Tnz Dalles Daily Chironiete. . 8CBSCRIFT10N KATES. T KAIL, rOSTAH fUrilB, IX iDTiKCI. Wsskly, 1 yemr. . , 4 months.. ".. ttaH,1 year months..... ...I 1 60 ... 0 75 ... 0 ... 6 00 ... $00 ... 0 GO Address all communication to TEX CHRON tCXK." The Dalles, Oregon. TUESDAY MAY, 21 1895 "COUPS" DOCTRINE OF MONEY. The author of the Chicago free-silver extravaganza, entitled "Coin's Financial School," is evidently a disciple of the Barn am philosophy that the world loves 4 be humbugged. That canons hodge podge of facts that are not so, and theo ries that could not be sustained even if they were so, appeals to jast about that level of intelligence to which the salve peddler of Barnum's story appealed with such profitable results. "If a dog's tail is cnt off," said the peddler, "and a little of this salve is applied to -the stamp, a new tail will quickly grow in place of the old one, and, by applying enough of it to the severed tail, a new doc will grow oat of that also." The peddler retired from business in a short time with a fortune. '. "Coin" deals with currency instead of dogs, and his miraculous salve is the free, independent and unlimited coinage of silver by the United States against the world in general, aDd what be is pleased to call "the English octopus" in particular. The virtues of this salve, if we will only apply it with full faith and courage, are set forth with wonderful Assurance and fluency. It will make the payment of all our debts twice as easy. At the same time it will double the price of all that we have to sell to Xngland, France and the rest of the gold-using nations. It will make the United States "the most prosperous na tion on the globe," and, as for England, we are assured that it will "blot her same oat from the nations of the earth1 if she makes any fuss over it. Consider ing that England is by far the largest and beat customer for the bulk of oar exports, it is not quite clear how we are to become "the most prosperous nation en the globe" by sponging England off the map... Nevertheless, "Coin" is quite positive that his free-silver salve will easily accomplish both things, and, somehow or other, bring wealth to the pockets of American producers by de stroying their markets and raining their customers. The light and airy assumption that underlies this whole superstructure of -silliness is that if the United States mints would only coin all the silver that can be brought to them at a ratio of 16 ' to 1, an "unlimited demand" will have heen created for(the white metal by which 50 cents' worth of it will be made as good as $1 in gold all around the -world. As if our government, or any -other government, or all governments acting in concert, could create an "do limited demand" for anything at an ar bitrary, fixed valuation, by the short and simple method of stamping it as , worth so much I There is infinite humor in this idea that the government can call real value into existence by the magic of its mere mandate. The joke is not new, how ever. Nations have had fun with it on manv historic occasions. Jack Cade an ticipated "Coin" on Blackheatb Com mou over five centuries ago, when he addressed his motley following and said "Your captain is brave and vows ref ormation. There shall be in England -seven half-penny loaves sold for penny; the three-hooped pots shall have ten hoops, and I will make it felony to drink small beer." "God save your majesty I" cried his hearers. thank you, good people," eaid Cade ; there shall be no money ; all shall eat and drink on my score.' "Coin is sim ply Jack Cade revieed up to date. He will make sixteen ounces of silver equal to thirty-two ounces at Amencon mints, and all the world shall accept .it at bis : valuation or "there shall be no money, sad then we shall all "eat and drink on his score." Two pecks of wheat shall "be a bushel in Liverpool, or we will keep and eat our wheat ourselves and let Eng land howl with hunger. The people who have loaned as money, whether -foreigners or natives, shall accept silver at ur valuation or get nothing. Ttiere is no difference between suet incoherent idiocy as this and the famous financial lunacy of John Law, the crazy experiment of revolutionary France with ner assignats, or the wild delirium of .England in the South eea bubble epi ode. The same delusion that is danc ing in the brains of "Coin", and his financial school for the feeble-minded danced in the brains of the men who gave the world those astonishing exhi bitions of fiat-money madness. They all believed, as "Coin" assures his dupes . that the government bad only to Btamp . something as money, and, presto, it was 'good as gold." Behind the assignats was the fiat of France, backed by the death penalty for refusing to honor them as real money, and yet, as Carlyle tells us, they sunk so low that the hackney coachman in Paris came at last to call for 6,000 livres in assignats (about $1,500) for a fare. The fiat of the English government was behind the South sea speculations, and, as a result, there was a time when, in the words of Macauly, "the South Sea Company were voting dividends of 50 per cent, when 100 of their stock were selling $1100, when Threadneedle street was daily crowded with the coaches of dukes and prelates, when divines and philosopher turned gamblers, when a thousand kindred bubbles were daily blown into existence, the periwig com pany and the Spanish-jackass company and the quick-silver - taxation com pany." And then came the crash. "Ten thousand families' were reduced to beggary in a day," and the duped peo ple demanded that the promoters of all these frauds, based on "Coin's" doc trine, that government fiat can create something out of nothing, should be "tied up in sacks and thrown into Ue Thames." The people of the United States are not to be victimized by any such . hallu cination as the pretended power of their government to declare 50 cents' worth of material to be 100 cents' worth of money, and made all mankind believe it. Barnum may have been right in saying that "the world loves to be hum bugged" when it goes to the circus or deals In dog salve. But the currency of a nation cannot be treated on circus principles, and "Coin's" dog-salve doc trine of money will not be a successful imposture. Baltimore Sun. WASHINUTON LETTER. Fiom our regular correspondent. Washington, May 17, 1895. It is given oat by those connected with the administration that the reason the idea of court-martialing Admiral Meade for his recent criticism of the on-American policy of the administration was abandoned was that Admiral Meade de clined to answer questions as to bis res ponsibility for the newspaper interview in which the criticism appeared and the absence of any law to compel the news paper man who interviewed the admiral to testily before a naval court martial. But that was not the reason at all ; it was merely a pretence. The real reason was the fear of public opinion, which was quick to see that Admiral Meade was goaded into making the remarks which constituted a technical 'violation of the naval regulations, but reflected the sentiments of seven-tenths of the American people, and would have been equally as quick to resent any attempt to punish him by the use of a packed court martial. Admiral Meade has given the country forty years of gallant service, having a record unsurpassed by any living officer of our navy, and the administration will do well to make the reprimand which it proposes to give him as mild as possible. . There is little doubt that the presi dency of 'the Pullman Car company has been tendered to Secretary Greeham. A gentleman whose relations with several directors of . that company are close ex presses the opinion that if Mr. Gresham declines the position it will be offered , to ex-Secretary Robert T. Lincoln. An open rupture between Mr. Cleve land and Vice President Stevenson is in the opinion of many, certain to occur in the near future. All of the news re ceived in Washington points to the prob able capture of the democratic party of Illinois by the silver men, and it is no longer denied in any quarter that the entire silver movement in that state has been from the first in the interest of Mr. Stevenson's candidacy for the democratic presidential nomination, and Mr. Cleve land believes that Mr. Stevenson was the moving spirit in the whole business and does not hesitate when talking with his friends to call him "a traitor .to the ad ministration of which he is part" and other uncomplimentary things. Should the two men meet it is believed that a quarrel is certain. Some people seem determined to drag silver into everything. A proposition has been made to the governor of Del a a. first I can nr. i i nunnery. ; ALSO A FULL LINE OF I a 17 ts pu ri? 15I7 1 17$ (Joods 5Ioaf. "MHPSi TT T? TTTT - tf ' " wviww, ' 112 Second Street ware to appoint a democratic silver man senator to contest the seat to which re publicans claim Col. Dnpont was elected and if the governor agrees an attempt is to be made to get enough pipulist votes to make when combined with the solid vote of the democratic senators a major ity of the senate, and to seat the man appointed by the governor, regardless of the report that will be made .by the com mittee on elections, not because they will believe him entitled to the seat, bat because the man can be counted upon to vote for silver at all times. It is difficult to believe that such a scheme as this can be pat through, and your correspondent is confident that should Gov. Watson give hia consent it will be found that somebody has been trying to dispose of what thev did not control. The senate is controlled by the silver men anyway, and the shrewd silver senators will be quick to see that such a scheme' would be certain to injure the cause of silver with .the public at large, while the vote that would be gained in the senate would not be ot the slightest assistance, The next senator from Delaware will be Col. Dupont, if he lives. C. A. S. GIVE AWAY A Sample Package (4 to 7 doses) f Dr. Pierce's- Pleasant Pellets To any one sending name and address to us on a postal card. ONCE USED THEY ARE ALWAYS IN FAVOR. Hence, our object in sending them out broadcast i- ON ' They absolutely cure Sick Headache, Bil iousness, Constipation, Coated Tongne, Poor Appetite, Dyspepsia and kindred derange ments of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. on't accept some substitute said to be 'just as good." The substitute costs the dealer less. It costs you ABOUT the same. HIS profit is in the "just as-good." WHERE IS YOURS? Address for Free Savfu, World's Dispensary Medical Association, . Afo. 663 Mala SL, BUFFALO, At K Your Wife Knows "Where she can get nice Vegetables. Where to get the nicest Berries. Where nice, fresh Gro ceries are kept. Where she can get them in a hurry if she needs them. Call or Telephone. J. B. CROSSEN, Grocer. Ask Central for 62. TYr. HIlM'TItRTl Pr.ArBRrniin RTTTTTTM A. TISM, WEAK BACKS. At 4ruffUt. only 25c Having secured the services of - class trimmer from the city. assure my patrons perfect sat isfaction as to style and finish. Call and see the large variety of Hats on display in window. - tC! Successor to Anna Peter A Co, THE DALLES fate OUT. The above association is prepared to take a list of all and any kind of Heal instate for sale or exchange,- whereby the seller will have the undi vided assistance of the follow ing Real Estate Agents, or ganized as an association for the purpose of inducing im migration to Wasco and Sher man. Counties, and generally stimulating the sale of prop erty: C. E. Bayard, T. A. Hud son, J. G. Koontz & Co., J. M. Huntington & Co., Dufur & Hill, N. Whealdon, Gibons & Harden, G. W. Rowland. Address anv of the above well known farms, or r. J. M. Huntington, Sec. The Dalles. Oregon. Everything for the Garden we can famish Floral Designs and Bouquets second to none in Eastern Ore' eon at very reasonable prices. . See our assortment of Plants. Button hole Bouquets, and - displav in M. Z. UonneM a Drugstore and Keller's Bak ery. Orders can be left at either of the above places. The Hyacinths are now in full bloom. All are cordially invited to come and see oar assortment ot lowers , and Greenhouse Plants. T3 C33 Snipes-Kinercly Drug Co. Drugs, Paints, Window Glass. 129 Second St., .. THE DALLES, - - OR BEFORE! ccald eet relief from a most horri ble blood disease. I had SDent hundreds & i of dollars TRYING various remedies 2 and physicians, none of which did me any good. My finger nails came off, and my hair came out, leaving me S perfectly bald. 1 then went to HOT SPRETJOS ! treatment, but very soon became ihe effect was truly wonderful. 1 commenced to re- t , unci iunniKC 1 the first bottle, and uy the time 1 had 2 fairs! tumloA KahI.. 1 t -- . ) r " wi3 entirely curea l curJ by S. S, S. when the world-renowned t saw 1113 liau jditea. wm. 5,. LOOMIS. Shreveport. La. Our Book on tho Dlxcue and Its Treatment muliei free lo unv blnrui SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta, Ga. E. JACOBSEN BOOK and ML'SIG CO. THE U1DBK8 I - Pianos and Organs, Books NOTIONS, STATIONERY. Call and eet their ortces. Bell FIANOI on easy monthly paymei.ta, and Is prepared to meet any COHFBIlIIOa. . 162 Second St- THE DALLES, OR. Chlefcmter'a lulu WmmmS ENHYROYAL PILLS Orteiaal mm Onto fraailn irvcgiav tor UlcUMr l ?u iDeus. mint witk Ma ribkaa. Tek Vjf ether. Jtartt rfaanwai mlaum IWMM4MMWM. AiDresctt,eraaea'4e. la auuana Jar vartlaajara. Iiallaiiiaila Bad Relief far TarHra," a lauar, r retara tall- - - - MmM 11 nog CreeniiousG Paper Bring m Your Family. Lome m And see how cheaply Men's Suits, Boys' LACES, WOOLENS, Everything from Hat to Shoes, G. STEPHENS, Closing Out Sale of DRY GOODS CLOTHING, FURNISHING- GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. Past or present values cut no figure, as goods MUST be SOLD The C. P. and P.p., French Woven, Hand-Made, Dr.' Warner's Health, Coraline, French Model and other makes of Corsets will be closed out and be convinced. You will J. P. DOCTORS' PRESCRIPTIONS Correctly compounded with the ut most care from drugs of guaranteed parity by a capable staff of experienced dispensers. AH the latest Pharmaceutical Preparations kept in stock. Prices will be found as low as is consistent with the supply of first-class drags. Rpotheeairy and Chemist. DEUTSCHE flPOTHEIe. T.uphon. is Hi There ! r j i Largest Assortment in the ROBERT E. Bine Front Store, GEORGE RUCH, PIONEER GROCER, Successor to Cbrismsn fc Corsoa. mm FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old Btand. I would be pleased to see all my formet patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. . RUPERT & GABEL, Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, TENTS and WAGON COVERS,' ' . '" . . ' -r And all Articles Kept In a First Class Harness Shop. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DO SE. Yourself we can dress all of you. Suits, Silks, Satins, COTTONS, LINENS, for everyone. All new stock. LESS than COST. at extremely low prices. Call be surprised at our low prices. McINERNY. Men's Straw Hats, Boys' Straw Hats, Misses' Straw Hats, Ladies' Straw Hats. City. WILLIAMS, Opposite Diamond Mills . Adjoining E. Jv Collins i & Co.' Store,