The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 06, 1895, Image 1

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    C ( J
If ' ,. ' 1 t 'linn si m in i 'if
NO 107
So Do the Democrats of Cook
County Call Themselves.
After They Had Denounced Cleveland
and Palmer, Sound-Money Men
Banqueted and Replied.
Chicago, 'May 4. President Cleve
land and Senator John M. Palmer each
received a "jacketing" at' the hands of
ex-Representative . W. J. Bryan of Ne
braska, at the democratic free silver
county convention today, and as each of
them was palled over the coals, the del
egates signified their approval by round
after round of applause. Controller of
the Currency Eckles was also' the target
for Mr. Bryan's arrows, and his thrusts
were evidently regarded as center shots
"by delegates, for they yelled with de
lights. The convention adopted a 16 to' 1 plat
form ont and ont, and elected delegates
to the Springfield convention. '
Ex-Judge S. P. McConnell. was made
temporary chairman. He said during
his speech: . ':. . -
"The president of the United States,
the man who was elected by democratic
franchises, has repudiated the demo
cratic party. We repudiate him. We
stand on the platform of 1892. We are
in favor of the restoration of silver as
we declared then."
' He then scorched Senator Palmer for
bis attitude on the money question and
was wildly cheered at the conclusion of
his remarks.
ICx-Representative . W. J. Bryan of
. Nebraska came next. He said in part:
"We are not here to denounce the
president of the United States. We are
not here because we love him less, but
because we love oar country more. We
are not here to say anything against the
. rights of individual opinion either in the
chief executive or in the humblest citi
zen, but we are .here to protest against
language need in the letter written by
Grover Cleveland, published in this
morning's papers, indicating that it is
indecent for a man to hold office nnder
this administration without bowing to
the dictatorship of the bead of it. This
is the first official declaration, my
friends, that to hold office under the ad
ministration, forbade democrats from in
terfering in politics to defeat a repub
lican it is the first announcement that
democratic office-holding depends on the
willingness to fight democrats when they
could not fight republicans.'
He then paid - his respects to Senator
Palmer, declaring that, his power as a
leader had gone and that be had no fol
lowing among the democrats.
The platform declaring in favor of sil
ver at sixteen to one was then read
and adopted, twenty-four votes being
cast against it. A determined effort will
be made to have the same platform
adopted by the state convention.
Will Bold on to Fort Arthur.
Toxio, May 4. Japan's reply to the
protest of Russia, France and Germany
against taking from China the Liao-Tung
pemnsnla is in substance this:
When China ratifies the treaty of peace
at Shimonoseki Japan will renounce pos
session of the province of Mantchnria,
except that part of the Liao-Tung pen
insula extending from Port Arthur to
Talien. In compensation for the giving
back of this Chinese territory Japan will
ask a largely increased indemnity.
St. Pktebsbueg, May 4. Japan's an
ewer to the protest of Russia, France
and Germany has been made. The of
ficials will not disclose the text, but
those who expected Japan to yield ex
press surprise at the answer.
Yokohama, May 4. The Russian war
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
i - .
ships lately stationed at the treaty porta
have left with sealed orders. It is ex
pected the treaty between . China and
Japan will be-ratified..
' Washington, May 4. It is believed
here that Russian reasoning is that, by
the occupation of Port Arthur, the Jap
anese will dotninate'Manchnria as effect
ually as if she held the nominal title to
the province. Reserving Port Arthur as
s military base and opening a great com
mercial port at Talien-Wan, the Japan
ese will connect the latter, by rail with
New Cbwang, on the line of the project
ed Chinese railroad from Peking to Mouk
den, and -divert the entire trade of New
Cbwang and Moukden, at least in winter,
when all of the Mancburian - ports are
closed. It would also be impossible for
Russia to locate a Western terminal port
for the Siberian railway anywhere in
Manchuria, as it would be easily closed
by the .Japanese from their powerful
base at Port Arthur, which would dom
inate, from a military point of view,. not
only Manchuria and the Gulf of Pe-Cbi
Li, but also Wei-Hai-Wei, only 40 miles
across the straits. '. Nothing is known
here respecting the reported - failure of
the peace ratifications, bat it is felt that
the situation is critical and that Japan's
last concession will not alleviate it.
The Term Accepted.
Managua, Nicaragua, May 4, (via Gal
veston.( At 1 o'olock this morning Ni
caragua authorized Senor Christiana
Medina, the Salvadorean minister to
London and Paris, acting Nicaragua
minister in London, to accept the modi
fied ultimatum of Great Britain. This
modified ultimatum, it is understood
here, was secured by the ' influence and
though the intercession of the United
States. Senor Medina is authorized by
the government to pay the 15,000 in
London nnder protest within five days
after the departure of the British squad
ron from Corinto.' Orders for the evacu
ation of the : port . of Corinto by tbe
British are to be cabled to Admira'
Stephenson today, and it' is ' thought
probable that he is already in possession
of instructions to that effect from Earl
Spencer, first lord of the admirality, It
is understood here that tbe other . items
in the original ultimatum of Great Brit
ain will settled by . arbitration.
Cable messages have been constant1
passing and repassing during the day
between Senor Medina, in London, and
President Zelaya, of Nicaragua. In tbe
first of the messages received early
the day from London, Lord .Kimberly
trhough Senor Medina, stated the terms
of tbe modified ultimatum. The terms
were at once accepted by tbe Nicaraguan
government and word to this effect dia
patched to Senor Medina in London : '
-oenor rianos, ine xionuaran envoy
sent last evening to Admiral Stephen
son, commanding the British squadron
for the purpoee of acting as mediator be
tween the two con tries, and was received
this morning with - much courtesy "on
board the ' Royal Arthur. Admiral
Stephenson expressed tbe hope that the
terms of the modified ultimatum would
be of such a nature as to allow him to
salute the Nicaraguan flag when be de
parted with hie squadron from Corinto.'
Hoch Excitement at Managua.
New York, May 4. A special to the
World from Managua says : Volunteer
companies are forming throughout the
country, and military aides are going
and coming in all directions. The ac
tivity of the military indicates that a
crisis is. approaching. . President Zelaya
has called another meeting of the lead
ing citizens.
. Yet there is no doubt that a settle'
mint has been reached with England
The minor details are being arranged by
Foreign Minister Matns and British
Minister Gosling: England has given
some concessions, bat the amount of the
indemnity is unchanged.
Marines have already begun embark
ing at Corinto.
All drusglste sell Dr. Mile' Pain Pills.
' Or. Miles" Pain Pilla car NeurahrU.
IvOv yv&vSU ,
&ivs ana
l(riowivt I a rd maty
iood ioo CcrcW tor
ch lidren. and d el t
cat. persons, tiafr
it is unkVaJtfty for
rjhodjih&t It Unit
to dyspepsia ,c.
fte.ft tfiinaa must fe
so, but the yvvr
HO f?T ft lUqr .
i better than, la rd for
all cooKjn purpose, L
fttjL none., of tW eVtl
ffeets cF a rd . J? wra re !
imiTaTions -Qr tdfCiMviNV.-
ST. XjOTJIS and .
..' Chicago, Sew York, Boston
Capable of Carina Cancer.
New York, May 4. A Paris special to
tbe woTld says that Drs. Recius and Ter
rier announced at the last sitting of the
French Academy of Sciences the discov
ery of a serum capable of curing cancers
and cancerous tumors. Several sup
posed hopejees cases have been com
pletely cured. The system of cultivating
the vaccine is the same as adopted by
Dr. Doux for diphtheria seram obtained
from the Dlood of dogs previously inoc
culated with a cancerous fluid. Further
experiments are being made.
Any one who has ever had an atack
of inflammatory rheumatism will rejoice
with Mr. J. A. Stumm, 220 Boyle
Heights, Los Angeles, over his fortunate
escape from a siege of that distressing
ailment. Mr. Stumm is foreman of
Mercian's confectionery establishment
Some months ago, on leaving the heated
work room to ran across the street on an
errand, be was caught out-in the rain
The result was that when ready to go
home that night he was unable to walk.
owing to inflammatory rheumatism. He
was taken home, and on arrival was
placed in front, of . a good fire and
thoroughly rubbed with Cbambarlain'
Pain . Balm. - During the evening and
night he was repeatedly bathed with this
liniment, and by morning was relieved
of all rheumatic pains. He now takes
especial pleasure in praising Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm, and always keeps
bottle of it in tbe. house. For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists.
' Ratification Expected Wednesday.
Chb-Foo, May 4. Chinese abd Japan
ese plenipotentiaries are expected here
Wednesday May 8th, to exchange rati
fications of the treaty. John W. Foster,
tbe American adviser of the Chinese
commissioners, will accompany .the
latter. "
While in Stockton, Cat.,' some time
ago, Tbos. F.Xangan, of Los Banos, that
state, was taken very severely cramps
and diarrhoea. - He chanced to meet Mr
C. M. Carter, who was similarly afflcted
He says: "1" told him of Chamber
Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, and we went to tbe Holden
Drag Store and procured a bottle of it.
It gave Mr. Carter prompt relief and I
can vouch for its having cared me."
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Drug
gists. "''
. Tne Party Has No Outlook. -
Chicago, May 5. Senator John M.
Palmer today, in response to a question
as to what was the outlook for his party
in Illinois, replied:
"It baa no outlook. Every man in the
party is looking ont for himself and hold
ing others np." .'
, He declined to diecuss the silver ques
tion. --'- -
For Infanta and Children. -
. Castorla. promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, ' and Feveriahneea.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep zLatirraJ. Castorla contains no
Morpiiina or other narcotic property.
"Castoria is so well adapted to children (hat
I recommend it aa superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Abchbb, M. D.,
in South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.T.
"For mrreral Tears I hare reoommrf3edTOur
Castor!,' and shall always continue to do so,
JCDWW F. Fakdic, M. D.,
rath Street and 7th Are., New York City.
"The use of 'Oaatoria' Is so universal and
Its merrts so well known that it seems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in
telligent families who do not keep Oastoria
within easy reach."
G at fCM Hisrrir D. D
MewTorkdtr. .
Tkh CnTAsa Ooscnurr, Tt Murray Street, X. T.
Dr. Miles' Nekts PkASTBBscure RHEUMA
TISM. WEAK BACKS. At druggists, only 2&
Watch, out for ad. tomorrow.
Something astonishing'.
Letters of Credit issued available in the
... Eastern States. I
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
egon and Washington.
Collections made At ail points on tav
orable terms.
J. M. Patterron,
First Rational Bank.
. 1
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
, New York, San Francisco and Port
land. . DIRBOTOKS. .'
D. P. Thompbow. Jxo. S. Schinck.
Ed. M. 'Williams, - Go. A. Likbb. .
. - ' H. M. Bbalx.. r ;
Boss Cash Store.
LIME and
Picture Moulding.