The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 17, 1895, Image 3

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Saturday, fay 18th;
Just for the Fun of It.
Men's Straw Hats.
We have an immense stock of these goods, just received from the
manufacturers, every one of them this season's styles. You can buy
them at one-half of what they are marked.
See Our Center Window.
Royal Worcester Corsets.
We will close out our entire line of these goods at
jqst think of it. 25 Cents per Pair.
See us before
We carry a Complete Line of
Fishing Tackle,
Stoves and Steel Ranges,
Wire Cloth,
Wire Poultry Netting,
Sewer Pipe,
Iron Water Pipe,
Garden Tools,
Sheep Shears,
Barrell Churns, v .-
Rubber and Cotton Wrap
ped Garden Hose,
Groceries and Provisions,
Oak Fir and Maple Cord
wood and General supplies,
Can You Buy Groceries
Cheaper than This?
-. .
Two ounceB of good Ping Cut Tobacco for 5c, and a Missouri Meerchaum with
every eight packages. .
Lemons at 20c a dozen; usual prfce, 35c.
Sixteen pounds San Francisco Granulated Sugar for $1.00.
Seventeen pounds Hong Kong Granulated Sugar for $1.00.
Three dozen Eggs for 25c; guaranteed fresh.
All stock of fresh and popular brands. " Goods delivered free to any part of
the city. You are cordially invited to call and inspect stock and prices.
Southeast Cor. Union and Second Sts. Telephone No! 92.
Great Shirt Sale
Commencing Toeiday and continuing entire week.
e6 and Be Convinced. Ce
The Tygn Ti
lye Creamery
Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it.
Every Square is Fall Weight.
A. A. B.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
ntered a
the Pomufflce at The Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
10 Canu per line for Drat Insertion, and 6 Cent
per Une for each subsequent Insertion.
8peclal rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 8 o'clock
will appear the following day.
MAY, 17 1895
Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle
Reporters. .
Complete assortment of bee supplies
received at E. J. Collins & Co.
Mr. B. Mays and family arrived from
Wallowa this morning and are visiting
relatives here.
Remember the entertainment and
social tonieht at the M. E. church. ' Ad
mission 10 cents.
McClure's Magazine for June will con-,
tain excellent short stories by Rudyard
Kipling:, Robert Barr and Stanley J.
Sheriff Coombs of Cook came in yes
terday bringing a prisoner who was sen
tenced at the recent term of court there,
to one year in the pen, having been con
victed of larcenv.
control. It started from the donkey en
gine, live coals in some way dropping
through the upper deck and starting the
fire. -
This morning Mr. Hanna coming in
from Chenowith creek discovered that
someone had scattered saltpeter along
the road, with the evident intention of
destroying such sheep as should be
driven over it. The saltpeter was
in unusually large pieces, and Mr.
Hanna picked up about two pounds of it.
A little inquiry developed the fact that a
certain person living down that way had
purchased four pounds of saltpeter yes
terday, and there does not seem to be
any doubt, owing to the remarkable size
of the crystals, but that the pieces picked
up by Mr. Hanna were a portion of that
The Attachment TSaX Legal.
Judge Bennett started from Prineville
the other day, bound for home. Behind
his buggy he bad a noble horse of the
cayuse breed, a fiery, snorting, untamed
steed with a mane like a Sioux warrior
and a tail like a pirate's banner; a true
creature of the bunchgrass iiills with
graceful limbs, supple and muscular
body and an inborn sense of freedom
that well became his long American
pedigree. He led all" right for awhile,
but the rope around his neck was to him
Mr. Ad Edsar received a letter from aX Wh lh ina nnHortnnt tr. n.i th
friend at Umatilla yesterday, stating that fae,d hJm f purpose of
u-mon otner m intra tnat oinsu norees nauu
Pany it!
osb of U,
been sold by parties there to a company
organized in Seattle for the purpose
canning horse flesh.
An account of life and work in the
largest powder mills in the world, the
da Pont works at Wilmington. Delaware,
with the story of historic explosions and
with pictures covering all the points of
interest, will appear in McClure's Maga
zine for June.
Mr. O. A. Bowen, state treasurer of
Washington, and Mr. J as. Crawford,
state fish commissioner, arrived hereon
the afternoon train, and will examine
some springs belonging to the Winans
Bros., near the rapids on the Washing
ton side, with a view of putting op a
salmon hatchery, as provided for by an
act of the last legislature.
Do not forget that the Payton Comedy
Company will give a matinee tomorrow
afternoon, at which "East Lynne" will
be presented. Admission to all parts of )
the house 20 cents ; children 10 cents,
and each ot the little fellows gets a bag
of candy. All those who have attended
any of the Pavton Co.'s plays will bear
as out in the assertion that the com
pany is an excellent one, and it is hoped
The Dalles will show its appreciation by
giving the company a rousing house.
Yesterday while the Regulator was
lying at the dock at the Cascades, a fire
broke out in the hold of the scow need
by the Day Bros, for banling stone. The
Regulator gave the alarm and at once
steamed over to the scow and began
pumping water into her, and in a few
minutes the fire brigade organized by
the Day Bros, was on hand with their
backets, and the fire was soon under
giving htm a drink, he rose up and smote
the judge a mifhty smite on the cheek
nd with his tail in the air spurned the
igh spots in the prairie with disdainful
feet, as he pushed the world around be
hind him on his way back to his native
hills. The judge demurred, but bis de
murrer was overruled, and owing to the
horse refusing to accept service, the case
was continued for the term. Had Jndge
Bennett understood cayuses as well as he
does law, he would have had tbe horse
canned before undertaking to bring
bini in.
At the Opera Bouse.
"Joshua . Whitcomb" was on . the
stage at the opera house last .in tbe per
son of Senter Payton. This troupe, in
stead of giving us the best first, has put
on a better play, with better acting.
every night. The characters last night
were all well taken, and the large audi
ence showed its appreciation by hearty
applause. The specialties of Lucy and
Vina Payton were encored every time,
ana tneir character song, illustrating a
quarrel between two school girls, was as
neat a bit of acting as we have seen in a
long time. They are both graceful
dancers, and have so. won on the audi
ence tnat their appearance is greeted
with a round of applause.
The play tonight will be ''Kathleen
Mavourneen, the old-time favorite,
followed by tbe laughable farce "Dodg
ing for a Husband."
Tbe best is always cheapest. Herri n
makes the best cabinet photographs for
only $2.50 per dozen. Chapman block,
op stairs, u . azu-u,
rZt'atlaeh and ttml0ia cured by Dr.
Schedule of Expenditures
Showing the amounts of all claims
presented; the names of all claimants,
the article or claim for which payment
is made, the amounts allowed and the
claims continued or rejected at the
May term, '95, of the county court for
Wasco county, Oregon. The following
ist, however, does not contain any
claim for which the salarv or fees are
provided by statute :
I C Nickelsen, stationary. $
w ard, rkerne & itoDinson, use of
Gunninz & Hockman, repairing
toois aistrict zo : . .
Dr J Sutherland, services Smith
Jacobsen Book & Music Co, eta- .
T T Nicholas, board and lodging
pauper . ; ; 10 50
H Glenn, material and labor . 3 15
OT&TCo, rent telephone 8 00
Chronicle Pub Co, publishing re
ports county officers ' . 33 00
Dr G C Eshelman, attendance
Davenport, $10 5 00
Ward & Sons, bridge lumber 291 88
T J Driver, board prisoners, tele
graph and stamps, $16.24.. . . 180 71
Davenport Lumber Co, lumber '
district No 4 .... .. . . .. .17 10
Blakeley & Houghton, medicine 6 35
Blakeley & Houghton, prescrip
tion paupers 9 30
dinger & Bone, tools for county
road 3 00
J H Cross, supplies Mrs Patton. . 3 50
J H Cross, supplies Mrs Davids. 5 00
uruu Doane, Died attendance
Mrs Wilson
P A Kirch heimer. bridtze lumber
Pease & Mays, supplies Mrs Pat
ton J M Huntington, part payment
present ownership Dooks 1UUU 00
Geo D Barnard & Co. stationery '
county omcers 47
Mas ton & Dygart, canvas covering
commissioner's jonrnal .1 . .. 1
ineirwin Hudson Uo, supplies
clerk's office 3
Times-Mountaineer, assessment
blanks ... 15
01inger& Bone, road plow and
wneei . 2(j 50
A b Blowers k Co, supplies pau
pers 6 40
Glass & Prudhnmme, supplies
clerk's office. 131.95. 28 95
Mavs & Crowe, supplies. . 27 05
A M WillKms & Co, supplies ... 5 00
W A Kirby, supplies Mrs Patton . 3 95
Chronicle Pub Co, supplies sheriff 24 00
C..risman& Corson, supplies pau
per. - 2 50
O T.& T Co, nse of telephone. ... 2 25
ti rJ uaftTjpbell, supplies ...... . . 1 45
Ward, Kerns & RoberUon, use of -'
team ... . v. 3 00
Menton & Dysrart. delinquent ta
roll..: .-r-. 16 00
Dr Logan, prof services O F
Jones. $18 15 00
ulass & Prudhumme, supplies
BherifTsofilce 2 10
Mas ton & Dygart, file boxes 16 00
Dufur s Menefee. costs on appeal
State vs Savage 50 00
31 m uushing, cost of Campbell,
$73 27.. 69 27
J W W bite, rubber stamp, $2... 1 60
E Jacobsen & Co, supplies 3 00
K B Hood, express services, $2.75 2 25
Dalles City Water Works, water.
Meston & Dygart. judgment file
boxes 21 28
Davenport & Co, lumber. ' 28 87
Johnston Bros, supplies 82 25
Dalles Lumber Co, wood Mrs
Dalles Lumber Co, lumber dis 6.
Mays & Crowe, tools
M V Harrison, 2 days services tax
6 00
66 06
5 00
3 00
12 0)1
4 25
collector .... 10 00
Glaos & Prndhomme, sup sheriffs
office 67 40
Ed Martin, experting tax roll . . . 134 75
Dr F C Brosius, med attendance
Brown 12 00
E W Helm & Co, med Vnper. . . 9 90
Dr J Sutherland, med attendance
Davenport 60 00
Dr J H Swain, med attendance. . 67 50
State of Obegon, )
County of Wasco)
I, A. M. Kelsay, county clerk of
Wasco county, state of Oregon, do
hereby certify that the above and fore
going is a full and complete statement
of the claims presented and action taken
thereon by the county court of Wasco
county, Oregon, sitting for the trans
action of county business at the May
term, 1895, thereof, save and except all
claims, the salary or fees of which, are
provided for by statute.
Witness my band and seal of the
county' court, affixed this 17th day of
May, 1895.
Seal A. M. Kelsay,
By Simeon Bolton, County Clerk.-
Mostly Koad Itualnesa.
The following business was transacted
by the commissioners at the May term
besides that of acting upon claims :
In the matter of the county road peti
tioned for by J. E. Feak and others, road
declared a county road.
In the matter of the county road peti
tioned tor by F. H. Stanton and others,
read twice and continued.
Petition of 8. W. Patterson to sell
liquors at Antelope, license granted.
License was also granted to J. D. Turn y
to sell liquors in Antelope.
Petition of R. R. Hinton and others
for county road, Wm. Lander, L. Scbade
witz and Geo. Borate! appointed viewers,
Sharp surveyor.
Petition of H. W. Knowles and others
for road, Joa. Patterson, M. Kennedy
and Jaa. Woodcock viewers, Sharp surveyor.
Petition of D. E. Hurst and others,
petition granted and road declared a
county road.
Petition of E. Both well and others,
petition granted and road declared
connty road.
Petition of Wm, Brookhouse and
others, viewers appointed and Sharp
Petition of Alex. Strachan and others,
W. H. Williams, W. J. Davidson and
John Darneille viewers, Sharp surveyor.
License was granted C. V. Lane to
sell liquors in Antelope.
Petition ot John Monroe and others,
petition granted, road ' declared public
Court adjourned until Saturday, May
25th. -
The Calvary Baptist church will give
a strawberry and ice cream festival at
tbe old Dunham drugstore, in Union
block, this evening. Ice cream and
cake 15 cents, and with strawberries, 25
cents. Open from 7 :30 to 12 o'clock.
TV mated.
A girl to do housework, apply at
Wasoo warehouse.
Tolepliono 3J". SB.
Apothecary and Chemist.
Correctly compounded with the utmost care from drugs of guaranteed
purity by a capable staff of experienced dispensers. All the latest
Pharmaceutical Preparations kept in stock. Prices will be found as
low as is consistent with the supply of first-class drugs.
Deutsche flpottieke.
Telephone Jo. 15.
Keep Your- Eye on.
Rambler and Waverley Bicycles.
Indianapolis, Ind.. April 27, 1895.
MESSRS." MAYS & CROWE, The Dalles, Or.
Gentlemen : We have your telegram of the 25th inet., and take pleasure in
entering your order for wheels. We are quite confident of the fact that
vou will be thoroughly satisfied with the Waverley," as it is a high grade ma
chinein every senee of the word, and you can guarantee to your customers that it
in the equal of any machine manufactured. We make no exceptions at all, and
are prepared to prove at any time that there is not a better bicycle. in tbe market.
, Yours very truly,
We Rent and Repair Bicycles.
Wheels from S4fi to SIOO.
Successor to Cbrlsman A Corson.) '
tr m run imr nr
Again, in business at the old stand. I would b pleased to
see all lay formet patrons. Free deliveryto any part of town.
juju&a rain iriijtM. tjuc cent a aoee."