Can You Buy Groceries See us before Cheaper than This Ten On all Cotton Dress We consider this the best offer of the season, as bur stock contains nothing but the Latest Novelties in Organdies, Dimities, Percales, Ducks and Fancy White Goods, at the Lowest Market Prices. Purchase your Wash Goods now -while the weather is cool. iggwcf"i The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ntereda the Pcwtofflce at Tba Dalles, Oregon aa second-class matter. 10 Cwu er line for first buernos, and (.Cents pax line for each subsequent Insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than S o'clock will appear the following day. - Clubbing List. : ; '. ' Begulsr Our ' ' ' price price .ftmicl ui 1. 1. Iribne. . . . . . " . ui ffwklj Ortguiu .. , : . ii .Wetllj Euniier . . " Weekly Sew T.rk Worli. .$2.50 $1.75 . 3.00 J2.00 .3.25 2.25 . 2.25 2.00 FRIDAY MAY 24, 1895 Whkrb to so tonight Public school exhi bition at the Baldwin Opera House; 8;15 p. m. BRIEF MENTION. Leaves From tbe Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. A good rain would 'be very welcome. The beach back of the Umatilla House is now covered with water. Weather forecast, Friday fair, warmer, Saturday, fair, followed by showers. Stationary. Smith Pros, will give their last soiree of the eeaeon on Saturday evening, at the opera house. m24-2t. ' The latest report says the Clearwater and Snake rivers are falling. . The Col umbia is rising and will continue to rise for several days.' 1 -The orchestra and boat company are both home institutions of which we are justly proud. So patronize them on their next Sunday excursion. , . , The incline at the. Locks has been planked over for the accommodation of tbe excursion to be given Sunday, May 26th by the Orchestra Union,. . The excursion to tbe Locks next Sun 'day promises to be a fine "affair. Good music will be in attendance and every effort made to give those who go a good time. '. : ' - , Workmen are busy today painting in a gorgeous red the many-storied pile k driver of the D.P.&.A.N. Co. The driver has been moved farther up the track, out of tbe water's way. uaues loage, l. u. u. l., will give an entertainment tomorrow evening at the Knights of Pythias hall, over ' Harris' store. The evening will consist of a drama followed by musical and literary selections. Admission 15 cents,' includ ing refreshments. ' Workmen are busy at the Cascade wharf boat placing rock on the portage incline. Considerable damage was ex perienced last year by sections of the track and piling washing out and an - ef fort willbe made this season to prevent any destruction tothe track. Franzen Bros of Lyle shipped forty six sacks of wool 'to this city by the Regulator last evening. The wool is of good quality and amounted in weight to 13,800 pounds. The country back of Lyle is very rich and superior in grazing Cent Discount Fabrics PEASE bands. The Dalles must consider this and other sections lying along the river, as important factors in its commercial development. The final rehearsal for the closing ex erciaes of ihe public school took place Wednesday'at the Opera boose. Judging from the program and tbe rehearsals the exhibition this evening will be a very pleasant one and attract a large crowd. There is nothing that will bring people ont like a chance to see the performance of a coming generation: Tbe program for this evening is published elsewbere. Closing; Exercises This Mornlif. If all those who would have been in terested in. the exercises of the pnpila of Miss Hollister and Mjss Bowe had been present this morning, no room in this town would have beld them; .The pro gram consisted of singing by tbe pupils, led by . Miss Hollister, recitations, with some very pretty ' character sketches, showing admirable training by -the effi cient teachers.- The most marked one was a song by a little girl in a blue drees, "When the little children sleep," and was very gratifying. It was prettily and modestly sung and with an absence of that straining for' loud noise, which unhappily marks so much children's singing, but which is the error of their instructors, rather than ot themselves A special meeting of the city council was held this morning, at - which were present Mayor. Menefee and all the coancilmen except Mr. Thompson. The meeting was called to take action regard ing the providing for payment of the funding bonds in gold. Special ordinance No. 298, providing for the payment of the bonds' oh gold, was read and passed. - Mr. Nolan moved that the re corder be instructed to notifv Messrs Theis and Barrolf, the bond purchasers, that the city will demand a remission of all accrued interest on bonds irom May 1st to the date of the delivery. As this was the extent of the special business the council adjourned. A Decision In Chamber. Judge Bradshaw has rendered a de cision in. the case of Poole vs. Higin bothomi on tbe motion to set aside the verdict and grant a new trial.. Tbe action, which was brought on a promis sory note, was tried at the last term of court in Sherman county and the jury returned a verdict 'for the defendant The judge yesterday rendered a decision setting aside the verdict on the ground of insufficient evidence to support it and ordered a new trial. The decision will be received with interest by Sherman county people, as the amount involved was several thousand dollars. Ladies, Attention 1 During the next six weeks, Mrs. M. . Briggs will offer bargains in millinery, greater than ever offered before. , Full line of trimmed bats always on hand. Ladies and ehil dren's hats from 75c to $2.50. 112 Second street The Dalles, Or. m23 2w Sale & MAYS. ENTERTAINMENT. LAST NIGHT. X. O. G. T. Entertained -Their Friends at Armory Hall. Armory hall was comfortably filled last night to witness an amateur theat rical performance given by the Inde pendant Workers, I. O. G. T. The par ticipants had been in active preparation for some time, and their performance last night gave evidence of careful train ing. Following is THE CASTE. ' ' ", "''.'. Mr. Ebenezer Padlethorp ...... Mr. Mrs. E. Padeltborp A. N. Varney .May Robblns uick raaiemorp Mr. Buckler Lillian snell , . . . Emma Fisher Glen Allen Ada Padlethorp. Alfred Warlord.;. ..... ...... The point of this drama turned on the accidental exchange of two grip sacks over the glove counter of a store visited on the arrival of tbe train by tbe bride groom rnd one of tbe bridesmaids. The resulting- confusion worked nearly a fatal damage to tbe wedding festive ties. Mr. Varney as the pater families, was a strong cast. Miss Bobbins was a dignified, if sometimes tearful, mother. The part of the bridesmaid, taken by Miss Snell, was one that required more acting, and it was admirably ' done, as were the others." '., - The dance following lost not a whit of pleasure from the high histrionics pre ceding. . - " - A Pleasant Affair. Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Wilson gave a very pleasant party last evening at their spac ious home in honor of Miss Gwilt of Portland, who has been visiting. several day 8 in Tbe Dalles. A number of young people were invited who passed the evening hours amid ranch merriment The entertainment was quite novel as it called into play the artistic abilities of those who were present and some of tbe drawings executed would take high rank as caricatures. . At the close, guesses were made as to what the different draw ings were intended to' represent. Miss Rose Michell received the ' prize as the one who guessed tbe most correctly Dainty refreshments were served and at a late hour tbe guests departed. Those present besides tbe host and hostess and Miss Gwilt, were Alma Schmidt, Laura Thompson,. Rose Michell, Florence Lewis, Nona Bucb, Etta Story, Buelab Patterson, Max Vogt, Chas. Lord, G. W. Phelps, Fred Wilson, Balph Rowland, D. H. Roberts, Frank French and H. H Riddell. . . School Program. The following program will be ren dered at the opera house, this even ing, on the occasion of the closing exer cises of the high school : - MtLsio-TIark I Apollo Strike the Lyre". BUhop Double Quartet. EssayThe P-st and the Present. Nona Bowe Keel cation "W hitman's Ride .. .Jennie Russell Solo -"Pretty Birds' '. Cumber Myrtle Mlebell. ' - -. Oration The Future of America. .Homer Angell Recitation "Too Late for the Train". .... . '..Mabel Ridden Music.. Mandolin and Guitar Club Essay Silent Forces of Mature Mny Bechler Recitation "Magdalena; or the Spanish Duel" -.r . Bessie French Music To Thee, O Country",. Eiehbtrg Oration Monuments Imperishable.. . ... . . . . : Pearle Butler Music "Gently Sighs the Breeze" Gioeer Quartet. you We carry a Complete Line of Pishing Tackle, Ammunition, - Stores and Steel Ranges, Wire Cloth, Wire Poultry Netting:, Sewer Pipe, . , , Iron Water Pipe, : Garden Tools, ; ' Sheep Shears, Barrell Chui ns, Rubber and Cotton Wrap ped Garden Hose, Groceries and Provisions, Oak Fir and Maple Cord- wood and General- sup plies, MAIER & BENTON. PERSONAL MENTION. Ex-Gov. Moody is in the city. W. H. Wilson returned last night from Portland. Mr. P. Mobr, a Hood River farmer, is in the city. Mr. Albert Roberts of Deschutes is a visitor in town today. ' - A. A. Jayne, prosecuting attorney of this judicial district, is in the city. Hon. C. M. Cartwrigbt of Hay Creek arrived from Portland on the noon train. Sheriff Wm. Holder. of Sherman county, -is registered at tbe Umatilla Hon Be. Mrs. S. L. Brooks returned on the Regulator last evening from a short visit with Portland friends; - M. T. Nolan was a passenger bv boat last evening from Portland, where he at tended the republican convention. Messrs. Frank Menefee and' H. H. Riddell returned- yesterday from the convention of republican clubs in Port land. . Mrs. C. C. Hobert. wife of the state portage superintendent, left by tbe Reg ulator this morning to join her husband at Cascade Locks. . Messrs. Frank Laughlin and Wilbur Bolton of Antelope returned on last night's train from Portland. Both were delegates to the convention. . B. W. Mitchell of Portland, a promi nent citizen and adjutant general of tbe O. N. G. under the Pennoyer adminis tration, was la tne city this morning. ' Mr. S. Vandersol of Salem is in the city. Mr. Vandersol lived in Tha Dalles when a boy, twenty years ago. ' He finds qnite a change now from what it then was. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. . Ferguson of Asto ria, wbo spent yesterday in Tbe Dalles, left for borne this afternoon-. Mr. Fei gason's father was a pioneer resident The Uaues. Mrs. Geo. Herbertof Grants vis visit ing relatives in the city. She returned on the boat last evening from a visit to her sister. Mrs. Geo. if. Morgan, at Cas cade Locks. Mrs. L. Borden left last evening for New York City to remain during the snmmer months, she will also -visit Yalesville, : her old home, durine" her stay in the East. J. O. Mack, who was called as a erand jnror to Portland, came home yesterday to. stay tin tne 78th. , The Lotan and Seid Back cases will last till that time', so there was no need of the jurors re maining. ' - ; ' - 1 Edwin Mays returned home last even ing from Portland where he has been at- tending the University of Oregon .Law) school. . Mr. Mays is a .bright yoomz1 man and a hard student and one that will always bring credit to the city of his home. ' ," Capt. James Shsver and wife are in the city, the guests of Capt. Wand of the Regulator. Capt. Shaver is part owner of the Shaver Transportation Co., run ning the steamers Sarah Dixon and G. Wi mi aver, xne latter ooat was em ployed by the D. P. & A. N. Co.- last summer daring the flood to assist in carrying freignt. For Sal Cheap. One Jersey cow : one Jersev bull : a household furniture. Enquire of W. A, Hunt, Lair Bill place on Mill creek, two miles from town. m24-lw Uo Or. Miles' Pain Pill car NauralzU- Two ounces of good Plug Cat Tobacco for 5c, and a Missouri Meerchaum with every eight packages. . Lemons at 20c a dozen ; usual price, 35c' . .. . '-' Sixteen pounds San Francisco Granulated Sugar for $1.00. - Seventeen pounds Hong Kong Granulated Sngar for $1.00. . . Three dozen Eggs for 25c; guaranteed fresh. ' " " ''." All stock of fresh and popular brands. . Goods delivered. Jree, to, any part of the city. You are cordially invited to call and inspect stpct and prices. Southeast Cor. Union and Second Sts. Telephone "No. 92. Great Shirt Salgw ... 7 Commencing Tnesday and See and Be Convinced. 2e Tta Tjgix Tal ly Creamery BUTTER Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it. Every Square is Pull "Weight. TELEPH03STE 3STO. SO. Excursion to Cascade SUN DAY, Ob Steamer -GIVEN BY- THE DALLES ORCHESTRA UNION ROUPJD TRIP, SOc. Steamer will leave The Dalles at 8 a. m, and arrive at Cascades at 10:30 a.m. Returning leave Cascades at 4 p. m.. .The following programme has been arranged: 12 m. Boys' Race. 12:30 p. m. Girls' Race. Fat Men's Race. 1 :30 p. m. Sack Rack. 2 to 3- $20.00 in Prizes Tickets can'be procured Lsjid from members of the Orchestra Union. JOS. T. PETERS & CO., -DEALERS IN- BUILDIWC Keep Your Ey e on: Rambler and Waverley Bicycles. ; , ; - ... s Indianapolis, Ind., April 27, 1895. MESSRS.SMAYS & CROWE, The Dalles, Or. . , .,..'. . , Gkntlbmen : We have your telegram of the 25th inst., and take pleasure in entering yonr order for wheels. . We are quite confident of the fact that yon will be thoroughly satisfied with the "Waverley " as it is a high grade ma chine in every sense of the word, and you can guarantee to yonr customers that it is the equal of any machine raannfactured. We make, no exceptions at all, and are prepared to prove at any time that there is not a better bicycle in the market. ; . Yours very truly, ' INDIANA BICYCLE COMPANY. IV Bat aad Repair Bleycl. from S4.S to 10O. -Hi continuing eatire week. CRBAMERY A. A. B. MAY 26, HEGULtRTOl, 1 p. M. --Dancing. will be Distributed. at the principal business houses -AND- MAYS & CROWE. Locks W ATER! A I.N JL X J. JL Jul X1JL1X JLI KJ