The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 16, 1895, Image 3

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    All the talking and advertising on earth won't sell our Clothing unless it
is right in price, quality and style. Now, we devoted a great deal of time to the
selection of this part of our stock, and we are willing to risk our reputation for
veracity upon the proposition that our Clothing is all that anyone will ask for.
(5 Suppose you confer a favor on us, when you have a little leisure time, by
dropping into our store and trying on a suit or two. Then we want you to ex-
, amine the cloth, the linings, the workmanship, the fit, the pricein fact every
thing about the Suit and convince yourself.
&3 50 s not a arSe sum ' still it is large enough to buya Man's Suit'
" of Clothes from" us. Sizes 35 to 40.-
$5.00 Gives you an opportunity of making your selection from sev-
eral lines of goods. .
$7.50 Enables you to choose a handsome Summer Suit from our stock.
Light, tasty patterns and well "made. These Suits ha ve the style
and fit of those sold for twice the money.
$8 00 Buys an All-Wool Suit.- Good,, serviceable Greys, Small Checks,
and Dark Mixtures.
$9 50 s tne Prce attached to our Suits made of Oregon Cassimeres. All-
Wool and the best goods for wear and service.
Can We Suit You?.
See us before
you buy.
We carry a Complete Line of
Fishing Tackle, .
Stoves and Steel Ranges,
Wire Cloth,
Wire Poultry Netting, '
Se-wer Pip?,
Iron Water Pipe,
Garden Tools,
Sheep Shears,
Barrel! Chums,
Rubber and Cotton Wrap
ped Garden Hose,
Groceries and Provisions,
Oak Fir and Maple Cord
wood and General supplies,
Can You Buy Groceries ,
Cheaper than This? ';
Two onnc-9 of good Ping Cat Tobacco for 5c, and a Missouri Meerchanm with
every eight packages.
Lemons at 20c a dozen ; usual price, 35c. .
Sixteen pounds San Francisco Granulated Sugar for $1.00.
Seventeen pounds Hong Kong Granolated Sugar for $1.00.
Three dozen Eggs for 25c; guaranteed fresh.
All stock of fresh and popular brands. Goods delivered free to any part of
the city. You are cordially invited to call and inspect stock and prices.
Southeast Cor. Union and Second Sts. Telephone No. 92.
Great Shirt Sale
Commencing Tuesday and continuing entire week.
and Be Convinced.
The Tych Vml- Q I I I I Q"
lye Cr.m.iy J 11
Ask Vanbibher & Worsley for it.
Every Square is Poll Weight.
A. A. B.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
ntered a the PonUittlce at The Dallea, Oregon
as secoud-clasa matter.
10 Ccum ya line for Drat Insertion, and 6 Cent
per line for each subsequent insertion.
8pecial rates for long time notices.
AU fcjcal notices received later than S o'clock
will appear the following day.
MAY, 16 1895
Lti From the Notebook of Chronicle
Two carloads of bogs were sent to
Troutdale yesterday, and two carloads of
beep will be sent below tonight.
A. M. Williams & Co. will bave a
special sale of capes Saturday. Look
out for prices in tomorrow's paper.
Tbe market is getting quite plenti
fully supplied with strawberries, but
the price is still too high for common
folks and printers.
The pastor requests every member of
the M. E. church to be at prayer meet
in tonight. He has a very important
measure to present to theru at the close
of the prayer service.
Pease & Mays will . have a special sale
Saturday, men's straw hats at half price,
Royal Worcester corsets at 25 cents per
pair. Just think of it, and then act
upon it.
The Epworth League will give an ice
cream social tomorrow (Friday) evening,
iq the lecture room of the M. E. church.
Everybody invited. .-Admission, includ
ing refreshments, only 10 cents.
The Aid Society of the Congregational
church will give an apron Bale and socia
ble at the home of Mrs.Wilson, on
Union street, Friday evening at 8
o'clock. An art gallery will be on exhi
bition containing treasures of interest to
those who value the things of olden
time. Admission, 25 cents.
By special and urgent request the Or
chestra Union will give another excur
sion to the Cascade Locks one week from
Sunday, r on the 26th. An interesting
program will be arranged for the occa
sion. Full particulars will be given
Thirty-five cases of salmon were put
up by Herrick- yesterday, and another
run will be made tomorrow. Reports
from Aetoria indicate a considerable im
provement in the run of . fish, and old
fishermen say tbe fish are fully a month'
earlier than usual. . . '
Either tomorrow evening or Saturday
it is intended that the Orchestra Union
will play with tbe Senter Payton
orchestra. As they are both fine bands
tbe music alone would be well worth
the price of admission. - Tbe music
furnished is first class and with our own
orchestra would be well worth going to
Senter Payton is. certainly immense.
As the lightning rod agent last night, he
scored another victory and, sent' "the
audience home delighted with the even
ing's entertainment. The support last
night was exceptionally, good. If you
don't see this troupe you will miss a
whole lot offlfun. - The play tonight is
Joshua Whitcomb," an old farmer
who comes to town to sell his "punkins"
and whose eccentricities will furnish
laugh enough to supply as many persons
as the hall will hold. Misses Lucy and
Vina Payton will appear in their attrac
tive specialties. The prices of admission
are right with the times, being 35 cents
for general admiosion. reserved seats oO
cents, children 25 cents.
Forbidden to Pasture It.
The Currant Creek Road.
Srme time since The Chronicle pub-
list ed a statement that there was noth
ing in the law under which thn Cascade
reservation was created that prevented
the pasturing of stock on the reserva
tion. The matter has again come up
under the ruling of the commissioner.
who takes a different view of tbe mat
ter. Recently application was made to
Hon. W. R. Ellis for information on the
subject, and he forwarded this letter to
the commissioner, getting the following
in reply :
Washington, D. C, Mar. 1, 1895.
Hon. W. H. Ellis, House of Representa
tives, Washington, JJ. V.:
Sib: I am in receipt, by reference
from the department, of your letter of
the 25ih ultimo, inquiring whether the
regulations of the department will per
mit the pasturing of sheep in the Cas
cade range forest reserve in Oregon.
In reply I have to advise you that the
herding of sheep is prohibited, it being
considered that they are especially in
jurious to the herbage and undergrowth.
I enclose a copy of the forest reserve
poster of April 14, 1894, prescribing reg
ulations for the reservations. "
Very Respectfully, - a
Edw. A. Bowers, Asst. Com.
It will be seen from this that jf the
ruling of the commissioner is to stand,
tbe sheep industry of Eastern Oregon
will get a blacker eye than the re
moval of the tariff gave it. , There is a
provision in the law that the secretaay
of the interior may prescribe such regu
lations as may be necessary for tbe care
and preservation of government reser
vations. We feel certain that could the
nature and character of the mountains
be shown to the secretary, be would
withdraw the prohibition and allow
sheep to be pastured thereon.
' We would suggest that every c immun
ity get up a petition to the secretary
showing the character of the reservation,
and that cattle and sheep do not injure
it. If this is properly done, we believe
it would be successful.
An attempt was made yesterday to get
Commissioner Blowers up from Hood
River, for the purpose of holding a
special meeting of the commissioners'
court, but owing to matters over which
he had no control he could not come.
The. object was to consider the matter
of granting aid to the Currant creek
road. Some time ago, the sum of about
$1400 was raised by subscription in The
Dalles and Antelope,' for the purpose of
making this road, and at the time it was
thought the sum would complete it.
Since work was begun' on it, it lias been
found that there is a great deal more
rock work than was 'anticipated,' and
consequently the expense is largely in
The money raised has all been ex
pended and now the county will be
asked to contribute towards tbe comple
tion of the work. . That section of the
county pay s large sums in taxes, and has
never had much of anything in the shape
of local improvements. It has never
asked for them until now, and its re
quests should be granted. It would .be
of immense benefit to that section and
certainly to the citizens of The Dalles.
The completion of the road wou'd send
all tbe traffic from Mitchell, Waldron
and the Upper John Day to The Dalles,
and would tend to keep that section in
this county. Unless they can have
better roads to the county seat, they
will be compelled to cut loose from
Wasco and organize a county of their
own, and no one could blame them for
doing so.
We understand a special meeting of
the commissioners' court will be held in
a day . or so to consider the matter, and
while in common with all other tax
payers we do not like to see the county
money expended, yet there are things
that are absolute necessaries and the
Currant creek road is one of them. Self
interest as well as justice to those people
who are cut off from the county seat by
impassable barriers demands it. As. it
$1400 of good money has been expended
and unless tbe road is completed, is lost
utterly. Good business management
would compel the completion of the road
to save the money already invested
We hope the commissioners will take
this view of the matter, and push the
road to a speedy completion.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Oastorlaw .
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. -When
she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
TTanin nnn lis1 flillrlpin slinjii in I In in Till nils.
The best is always cheapest. Herrin
makes the best cabinet photographs for
only $2.50 per dozen. Chapman block.
op stairs. aU-tl.
Likes the Truth.
Miss Gwilt of Portland is visiting Mrs.
Mrs. Ralph Moody is a guest of rela
tives in the city.
Dr. J. Sutherland was a passenger on
the Regulator this morning.
Mr. F. S. Hamilton, a prominent
sheepman of Antelope, is in the city.
Mrs. W. L. Bradshaw returned from
Portland last night, where she has been
visiting her father.
Mr. M. R. Biggs, the Prineville attor
ney, arrived in town last night, and
went to .Portland this morning. ;
Judee Bradshaw, Prosecuting Attor
ney Jayne and Judge Bennett arrived
borne from Prineville last night.
Miss Ethel Grubbe, who has been a
guest at the home of Mr. S. French for
the past month, returned to Portland
today. . .
Mrs. A. Gray, Mrs. S. L. Brooks and
Miss Mary Fisher went down on the
boat this morning and spent the day at
Hood Kiver. .
County Clerk Hodges of Crook county
passed through last night on his way to
Salem to attend tbe grand lodge of Odd
Fellows, now in session there.
. The Cavalry Baptist church will give
a strawberry and ice cream festival at
the old Dunham drugstore, in Union
block, this evening. Ice cream and
cake 15 cents, and with strawberries, 25
cents. Open from 7 :30 to 12 o'clock.
A girl to do housework, apply at
Wasco warehouse. -
The Eugene Register, being an ardent
stickler for the unadulterated truth,
thus chides Editor Ira A. Campbell of
the Eugene Guard:
"In ye8terdav'a Guard the affable
editor of that paper, who is now doing
the EaBt, has an entertaining letter,
written while be was in' Omaba, in
which be proves himself a very interest
ing writer. Among other items of news
that the editor writes is that be baa
taken a batL that' it just as soon as
a man gets away from borne be is sure
to write back most anything to 'stuff'
his pid friends." ;
ail pain ban'Uhea by Dr. MIW Fata Fllta
. Where she can get nice
Where to get the nicest
Where nice, fresh Gro
ceries are kept.
Where she can get them
in a hurry if she
needs them.
Call or Telephone.
Telephone 2NTo. SO
jvr. z. DoELiii, ;
flpotheeary and Chemist.
Physicians Pesciptios
Correctly compounded with the utmost care from drugs of guaranteed
purity by a capable staff of experienced dispensers. All the latest
Pharmaceutical Preparations kept in ptock. Prices will be found as
Irknr An ia Artnaiatant. sit.h tha fttinnlv nf firaat..flaaa m era
r r-j o .
Deutsche Apotheke.
Telephone fio. 15.
Keep Your Eye on.
Rambler and Waverley Bicycles,
V - Grocer.
Ask Central 'for 62.
....... , Indianapolis, Ind.,-April 27, 1895
AI.E.SSK9. iiAis oc y. xifj yy n,, a ne u aues, ur.
Gentlemen : We have your telegram of the 25th inst.', and take pleasure in
entering your order for wheels. We are quite confident of the fact that
you will be thoroughly satisfied with the Waverley,". as it is a r.ijih grade ma
chine in every sense of the word, and yon can guarantee to your customers that it
is the equal of any machine manufactured. We make no exceptions at all, and
are prepared to prove at any time that there is not a better bicycle in the market.
.. . Yours very trnlvj - .
We Kent and Repair Bicycles.
VTheoli from 4S to SIOO.
8uccesor to CnriamanA Corson.)
Again in business at the old stand.. I would be pleased to:
see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part ol town. .