Tha Canal Comalnlonnii New York, May 6. The commission appointed some time ago by tbe presi dent to examine the plana and route of of the Nicaragua canal left for Mobile, Ala., last night. There were in the party the commis sioners, Colonel Ludlow, U. S. A., Com modore Endicott, of the navy, and Al fred Noble, and Assistant Engineers Davis, Wood, Stamford and Parke, of the navy, who will verify the surveys. A stenographer and a cook accompany the party, and Naval Surgeon Stitt went along to Iook after the health of every body connected with the expedition. Mr. Noble said it was expected that the Montgomery would land the com mis- o ; t n f daatinaKAn KB fa 1 mil ' that fully two months . would be re' quired to do the proposed work. The party will reach Mobile on Tues day and will at once go aboard the cruiser Montgomery and proceed to Greytown. lOO Reward SlOO The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been auio to cure in au ita ouigea, sou mat is Catarrh. Hall's Cure is the only posi tive cure known to the medical frater nity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have So much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it . (ails to cure. Send for list of testimo nials. Address, F. J. Cheniy Sc. Co., Toledo. O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Indefinitely Postponed. Sing Sing, May 6. Warden .Sage said today, acting on the advice oi Attorney General Hancock, he has abandoned the idea of executing Dr. Buchanan Wed nesday, when the second respite will ex pire. According to the opinion of the attorney general, the execution must be delayed until the courts have again de cided the question raised by Buchanan's lawyer. Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co ; Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial 'will convince you of their merits. .These fills are easy in action and are particu larly effective in the cure of Constipation -.1 u:w t T - lrrtl: Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious .-substance and to be purely vegetable. "They do not weaken by their action, but "by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by Snipes & alinersly. ' Murder and Suicide. New York, May 6. James Herbert, clerk in a wholesale shoe and leather house, killed his wife by cutting her thro8t with a razor early today. He fled, and two hours latter his body was hauled out of the East river with bis throat cat. The husband has accused his wife of infidelity with her sister's haBband. Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier is admirably adapted to make "a little, health go a long way." Its Curative power is large ly attributable . to its stimulant, tonic and nutritive properties, by which the energy of the system is recruited. It is pleasant to taste, easily borne on the stomach and harmless under prolonged use. Price $1.00 per bottle. For sale by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Worse Than .Before. London May 6. William E. Glad stone, in a letter to Francis Seymour Stevenson, chairman of the Anglo-Armenian Association, says the conduct of the sultan and Turkish government on the Armenian question has been worse than their conduct regarding Bulgaria, in 1875. ' : All Pre. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who bave not, have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised drug cist and get a trial bottle, free. Send your name and address to H. E. Bucklen Sc. Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New life Pills free, aa well m a copy of Guide to Health and House hold Instructor, free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you Mothmg. Sold by ttnipes & iLinersly J. A. Richardson, of Jefferson City Mo., Chief Enrolling force 38th general assembly of Missouri, writes: I wish to testify to the merits of One Minute Cough Cure. When other so-called cures tailed. I obtained almost instant relief and a speedy care by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. When your heart pains you and un usual palpitation is frequent, accom panied sometimes with shortness . of breath and low spirits you are suffering from a disordered state of the livrr, di gestion is imperfect and there is wind on the stomach. If allowed to remain the trouble will ultimately reach the kid neys and then become dangerous to life. Steps should be taken to stay its pro gress on the appearance ot the first symptoms. Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm is especially adapted for disorders of this kind. Price $1.00 per bottle. Fur sale by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. ' Kq Request Made Yet London, May 6. The parliamentary secretary to the house of commons this afternoon, in replying to a question, said no request has been received from Can ada to call a conference of British colon ies to discuss details of laying the pro posed Pacific cable. - A severe rheumatic pain in the left shoulder had troubled Mr. J. H. Loper, a well known druggist of Des Moines, Iowa, fov six months. At times the pain was so severe that he could not lift anything. With all he. could do he could not get rid of it until he applied Chamberlain Pain Balm. "I only made three applications of it," he says, and have since been free from all pain." He now reccomends it to persons simi larly afflicted. It is for sale by Blakely Sc. Houghton Druggists. Disastrous to tbe Hovas. Pabis, May 6. Additional advices from Mejunga regarding the victory of the French on the Betaiboka river, on Friday, show the Hovas lost 300 men, including several important chiefs. The French losses were only one killed and four wounded. In the spring, the human body needs assistance to throw off the stagnation produced by winter diet. As the tern perature rises under tbe growing heat of the sun's rays we feel tired, half-sick and low in spirits, because the blood is sluggish and full of impurities. Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier is a reliable spring re medy to invigorate the body and give tone to tbe digestion. Price $1.00 per bottle. For sale by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. ' . Ten Don't Bave to Swear Off, , says the St. Louis Journal of Agriculture in an editorial about No-To-Bac,' the famous tobacco habit cure. "We know of many cases cured by No-To-Bac, one. a prominent St. Louis architect, smoked and chewed for twenty years ; two boxes cured him so that even the smell of to bacco makes him sick." No-To-Bac sold and guaranteed by Blakeley Sc. Houghton. Nocnrenopay. Book free Sterling Remedy Co., New York or Chi cago. The Wasco Warehouse Co. have on sale at their warehouse Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Barley, Barley Chop, Oats and Hay. Are sole agents in The Dalles for the now celebrated Goldendale roller mills flour, the best flour in the market and sold only in ton lots or over. 9-tt B. H. Bowman ; Pub. Enquirer, of Bremen, Ind., writes: Last week our little eirl baby, the only one we hav4, was taken sick with croup. After two Doctors failed to give relief and life was hanging on a mere thread we tried One Minute Cough Cure and its life was saved. Snipes-Kinersly Drng Co. Doctor H. R. Fist),' of Gravoia Mills, Mo., a practicing physician of many years experience, writes: De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve has no equal for in dolent sores, scalds and burns. It stops the pain instantly, heals a bnrn quickly and leaves no Bear. Snipes-Kinersly Drug UO.. Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., says, "Shiloh's vitalizer 'saved my life.' I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system I ever used." For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cts. Choice two-year-old rosea for 25 cents ; alee cut flowers and floral designs at the Rose Hili Greenhouse, Eighth and Lin coln street." Orders can be left at Mrs Phillips' millinery store, on Washington street, between Second and Third, tf, W. T. Sanford, Station Agent of Leeper, Clarion Co. 'Pa., writes; I can recommend One Minute Cough Cure as the best I ever used. It gave instant relief and a quick cure. Snipes-Kinersly .Drug jo. Captain Sweeney, 17. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says :' "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I . have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50c, Our patrons will find De Witt's Little Early Risers a safe and reliable remedy or constipation, dyspepsia and liver complaints. bnipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Situation wanted byja good st eady.boy as clerk in a. clothing store; he has had two years experience. Apply at Mrs. F. M. Hendersbott's dressmaking parlors Second and Liberty street. aprl8-3t Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns. Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and -Tissue Quickly to the. Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conquers Pain, lakes nan or Beast well gain. Whoopinf Gntji' There is no danger from this -disease Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is freely given. It uquenea the tough mucus and aids its expectoration. It also lessens the severity and frequency of paroxysms of coughing, and insures a speedy recov ery. There is not the least danger in giving the remedy (o children or babies, as it contains no injurious substance. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Drug gists. Notice. s All city warrants registered prior to February 3, 1892, are now due and pay able at my office. Interest ceases after this date. 1. 1. Bdrget, Citv Treas. Dated Dalles City, Jan. 1. 1895. Telephone JNetlce Those who have not already ordered instruments placed and who desire tele phone service from the Seufert-Condon Exchange, will please order at once. blUFMT (JOKDOX. La Grippe is here again with all of its old time vigor. One Minute Cough Cure si a reliable remedv. It cures and cures quickly. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. The AMERICAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. 125 Milk St., Boston, Mass This company owns Letters Patent No. 463,569, granted to Emile Berliner .November 17, 1891, for a combined tele graph and telephone, and controls Let ters Patent No. 474.231. granted to Tbos. A. Edison May 3. 1892, for a speaking telegraph, which Patents cover funda mental inventions and embrace all forms of microphone transmitters and of car bon telephones janSs House ,T. Moving Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. Has the largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181,TheDalles Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watcliiiiaker ? Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. Can now be found at street. 162 'Second "The Regulator Line' Tfce Dalles, Portland aM Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH FrelQut ana PassBuser me . Through Daily Trip (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dallea and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a.m., connecting at the Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Oak street dock) at S a. m., connect ing with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. PAUSNOM BATH. Oneway .$2.00 Round trip.. 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. :" All freight, except car lots, will be brought through, with out delay at Cascades . Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. CALLAWAY Ganeral Agent THE-DALLES. , OREGON Tbos. F. Dates, Eeary C. Payni, Btiry C. Biise, BBCBIVXS. ORTHERN PACIFIC R. R s Pullman . Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS DCLUTH , FARGO GBAND FORKS CROOK8TON WINNIPEG -ILZN A and BUTTE TO Thiroticjh Tickets CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHlI.ADBI.PaiA "KW YOKE BOSTON AND All, POINTS EAST and SOUTH For information, tlm cards, maps and tickets cui on or wnw 10 W. C. ALLAWAT. Agent, Ths Dallas, Oregon, A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. . P. A.. 256, Horribon, Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon. Spring Clothing, Imported Suitings Suits made to order from $30.00 up. John Pashek, IK TM1 Old flwnoi Building, Washington Street, bstween Second mi. Bccono. ana imra, Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. TRAY CD. Came to my place about Feb. 20, 1895, one black horse with white face, three white feet weight about 1,200 pounds; branded 3 5t left shoulder. , Also one buckskin horse branded Z on left shoul der; weight about 850 pounds. Owner can have them by paying pasture bill and ad. F. 8. Fiimsa, Bake Oven. The Merchant Tailor Aire the Highest of all H gh Gfades. High Frame, Wood Rims, tarhable Tire, Scorcher, weight, 21 lbs . S8S Rteel Rims, Waverley Clin cher Tires, 24 lbs . . .S8S Regular Frame, of same weights S)85 Ladies' Drop Frame, same weights and Tires. .s75 Ladies' Diamond, Wood Rims, wt.20 lbs....sJ75 L flood Artnt Wanted in every town where we are not satisfactorily represented. A splendid business awaits the right man. When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side T ...... COIitlJVlBm HOTEIx. - .sto. : This large and popular House aoes the principal hotel business, and is prepared Co furnish the Best Accommodations of any House in the city, and at the low rate of $1.00 per Day. - first Qlass Teals, 25 Ceijts. Office for all Star Lines leaving- The Dalles for all points in Kastarn Oregon and ICaatera Wsihiartss, In this Hotel. Corner of Front and Union Sts. "There is a tide in the affairs leads on to fortune? The poet unquestionably had reference to the at CRANDALL Who are selling those goods MICHELBACH BRICK, 33- "757". VAUBK, Successor to -DEALER IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. . And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. PRACTICAL. PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None bnt the best brands of J. W. MASURY'S . PAINT8 need in all oor work, and none bnt the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masnrr Liquid Paints. No chetn icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. Stare and Faint Shoo corner Third and Washington Sts.. The Dalles, Oregon D. P1B8 WOffi, T MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. on Third 8tret, next door west of Young & Rom Blacksmith Shop. TTH1B CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery Is now, Inrnin oat the best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for tbe manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed om ha market. CYCLES. Warranted Superior to any Bicycle built in the World, Regardless of Price. ReaTthe following opinion of one of the most pro minent Amer ican dealers who has sold hundreds of these wheels: Richmond, Va.. Oct. 2, 1894. Indiana Btcvele Co., Indianapolis, Ind.: GENTLaMKK The Waverley Scorcher and Belle came to hand yesterday. We are afraid you have sent us the high-priced wheel bv mistake. You can't mean to tell us that this wheel retails for $85? We must say that it is, without exception, the prettiest wheel we bave ever seeu, and, moreover, we have faith in it, although it weighs only 22 lbs., for of aU Waverleys we have sold this year and last and you know that is a right (rood numberl, we have never had a single frame nor fork broken, either from accident or defect, and that is more than we can say of any other wheel, however high grade, so onlled, that we sell. We congratulate ourselves every day that we are the Waverley agents. Yours truly. Waltsb C. Hbkcib A Co. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE. INDIANA BICYCLE CO. 1NDIASATOL18, IND. T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. of men which, taken at its flood & BURGET'S, , out at greatly-reduced rates. - - UNION ST. Paul Kreft & Co UWNE igaiis M loliog