JOS. T. PETERS & CO., See us before you buy. our Saturday, Way 11th. -DEALERS IN- BUILDING : MATERIALS SHLE. ) ( Our Great Leader in Shoes. We offer for Saturday only, our best $1.50 Dongola Kid Button Shoes, with Leather Tip, for-: $1.15 These Shoes have just been received from the manufacturers, and can be had in Opera and Common-sense Toe. See Our Window. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ntered the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon as necond-class matter. 10 Ceuus per line for first Insertion, and S Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. 8pecial rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than S o'clock will appear the following day. , FRIDAY - MAY 10, 1895 BRIEF MENTION. Leaves From the KoteDook of Chronicle Reporters. Seeds at cost at E. J. Collins & Co. 'a The Goldendale Sentinel begun ita seventeenth year with its issae of yes terday. The Wasco warehouse received 150 sacks of wool yesterday and 200 bushels of wheat. Call at A. M. Williams A Co'e. and see those black clay worsted suits, round Square and cutaway. A train load of cattle passed through this morning coming from Engene, and are to be tnrned loose on the ranges of Eastern Oregon. An erior in the type yesterday made . us say that district court commences on ' the 22d. It will commence on the 27th, the fourth Monday. The Union Dancing Club will give a dance this evening in the opera bouse. The full orchestra will be in attendance. All members are invited. Rev. F. C. Krauae recently ordained to the ministry and who has been doing pastoral work in the U. B. mission and . church at Eugene, has been appointed pastor of the CJ. B. church at Hood River. . There will be a regular meeting of Mt. Hood Hose Co. No. 4, at the Hose House tomorrow, Saturday, at 1 o'clock p. m., full attendence is desired as there ' wilt be a vote on new Constitution and By-Laws. Arrangements hve been completed by which the Orchestra Union will have charge of the excursion to the Looks Sunday. The trip promises to be a de lightful one and with the splendid music furnished by the orchestra the' ride will be one long to be remembered. The boat leaves the wharf at 8 o'clock, and returning leaves the Locks at 5 o'clock. At the Locks every detail has been at tended to, that will add to the pleasure and comfort of the guests. There was a burglary in town last night, Collins & Co.'s store being the subject of the burglar's attention. They secured access to the building by prying . open the door with an iron bar, the marks indicating that a wagon spring had been used. The tills were all pried open, but as a reward for all the trouble only 8 cents in money was obtained. If anything else was taken the loss has not been discovered. Taken all together the burglary was not a success if viewed from the burglar's standpoint. $1.15 PEASE Master Breezes. As I have seen nothing from Mosier in your paper, thought I would drop you a note or two. Rather cool weather for everything te grow well. Mr. Hunter improving very slowly. Mr. Hardwick, who was hurt recently in a runaway, is bo he can be about. Mrs. Wagner from Indiana is here visiting with her sister, Mrs. Root. J. P. Carol had a narrow escape from being badly hurt by being thrown from a wagon while going down a grade near Lamb's on a load of posts. . Mrs. Vicas and little girl arrived here last Monday morning from Kansas. She says they have had no rain for the past six months, and that the crops are blowing out. He husband came some time age, and has been staying at Lee Evans' ' Next Saturday and Sunday will be quarterly meeting at the schoolhouse in school district No. 8. Elder Motor will preach on Saturday evening at 7 :30, and on Sunday there will be the usual quar terly meeting services. ' The Union Sunday school is going to give a concert on Satnrday afternoon. May 18th, at 2 o'clock. - The proceeds are to buy song books for Sunday school. The following is the program as handed me by the committee: Song, "Our Sunday School." Prayer. Anthem, Heavenly Father Hear Us." Declam ation, "The Sermon," by Annie God berson. Song, "Our Savior's Mighty Love. Instrumental masic. Belle Watt. Song, "Jesus Will Bless 'the Little Ones." Dec, "Little Jim." Rozella Root. Male quartette. "We're Going Home." Select reading, Mrs. Boothe Song, "Beautiful Robes." Dec, "Caet ing . Anchors," Hattie Hunter. Duet, Song, Mesdames Daggett and Power. "Bless the Lord, O Mv Soul!" "Barial of Moses," G. L. Carroll. "I Think When I Read That Dec. Song, Sweet Story of Old." Solo aud chorus, " 'Twas Rum That Spoiled My Boy.' Dec, Gertie Davenport. Song, "Seefc ing the Lost." Dec, "Memories of Jesns," Etta Phillips. Song, "Thy Dearest Friend." Solo, Belle Watt. Dec, "Love One Another," Ida Phllppe Song, "Won't Yon Trust Him." Dec, "Trouble In the Amen Corner," J. M, Carroll. Song, "Bugle Call." Dec, "Guilty, or Not Guilty," Nellie Daven port. Song, "Come." Closing song. They, expect to render the program well, as they have some very good eing ers and speakers. It will be well worth the admission fee and trouble to come. All are cordially invited. Let us turn out and encourage the young folks in this concert. They have it in the after noon, as it is bad for some people to get about after night, and all can lose a half a day in order to gain such a treat. k Drill Notice. There will . be a drill of Jackson En gine Co., No. 1, May 10th, at 7 p. m. By order of the foreman. J. Fibhkh, See. & MAYS. The Bloomer. At last the bloomer has taken tangible shape. It was a dream, an airy vision, but now it has a local habitation and a name. It made its first appearance in The Dalles yesterday evening, coming like a thief in the night. There were just two of then), aud tney made their first appearance on the back streets, but they are too pretty, too becoming and too sensible to remain a back street number. Two of The Dalles most charming ladies wore them, and as they 'glided noiselessly along under the big poplars, it required no great stretch of the im agination to fancy that the faries and elves had come out, to see what there was about bicycles that set every body wild to ride them, and became so infat uated with - the sport that they forgot that mortals were around to catch a glimps" of them as they flashed through the moonlit spaces between the shadows of the trees'. We predict the bloomer has come to stay, and if so the bicycle has accomplished a miracle, in com pelling women to dress not only beauti fully, but sensioly. The bloomer is a bifurcated dream in art ! An iambic poem in dress goods! A symphony in tout en temhk ! An embodified perfume ! A distracting combination ! A style chaste as Diana 1 Beautiful as Hebe ! Fit gar ment for the Dryads, or for the Vestals, and it goes with leggings too. The blooms of the orchards are sweet, and the bloom of the rose a delight, but bloom as they may the new style is far bloomer. ' '" ' - , Advertised Letters. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoffice at The Dalles an called for May 11, 1895. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : ( Brown, Mies Annie Brown, Miss M . Brown, J A Clark, I C (2) Cratt, Geo Covey, Mrs E J Davis, A J (2) Davidson, John Dalay, Miss Eliza Delanet, Joe Elliott, Miss Anna Haney, Miss Lizzie Hastings, larl tinier v. James Jeffers, Mrs J M Johnston, W J Jourdon, Jules Langdon, Mrs (2) McDonald, D D McKelsey, Floyd Ventme, Anartha Muller, H W McClore. W W Perrault, Anastas Wheeler, Edward J. A. Ceossen, P. M. Kxcanlon Postponed. The excursion and picnic to be given by the Redmen's Social club, of this city on May 12th, to Bonneville and Cascade Locks has been postponed until further notice. This postponement is made on account of the cold, disagreeable weather that has prevailed during the week, and the high water at present precludes comprehensive view of the government works at the Cascades. R. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. Monroe Grimes returned from i visit to Huntington yesterday morning, Miss Danlap of Waeco Is the guest of Miss Klhel uenning. W. H. Wilson and E. B. Dnfur ar rived borne irom Pendleton this morn ing. We carry a Complete Line of ' Fishing Tackle, Ammunition,' Stoves and Steel Ranges, Wire Cloth, Wire Poultry Netting, Sewer Pipe, Iron Water Pipe, Garden Tools, Sheep Shears, Barrel! Chums, Rubber and Cotton Wrap ped Garden Hose, Groceries and Provisions, Oak Fir and Maple Cord wood and General supplies, MAIER & BENTON. Ended 'With a Wedding;. A big house witnessed the presenta tion of the Lightning Rod Agent at the Opera house last night. Mr. Payton as the agent was in bis elements and dis played his talent as a' comedian. He was well supported. An event of much interest was the marriage of M. L. Le Forest and Miss Marie Hyland by Judge Ducan after the play was over. To the strains o' Mendelssohn's march the happy conple marched upon the stage in bridal costume, presenting a striking and attractive appearance, and were duly joined together aB husband and wife. The ceremony was just fin ished when the bride and groom were covered with showers of rice coming from all directions. May they live long and happily together. Albany Demo crat. Excursion to Cascade Locks and Return. Steamer Regulator will leave The Dalles at 8 a. m. Sunday, May 12, arriv ing at the Cascade Locks at 10:20 a. m. Returning will leave the Locks at 5 p. in. Tickets, 50 cents. D. P. &. A. N. Co. Jos. T. Peters & Co. have cord wood, which is desirable in all respects, and respectfully solid' your orders. Going to the picnic ? then you'll wan't something nice for lunch, such as CHEESE, Fine Cream. PICKLES, sweet, sour, plain and mixed. OLIVES, fine ones, in bulk and bottles. ! - HAM, deviled and not. CRACKERS, Salty and gra ham, etc. Boned Turkey and Chicken, Tongue, Potted Meats of all kinds. Lobsters and Shrimp, Lunch Mackerel, Sardines, fl0n" Corned Beef, Chipped Beef. Chocolate, Cocoanut, Fresh Eggs, fine Flavoring Ex tracts, Lunch Baskets, and . everything else you need. J. B. CROSSEN, Grocer. Ask Central for 62. -AND- Telephone ICTo. 23" Great Shirt Commencing Tuesday and S&' and Be Convinced. The Tyh V al ly Creamery BUTTER Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it. . Every Square is Full Weight. TELEPHONE OSTO. 80. Excursion to Cascade Locks. The Dalles Orchestra Union has chartered the Steamer REGULATOR for Sunday, May 12, 1895. Round Trip, 50c Steamer -will leave The Dalles at 8 A.M. Re turning will leave Cascades at 4 P. M. . FULL BAND IN ATTENDANCE. Tickets can "be had of the members of the Or chestra Union, at the principal business houses, and . t.hfl wnart on tne mornirtp 01 me excursion. Keep Your Eye on Rambler and "Waverley Bicycles. Indianapolis, Ind.. April 27, 1895. MESSRS. MAYS & CROWE, The Dalles, Or. liENTLEMKN : ve nave your telegram 01 me zoin inn., uu wic pinvourc m entering yonr order for wheels. We are quite confident of the fact that you thoroughly satisfied with the "Waverley," as it is a high grade ma chine in every sense of the word, and you can guarantee to your customers that it is the equal o'f any machine manufactured. We make no exceptions at all, and. are prepared to prove at any time that there is not a better bicycle in the market. Yours very trulv, INDIANA BICYCLE COMPANY. We Rent ud Repair Bicycles. Wheels from 945 to SIOO. Take your Prescriptions to. M. Z. DONNELL. DEUTSCHE APOTHEKE. Sale. continuing entire week. Get JOHIS C. HERT2. Is CREAMERY Dellelons. A. A. B. MAYS & CROWE. They will be Filled toy Thorougk PrMcriptioa Druggists.