CO VOL. VIII THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1895 NO 108 L OCCURS TOMORROW Ratification of the Treaty Will Not Be Delayed. LISTENED TO FRIENDLY ADVICE Warships AttsmbllBC im the Hsrssr of Chs-Foo Bight Russian War Ves sels Have Arrived. Yokohoma, May 6. Viceroy Li Hang Chang baa been appointed Chinese en voy to1 exchange ratifications of the peace treaty, which is expected to occur at Che-Foo tomorrow, instead of Wed' neiday. Warships Assembling. Chb-Foo, May 6. The warships of several powers are fast assembling here. The situation is regarded as ominous. Already eight Bosnian warships, includ ing three torpedo boats, are here, and more are expected. In addition, one British, French and American and two German warships have arrived. lias Listened to Friendly Advice. Paris, May 6. The Japanese minis ter here has informed the '-minister of foreign affairs, M. Honotaux, that de ferring to the friendly advice of France, Russia and Germany, Japan has re nounced its claim to the permanent pos session of Liao Tung peninsula, includ ing Port Arthur. German Government Informed. Berlin, May 6. Trie Japanese gov ernment has informed the government of Germany that in accordance with the advice of the powers Japan baa relin quished her claim to Liao Tung penin sula under the treaty of Simonoeski. A British Commander Talks of th - Oriental War. Nw York, May 6. Commander F, P. Ashe, of the British royal navy, ia in the city on a brief visit. - Commander Ashe was attached to a British warship which was on duty at the Hong Kong station in the China sea, during the war between China and Japan. In speaking of the war, be said : "I studied it from a distance. There was some pretty hard fighting, and naval experts were furnished with some val cable duta. The Japanese fought well on -land and on sea, and richly earned their victory." Speaking of the attitude of Russia to ware the treaty of peace, Commander Ashe said : "Russia has always been contesting for an eastern port. She is aggressive and will take every advantage. This last move of hers is characteristic. I see that Japan has refused to beed her pro , tests. I do not think that another war will result: I believe that Japan will stand by her guns and not concede an inch, and Russia will be obliged to ack nowledge the justice of her position." French Cruisers for China. . Toulon. May 6. The French' cruisers Sfax and Cecille will accompany the French cruisers Tage and Suchett to China sailing today. They were loaded yesterday with ammunition and provisions. Cleveland as an Author. ' ' Washington., May 6. Mri Cleveland ia to appear before his countrymen in a new role. He has become a literary man. He has spent four years, more or less, in writing a book, still incomplete, which seems likely to give him an alto gether unique position in our long line ci "presidents. It ia a volume on eco nomic science. Everybody knows that Mr. Cleveland has theories of bis own in the domain of politics. His views, however, are that the academic field of acience cultivated by Adams Smith, Richardo and Mill are very little understood. If there is one study to which Mr. Cleveland has de voted his leisure, it is political economy and social economy.. He is an omniver oua reader in these departments of knowledge. Another fact which ' has been noticed is that now be writes for hours. He is always.making notes as he proceeds. In the matter of classify ing his knowledge, Mr. Cleveland shows decided expertness. He has received nearly all the currant works of impor tance that issue from the' press that is, those which are in his line. They are duly and promptly read and notes mada of them for future reference. " Mr. Cleveland's book will probably appear wnen tbe president lays down the cares of office. Mr. Cleveland is presenting economic science from a point of view somewhat in advance ot John Stuart Mill. His book is divided into four departments production, consump tion, distribution and exchange and there is a special chapter under the de partment of consumption, on the theory of marginal utility. From what can be gathered, Mr. Cleveland does not mean to expound a doctrine so much as to. make clear the lines along which progress in economic thought must proceed. This way of go ing to work has permitted copious illus trations drawn from American history. In this Mr. Cleveland seems to strike a new note. - What the president writes is the work of bis own hand. In his library at Woodley, Mr. Cleveland reads far into the "night. He writes at late hours, too At this rate it takes montns to write a chapter. Mr. Cleveland's notes and ref erences are carefully made and filed away. He can, by means of a system be has devised, lay hia band on any para graph of any work be baa ever read, pro vided be has a citation to verify. His library is thus always at his finger ends. A noteworthy fact is that Mr. Cleve land allows himself no amanuensis in his labors. In one respect these literary labors denote a change in the man. Sev eral years ago Mr. Cleveland was no great reader. Now he is a good deal of a book orm. This is a very powerful factor in his determination to lay down the responsibilities of office when his present term is ended. ' Fighting- has Begun. Nkw Tokx, May 6. Dispatches from Tegucigalpa and Nicaraguan points to the World say that fighting hasjbegan in Granda, Nicaragua, and disorder is also reported from Leon. Word comes from there that the followers of Oritz, Zerula and Macherro have united to make war on President ' Zelaya. The Honduran troops concentrated at Cape Gracias will remain there, as it is feared that the threatened outbreak on the Mosquito reservation may extend. General Bon ilia will take 4,000 men and go to Presi dent Zelaya's aid if requested. Though the British have left Corinto, martial law will continue some days, on account of the fear that the uprising at Granada will spread. It is estimated that the trouble with England has cost Nicaragua $1 -000,000. It is claimed that Envoy Barrios failed in b'is duty by not informing his govern ment that United States Ambassador Bayard was not seconding - Gresbara'i views in favor of a settlement by arbitra tion. This view is discredited by the officials, though not officially. General Duarte - has arrived at Bluefields. A high official says the reports of the op position to President Zelaya are greatly exaggerated - . ,-- California's Ossified Man. Montkezt, Cal., May 6.- The death in this city of William Tibbets, ended a case without parallel in medical his tory. The deceased waB a sufferer from dropsy, but the peculiarity is that he was in a state of partial petrifaction His body was as rigid as stone. The pricking of a needle made no indents. tion in the flesh and all power of Ben sensation had disappeared. Mr. Tibbets was taken to the German hospital in San Francisco and nine physicians made close examinations and held many con saltations, to discover , the identitv of Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 6z5iVS and foovfyixt J a rd maty food too rich' frr 'Children, and deli cate persons, ti at it fe nheaJtiy for ierjbody tfiat it finds to Jysfep$ia)c. jTo lorQ as fiicsfe "ffiinaa wustic so, bat the VlV HQRTff fUNCr , is better than, fard for all CooJtfn putpos, & has none of fffi ev'il effects cf arcl. J?erareJ imitaTions-Qth tirGimiiHi. XASE OKLT BT THE N. K. FAIRBANK COTCPANY, BT. LOUIS sbA Chicago, Hew York, Bostoaw the Btrange ailment. - No relief conld be given tbe sufferer and two weeks ago be was brought home to die. The end came yesterday. A post-mortem examination was made and it was found that the only organs which were in a healthy condi tion were the kidneys. The deceased was a pioneer resident of this city . and waa 66 yeara of age. Any one who has ever bad an atack of inflammatory rheumatism will rejoice ith Mr. J. A. Stumm, 220 Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, over his fortunate escape from a siege of that distressing ailment. Mr. Stumm is foreman of Merrian's confectionery establi shment. Some months ago, on leaving the heated work room to run across the street on an errand, he was caught out in 'the rain. The result was that when ready to go home that night he was unable to walk, owing to inflammatory rheumatism. He was taken home, and on arrival waa placed in front of a good fire ' and thoroughly rubbed with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. During the evening and night be was repeatedly bathed with this liniment, and by morning was relieved of all rheumatic pains. He now takes especial pleasure in praising Chamber lain's Pain Balm, and always keeps a bottle of it in the house. For Bale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. - Beaten to Death. Pittsbueo, May 6. Isaac Jones, the night clerk at the First Avenne hotel, was brutally murdered in the basement of the hotel this morning. He had been beaten on the head with an iron bar and robbed. While in Stockton, Cal., some time ago, lhos. i). L-angan, of ls isanos, that state, was taken vary severely cramps and diarrhoea. He chanced to meet Mr. C. M. Carter, who waa similarly afficted. He says: "I told him of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and we went to the Holden Drug Store and procured a bottle of it. It gave Mr. Carter prompt relief and I can vouch for its having cured me. For sale by Blakeley ot Houghton, Drug gists. ' . " Found Guilty Pittsburg, May 6. Charles H. and Henry Delaney, arrested, in connection with tbe blind pool expose a few months ago, were today found guilty of conspl racy to defraud. Bucklen'a Arises Salvo. The best salve in tbe world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum; fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively, cures pilea, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. " Price 25 cents New Arrivals New Arrivals In Glothing. Our Men's, Boys' and Youth's Department, Now complete in every detail. Special bargains in Boys' Clothing. " "We start Boys' Knee Pants, 35c per'pair. IN LADIES' UNDERWEAR, An extensive line in the popular Ribbed Goods, Bought direct from the Factory. We start Ladies' Vests at 6 l-4c. IN PARASOLS, A special line in Taffetta Silk. Good selection -Handles only $1.50. A. M. WILLIAMS & GO (Mil MM For Infanta and Children. Castoria promotes PlgesrMon, and FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKIKO BUBIHEB8 overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and - Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria, contains no Morphine or other narcotic property.. M Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known, to me." H. A. Aiobis, M. D., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, K.Y. For werej al years I haye reoommenoed yonf CHstoria, and shall always continue to do so, as it has inrariably produced beneficial results." Edwijc f. Pardzk, M. D., -JSXCh Btreet and 7th Are., Now York City. "The use of 'Castoria1 Is so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the In telligent families who do not keep Oastoria within easy reach." - Cabxos atia-mr, D. D., : Mew York City. Tn Causa- Oovraa-r, 77 Hurray Street, X.T. Ir. Miles' Nbrts PLAsratseure EHEUJfi. HH1L WKA K BACKS. At druggists, only 25a Letter! of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers Bold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections nytde at all points on fav orable terms. J. u. BCSSNCK, President. J. M. Pattbkson, Cashier. first Rational Bank. THE DALLES, - - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly . remitted on day - of collection. . Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port . land. DlrlBJOTTOrlS. D. P. Thompson. - Jno. S. Sohxnok. Ed. M. Williams, - Gxo. A. Lxbbsi. - - ' H. M. Bsall. '- DOORS, "WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY,. LIME and CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. ZEE. 3-Xj IE 1ST ILST, BOSS CASH STORE Lace Curtains White Bed Spreads Fine Linen Table Damasks 20 per cent Discount MEN'S TAILOR-MADE SUITS MEN'S TAILOR-MADE PANTS BOYS SUITS AND PANTS LADIES SHOES SCHOOL SHOES G-ETTTS' SHOES .HATS and CAPS K i List Den. 166 Second St. fil. QriYTAtiliii, Importer. per box. For aale by Snipea i Kin- raly. ,