CM All the talking and advertising on earth won t . sell our Olothing unless it is right in price, quality and style. . NfSw, we. devoted a great deal of .time to the selection of this part of our stock, and we are willing, to risk our reputation for veracit7 upon the proposition that our (Clothing is all that anyone will, ask for. Suppose you confer a favor on us, when you have a little leisure time, by dropping into our store and trying on a suit or two. Then we want you to ex amine the cloth, the linings, the workmanship, the fit, the price in fact every thing about the Suit and convince yourself: $53 50 s not a arSe sum5 stiH is large enough to buy a Man's Suit 00 ives you an opportunity of . making your selection from sev--11 eral lines of goods. ' ' $7.50 Enables you to choose a handsome Summer Suit from,, our stock. Light, tasty patterns and well made. ' These Suits have the style and fit of those sold for .twice the money. $8 00 Buys an All - $9 50 S tie Prce attached to our Suits made of Oregon Cassimeres. All " Wool and the best goods for wear and service. Can We ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ntered a the Fob to Bice at The 'Dulles, Oregon as second-class matter. 10 Ceuu per line for first insertion, and 6 Cent per line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notioes. All local notices received later than 8 o'clock will appear the following day. WEDNESDAY - May, 15 1895 BRIEF MENTION. Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. License to marry was issued today to George Johnston and Esther C. Sin gleton. The Herrick cannery made qnite a good run this morning. The catch is improving steadily. "Sweets to the sweet," and that is why the subscription of the Umatilla House to the Ran Francisco Examiner drew a case of wine. ' While the East is having its second winter, here the balmy breezes flatter down from the Cascades and become sleepy with the odor of locust blossoms. The Cavalry Baptist church will give a strawberry and ice cream festival at the old Dunham drugstore, in Union block, tomorrow night. Ice cream and cake 15 cents, and with strawberries, 25 cents. Open from 7 :30 to 12 o'clock. Hon. W. H. Da fur was in the city day. He reports an army of caterpillar aa having taken possession of the co'un try about Dufur, and says the alders and willows along the creeks, as well as the orchards, are covered with the pests. Now then, who knows howto destroy the 'pillars? Some of our exenanges having credited Bro. Micheil with a skit that appeared in Thk 'Chronicle concerning the bloomers, be gracefully denies the im peachment and pats the bloomer back on us. As the article was really of our make, we suppose we will have to wear It, whether it tits or not. When the breezy bloomers are the universal go, how will tailors .press the creases into them? I'd like to know. When the baby's head is nodding, and wants to taKo a nap, how can mamma lull her darling in a bifurcated lap? When the chickens go a grubbing in the garden in the spring, how can Bridget 'shoo ' the creatures with no skirt to flop or fling. Klamath Fulls' Express Great Britain refuses to enforce the Behring eea regulation. ' Now if this country will do: the same thing--and let the seals be killed off entirely, it will be a good thing. No American dntside of the Alaska 'Commercial company ever -' got a dollar out of the business and that rotten corporation got it all, and coat the government thousands of dollars too. The qaicker the seals are killed off onder the circumstances the better. - uTf'ilAC i?,d, Xralria cured by Dr. MlLEa' PAIN yiLLti. , "One cent a do." . Wool Suit. Good, serviceable Suit You?. PEASE Lightning It ml Agent" Tonight. "The Gold King" drew a fairly good house last evening, and should have drawn a much better one. Mr. Pay ton showed not only that he had genius, but of a very versatile quality, and the sup port was mticli better tiian on Monday night. Miss Lucy Payton is a charm ing little lady and a favorite with the audience. Mr. Curts' as "Jack Red mond" was a surprise to those who had seen him in the character of the villain in the play Monday night, taking the part with a great deal of power, and making a much better gentleman than he did a villain. , Tonight the play will be "The Light ning Rod Agent," a play written for Mr. Payton, and in which he is said to ap pear at his best. Saturday afternoon there' will be a matinee, with the old favorite "East" Lynne," to which the admission will be 10 and 20 cents. These Are Teachers. The following applicants .secured tificatea at the last examination: " First grade Agnes LeDuc. Second grade Mollie Dunlap, B. Chastain, Hattie Stirmweis, Thos. Nellie Hndson, O. H. KernB. . Third grade Miles Kinney, Angie Phillips, Ada Conard, Alma Taylor, G. A. Brock, Evelyn Newman, Bessie Has tings, Ouier Butler and Hattie Allen. Under the law, only third grade cer tificates can be issued to those who have never taught; regardless of their rating in the examination. . ... Real Estate Transactions. The following deeds have been filed or record since our last report: Dalles City to Chas. E. Allison, all of t 4, block 34, Gates addition to Dalles City ; $275: Edmund B. Martin to Alexander F. Martin, the $250. Martin Wing and wife to Jacob Spath, the n nw2, sec 16, tp 4 s, r 12 e; $350, When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. " When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When sue had Children, she gave them Castoria, B. H. Bowman; Pub. . Enquirer, of Bremen, Ind., writes: Last week our little girl baby, the only one we hav, was taken sick . with croup. After two Doctors fulled to give relief and life was hanging on a mere thread we tried One Minute Conch- Cure and its life was saved. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. . Suits. Suits made for $5 to $6 dollars. Per- feet fit givtm.T ... Mas. F. M. Hksdebshott, tnl4-3t . Second and Liberty Sts. ; The best is always cheapest, Herrin makes the best cabinet photographs . for only $2.50 per dozen. Chapman block, op stairs. a20-tf . Greys, Small Checks, & MAYS. Commissener. Court, 'May Term. Bills we're allowed as follows : ' ( A Can fieW," jurors circuit court. .$ 6 00 J F Hood, GAR relief. 25 00 C J Haves, GAR relief. . . ..... SO 00 Kobt Kelley, salary dep sheriff. . 100 00 Simeon Bolton, salary dep clerk. 75 00 C L Gilbert, salary aep clerk. . . . 50 00 A M Kelsay, salary clerk .... 166 66- W French, new warrant for one destroyed 6 00 John Trana, constable fees.: - 75 50 R H Bunnie, j p fees. ...... .'." 2Q 05 al Ueitzeninuller, i p fees Z OU F H Wakefield, bal bill fees 46 00 60 dinger & Bone, road plow, etc. . 25 M Kandall, appraiser county road $2.40 ; .. . . '. . . 2 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 W G Kern, appraiser county road $2.40 4 A J Brigham, drawing jury list. . W R Menefee, " " . . W H Whipple, " " 2 00 1 W Koontz, assessor's salary. 4 00 W A Birnie, i p fees - . . .. 5 30 John Trana, constable 28 16 John Cates, appraiser countv road. $2.40 2 Chris Dethuian, viewing Co road 4 Hans Lage, 4 W A Slinserland " " 4 S M Baldwin, road supervisor. . ... 10 K M rsurnie, coroner s fees. . . . 10 F H V akefield, assessor's salary. 104 D H Roberts, taking census. .... 10 E P KitzGerald, taking centus. . , ' 7 Charles Decfeert, witness.-. . . . : . . 4 James Fori tor, , " 4 M Helmut son, .1 O D Doane, " . 1 G C Eshelman, , " 1 W Brook house, " 4 Francis Ross, juror 1 D E Fisher, " . 1 C M Fouiz, "' 1, ".........'.... 1 Max Blank, "............. 1 John Cates, " , : 1 Laura Bachelor, witnees a May Bachelor, " 5 Frank Chrisman, " , 1 O Burnhain, '" 1 James Davis, ' " ........ 1 Jules Wiley, - ' " 1 Aug Buchfer, ' " ......... 1 Chas Stubling, -r . " ". 1 Dan Baker, " -3 W E Huskr, J M Husky", $5 50 $5 50 M JLiuly, - - . . L S Davis, j p fees. ....... . . . A Urquiiart, constable E F Sharp, surveying roads . James Zumwalt, viwer C J VanDuyn, " ...v.. W McCorkle, " DS Dufur. j p fees.'..,-.; , Phete Richardson, witness , Harrv Hampshire, O C Hollister, Frank Hill, " J L Story, " John Trana,: takintr Gray to re- form school, $'29.9o. .-: Blakeley & Houghton, GAR. .'. G W Phelps, dist atty fees, $42.50 Harry Luckey, juror cor. inquest Ed Bergeron, . " W LKeltner, " - " . F Miller, " - ' ' T W Lewis, - " " Alex Watt, ' , 44 , .' John Nilson, . J B Wood, ' T W Horn, , " . " CR Joynr, ," ' ' ' C W Hayes, spec survey ch'nm'n Wm Smith, spec survey ch'nm'n J J Murphy, clerk's fees State vs Maloney.... Alex Fraser, road supt dist 10. . . A S Blowers, county com'r salary James Darneille, co'com'r salary BILLS PASSID FOR TBEM. M V Harrison, 2 days services tax collector . i . Glass &. Prudhomme, sup sheriffs 23 25 50 00 16 40 14 00 10 00 See us before you buy. We carry a Complete Line of ' Fishing Tackle, Ammunition, Stoves and Steel Ranges, Wire Cloth, Wire Poultry NeUing, " Sewer Pipe, Iron Water Pipe, Garden Tools, Sheep Shears, Barrell Chums, Rubber and Cotton Wrap ped Garden Hose, Groceries and Provisions, Oak Fir and Maple Cord wood and General . sup plies, " ... MA1ER & BENTON. office 67 40 Ed Martin, experting tax roll . . . 134 75 43 C Haighr, witness x 3 00 A Keaton, j p. fees . .... 6 85 Walter Davey, witness. . .' ... 6 50 C W Haight, witness .:. 3 90 W Glisan. constable 10 80 R H Birnie, j p fees 3 95 Wm Johnson, witness 4 60 John Farre, witness $ 50 E M Shutt, pros atty fees ...... ; 5 00 BILLS NOT ALLOWED. I)r F O-Brosius, med attendance Brown-:'. ... ...... . 12 00 E W Helm & Co, med pauper. . . 9 90 Dr J Sutherland, med attendance Davenport.... 60 00 Dr J H Swain, .med attendance. . 67 50 Ed Both well, chaioman.. . , . . . . 4 00 A F Martin, chain man ....... 4 00 . The first figures, where they appear, are the amounts the bills were put in for. . - PERSONAL. MENTION. Constable Trana Cascades today. was np from the Mr. J. A. Waddle of Torfand, is ie- gistered at the Umatilla. Mrs. M. E. Biggs left yesterday for Rose burg, to attend the.state convention of the W. C. T U., representing that society from Sherman county 3. W. Howard,, county commissioner of Crook county and L. S. Logan of the same county and both cattle kings, came up from Portland yesterday, on their way home. Mr. Logan bought 500 head of stock cattle, which he will-drive across the Cascades to his range as soon as the snow is gone. .. f Wauted. - A girl to do housework, apply at Wasco warehouse. Your Wife Knows :. - ' - .- - y Where she can. get nice "Vegetables. Where to get the nicest' Berries. Where nice, fresh Gro ceries are kept. Where she can get them in a hurry if she needs them. Call or Telephone. J. B. CROSSED Grocer. Ask Central for G2. JOS. T. PETERS & CO., -DEALERS IN- B UILD IN C Telepbone Uo. SO' Great Shirt Commencing Tuesday . gee and Be The TyrH VAl lye Creamery BUTTER Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it. Every Square is Full Weight. Hi There I Q - O -1 Largest Assortment in the City.: ROBERT E. WILLIAMS, Blue Front Store, Opposite Diamond Mills Take your Prescriptions to. M Z. DONNELL. DEUTSCHE APOTHEKE. Keep Your Eye on Rambler and Waverley Bicycles. . Isdiasapolis, Ind., April 27, 1895. MESSRS. MAYS & CROWE, The Dalles, Or. . Gkktlemen: We have your telegram of the 25th inst., and take pleasure in entering your order for wheels. We are quite confident of the fact that yon will be thoroughly satisfied with the "Waverley," as it is a high grade ma-, chine in every sense of the word, and yon can guarantee to your customers that it is the eqjial of any machine manufactured. We make no exceptions at all, and -are prepared to prove at any time that there is not a better bicycle in the market. . - Yours very trulv, - INDIANA BICYCLE COMPANY. We Rent and Krpair Bicycled. Wheels from 40 to SIOO. GEORGE RUCH, PIONEER GROCER. . Successor to Chrisman A Corson. TW FULL. LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to aee all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part ol town. MATERIALS -AND- 'La Sale and continuing entire week. Convinced. !8r JOEmi 'G. HERTZ CREAMERY Dellclons. A. A. B. Men's Straw Hats, Boys' Straw Hats, Misses' Straw Hats, Ladies' Straw Hats. The will be Filled by Thorough. Prescription. Druggists. MAYS & CR0WE.