3 Peerless fastBlacas WILL NOT CROCK. rWILL NOT CROCK. 9 FEtXlESSfbSTBUCKSAKt not Dam ac co or rut ore. We guarantee the Peerless Black to be absolutely fast, free from all poisonous substances. It withstands, the effects of repeated washing, as well as perspiration. It will not rub off on the feet or soil the garments. Every pair guaranteed. Men.s Peerless Black Half Hose '-...' ...25c, 35c, 50c Ladies' " Full Fashioned ...25c " " outsize. .......25c " t( spliced heels, dbl soles 35-40-50c " " fine ribbed .......40c Full Opera ...60c " Tans ;.,35c Peerless Fast Black has no equal. See us before you buy. We carry a Complete Line of Fishing Tackle, Ammunition, Stores and Steel Ranges, Wire Cloth, Wire Poultry Netting, Sewer Pipe, Iron Water Pipe, Garden Tools, Sheep. Shears, Barrel! Chums, Rubber and Cotton Wrap ped Garden Hose, Groceries and Provisions, Oak Fir and Maple Cord wood and General sup plies, Can You Buy Groceries Cheaper than ThiQ? Two ounces of good Ping Cut Tobacco for 5c, and a Missouri Meercbanm with every eight packages. . LemonB at 20c a dozen; nsaal price, 35c. Sixteen pounds San Francisco Granulated Sugar for (1.00. Seventeen pounds Hong Kong Granulated Sugar for $1.00. Three dozen Eggs for 25c; guaranteed fresh. All stock of fresh and popular brands. Goods delivered free to any part of' the city. You are cordially invited to call and inspect stock and prices. A ' . XML T. PJOZaiiriT, Southeast Cor. Union and Second Sts. Telephone No. 92. Great Shirt Sale. Commencing Tnetday and continuing entire week. See and Be Convinced. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. MAI ER & BENTON. Tfc. Ty,h Val- Q I 1 "' f 13 lye Creamery D J C- II la DelleloBS. Ask Vanbibber & Torsley for it. Every Square is Full Weight. -TEIiEPHOIsTB ZTSTO. 80. CREAMERY A. A. B. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ntered a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon t. a second-clau matter. 10 Ceu per line lor first insertion, and 6 Cent par Una for each subsequent Insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than S o'clock will appear tbe following day. Clubbing List. ' Regular Our ptice price AmieU til I. T. Tribn. $2.50 $1.75 " iai Wecllj OrffMUi ....... 3.00 2.00 ' " si.Wtrklj imir....... 3.25 2.25 " WttHj new York TorU 2.25 2.00 "WEDNESDAY - - MAY 22. 1895 BRIEF MENTION. X.eaves From the Notebook of Cnroalcle Reporters. and were of the prize fighting fraternity. As a crowd gathered solemnly aronnd to view the body and regret the accident the partner exclaimed : "My God, be was a good man. It's too bad. He was a good man," ? and the crowd "bowed lower in reverential awe and admiration for the truly good, nntil the conclusion of the sentence, "he licked a eon of a pan by the name of Patsy Foy in t'ree rounds in Virginny." San Francisco Argonant. Powder Mill Blow Up. The Herrick cannery made quite, a good run this morning, but the salmon run is falling off. , The river this morning reached tbe bodies of Johnson and Minueh were in- twenty-five foot mark, the highest point tact, while those in the lower part of the reached this year. - -"sJjDuilding, where the nitroglycerine ig The powder mill at Pinole, near San Francisco, blew up yesterday with ter rific force. 1 Fourteen employes were killed. Tbe dispatches this morning say: All the men in the nitro-glycerine house were experts at their business, and Harry .Minugh was at one time assistant superintendent of tbe plant. From tbe position of the bodies when found, it was seen that the cause of tbe explosion was in the washing depart- ment of tbe nitro-glycerine bouse, as the For the Tournament. Pursuant to call of tbe chief engineer a meeting of The Dalles city fire depart ment was held at the city hall last even ing, for the purpose of making arrange ments to send a team to the State Vol unteer Fireman's Association meeting, at Vancouver, Wash., on tbe 2d, 3d and 4tb of September. W. H.- Butts was elected chairman and L. S. Davis secre tary of tbe meeting. Invitation from the state association to the Dalles City department to participate, was read and on motion tbe invitation was accepted. On motion the following committee was appointed by tbe chairman to make ar rangements for selecting a team : John Blaeer, chief engineer for tbe depart ment, Charles Cooper, Columbia Hose Co., T. H. Van Norden, Hook and Lad der Co., J. W. Fisher, Jackson Engine Co., W. H. Loch head, East End Hose Co., and C. L. Phillips, for Monnt Hood Hose Co. L. S. Davis. W. H. Butts, Secretary. Chairman. The weather bureau reports the rise in the river above us will send tbe Col urn - nwasned, were blown all to pieces; in tact, but small portions of their bodies bia up at tbe rate of six inches a day fom'have yet been recovered. - Twenty men Iah Jn. aa nt I aA sS"H"V ? r C9 f Vl A fiaalfa tfW O tVllla O VJin SI A four da; 8 yet, Musical meeting at the Salvation Army, Thursday night, May 23rd. Ice cream and cake will be served at 15 cts. Everybody is invited to attend. , . Quite a number of delegates to tbe state convention of republican clubs, went down on the Regulator yesterday morning. - Some of - the stragglers took the afternoon train, and the proverbial "last man" went down on the delayed passenger, which passed through late this morning. . What an apetizing odor. What is it? Ol short cake, strawberries and cream, etc. Just step into tbe old Chronicle building and take a piece with a nice hot cup of coffee, only 15 cents. If you prefer they will give you a plate of straw " berries and cream with good bread and butter with your coffee, for 15 cents Tbe ladies of tbe M. E church kindly invite everybody to sample their goodies, a 1, . - yer7 sma" CDare W1 Procure you tne Tbnr8day evening, May 23d, a diama v,. I by Independent WorKers. .ice cream A serious cutting affray occurred at land cake will be served, after which the Columbia bouse this afternoon. I social bop will be indulged in. Admis about S o'clock, a man named Conroy J sion, 25 cents. being cnt by another named O'Brien. The men bad been quarreling, but as we beard the story, had quit, when without . warning O'Brien attacked Conroy with a knife, making a vicious stab at bim. The knife etrnck Con my under tbe ear ( and cut a gash from that point forward and downward across the neck, barely missing the jugnUr. Dr. . Hollister stitched up the wound, and Marshal Blakeney arrested O'Brien,-who is at present confined in tbe city jail. In the early days of AoBtin, Nev., a mining' accident occurred by which a man was killed. Tbe body was brought to tbe surface and laid out. He and bis partner were new arrivals from Washoe, are econring the fields for a mile around, endeavoring to gather some remains that would secure the identification of the victims. . - Tbe tremendous force of the explosion can be observed on all sides. Tbe nitrO' glycerine house was built on the side ot a bill, which is 300 yards north of the railroad station. . Great trees near by were twisted and torn as if by lightning In all directions, tbe terrible violence of the explosion is manifested. All over the surrounding fields are scattered in ghastly confusion bits of human remains, telling the horrible story of the disaster Men in all directions are searching, only to find particles of bodies too small for any purpose. Large sacks have' been used to gather and bold tbe remains, which are being slowly collected. It seems impossible to seen re "more than enough to identify'two bodies. . At tne Armory Hall. When Baby was sick, -we gave her Caatorsa. When she was a Child, she cried for Costoria, When she became Hiss, she clung to Castortn. When ana had Chflriran, ahe gave them OnsUwftL Our patrons will find De Witt's Little Early Risers a safe and reliable remedy for constipation, dyspepsia and liver complaints. bnipes-KInersly Drug Co . The best is always cheapest. Herrin makes the best cabinet photographs . for only $z.bo per dozen. Chapman block p stairs. aZ0-tf, Shelby and Mrs. S. E. Flood.'" One of General Lane's sons, Nat, is dead ; tbe others, Joseph, - Simon, John and Lafayette, are living in Southern Oregon. PERSONAL MENTION. Hon. W. R'. Ellis went down vesterday morning on the Regulator to be present at the examination of applicants for ap pointment to tbe cadetsbip in tbe naval school at Annapolis. DIKD. At bis home near ' Mosier, Tuesday afternoon, May 21st, at 5 o'clock, William C. McUlnre, aged 78 years. . : Mr. McClure came to Oregon in 1852 and bas been an honored resident of Wasco county for many years. . He bas been in poor health for a long time and his passing away was not unexpected. Tbe fnneral will take place at Moeier to morrow.'"" Real Kstate Transactions. United States to Oliver M. Bourland nwj sec 18, 1 2 a of r 14 e; patent tim ber culture. United States to Oliver M. Bourland, bw, same section as above; patent purchase act. United States to Oliver M. Bourland, se4 nw nej sw and w sej sec 7 t 2 s of r 14 e ; . homestead patent. David D. Haddleman to Oliver M, Bourland sw neH, w sej, and se se, sec 13, t 2 s, of r 14 e; f 500. Caleb Brooks to Roland G. Brooks, 94 acres in sec 32, 1 1 n of r 13 e ; $1 and love and affection. ' ' -V "William P. Snooks and wife to, Geo. H. Hill trustee, 72 acres eec 18, 1 1 n of r 13 e, with strip reserved ; $1. School Program. The following program will be ren dered at the opera house, Friday even ing, on tbe occasion of the closing exer cises of the high school : Music "Hark I Apollo Strikes the Lyre" . . BUhop Ioub e Ouartet. Essay The Pst and the Present.. . . .Nona Rowe Kecuatlon "V tiltman Klae... Jennie Russell Solo -"Pretty Bii ds" : Gumbert Oration The Future of America. Homer Aagell Recitation "Too Late for the Train". .. ..... .Mabel Rlddell Music. Mandolin and Guitar Club Essay Silent Forces of Nature Mny Sechler Kecitatlon "Magdaieua; or the Spanish Duel" Bessie French Music -'To Thee, O Country",. j-.EichberQ uouDie iuanec Oration Monuments Imnerlshablc Pearle Butler Music "Gently Sighs the Breeze" Glover Quartet. ; , Esoslon of Four Sisters. Portland Oregonian: ' On 'Tuesday last a reunion of the 'four daughters of General Joseph Lane took place in this city. Mrs. Mellisa Barlow, one of tbe ladies, happened to be in - the city on her way from Spokane to visit ber son at Gold Hill. It was the anniversary of her birthday, and also the forty-second anniversary of the arrival : of ; General Lane in this state with his five sons and four daughters. - At tbe -residence of ber sister, Mrs. Winnifred Moeher, Mrs, Barlow met ber two other , sisters, Mrs, Excursion to SCROFULA 12 YEARS Always Sore. Face Burned Like Fire. Ashamed to be Seen. Four ' Doctors but Little Benefit. Cured by CUT1CURA. For about ten or twelve year I hare been troubled with scrofula. - My head was always sore, my face was dry and scaly, and burned like body had big red spots on it, and I did not know what to do. I went to four different doctors and they helped me at first. In the fall I got worse apain; then I tried other remedies, but they did me no good. I was ashamed to go into public. I was a sight to look at. Every one would say, " What is the mat ter, why don't you take some thing" Even at mv dallv labor I had to wear a sort of cap to keep the dirt irora getting into we sores. Alter x wouia wash, I would be covered with big red pimples all over mv neck and face. Bomo two or three people advised me to try the Cuttot,-ha Rkms- dies. 1 aia try tnem, arm am giaa i nave aono so. Uiaa to suy 1 am a well man, and in the best of health since. -1 cannot praise the Cc-ricu&a "'""'i i too hlphlv. I enclose my portrait. .LEWIS v. uatos. Larks villo, t'a. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS Cutk.'UBA KESOivnvr, 1 he new Blood and Pkin Purifier, internally Ito cleanse- the blood of all impurities and po?anns elements), atid Cuti cuba, the great skiu cure, with CimcoHA Soap, an exquisite Skin Purifier and Beaulifier, ex ternally (to clear the skin and scalp and restore the hair), cure every disease and humor of the skin, scalp, and blood, with loss of hair, from infancy to ap;e, from pimples to scrofula, when the best physicians and ail other remedies falL Cascade Locks, SUNDAY, MAY 26, On Steamer EGULtflTOr, -GIVEN BY- THE DALLES ORCHESTRA UNION Steamer will leave The Dalles at 8 a. m, and arrive at Cascades at 10:30 a. m. Returning leave Cascades at 4 p. m.- The following programme has been arranged: 12 m. Boys' Race. 12 :30 p. m. Girls' Race. 1 p. m. Fat Men's Race. 1 :30 p. m. Sack Rack. 2 to 3 Dancing. $20.00 m .Prizes will be iJistributed. Tickets can be procured at the principal business houses and from members of the Orchestra Union. JOS. T. PETERS & CO., -dealers in- Bold throughout the world. Price, CnncroA, bOc.; Hoap, 26c.; Eksolvknt. $1. Pottsb 1euo amu Cum. Corp., Kolu Props., Boston, , 3r"IIow to Cure Skin Diseases," mailed free. PLTCS, blackheads, red, rough, chapped, and il oily stun cured Dy cuticuua boap. RHEUMATIC PAINS CURED Tnonflsilnstn Ibe CnHcnrs'Antl. Palu I'lasirr relieves rheumatic, sci atic, hip, kidney, chest, and muscular pains and weaknesses. Price, 25c The AMERICAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. 125 Milk St, Boston, Mass ' This company owns Letters Patent No. 463,569, granted to Emile Berliner November 17, 1891, for a combined tele graph and telephone, and controls Let ters Patent No. 474,231, granted to Thos. A. Edison May 3, 1892, for speaking telegraph, which Patents cover funda mental inventions and embrace all forma of microphone -transmitters and of car bon telephones - jan2 BUILDING MATERIALS -AND- fcadPS Toleiiliono 3Jo. 28. Keep Your Eye on: Rambler and Waverley Bicycles. - - , Indiana pM8, Ind., April 27, 1S95. - jniiOOAo.giUA x o a. vjiu n r., Alio ahiics, ur. . . , Gemtlkmkn : We have -yonr telegram of tbe 25th inst., and take pleasure in entering yonr order for wheels. - - We are quite confident of the fact that vou will be thoroosrhlv eatiphed with the "Waverley." as it is hiirh erade ma chine in every sense of the word, and you can ' (ruarantee to yonr customers that it is tbe equal of any machine manufactured. We make no exceptions at all, and are prepared to prove at any time that there is not a. better bicycle in the market. ' - - Yours very trnly, . ' - INDIANA BICYCLE COMPANY. W Beat and Repair Bleyaica. Wheels from 5 SIOO. MAYS & CROWE.