The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 23, 1895, Image 3

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    p )
Can You Buy Groceries
Cheaper than This? -
See us before
you buy.
On all
Cotton Dress Fabrics.
We consider this the best offer of the season, as our stock contains nothing
but the Latest Novelties in Organdies, Dimities, Percales, Ducks and Fancy
White Goods, at the Lowest Market Prices.
Purchase your Wash G-oods now -while the weather is cool.
We carry a Complete Line of
. -
Fishing Tackle,
Stores and Steel Ranges,
Wire Cloth, . :
Wire Poultry Netting,
Sewer Pipe,
Iron Water Pipe, ; ' "
Garden Tools,
Sheep Shears,
Barrell Chums,
Rubber and Cotton Wrap
ped G-arden Hose, V: .
Groceries and Provisions,
Oak Fir and Maple Cord-
wood and General sup
Two ounces of good Ping Cat Tobacco for 5c, and a Missouri Meercbanm with
every eight packages.
Lemons at 20c a dozen; usual price, 35c.
Sixteen pounds San Francisco Granulated Sugar for $1.00.
Seventeen pounds Hong Kong Granulated Sugar for $1.00.
Three dozen Eggs for 25c; guaranteed fresh. v
AH stock of freeb and popular brands. Goods delivered free to any part of
the city. You are cordially invited to call and inspect stock and prices. -
Southeast Cor. Union and Second St Telephone No. 92.
Great Shirt Sale
Commencing Tuesday and eon tinning eatira week.
e and Be Convinced. iCe
The Tygh Tal- 1 I I I 1 1 I C" fa
lye Creamery J I I C l
Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it.
Every Square is Full Weight.
A. A. B.
The Dalles Dafly Chronicle.
n tared a
the Postomce mt The Dalles, Oregon
as second-class tnatteT. -
10 leu iar line for first Insertion, and 6 Cents
par line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rate for long tlma notice.
All local notice raceiTed later than t o'clock
will appear the following day. ' "
Clubbing List.
, : Regular
Artiidt ul 1. 1. Irilne
" ril Wwklj Orrgmiu . . .
" , id Wfklj Inniicr .. .
" Wwkly Hew Tk WmM.
price price
.$2.50 $1.75
. 3.00 2.00
, 3.25 -2.25
.2.25 2.00
MAY 23, 1895
Leave rrom the Motehoek ef Chronicle
Wool is arriving in such quantities
that it can hardly bo bandied.
Dare Campbell was yesterday appoint
. e t t .t i . . .
ea cmei oi ids roruma nre department.
The river was at the 26 foot mark this
morning and is rising at the rate of six
inches a day.
Bishop Morris will hold services at the
Episcopal church next Sunday, at 11
o'clock a. m. and 7 :30 p. m.
Harry Gordion was thrown from a
horse yesterday afternoon, at the flame
and was quite seriously hurt.
Company D of the Third Regimeat is
no more having been mustered out by
Lieut Col. Patterson Tnesday. -Hon.
M. A. Moody was elected a dele
gate to the national convention ot re
publican clubs which meets in Chicago
next month.
The Orchestral Union's excursion
leaves Sunday at 8 o'clock for the Cas
cades. - Secure your tickets and do not
get left in the rush.
A portion of the D. P. fe A. N.
wharf floated up Tuesday, but was fast
ened to the piling and will be put in
place again as the water recedes.
Air.' .rogue reports tee bnake river
at a standstill, DUt tne Uolumbea is ris
ing, ana at a rate that will send it up
here at the rate of six inches a day for
he next three days.
Marshal Blakeney requests us to state
that the ordinance against riding bicy
cle on the sidewalks will be strictly en
forced, and as we do not want to see any
of our good people locked up, we comply
with his request.
The trial of Seid Bach and James
Lotan began in the United States court
at Portland this morning, a jury being
secured yesterday. ' Nat Blum the prin
cipal witness for the government was on
the stand oday.
The preliminary examination of the
man O'Brien, charged with'cutting Con
roy at the Columbia hotel yesterday, is
being held before Recorder Dufur this
afternoon, he acting in the capacity of a
magistrate. Mr. Phelps appears for the
state. ' ' ' ' ' ; . ' ' '
All druggists sell Dr. MUae' Pain PiUa.
A Business Man Talk Entertainingly of
That Section.
Ben Brown, a young business man of
Burns, Harney county, says of that sec
lion :
"We are going to have over a- half mil
lion pounds of wool this year, nd that
must be hauled to the O. R. & N. Just
six men or firms own over 100,000 head
of cattle. - There's P. French, -who has
40,000 head, and Miller & Lux, who
have 50,000, and these men own im
mense tracts of land. 'French has 100
000 acres and Miller & Lux have 125,000
acres. And there is plenty more land
to spare in Harney county. Two of the
three heaviest' taxpayers in the county
each pay $6000 on their property, while
the third pays $6500. The raising price
of beef has helped us considerably, and
there are now but 10.000 steers remain
ing to be sold this season.
"The price of wool has, of course, in
jured the sheepman greatly. At the
present time they are not paying ex
penses. Many of them have mortgaged
their sheep, and now that times have
not as yet improved greatly they are go
ing to get into trouble. Few of them
will be able to pay off their mortgages.
"But we'll come out all right in the
end. Wool will rise in price as times
grow better. Then if the Oregon Pacific
were constructed through Southern' Or
egon to an Eastern connection, you
would see a rapid development. There
are hundreds of square miles in the
county yet unoccupied ' and. nntrod by
man. Some of this land needs water
and some does not. It is all fertile, and
irrigation will make it bloom with foliage
and prosperity.
At the Armory Ball..
. Thursday evening, May 23d, a diama,
oy independent workers., .ice cream
and cake will be served, after which
social hop will be indulged in. Admis
sion, 25 cents.
When Baby was sick, -we gare her Castoria. ;
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When ahe became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When sue had Children, ahe save them
Ladies, Attention ! During the next
six weeks, Mrs. M. E. Briggs will offer
bargains in millinery, greater than ever
offered before. Full line of trimmed
hats always on hand.'. Ladies and chil
dren's hats lrom 75c to $2.50. 112 Second
street The Dalles, Or. m23-2w
Our patrons will find De Witt'a Little
Early Risers a safe and, reliable remedy
for constipation, dyspepsia and liver
complaints.- Snipea-KIuersly Drag Co
The best is always cheapest. Herrin
makes the best cabinet photographs for
only $2.50 per dozen. Chapman block
p stairs. a20-tf.
Jos. T. Peters t Co. have cord wood
which is desirable in all respects, and
respectfully eolici' your orders.
Dld'sts Care m Whoop.
. Yesterday evening just before the boat
came in, a lumber laden scow that had
been anchored near the wharf undertook
to move up the slough to the. foot of
Washington street. Just before she
pulled in her gang plank, oneof the men
employed on her made bis- appearance
and started to get aboard. He had a
new pair of shoes under hisj. arm and
booze enough for a half dozen jags under
his vest. As he struck the boat he fired
one shoe across the scow's bow to bring
her to and the other which was aimed
at the hull struck the water . instead
owing to lack of elevation. Seeing the
stranger bearing down on 'them with his
batteries and knees unlimbered, the
crew -of the ecow were ' hastily "beat
to quarters" to receive him. Before any
of them could get ashore to lend a hand
the stranger struck the gang plank and
plunging heavily ' forward struck bow
on,' throwing the water in a sparkling
shower for many yards. He struggled
out, tackled the gang plank again, sat
down straddle of it. and turning slowly
over hung head down it moment, and then
letting go all holds, went ca-plunk out
of sight, scarcely rippling the surface of
the water as he went in like a flat stone
edgewise, or a frog with a snake after
him. He crawled out, and scorning as
sistance made another stagger at it only
to miss the plank and hit the river for
the third time. Then the bovs on the
scow got him aboard and laid him out on
a pile of lumber. He evidently did not
like the lay out, for in a minute he was
up again and had possessed himself of a
pike pole, and commenced stabbing it in
a friendly way into the broad ' bosom of
the Columbia. The pole would not
reach bottomf so in order to save him
self be let go of it, but in a moment 're
pented, and plunged in after it. Some
of the men ran aft and hooking a pike1
pole into the seat of his overalls they
pulled him on board again. He was - a
persistent fellow thohgb, ' and the last
we saw of him he was lying on his face
with one of the crew eittinar' on him
while the others landed the scow."' We
have seen jags of all degrees, toots of all
kinds,-and even the hilarious Tazzle-
dazze but this was decidedly the most
vermiform drunk we ever beheld.
. The Other Half, Just Dog;.
that of the dog, and if there is not a
sheriff's sale of misfit canines in the
next week, we lone mr guess.
The forest flowers are beautiful,
lint blossoms of the spring;
The critcus peeping from the earth, "
The violet of lowly birth, , , .
'- And bluebells, that for very mirth - ,
The vagrant breezes swing. , .. . r . . :
Sweet columbines, whose honeycombs
The humming birds have sipped. . .
The buttercups of golden hue,
The Johnny-Jump-ups, deepest blue.
And purple iris fllletr with dew, .
Or cowslips yellow-lipped. :
Yet sweeter far than all of those
The fragrant garden shows,
The dar ing daisies, pink and white,- .
The pansy with its face aligbt
And lilies queenly in tbeir height;
. But queen of all, the rose.
Yes! queen of all, more beautiful
In each and every part,
1 ban any blossom springtime shows.
Than any other fivtwer that blows;
'The pink tipped rose, the red lipped rose,
The queen still of my heart. '
J. H. C.
Excursion to
Mrs. Jay Smith, of Salem, is visiting
at her uncle's, Mr. George Rowland's.
Mr. Wm. Michell went to Mosier this
morning to attend the funeral of Mr.
Miss Williams and Miss Marshal came
ap from Portland on the Regulator, yes
terday and are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Hal .trench.
Mr. Andy Bunnell of Centerville made
us a pleasant call today. He is moving
his nock of sheep to the Glenn woodA
neighborhood. -
Cascade Locks,
, SUN D A Y, M AY 26,
On Steamep tEGU LtRTOf
' GIVEN by
. Steamer will leave The Dalles at 8 a. m, and arrive at
Cascades at 10:30 a. m. Returning leave Cascades at 4 p. m..
At Fairfield. May 21. 1895, to the wife
of K. I. Young, a son ; weight 11 pounds.
.-, : BOBN.
At Colfax, Wash. Wednesday, May
22nd to the wife of W. J. Roberts a eon.
The following programme has been arranged:
12 m.- Boys' Race. .12:30 p. m. Girls' Race. 1 p. m.
i'at Men's Race. 1 :30 p. m. Sack Rack. 2 to 3 Dancinjr.
$20.00 in Prizes will be Distributed.
"Tickets can be procured at the principal business houses
and from members of the Orchestra Union.
Bi-bool Program.
- The following program will be ren
dered at the opera bouBe, Friday even
ing, on the occasion of the closing exer
cises of the high school :
Music "Hark ! Apollo Strikes the Lyre" . . Biihop
Double Quartet.
Essay The Pst and the Present.. . . .Nona Rowe
Kecitatlon "'Whitman's Hide"... Jennie Russell
Solo "Pretty Birds". . . Oumbert
Myrtle Michell.
Oration. The Future of America. .Homer Angcll
Recitation "Too Late ior the Train". .. .Mabel Rlddell
Musle. ..Mandolin and Guitar Club
Essay Silent Forces of Nature May Scchler
Recitation "Magdalene; or the Spanish
Duel" Bessie French
Music "To Thee, O Country", EicMicrg
Double Quartet.
Oration Monuments Imperishable ......
Pearle Butler
Music "Gently Sighs the Breeze" QUner
. . . Quartet.. .. - - -
Sheriff Driver is the proud owner of a
dog, which he purchased in Portlan
yesterday. :The dog baa a pedigree ai
long as a free silver resolution, and as i
.'a ..... TVJ
was maae on purpose ior mm it nts like
a pair of bloomers. Tom was proud of
his purchase for awhile, but after getting
the opinion of several canine connois
seurs, he has somehow lost confidence in
the cerulean hue. of the animal's ances
tral blood, and ' is disposed to treat him
with undue contempt, considering the
amount paid for him. The dog, on the
contrary, knows a good thing when he
sees it, and follows his master as cheer
fully and as persistently as he would if
he were' a Done. There seems to be a
growing coldness between them running
at the ratio of 16 on Tom's part to 1 on
The Wasco Warehouse Co. have on
sale at their warehouse Seed Wheat,
Feed Wbeat.-Barley, Barley Chop, Oats
and Hay. ; Are sole agents in The Dalles
for the now celebrated Goldendale roller
mills flour, the best flour in the market
and sold only in ton lots or over.' 9-tf '
. i 125 Milk St, BostOD, Mass
This company owns Letters Patent
No. 463,669, granted to Emile Berliner
November 17, 1891, lor a combined tele
graph' and telephone, and controls Let
ters Patent No. 474,231, granted to Tbos.
A. Edison May 3. 1892, for a speaking
telegraph, which Patents cover funda
mental inventions and embrace all forma
of microphone transmitters and of car
bon telephones" ' janCJ
Telephone No.: fits.
Keep Your Eye on.
Rambler and "Waverley Bicycles.
. IkdiaNafoms, lad.. April 27, 1895.
- Gentlemen : We have your telegram of the 25th inst., and take pleasure in
entering your order for wheels. : We are quite confident of the fact that
you will be thoroughly satisfied with the "Waverley," as it is a high grade ma
chine in every sense of the word, and you can guarantee to your customers that it
is the equal of any machine manufactured. We make no- exceptions at all, and
are prepared to prove at any time that there is not a better bicycle in the market.
,. . Yours very truly,
We Beat ssa Sepair Bleyeles.
Wheels rreaa te Slo.