, ' :'
Rheumatic Pains, ;
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints, ' ; -
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Scalds,' '.
Blisters, : ;
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailment,
All Horse Ailments,
All. Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
, Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Ve ry
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub In Vigorously.
Mustang Liniment conquers
Pain, -
Makes nan or Beast weB
"Th& Reffulator Line'
Tie Bafles, Portland ani Astoria
- "' Navigation Co.
Freigni sua Passsnseriias
Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. - - Steamer Regulator, leave- The
Dalles at 7 a.m;, connectingat the Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connect
ing with Steamer Begulator for The
Kound trip.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except car lots,
will be brought., through, with
out delay at Cascades.
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments tor
ay landings - must be delivered before
5 p. m. Live stock shipments sohcted.
Uall on or address.
v General Agrrat- . '
in the railroad tram .. mienor educaSSj
Three clerka will An '. - .. The marrieca n.
train .na. r"5 l?e Miss Bh.rf ZT. Twodaughters
-mt ai uu icuers can be t
deDonitor? in . i were hn-fn i . ne of whom
. nucu ioe car stops , " ,ucliJi
at a crossing. Postmaster Hesing and "Tes in Chigo- Mrs..
several of his associates will occupy the her8e,f by teaching fort
front section on the trial trip. The sec- 8eP8rat,n from ber husbt
llK&lT.n TQ1 I art 4 .
, --xue ruurieen -
m " L "ncner d that she
u uiuu ui eaucatlon a,
plishments, and found it hard
her as no more than a house .
Mrs. Hogan soon became too ft
ao more than light work arom
house, but Sirs. Tancher had fceco
attached to her that she
permanent home. A
Hogan exacted from
promise that when
be. buried at the coonty's expense iw
grave no one could ever.find.
tion is to be fitted up as a smoker, and
can be occupied by regular patrons of
the road The coach is the first one to
-UJplelea Dy the Pullman Company,
and costs ' the government $3000. As
soon as possible these cars will beplaced
on every line in the city.
ITnlMn w l m
president of the board f f.. '
vtuobcea, says
'-eoxos-ieal Seminary.
New YoEK, May 24,-Charles Butler, j
refl uent U l , . ' I
" iuo uoara of imofu.
regarding the bovcof i nf tt, iu' ,
cal seminary, by the general assembly : I
iam unable to say what action k
"iary iJL until
iTL 1' .ru " eeng. 1 do not be
uuncvtir. me
Hogan supported
"our years after
nd. Then her
- vears ago she
to regard
eble to
id the
me so
en a
Advertised lrtttera
was gfy.
'month sttny V
Mrs. Fancber" v
she died , she won.
Following is the list of letterB remain
inir in the postoffice at The Dalles un
called for May 25, 1895. Persons calling
fn the name will eive date on whida
they were advertised :
Carson, Hattie ';' Jackman, H
Campbell, A U rfrarey, a. u
Corcoran, Josepn i A.necnuerf juibb it
Courtney, W F Kelley, J A
Cooley, Lotue is.iinar, a ur
Fredericks, Miss x iane, x,noo
Finch, John Lake.GL
Graves. Mrs M E 2 Murphy, James
Goine, H J Murphy, A F
Goins, Miss EE Powell, C
Ginthery, Fred Riley, Archie
Hastings, Miss U KODenson, owuei
.. S.00
e ' r
Hire the
of all
Warranted Superior to any Bicycle built in the
- I "World, Regardless of Price.'
Read the following opinion of one of tbe most pro
lean dealer who has sold hundreds of these wheels:
High Frame, Wood Kims,
tacusDie lire, ocorcner,
weight, 21 lbs ...... 8S
Rteet Rims, Waverler Clln-
caeriirMfZi ids
Begnlsr Frame, of same
weights 85
Ladies' Drop Frame, same
weights and Tires.. S)7S
Ladies' DismoDd, Wood
, Klmt, wU Wlbs .. .75
inent Amer-
Ricrmohd, Va., Oct. 2, 1994.
Indiana Bieyrle Co., Indianapolii, Tnd.:
' " - Gshtumcn The Waverley Mooroher and Belle came to hand
yesterday. We are afraid you hare sent us the high-priced wheel
br mistake. Yon can't mean to tell us that this wheel retails for
185 T We must say that it is, without exception, toe prettiest wheel
we have ever seen, and, moreover, we have faith in it, although it
weighs only 22 lbs., for of all Waverleys we have sold this year and
last and yon know that is a right good number!, we hare nerer
had a single frame nor fork broken, either from accident or defect,
and that is more than we can say of any other wheel, however
high grade, so called, that we sell. We congratulate ourselves
every day that we are the Waverley agents.
Yours trnly, WilTll C. Miecii Co.
A flood Atrent Wanted in every town
where we are not satisfactorily represented.
A splendid business awaits the right man.
When the Train stops at TBE DALLES, get off on the South Side
. - , ....... T ......
This large and popular House aoes the principal1 hotel business.
Tea to rnrnisn tne Best Accommodations oi an
and is weosi
House in the city, and at the low rata of
$i.oo per Day. - first Qass Teal8, 25 Cei?t8.
. Offleet for all Stag Lines leaving; The Dalles for all
points! hi K as tern Oregon and. Kastern Washington,
in this Hotel. . . -
Corner of Front and Union 8U.
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
In the spring, the human body needs
assistance to throw off the stagnation
produced by winter diet. As the tem
perature rises under the growing heat of
the sun's ravs we feel tirea, half-sick
and low in spirits, because the' blood is
sluggish and full of impurities. Dr.
H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and
Blood Purifier is a reliable spring re
medy to invigorate the body and give
tone to tbe digestion. Price i.TO per
bottle. For sale by Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Uo. .
. A severe rheumatic pain, in the left
shoulder had troubled Mr. J. H. Loper,
a well known druggist of Iea Moines, TTVT'TrC VVTT C A MFi T ACC
Iowa, fov six months. At times the Jri 1 i 1 O, UlL'O LJ JX JL.DD.
pain was so severe tnat ne coma not nit
anything. With all he eoald do he
could not get rid of it until be applied
Chamberlain, Pain Balm. "I only !
made three applications of it," he says,
and have since been free from all pain."
He now reccomends it to persons simi
larly afflicted. It is for Bale by Blakely
fc Houghton Druggists. .,
Successor to Fanl Kref t A Co
. i;D
Those wishing cut flowers for Decora4
us. Xiancv w hoii " " wuuia ao well to call on Mrs.
with . i . . i nmrt inir. 11wtam r , . , ...
lin.. i. . 1 wui a, lojiowing the n ainas ana ait-
rignt on
'. lines
-ing had happened.
just as if noth- "ent wire designs may be had at verv
reasonable rates. Leave orders at either
ejiar-s Datery or DonneH'e drng store,
- wnaervatory on tbe hill. lvr
When yoar heart pains jrou and un-
usual paction is freque.nt, accom
h Panied sotttimes with shortness of
a di::rrerthTafvne?T r.i?Sr
, Juioeeieas natn thio
Henderson. J
I Herbert, Geo W
Isaac, A
Shaw. F
Streeter, F R
J. A. Ckossen, P." M.
IB sn'.J
. .1 . "
T B,l0milcf Howed to remain
irouoie wiU.uUimately reach the kid
ioeya and then become- dangerous to life.
Steps should be taken to stay its pro
reas on the appearance ot tbe first
-symptoms. Dr. JJ, H. McLean's Liver
nd Kidney Balm in- especially jidapted
for disorders of this kiad. ' Price 1 00
rugCoV" eal br SniPfl"xi;Qer8,y
.'- Vsro Us Saved.
Mrs. Phoebe ThomaB,ot Junction Citv.
111., was told by her doctors she had con-
sumption and that there was
for her, but two bottles Dr. Kind's Nar
4 Discovery completely cured her and Bhe
eaya it saved hr life. Mr. Thos. Eg
gere, 1S9 Florida St. Ban Francisco, suf
fered from a dreadful cold, approaching
Consumption, tried without result every
thing else, then lought one bottleof Dr.
King's New Discovery and in two weeks
was cured. He is naturally thankful.
It is such results', of which these are
samples, that prove the wonderful effi
cacy of this medicine in coughs and
colds. Free trial bottles at the Snipes
Kinersly Drug Store. Regular size 50c.
and $1.00. . . ' ........ ;
Sealed Proposals.
Bids will be received by the Water
Commission for digging a ditch, from
Liberty street to the residence of Dr.
Shackelford, on Fourth street, sufficent
to lay a four inch pipe, and for filling
the ditch after the pipe has been" laid,
at the office of the Water Commission in
this city, until noon of May 31, 1895.
For plans and specifications and full in
formations apply to the superintendent
of the water works.
Dl.Tf S Otty Watfk oov'f.
CCUld P-rft relief!
r a most lwrn-S
P'e D'ood disease, I
: ' wiri j- rnxenai. vartAnc J-:
i ' t uren wenr in
'f cwt by this celebrated
very soon became
i:3ea to TRY
The r-fffrf
j A I cotBsnenced torn.
Ntw '
ray the Conntj Debt.
11 county warrants registered prior to
. 1st, 1891, will be paid if presented
v office, eorner 3d and Washington
s. The Dalles, Or. Interest ceases
May 25, 1895.
: Wx. Michkix,
.... County Treasurer.
t treatmerrt-
I disgusted,
naa con- ? ' " fnvrt after takmc
-o hope iszfszr&i -yj i
r. TO- I Srnr. c c- i- . entirely curedi-
SitotSelSd"' w-renowaad
DrC Jl.
Cordial1 atv
M'aptecf t v
ly attrifta tbk . .
and notri tive p
ent rgy of thesyi
pleasant to aat .
stomach a nd tainan
use. Price tl.flti
by Snipes-Kiaanaly 1 .
Tub CaBojiem iea
tion of K) ao-pies of t
yesterday. . T3.i8 isaweoi
cial w rite-zip .f th e Caecaa
will be widely circulated. .
H. McLean's Strengthening
-i Blood Purifier is admirably
-nake "a little health go
Its curativa power is large-
i to its stimulant, tonic
. roperties, by. which, the
'tern is recruited. ' It Is
, easily borne on tbe
'ess under prolonged
r bottle, ifor sale
. rug Co.
red a special edi
he semi-weekly
itained a spe
'e Locks, and
K5 Milk St., Baeto Mass ''
4o PP-ny owna Letters Patent
no. 63 569, granted ta.Emile Berliner
7.. .ZZaY, ,yl lor a combined tele-
K F5 7 . '"pnone. ana controls Let
ters Patent No. 474,251, granted to Thos.
telegraph, which Patents cover funda
mental inventions and embrace all forms
of microphone transmitters and of car
bon telephones - . jan28
Kranich ; & -Bach
!.C. rMC?tF"
PiaDos.aal Orpi Book
And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in
'10 Reward MOO .
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science baa been
able to cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Cure is the only posi
tive cure known 'to the medical frater
nitv. Catarrh being a constitutional
disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system ,
thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and as
sieting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have ao much faith' in its
curative powers, that they differ One
Hundred Dollars for any case' that it
fails to cure. Sand for list of testimo
nials. Address,
: F. :3i Chunky A Co., Toledo. O,
Bold by all druggists, 75e. .
PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but tbe best brands
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all our work, and none but the
: l nK::n. n ennn mirtnni a firaf..f1aaa artinln in all rmlnra. All orders '
Itci inuumnviuu vi qui. ujawm... v.www - - .
promptly attended to.
Store and Faint Shot) corner Third and Washington Sts., ' The Dalles, Ore'OB
'There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood
. ' leads on to fortune."
.. ' " ' '
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
-m Fomilie & Carts
Spring Clothing,
Imported Suitings.
Suits made to order
from $30.00 up. ,
John Pashek,
1 11 U UXV1VUUIUU XUillUlt
Call and ret w.
easy monthly Davmit.tVV . 11 rLWO
ny COMpi?lTlc' ,Uld UPrPnnd to
Don't Forget
- raiirai -..
Crow Photo Co.,
(Formerly Crow Lnssier. of PorUMdj
"'"T har th,lr -w PHotorraph
Gallery at The Ball., anian.d
an ready ror business. -
Wait until yon e samnloa f .
v.rA , . . - - nu
d Hftnoiry Bailding,
' Washington Street, between Second
bet. Second and Third,
1 and EJepaMng a Specialty.
Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates.
Di By iMN ELL,
Piloifi, 1 lepaiis M
CkoD on Third 8treet, next door west of Young & Knar
Ulacksmitn oaop.
attended to,
All work promTitly .
and waVrani
This well-known Brewery is now turning oat the best Beer and iorter
eaat of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health-!
161 Second ful Beer have been introduoed, and on-j tne first-ciass arucie wiu wPwuw
h9 market.