House NIGHT! v One Week, Commencing Monday, May 13th. Five-act Comedy by J. H. Frazier, SENTER AND LUCY SENTER AND LUCY Lisliii Rod Men And a First-Class. Company. A Change of Program Every Night. ADMISSION, 25c, 35c and 50c, Reserved Seats now on sale at Blakeley & Houghton's TO-NIGHT! TO Te If, 'rr Tiie Dalles Daily Chronicle. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. T MAIL, FOSTAOB rBsrAID, IB ADViFCB. Weekly, 1 year.. : 1 60 " 6 months 0 75 g 0 Dull, 1 year .V... 6 00 " 6 months 800 per " 0 60 Address all communication to " THE CfiBON ICLK," The Dalles, Oregon. WEDNESDAY May, 15 1895 OLD WASCO COUNTY. FEW BRIEF FACTS CONCERNING ITS RESOURCES. Vruits, Fish, Finn and Forests She Has Them All, and Unlimited Water Power. FISH. ( As pnggested in the beginning of this sketch the fishing industry is a large one, and the airount of money made at it, under favorable circumstances, is fabulous, w There are two modes of fish ing on the middle Columbia one the usual one followed elsewhere, the gill net, and tbe other peculiar to the loca tion, and admissible only where there is a good current. The latter is bv w hat is known as the fish wheels, and these in tarn are divided into two kinds, tbe stationary and the scow wheel. As the mode is something new, we w ill devote a siuaill space to its description ; . The fish wheel is simply three wire dip nets mounted on a wheel, which is tnrned by the force of the current. The wire screen, of which the net is com posed, is a part of the wheel itself, act ing as a paddle. The wire is put on diagonally to the radius, and three nets, or screens, compose the wheel. On tbe scows these are fastened at tbe rear end . of the boat, the nets striking tbe water at the up-stream side, dipping down . stream. As the fish are caught running up to their breeding grounds, the net gathers them in, and as it lilts rolls them tdwards the center of tbe wheel, finally emptying them into an inclined chute, down which thej slide into the scow. These scows and wheels cost $500 to $1,000. They are generally anchored at some point at the head of an eddy, which the salmon seek to avoid the current. The amount of fish they will catch in a day, with a good run, is ' almost beyond belief. Last summer a wheel of this kind wsb left running over night at the upper Cascades, near the western boundary of this county, with no one to watch it. The salmon were running well, and in the morning the owner, going to bis wheel, was sur prised to find it sunk. It had caught salmon enough to sink the scow, proba bly fifteen tons in twelve hours. This of course was during an unusually good run of fish. The stationary fish wheel works "on tbe same principle as the scow wheel, but bring built on the bank where it is exposed ut high water to a tremendous current, is a much more ex pensive matter, costing from $3,000 to 7,0o0. There are two canneries in the county where the salmon are preserved one ai Seufert'e, three miles east of Tbe Dalles ; the other in the city". The latter wat ' built this spring, and the season that has just opened (April 10th) it began its first run. The other has been in opera tion several years. Last year, owing . the extreme high water, although tl season ends August lOtn, and the can nery did not begin operations until J urn ' 10th, 36,000 cases, of forly-eiifht ponuric each, were packed. These fish were all caught near the cannery, and hundreds of tons more wonid bave been caught ii the canneiy could have handled them. Besides this, probably twice as many fish were caaght near tbe Cascades- (thie county) and shipped a few in ilea down the river to the Warrendale cannery. Generally many carloads are sent East in refrigerator cars, and sold fresh in - the eastern cities. The stargeo'n fieher ' ies, although on a much smaller, scale, yield considerable revenue. The Col ombia sturgeon grow to immense size, an 800-pound fish being no great rarity, and 1,100 pounds being sometimes reached. The latter business requires no capital, but a boat and lines, proba bly $100. ,- POPULATION AND VALUES. - .The population of the county by the last census was a trifle less than 10,000. The Dalles, the county seat, is a pretty little city of about 3,500 inhabitants and is one of tbe best and thriftiest business points in tbe state. It has two national banks and one private one, with plenty of capital. Four " commodious hotels. Two newepapers, Tbe Dalles Chronicle, daily and semi-weekly, and tbe Times Mountaineer, daily and weekly. Its stores are the finest in tbe state, outside tbe city of Portland, some of them car rying stocks of goods valued at $75,000 to $100,000. A steamboat, line, owned by citizens of The Dalles', plies the Col umbia daily to' Portland, making a transfer at Cascade Locks (this county) forty-four miles down" the river. Al though we bave excellent train service, this line of boats serves to keep both passenger and freight rates at a mini mum, giving The Dalles cheaper rates proportioned to distance than any point an the river, and putting her in a posi tion to control a large interior trade. The county has a fine brick court house, costing 30,000. It has a debt of $43,000. The tax rate county and stale, varies from 18 to 21 mills. Its roads are good, and solid and substan tial bridges are provided wherever nec essary on the same. The assessed valu ation of the County, made on or about a 40 per cent basis, is $3,450,000 ; but this will be largely increased in the near future, owing to the issuing of patents to lands recently forfeited from the Northern Pacific railroad, and which consisted of every odd section for a dis tance of forty miles back from the river and the full length of the county These lauds were non-taxable, as long as they remained unforfeited. There is a large area of government lands in the aounty subject to homestead, but of course they are some distance back from the river. The United States land office is located here, a source jof great convenience to intending settlers. Continued. DlKlt. , On 8-Mile, Sunday, Mav 12th, Wilbur, sun of Mr. and Mrs. B. Southwell, aged about 5 months. . . A preclouB one from us hen gone, . A Voice we loved it Milled; A i ace is vacaut in our home, Wnicu iievei eau be tilled. God, in his wisdom, has recalled I he boon hia love has given. And though the b dy moulders here, The soul is 8 fe in Heavea. Fay tlie County Debt. All countv warrants registered prior to Sept. 1st, 1891, will tie paid if presented at my utbee, corner 3d and Washington streets, The Dalles, Or. Interest ceases after May 10, 1895. Wit. Michell, - County Treasurer. Our patrons will find De Witt's Little Early Risers a safe and reliable remedy ur constipation, dyspepsia and liver complaints. Snipes-Kiuersly Drug Co THE BEST PIPE TOBACCO. Ail pain oanisbed by Dr. Mile' Fain 11 lu 1- -w , , .-Ml y IS Mexican j. Mustang Liniment ' for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains. Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, inflammations. Stiff joints, Harness z Saddle Sores, - Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, Air Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and -Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conquers Pain, Makes Tan or Beast well again. THE DALLES HIZSZ.CJ ca-nzr. The -above- association is prepared to take a list of all and any kind, of Rear Estate for sale or exchange, whereby the seller will have the undi vided assistance of the follow ing Real Estate Agents, or ganized as an association for the purpose of inducing lm migration to Wasco and Sher man Counties, and generally stimulating the sale pi - prop erty: - -C. E. Bayard, T. A. Hud son, J. G. Koontz & Co., J. M. Huntington & Co., Tufur & Hill, N. Whealdon, Gibons & Marden, G. W. Rowland. Address any of the above well known firms," or 1 - J. M. Huntington, Sec. The Dalles, Oregon. Calectr'. Ena;I1.1i IMamaad Braad. Ef.NYROYAL PILLS Original Md Oaly CtenutM. " DmcirtaTt for ChicJmster a BnolUh Di- mond Brand in Kd and ioUi EartUlk V - Ibozfls. stod with bloe ribbon Task r nu ama HHJicutofi. At urmfimw, or Mao mo In sUtmpa for particular, trrnxXmoaimi aVot KUf for lCmdJr," rm Uttr, by rcrtara . Moll. 1 i.4tA Ti-arunuaniaila. Wimm Aaur. V ""J flbBaC'hlMllBltUl'si MqM Real I Estate Stiifrfinn BrpinfinnsR uiuumjij u.uuiuuuuu Everything for the Garden we can furnish Floral Designs and Bouquets second to none in Eastern Ore gon at very reasonable prices. See our assortment of Plants, Button hole Bouquets, and . display- in M. Z. Donnell's Drugstore and Keller's Bak ery. Orders can be left at either of the above places. . The Hyacinths are now in full bloom. All are cordially invited to come and see our assortment of Flowers and Greenhouse Plants. Snipes-KineKly Drug Co. Drugs, Paints, Wall Paper, Window Glass. 129 Second St., THE DALLES, - -. OR. FOR i could get- reliefs from a most horri- ble blood disease, Ij Ka.I cnAnt Hiirw-Jr-i--lo Wc' of dollars TRYING various remedies and physicians, none of which did me any good. My finger nails came off, and my hair came out, leaving me 5 perrecuy Data, i then went to HOT SPRINGS 1 Hoping to be cured by this celebrated treatment, but very soon became disgusted, and decided to TRY 2 I he effect ' Avas truly wonderful. I J commenced to re- cover after tnkinrr j J the first bottle, and oy the time 1 had! -iv-- sullies i was entirely cured l cured by S. S. S. when the world-renowned 5 nui jspnnjrs naa railed. WM. S. LOOMIS, Shreveport, La. Our Book on tho Olseam and Its Treatment mailed freo to uuy odureau. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. Go. E. JACOBSEN BOOK and MUSIC CO, THE LEADERS m - Pianos and Orpns, Boob, NOTIONS, STATIONERY. Call and Ket their prices. Bell PIANOS on eaHv monthly payment, and is prepared to nieti any COMPETITION. .. .. 162 Seconfl St.. ' : THE DALLES, OR. SEE LO 5 Garden and G-rass Seeds in Bulk, at J. H. Cross' Feed & Gro cery Store. as? t Don't Forget -THAT THS Crow Photo Co., (Formerly Crow & Lussiar, of Portland) Will soon h.Tv Kw rhoMfrapta O all ery at Tho Dalles finished ' and ready for busiaass. ' ' Wait until jrotj sea samples of work and prices Deiora narlnf pictures taken. apr20 Bring in Your Family. Come in Yourself, And see how cheaply we can dress all of you. Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Silks, Satins, LACES, WOOLENS, COTTONS, LINENS, Everything Hat to Shoes, for everyone. All new stock., C. K. STEPHENS, Closing Qut Sale of DRY GOODS CLOTHING. FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. Past or present values eut no figure, as goods MUST be SOLD The C P. and P. D., French Woven, Hand-Made, Dr. Warner's Health, Coralinel French Model and other makes u of Corsets will be closed out and be convinced. You will J. -P. pipe Tillir;ery. -ALSO A FULL LINE OF MRS, M. E. BRIGGS, RUPERT & GABEL, Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, TENTS and WAGON COVERS, And all Articles Kept In a First Class Harness Shop. REPAIEING PROMPTLY DONE. : Adjoining E. J. Collins & Co.'e Store, , TUB 1 ATiT iT3i3. OrtEGOPT. Blakeley & Houghton, DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon A full line of ; all the Standard Patent Medicines, , , . . Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. ; J -AE,TlSTS M ATBEIAX.S . COCountrT and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. ; . LESS than COST, at extrnely low prices. Call be surprised at our low prices. McINERNY. Having secured the services of a first-class trimmer fro ja the city, I can assure my patrons perfect sat isfaction as to style and finish. Call and see the large variety of Hats on display in window. Successor to Anna Peter & Co., 112 Second Street.