CI ultt VOL. VIII TTHE DALLES, OREGON,. TUESDAY, APRIL 30.1895 NO 102 UM&m VEST'S " LATEST ROLE An Organizer of the Free Silver Forces. HIS RECENT WORK IN MISSOURI He la Attempting to Commit the Demo cratic Party of That Stmt to Fro Dmvk, April 29. A. special to the . Times from Washington saye: Senator Vest has dispatched 900 letters to demo crats in every quarter of Missouri urging that chairman of the democratic county committees be requested to ask the democratic national central committee to call a free-silver convention, and in tbe event of the refusal of the state com mittee to dd so, for as many as favor free coinage to join in a call for a convention. Silxer Conference. Salt Lake City, April 29. A confer ence of prominent silver advocates will be held in this city on May 15, to secure united action looking to the effective placing of bimetallic literature in the bands of voters throughout the Union. Representatives are expected to be pre sent from California, Oregon, Washing ton, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah. ' The governors of the states and terri tories mentioned will lend their aid by naming three delegates each to attend the conference. Governor McConnell, of Idaho, urges the necessity of baving delegates who will earnestly undertake tbe work of raising funds tor the bimetal lic cause.' Wheat Still Advances. Chicago, April 29. After a decline at the start, wheat went up wildly todav, gaining two cents before 10 o'clock.' At the opening a bearish movement started a liberal selling, but offerings were snap ped up with such eagerness that ' early vellers soon began ' buying - back their wheat. The shorts were covering vigor ously. July opened n lower at 63c, touched,. 63c and advanced to 65 : c. Corn and oats went up with wheat. Other Arretti Will Follow. Salt Lake, April 29. The arrest of John Beck, the Mormon millionaire and mineowner, on a charge of living with three wives, is to . be followed up by other arrests on like charges. Tbe prominent Mormons' next booked by rumor for the dragnet, under the Edmunds-Tucker act, are rich and power ful, socially and politically. The arrest of John Beck is believed to be the first move in a political game which has for . its object the defeat of equal suffrage, and consequently the constitution now being framed. Movement of War Teasel. Washington, April 29. It is stated the Olympia will relieve the Phila delphia at Honolulu some time daring the month. of May.' ", '".' The Petral has arrived at Shanghai. The flagship Baltimore left Nagaski for Yokahoma yesterday. Pugilists to Fight Six Bounds Before a Camera. Pittsburg, April 29. Bob Titzi Da mons and Peter Maher have a contract with the Elison Kinetscope Company to fight six rounds before the camera for a gift of $5.000. . Tde rounds will be one minute each, with three minutes rest, the idea being to have a lively battle. If either man is knocked out before the . end of tbe sixth round, the winner will take the money. If both stav to a finish the one receiving tbe. decision will get $3,000 and the other $2,0w0. Collma Volcano Active. Guadalajara, Mexico April 29. The Colima Volcano is again in active erup tion. The inhabitants. of tbe valley at tbe base of the mountain have been Highest of ail in i-euveiiing Power. 1 1 V V, I V- ' I I ' I i V 1 ' -F 1 forced to abandon their homes and flee for their lives. The molten lava and ashes have destroyed tbe growing crops and much valuable property In that sec tion. The fire which issues from tbe crater presents 'a magnificent sight at night. ' . Durrant St 11 Stolid. San Fbancihco, April 29. Durrant was arraigned this morning on the charge of murdering Blanche Lamont. He listen ed to the reading of tbe complaint in the same stolid manner which has character ised him ever since bis arrest. The pre liminary hearing of the prisoner was' set for tomorrow with the' understanding that a continuance would be granted until after the conclusion of the coroner's inquest. Durrant held a long consultation with hit attorneys. He thinks the public is disposed to be prejudiced against bind. Circumstances against others, be says, are ignored, and everything suspicious made to fit bis case. The inquest of the Blanche Lamont case will commence this evening. :. ' " - - O'Vion Preaehed Yesterday. San Francisco, April 28. Rev. Dr. J. George Gibson delivered his first dis course since tbe Emanuel churcn mur ders, at Grace M. E. church, last night. His subject was: "The Man of Sorrow." He likened his own grief to that of Christ, whom he declared was always with the sorrowing, tie made no allusion to the church " tragedies. Services were an nounced ; to begin at 7 :45 o'clock, but long before that hour ariived tbe church was jammed. Even as early as 6 o'clock crowds clamored at the closed doors for admittance. So great became the crowd in the streets that it was deemed advisa ble to open the doors and fill the church as quickly as - possible, - and .in they poured by the hundreds. The church was taxed to its utmoet capacity. - ' 2eelsiwn Affirmed. Washington, April . 29. In deciding the case of Joel Parker Whitney vs. Frank ' Taylor, in error, to . the ' circuit conrt for the northern district of Cali fornia, involving title to a quarter of a section of land in California the United States supreme court today- held that where on tbe records of tbe local land office there existed a claim on the part of an' individual to land witbin a railroad grant under tbe homestead pre-emption laws, which has been recognized . by officers of the government and not can celed, the tract in dispute is exempt from the operation of the grant. The de cision of the conrt below was affirmed. Bannoo and Mulkey Will New Trial. ' Not Have Washington, April 29. The supreme court today denied a petition for a re bearing in the cases of the St. Louis & San Francisco Bailway Company versus Gill and three other defendants, in error (damage case), and Mulkey and Bannon versus the United States (Oregon) smug gling cases., -" " ----- On Missionary Ridge Chattanooga, Tenn., April 29. The government Saturday purchased twenty acres of land on Missionary ridge, which is . a - part of Sherman's earthworks. Monuments and markers will be erected on the tract acquired. Eventually it will be converted into a park, and will be an Important adjunct to tbe Chicka manga and Chattanooga National Mili tary Park. ' ' Early Settlement Predicted. Washington, April 29. An unexpect ed development in tne Nicaragua-British situation may be expected within the next 24 or 48 hours. From indications an agreement will probably be "reached which .will be mutually' satisfactory and result in the withdrawal' of tbe British from Corinto. . ' " " ' ; Niearasruaas Most Pay For It. Washington, April 29. It is stated here today that Great Britain will, now probably require Nicaragua to pay not only the original cash demand, but all expenses it is put to 'in occupying and holding Corinto - and the - expenses of other steps she will take. - ' .Latest U. S. Gov't Report V Cottolene thenewshortening-i-ihe; drily pure and healthful and perfectly digestible frying and shortening mate rial in tbe market is now to be bad at all first-class grocers throughout the United States and Canada. " ' In using Cottolene for shortening, it 19 of the greatest importance to use only about one-half or two-thirds as much as would be used of lard. This is essential to success in the cooking, . as well as an important feature for one's pocket book. Cottolene, like all other good things, has found several imitators, all of very : inferior quality, and sure to cause dis satisfaction. To be sure of getting the genuine Cottolene, the best way to buy it is in the tiu pails bearing the name and Trade-Mark. ' Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, ST. LOUIS and Chicace, Hew York, Boston. ' ' Nothlua; to Conceal. . Washington, April 29. Che Nicara- guan minister said today he bad nothing to conceal regarding the information furnished him by his government. He said be had notified the. Nicaraguan minister of foreign affairs several timta that the United States would remain neutral. Although fully satisfied the United States would maintain a neutral position, the Nicaraguan minister did not abate a single effort to secure from this government the use of its good offi ces in behalf of Nicaragua. For the past 10 days he has literally haunted the state department. ' ' ' ; t . 1 - : loo Reward SHOO - The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease - that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh.- Hall's Cure is the only posi tive cure known to the medical frater nity. ' Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous ' surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving tbe patient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work. Tbe proprietors have so much faith in its curative -' powers, that tbey offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimO Dials. Address, ' F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O. ... .... Sold by all druggists, 75c. The Winea-ag- Reservation Troubles. " Pendkb, Neb., April 29. All theWih nebago Indian police resigned yesterday, because Captain Beck would not have the Indians in jail here for resisting tbe sheriff released. They returned to work today on the agent's promise to help tbe prisoners to bail. . . , . Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier is admirably adapted to make '"a little- health go a long way."- - Its curative power is large ly attributable to its stimulant, tonic and nutritive properties, by which the energy of the system is recruited. It is pleasant to taste, easily borne on the Btomach and harmless under prolonged use. Price $1.00 per bottle. For sale by Snipes-Kinerely Drug Co. : Heard From Stephenson. London April 29. Foreign Secretary Grey announced to tbe house that infor mation bad been received from Admiral Stephenson, announcing the occupation of Corinto, April 27, without opposition, and that the Nicaraguans evacuated the town. ' " ' ' ; ' - . - - - Our patrons will find De Witt's Little Early "Risers a safd and reliable remedy for-' constipation, dyspepsia and '"liver Wm& it MANHATTAN "Will insure you A large assortment of these celebrated Shirts just received. Mm Tor Infanta and Children. -: Castoria promote TMges Jon, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, ' Diarrhoea, - and Feveriahness. Thus the child is rendered koalthy and its sleep natural, Castoria contains no Hbrphine or other narcotic property. ' Castoria is ro well adapted to children that I recommend It a superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Abobie, M. I., in Sooth Oxford St., Brooklyn, K.T. For several years I have reoomm ended yonr Ostoria,' and shall always continue to do sn. as it haa invariably produced beneficial results." : Emm F. Pardsb, H. D., 128th Street and 7th Are., Now York City. "The na of 'Caatoria 1 so nnlreraal and It merits ro well known that it raem a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in telliirent families who do not keep Oastoria within easy reach. : : .- Ciato ICtwrrx, P. P., Mew Tork City. Th Cavuxm OoatPAJTr, TT Jtnrray Street, X.Y. Dr. Miles' Nbbvtb PLASTKBScure RHEUMA riSM. WKA K BACKS. At druitKista. oniT 26c BOSS CASH STORE MI GlDSiBtt Oat Sale At a Big Sacrifice, FOR CASH. IMMENSE BARGAINS. SEEING 166 Second St Madras Shirts For Summer Wear Perfect Ease Perfect Comfort Perfect Satisfaction A. M. WILLIAMS & GO FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GKNBRALBANKINO BUBIMKBe Letters of Credit Issued available In tbe Eastern States. Sight . Exchange and Telegraphic franaferaeoldon New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, -Seattle Wash., and various points in Or otron and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav O'ahle terms. - . J. . BCBHCt, President. J. H. Pattbbson, (Jaauier. first Rational Bank. THE DALLES, - - OREOON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. -Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. ; DIREOTOrlS. D. P. Thoki'son. Jho. 8. Schumck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Lixbb. . ' , : H. M. BaALL Saturday, April 20, we commence a " of our new "stock of DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, FURII1SHIIIGS. "-- Boota ttxvd DOORS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME and CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. Slioes), is BELIEVING. ;a.w asU 'ti'IL klaf ( ?SJf IT3L complaints. bnipes-KInersly Drug Co. 4rfVfieerAaA