The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 02, 1895, Image 3

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    C 3 J
See us before
Saturday, lay 4th.
you buy.
: We carry a Complete Line of .
If conditions anywhere make it possible to put Dress Goods prices lower,
we mean that you shall see them here first of all.
To every lady purchasing a Dress Pattern over our counters on Saturday,
we will furnish the findings free. Such an offer so early in the season is one
that will be appreciated by the buying public.
; Every safeguard is used when we buy our Goods to enable us to warrant
qualities and price. The following lots are only a few of our bargains:
Cotton Mixtures in choice plaids, made for spring trade 10c
Cotton Mixtures, in fancy plaids ......16c
Saxony Suitings, in stripes and plaids ...25 and 30c
All-wool Scotch Cheviots ,.... :...40 and 45c
Broadhead's, in all the latest plaids and fancy weaves 50c '
" Diagonals, in tan, brown and gray 75c
Imperial Shower Proof Cravenettes and all the Novelties in Silk Weaves
will be shown on our counters.
Fishing Tackle,
Stoves and Steel Ranges,
Wire Cloth,
Wire Poultry Netting, .
Se-wer Pipe,
Iron Water Pipe, ,
Garden Tools,
Sheep Shears,
Barrell Clmins,
Rubber and Cotton Wrap
ped Garden Hose,
Groceries and Provisions,
Oak Fir and Maple Cord-
wood and General sup
Telephone 3NTo. SO"
ay Them
Buy your Hats of a merchant, who makes
this line a specialty, and get
Tb Prop Mm at He Price.
We carry the lar gest stock and can. save
- you money. Call and see.
The Tygli Vsl
lye Creamery
Ask VanDibber & Worsley for it.
Every Square is Full Weight.
A. A. B.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
ntered the Postoffice at Tbe Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
Clubbing List.
Aniicli nl I. T. Tritiit
" til Wecklj Ortgniu . . .
" ui Wetklj Enmiier .. .
" Wetklj Hw Y.rk World.
Regnlar Qur
price price
..$2.50 $1-75
.. 3.00 2.00
.. 3.25 2.25
. . 2.25 2.00
10 Uiim per line for first lumraon, and b Ceuu
oer line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 8 o'clock
wlfl appear the following day.
MAY 2, 1895
Leaves From tbe Notebook of Chronicle
Seeds at coet at E. J. Collins Co. 'a
Everybody wants to hear tbe O. K,
T.'s tonight at the Armory hall. '
Latest novelties in Sailors, Mother
Goose crowns, at Mrs. M. E. Briggs'.
There will be plenty of seats reserved
- for the ladies at the armory ball tonight,
to hear the O. K. T. concert company
License to wed Was issued yesterday to
Thomas Lacy and Miss Ida Billen, both
of Hood River. .
One hobo was before tbe recorder this
morning to learn the measure ot his
penance. The recorder sized it np as
about $5 worth. -
The Epworth League desires to thank
most heartily all the friends who so
kindly assisted them in their entertain
ment last evening. ,
.The man with the bill book has been
interviewing our citizens again today, it
being the day set apart for the settling of
monthly accounts.
, ' One of the neatest jobs of painting in
the city is that just completed on the
front of Andy Baldwin's saloon. It is
done in maroon and gold.
Joseph Proulx filed his declaration of
intention to become a citizen of the
United States, this morning. He re
nounces allegiance to the queen of Great
The ladies of the Christian church re'
port the receipts for their supper and
are highly pleased at the generous pat
ronage they received.
Fern lodge, Degree of Honor, will give
a. social at Fraternity hall, next Wednes
day evening. A musical - and literary
program, refreshments and dancing will
entertain the guests. Admission, 25
. cents.
The Herrick cannery yesterday in its
opening run put up seventy-five cases of
first-class Chinook salmon. The supply
is increasing daily, owing to more wheels
getting to work rather than to any great
increase in the run.
Professor Edwards, the great horse
tamer and breaker, will give an exhibi
tion at the fair grounds tomorrow after
cod. Wild and vicious horses will be
introduced and handled. The wonderful
trick performing horse, will also be ex
Two young gentlemen in Portland
wound up a night's dissipation by turn
ing on a fire alarm. Judge Smith after
listening to their statements, took the
case under advisement for about half a
minute, and then fined them $100 each.
They will not indulge in that' kind of
luxury soon again.
For the nine months ending March 31,
the number of persons coming to this
country to find homes was 140,980 as
againct 218,648 in the same time in 1894,
and 259,580 in 1893. The money brought
by them amounted to $2,395,840, or
about $17 each, and yet we claim there
is. a law against pauper immigration.
By invitation of tbe Literary society
Dr. Doane will repeat the lecture re
cently delivered by him at the Willam
ette University medical commencement.
The lecture will take place Friday even
ing at 8 o'clock, in the Congregational1
church. Everyone is cordially invited to
attend. Special music will be on tbe
program. No admisbion will be charged
nor collection taken.
Quite a number of Dalles people went
out to Williams' grove yesterday to at
tend the May-day picnic. They all re
port having had a delightful time
There were about 200 present, the music
was fine, and the eatables and otber
substantial features of the occasion were
all that could be desired. Mr. J. C
Burks, of Sherman county, was orator
for the occasion and his address is highly
ppoken of.
Judge Bellinger is "onto his job" all
right, and does not purpose standing in
with the criminal class employed by
this government to promote crime. Doc
Davenport, who is a counterfeiter, was
brought before him for trial for counter
feiting silver coins. He pleaded guilty,
but made a long statement to the effect
that Harris, the United States special
agent, bad employed Fresch to get him
to make tbe coins, Fresch bought the
solder and the plaster for the molds.
Judge Bellinger does not believe special
agents , should go over the country
tempting men to commit a crime for tbe
purpose' of having them punished, and
so will discbarge Davenport. If the de
partment would follow suit and discharge
Harris, justice would be done.
To Oar Fmtrons. ., .
Having this day sold our business and
good will to Charles Cooper and E. A,
Mann, who will take possession to
morrow morning, we desire to return our
thanks to our friends and patrons, and
to bespeak for our successors a continu
ance of their friendship and patronage.
.". . " , Chrisman Bros
free! Free! JTreel
O. K. T. Concert Company at the Ar
mory hall tonight.,. There has been a
new stage built, tbe hall has all been
fixed op, and everybody is invited to
come. . Remember there will be no
medicine sold from tbe stage. .
all pain banished hj Dr. Miles' Pain I' lite.
Concerning: the Censes.
Editor Chronicle: I see by your
article in yesterday's issue, that there
are those who are disposed to think that
my enumeration of this city does not
give the population of The Dalles in
numbers to suit their ideas of magnitude.
Now, I was not taking the census for
any particular person or persons, conse
quently I did not inquire just what
numbers would suit them ; but the law
makes .it obligatory upon me as assessor
of the county to take the census of the
county, The Dalles included: so I
adopted the best and only means by
which a correct enumeration can be bad
and that was to take it street by street
and house by house, through the entire
city. I employed two competent men to
assist me and started out with tbe in
structions that they should miss no
house, one taking one side of the street
and tbe other the opposite, and miss no
place that any one roomed above or be
low, not even a bachelor's cabin, and
followed street by street and house by
house, taking the cross streets myself,
not missing a shanty without finding
out who and how many lived there, and
if we.came to a house that the lady was
not at borne we invariably found out the
name and number of residents by their
next door neighbor, not doubting its
correctness, and my roll is subject to in
spection by any one and at any time,
and if any of tbe critics can find a family
in Tbe Dalles that the name and nnmber
is not on my roll, I will find them a five
dollar piece in the ashes, as ' I had ho
interests to serve nor favors to grant,
other than doing my duty in performing
the work and anyone is perfectly we)
come to go over the work and I will com
pare rolls with them at any time.
F. H. Wakefield,
Assessor of Wasco County.
At tbe Operst Bouse.
The entertainment at the opera bouse
last night drew a large and enthusiastic
audience. . Tbe program was well' ren
dered and afforded an evening's pleasaDt
entertainment. Tbe tableaux were good
but the speaking tableaux were ' mute,
no one being able to hear what was said.
This was due largely to tbe rnde actions
and noise made by. those who should
know better. The scarf drill was beauti
ful as was the winding of the May pole,
and the recitation by Miss Gruhbs and
song by Miss Myrtle Micbell were thor
oughly appreciated.
We cannot forbear to mention in this
connection a custom that seems to have
grown to tbe proportions of ' a good sized
nuisance, and that is that no matter at
what hour a performance is advertised
to commence, a large-number will come
in half an hour late, a piece of inexcusa
ble rudeness. Tbe management at the
opera house should see that the curtain
goes up at the minute advertised and if
people still insist on coming late close
the doors until the curtain is down.
city. - For a $100 wheel they have tbe
Rambler, which is one of the best known
bicycles on tbe market. It has many
special features and patents, not found
on any other wheel, oneof which is their
detachable tire, which is admitted to be
the best tire yet discovered, and which
is now need bv half of the manufacturers
in the United States. Tbey also have
the agency, direct from the manufac.
turers, for the celebrated Waverly bi
cycles, which are forging ahead of every
thing else this season, the factory hav
ing already turned out over 20,000 of the
95' wheels, and not being able at the
present time to fill their orders. This
wheel is certainly a very handsome one,
and is claimed to be the highest of high
grade, and what is still better they sell
for $85 and tbe ladies' wheel for $75.
In addition to these tbey have the
Chicago Ideals, which are made by the
manufacturers of the Rambler, as a
second grade wheel, are strong and sub
stantial, and it is bard to see the differ
ence between them and the $100 wheel.
These are old at $55 and $65.
They also have bicycles to rent, by the
day or hour.
Mr. Hobart. superintendent of the
state portage railroad at the Cascades, is
in tne city.
Mr. T. R. Meyer, representing the
Stark Medicine Co., and advance agent
of tbe O. K. T. Concert Company made
us a pleasant call tms morning.
Judge Bradshaw will leave for Prine
ville tomorrow or Saturdav, court open'
ing there next Monday. Several of the
legal fraternity will accompany him.
Hi There !
Mr. M. Kennedy of Wamic is in the
city. In conversation with a Chronicle
reporter be stated that the grain in that
section was looking fine and was much
further advanced than that nearer tbe
river. A generous rain visited them a
few days ago, and all vegetation is just a
At Dufur, today, a son of Dr. Dietrich,
aged about 12 years.
Mays & Crowe have added to their al
ready extensive stock the largest and
most complete line of bicycles in the
Thursday, May 2d.
Free Free Free
i" i i
Men's Straw Hats,
Boys' Straw Hats,
Misses' Straw Hats,
Ladies' Straw Hats.
Largest "Assortment in the City.'
Blue Front Store- Opposite Diamond Mills.
Successor to Cnrisman & Corson.) .
. Again in business at tbe old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
Crescents ! Crescents ! Crescents !
... . . . '. 1 .
Why pay $100 for a Bicycle ".
: V When you can get one for $55 ?
We buy direct from the makers, and save you the Jobber's profit. .
We sell our High-grade CRESCENT, with wood rim and Clincher tire, for. .$80 00
The same wheel, with Morgan & Wright tire, for.. . ............. - 75 00
This wheel weighs 23 pounds. '
Our SPECIAL CRESCENT, with either wood or steel rims, M. & W. tires. .$55 00
This wheel with wood rim weighs 28 pounds; with steel, 30 pounds."
Our SPECIAL CRESCENT will compare favorably with any $75 wheel on the -market,
and we will give tbe same guarantee that is given on the highest
' priced wheel sold. Come and see our samples or send lor catalogue. -
MAYS & CROWE, The Dalles.
Take your Prescriptions to.
They will be Filled by Thorough
' Prescription Druggists.