The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 25, 1895, Image 3

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n Per Cent.
t -
On all
Cotton Dress Fabrics.
We consider this the best offer of the season, as our stock contains nothing
but the Latest Novelties in Organdies, Dimities, Percales, Ducks and Fancy
White Goods, at the Lowest Market Prices.
Purchase your Wash Goods now -while the weather is cobl.
iajgwagBP-i PEASE & MAYS.
See us before
you buy.
'J" We carry a Complete Line of
Fishing Tackle,
Ammunition, ; .
Stores and Steel Ranges,
Wire Cloth, v
Wire Poultry Netting,
Sewer Pipe,
Iron Water Pipe,
Garden Topis,
Sheep Shears,
Barrell Chums,
Rubber and Cotton Wrap
ped Garden Hose,
Groceries and Provisions,
Oak Fir and Maple Cord
wood and General supplies,
Can You Buy Groceries
Cheaper than This ?
Two ounces of good Ping Cut Tobacco for 5c, and a Missouri Meerchauin with
every eight packages. . .
Lemons at 20c a dozen ; usual price, 35c k
Sixteen pounds San Francisco Granulated Sugar for $1.00. ,
Seventeen pounds Hong Kong Granulated Sugar for $1.60. "' .
Three dozen Eggs for 25c ; guaranteed fresh.
All stock of fresh and popular brands. Goods delivered free to any part of
the city. You are cordially invited to call and inspect stock and prices.
Southeast Cor. Union and Second Sts. ' Telephone No. 92.
Great Shirt Sale.
Commencing Taeiday and eontinaing entire week.
-tfD Get
and Be Convinced.
lym Creamery D W I I C 11
. DoUeloas.
Ask Vantoibber & Worsley for it.
Every Square is Full Weight.
A. A. B.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
ntered a the Poetofflce at The Dalle, Oregon
aa second-class matter.
10 Crau per line for first Insertion, and 6 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than t o'clock
will appear the following- day.
Clubbing List.
Regular Our
price price
irtiil Mi K, t. Tribii.
" ni Weeklj Oregtiiai . . .
" ill WmIIj Iiamiier . . .
" WmIIt Sew T.rk Werli.
MAY 25, 1895
' Wbibi to no Tonight Dance at the oper"
house, 8:30. Entertainment by Dalles Lodge
No. 97, at K. of P. hall, 8 p.m.
Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle
The river raised one-tenth of an inch
in the last 24 hours and now stands at
Weather forecast Saturday and San
day, rain, stationary, except cooler after
Smith Bros, will give their last soiree
of the season on this (Saturday) even
ing at the opera house.' m24-2t.
The best4 always cheapest. Herrin
makes the best cabinet photographs for
only $2.50 per dozen. Chapman block,
p stairs. , . axu-tf.
The new telephone company received
a consignment of 175 telephones by the
Regulator Thursday and are rapidly
placing them in position. The remain
ing lot is expected to arrive shortly.
.me engine for the new flying machine
that is being built at Goldendale, will
arrive on the Regulator this evening,
it came to Cascade Locks yesterday on
the Dalles City and remained there over
. uaiies lodge, i. u. ti. t., will give an
entertainment this evening at the
Knights of Pythias hall, over Harris'
store. The evening will consist-of
- r it i i , . ...
unuus lunuweu uy maBicai ana literary
selections. Admission 15 cents, includ
ing refreshments. ;
In the junior class of the University of
Oregon tlaw school forty-six students
were examined at the examination held
there this week. Ninety-four per cent
was the highest average obtained - and
Edwin Mays, of this city, stood second
with an average of 93 per cent. This is
a big compliment to Mr. Mays and a
credit to this city.
- A prominent citizen called our atten
tion yesterday to the innumerable army
of thistles that is flourishing in the east
end of town. Everyone knows what a
pest they are and how important it is
that they be cut down. Now is the' time
- to destroy them before they hare gone
to seed and prepared the way for the
coming of a greater throng next season.
. There need to be a thistle ordinance on
oar city's statute books and it would be
well to revive the practice of compelling
them to be destroyed.
Final Exercises of the Fublie Schools'
Yesterday Fall Report of All .
.That Happened.
These are high times in our little city.
Besides strawberries and cream and
green peas and spinach, we revel in
pretty ribbons, dainty muslins, the
sheen of bright new slippers and BtiTl
brighter eyes, and the smiles of those
happy in the thought of doing honor to
themselves, their beloved homes, and
-$2.50 $1.75 instruction that for the larsrer nart
3.00 2.00 of the year has been the larger part of
3.25 2.25 their lives. ; Even when the happy
2 25 2 00 thought that this was the end, mixed
with an anxiety about the performance,
sent the pallor to the cheek of the
performer, the interest of the audience
Was as hearty and even more sympa
Fully 500 people crowded the Baldwin
opera house last night to see the closing
exercises of the .high school the exhi
bition of the' junior class. The stage
was a bower of flowers, arranged in very
pleasant effect, and the fair, bright faces
gathered on the platform lent van inter
est to the scene that was felt by every.
one in the audience. Long before the
hour for the exercises to open every eeat
was taken, and a bush of expectancy
was over the owd as the curtain rose
and disclosed the class seated on the
front of the stage, with the singers in
the background.. Those composing the
class were Homer Angell, Pearle. Butler
Beanie Frenflh. TVfahfil - Tiiddell ' TCona
rftTRowe, Jennie Russell and May Sechlar,
After an announcement by Professor
Gavin as to the necessity of preserving
order, the program commenced by the
rfiinm'ntf nf tho ilnnMa nnartofta ' rtm
posed of Prof. Strat ton, Glen Allen,
Curtis Egbert, Earl Sanders, Catherine
Martin. May Sechlar, Myrtle Michell
and Georgia Sampson.
JNona Kowe then read an essay on
"The Past and Present," in a very pleas
ing manner. Her enunciation was good,
and the thoughts of tte paper were ex
pressed in graceful language. She spoke
of the education of the youth in ancient
times, and of the marvelous results of
the present age. -
In reciting "Whitman's Ride" Miss
Jennie Russell scored a success. - The
piece was new to most of the audience,
and everyone felt a great interest in that
journey of 1342, which did so much for
the csuntry in which we live. The ges
tures of the speaker were in good taste
and her manner free from any fault.
' The solo by Myrtle Michell was heart'
ily received by the- audience, and re
ceived the generous applause that fol
lows all of that young lady's efforts.
"The Future of America" was the
title of a patriotic oration by Homer
Angell, in which he pictured in hopeful
words the future of our country. His
oration had a breath of patriotism in it
that was very pleasing, and his- last sen'
tence, "There shall be but one flag over
North America America, the nation of
nations," was a fitting close to his ora
tion. ;
The recitation by Miss , Mabel P.idde'.l
Continued on Second Page.
Mr. Rand of Hood River is in town
-Hon. Rob t. Mays is in town from his
country ranches.
Mr. M. A. Moody was among those
registered at the Portland yesterday.
Dr. John M. Kane, a prominent phy
sician of Dufur. was in the city yeater-
Mr. R. A. Power, the merchant 'from
Mosier, came up from Mosier last
Mr. Richard Hinton; a prominent
stockman from Bakeoven, is in . from
that place. ' y. ' v " '
Mr. H. G. Mathies. editor of the Ore
gon Knight, is a visitor to our pleasant
town today.
Mr. Sylvester Babcock of Dutch Flat
was a visitor at The Uiironicle ornce
this morning.
Mr. J. H. Sherar. the veteran road
builder and wool buyer of Wasco county,
is m the city today. .
Mr. D. J. Cooper was a passenger by
boat last evening, returning from the
convention in Portland.
Mr. H. W. Wells, a former resident of
this city, but now of Portland, was upon
our streets this morning.
Mr. W. C. Allawav general agent of
trie L. f. & A. jn. (Jo., retarnea trom
Portland last night on the Regulator.
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Sargent and their
daughter, Mrs. Hunsaker of Waitsburg,-
left this evening for a short visit at
E. E. Lytle and Hugh Chrisman are
reported to have been in Portland yes
terday by the personal column of the
Mr. Parrot, who has achieved consid
erable fame as the progenitor of Golden
dale's firing machine, came up on the
Regulator yesterday.
Mr. Uharies Koehier, a prosperous
farmer from Boyd, was in tewn today
making arrangements tor the sale of a
large number ox horses.
H. T. Murchie of Moro, accompanied
by his wife, is in the city today. They
nave been recently married and are pass
ing through town on their wedding tour.
Mr. R. G. Davenport, foreman of Tbb
Chronicle, went to Cascade Locks on
the local train today on : business con
nected with the paper. He will return
tonight. - .
' Mr. Jacob Cannon called today and
added his name to The Chronicle sub
scription roll. He reports everything in
good condition where he lives on the
left fork of Mill creek.
The Dalles, Mr. Parrott says, is the Best
town he has seen on his travels, and
that he is glad to be back in the land
where a "boom" never flourished but
where gradual growth and progress have
built a good foundation.
Mr. O. S. Brian of Seattle is in the
city on his way from Wamic to the
Sound. He will return with his belong
ings as soon as possible and move to a
farm which be has recently purchased
on the Smock prairie, near- vvamic
That portion of Wasco county is a fine
wheat and stock countrv'and Mr. unan
has shown wisdom in selecting it for his
Dome. - v
Messrs. Alvah and Otis Patterson
publishers of the Heppner Gazette, were
in The Dalles today on their way home
from the Portland convention. TheyJ
are both bright young men and promi
nent among the free silver advocates of
this state Alvah Patterson was nomin
ated by Congressman Ellis as a candi
date for delegate to the Cleveland con
vention. ,
Mr. J. L. Hanna. whose farm is on
Chenowith creek six miles from town,
gave us a pleasant call today. Mr.
Hanna is going into the fruit business
quite extensively and has planted 225-
trees of winter apples, besides other
fruits. He is making improvements to
his -farm and can be numbered among
Wasco's prosperous farmers.
Charley Tibbetts Vary Sick. '
Dri J. L. Hill of Albany, grand chan
cellor of the Knights of Pythias of this
state, is in the city, accompanied by Mr.
(j. . McUonnell, grand K. of it. and S,
They are making official visits to the
different lodges throughout the state.
Mr.' Wes. Rice, of the Columbia Pack
ing CO., has been dangerously ill for
some time. He has suffered severely
from hemorrhages which left him in
greatly weakened condition. His father
today reported him somewhat better and
hopes are now entertained of his re
Mr. John Parrott has returned from a
somewhat extended trip on Puget sound
and the section generally known as the
.Puget sound country. He reports things
to be exceedingly quiet over there ana
that in every city it seems as if one-
third of it were, to rent, Business is
very quiet and people still feeling in a
great degree the grip oi hard times
Excursion to
Cascade L o cks,
On Steamer fJEGTJ LiHTOt ,
Agent Kurtz, of the Pacific- Express
Company, received a letter this morning
from the agent at Monterey, Cal., telling
of the severe illness of Charlie Tibbetts,
the driver of the express wagon here,
who went to ' California several weeks
ago to attend the funeral ot his lather.
A physician has been visiting him three
times a day and the latest report, while
not indicating anything necessarily
fatal, tells of his being prostrate now.
The death of hia father, which was a
blow to Mr. Tibbetts, the doctor thinks
is aggravating hrs condition. Mr. Tib
betts has many friends' in The Dalles
who will be anxious to hear of his con
dition and give him sincere wishes for
his speedy recovery. -:
, lmpsrtsat Notice.
Manager Birgfeld has received a tele
gram from Cascade Locks eaymg that it
is raining heavily there. On this ac
count the excursion which waa to go on
the Regulator tomorrow,' is postponed
for two weeks. All tickets sold will con
tinue good. - , j
The steamer Dalles City came up to
the Locks yesterday with forty-four tons
of freight. This is a large load and with
the added fact that the water is now
very high makes the' performance a
creditable one. It is hoped that the
water -will not interfere this season with
the running of the boats. ' .
' In at Snipes & Kinersly's is a curiosity
in the shape of a cat born without any
tail. ; It has something of the looks and
characteristics of a rabbit, but is a bona
fide cat to all intents and purposes. The
learned doctors who gather there are
considering the anomaly, aided by the
chief members of the famous Lying club.
Ladies, Attention ! During the next
six weeks, Mrs. M. E. Briggs will offer
bargains in millinery, greater than ever
offered before.' Full line of trimmed
hats always on hand. Ladies and chil
dren' a h ats from 75c to $2.50. 112 Second
atreet The Dalles, Or. m23-2w
Steamer will leave The Dalles at 8 a. m, and arrive at )
Cascades at 10:30 a. m. Returning leave Cascades at 4 p. m
The-following programme has been arranged: '
-12 m. Bcs liace. 12:30 p. m. Curls Kace. 1 p. m.
Fat Men's Race.
1 :30 p. m. Sack Rack. 2 to 3 Dancing;.
$20.00 in Prizes will be Distributed.
Tickets can be procured at the principal business houses
and from members of the Orchestra Union.
Telophono SJ"o QB,
Keep Your Eye on.
Rambler and Waverley Bicycles.
.. ; . y- Indianapolis, Ind., April 27, 1895.
, Gbntlemkn : We have your telegram of the 25th inst., and take pleasure in
entering your order for wheels. We are quite confident of the fact that
you will be thoronghly satisfied with the "Waverley," as it is a high grade ma
chine in every sense of the word, and you can guarantee to your customers that it
ia the equal of any machine manufactured. We make no exceptions at all, and
are prepared to prove at any time that there is not a better bicycle in the market.
- Yours very truly,
We Rsat sad Repair Blcyclss.
VThacls from 94S SJIOO.