: :k:y- " : ;j .kk'--k C? ) a wa SUBSCRIPTION BATES. BY MAIL, rOSTAOB TS.XTi.VD, IH ADVANCK. Wsekly , 1 year. 1 60 " 4 month. 0 76 g 00 Dail.lyear 00 " 6 months. .' 00 per 0 60 Address all communication to THE CHBON ' ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. SATURDAY. APRIL 27, 1895 NEW ROAD TO THE DALLES. ' The project for a new road to The Dalles, mentioned in thia paper some time ago, is not dead by any merns; . neither has it been sleeping. Wood Gil man has spent considerable Ihonght on . the matter and has succeeded in work ing np quite a sentiment' in its tavor, not only here, but throughout at least half of the county. It is now time for others to get in and help. Those who have never given . any thought to the matter have no idea of the advantage such a road would be, not only to Fossil, but to Mayville and Con don and surrounding and intervening country. A preliminary survey has been made over a direct route from Fossil to 30-Mi!e,kthence np tbfj hill on the other side of the John Day river to the table land in Sherman county, where connection is made with a good road running direct to The Dalles. By this route it is but seventy miles from Fossil to The Dalles or only ten miles farther than from Fossil to Arlington. Mayville and Condon can make connections with ' this road that will bring them also with in 70 miles of The Dalles. This week Mr. Gilman interviewed the leading business men of The Dalles, who agreed to give substantial help in build' ing the proposed road. Jtle also saw prominent business men and farmers of Sherman county, who stated that Sher man county wouldkhelp. Ue is satisfied that if Gilliam will make the road in this county, Wasco and Sherman coun ties will build the grade - on ' the other side of the river. Private subscription will do a good deal toward bailding the road in this county, but Gilliam county should make an appropriation for this purpose say one dollar" for every dollar that is raised by subscription. '? The county court has practiced this plan to some extent already, with good results As to advantages that would result from such a road, they are so apparent that it is not necessary to say much con cerning them. Once it is built, goods can be laid down as cheap in Fossil and Con'don as in Arlington, as there is some 60 cents difference in the average price of freight between Portland ' and The Dalles and Portland and Arlington, in favor of the former point, whose water competition has cut the railroad rates one-half between The Dalles and Port land. This 50. cents would haul the ireight from Tne Dalles to fossil or Condon. Before long, when the locks are completed. The Dalles boats will be even better prepared to compete with the railroad, as there will be no breaking of cargo between there and the seaboard, and The Dalles should then be able to supply interior points at Portland prices. urain at present brings lu cents per bushel more in The Dalles than in' Ar lington. This being so, the Mayville . farmers can well afford to haul their wheat an extra fifteen or twenty miles for the extra 10 cents per bushel, and several of the largest . farmers of that section are strongly in favor of the early building of the road; , Over the proposed road we could have a daily mail route, and a man could drive to The Dalles in a day with a light rig, and he cannot travel to Arlington in less time. On a trip to Portland be would save about $5 in car fare alone, These are but some of the advantages that would accrue to the- people of Gilliam county. Sherman county would be benefited by the increased travel through ber territory, and through the fact that the timber surrounding Fossil is considerably nearer to a large portion of Sherman county 'than her presen source of Bupplyl ,ButThe Dalles would probably reap the greatest benefit of all from the road, as it would get a large trade that now goes to Arlington, and might just as well as not, especially as terminal rates are promised ber in the near future, which means that freight from the East will be laid down there as cheap as in Portland, get . the entire trade of the merchants of Fossil, May ville and Condon, which now goes prin cipally to Portland. In the near future we shall have more to say concerning this project, which deeply concerns considerably more than half the population of Gilliam county, Fossil Journal.' ACTING LIKE A BULLY. , A dispatch from- London, April 25th shows the desire of England to have this country stand in with ber to help ber get slice of China, or at least to pre- Tii3 Dalles Daily Ghronieli vent Russia, France and Germanyfrom interfering. It says : "Member of Parliament Ho worth, in letter to the Times, advocates a com mon policy on the part of England and America in regard to far eastern affairs. The Pall Mall Gazette favors Haworth's suggestion. It says : . 'America has re ceived many marks of respect from China and Japan. Joint diplomatic action with the United States by Eng land won Id prevent stronger action on the part of others. Our stake on every side of the Pacific, in China, Canada and Australia, forbids as to remain passive.' " -- .... England is a bully when she has the power, as witness her course with .Nica ragua; but when it comes to lacing Russia or France she is not so bandy with her guns and ber warships.' She would like to use Uncle Sam's hand to pull ber chestnuts dot of the fire, but she will be unable to do so. Just at present this country is ( looking rather jeolously at her conduct in Nicaragua, and while her right to collect indemnity for 'the treatment of ber representative is conceded, we cannot but feel contempt for ber bullying, manner. She will be left to her own resources in China, but he need not gq to sleep on the idea that the Nicaragua matter is entirely settled. If she collects her indemnity and quits, and that soon, all will be well ; if not she will have a fight on her hands with this country that will prevent her pay ing much attention to Japan and China In spite of her boasted fleet, it is proba ble we could make it interesting enough for her to at least let her know we were around. The history of 1776 and 1812 is not yet ancient, and she may well re member the proverb about history re peating itself. There is not much danger of war how ever, as she is only running a bluff. Baker City is the most moral town in the state, because it has a Virtue mine Clothing;! Clothing! we invite you to inspect our new spring stock of mens' suits, boys' suits and childrens' suits, latest cuts. Also very large assortment of mens' and boys' pants in all the new styles. Never in the history of low prices has such been offered. We will guarantee to save you fully 50 per cent. ' Remember the loca tion. . . " Robert E. Williams, Blue Front store, opposite Diamond Mills. al6tf. The Wasco Warehouse Co. have on sale at their warehouse Seed Wheat. Feed Wheat, Barley, Barley Chop, Oats and Hay. Are sole agents in The Dalles for the now celebrated Goldendale roller mills flour, the best flour in the market and sold only in ton lots or over. 9-tf Choice two-year-old roses for 25 cents; alee cut flowers and floral designs at the Rose Hill Greenhouse, Eighth and Lin coln street. Orders can be left at Mrs. Phillips' millinery store, on Washington street, between Second and Third, tf. Miss Aimee Newman, teacher of piano forte music. For terms apply at resi dence, corner of Fourth and Union. incb29-inavl. The best is always cheapest. Herrin makes the best cabinet photographs for only $2.50 per dozen. Chapman block, up stairs. a20-tf. Furnished room to rent Fourth Street near Lincoln. 19-tf - Mas. W. H. Swaini. Are Your Eyes Open? IF SO, READ THIS. Just Receiyed, A Complete Assortment of GARDEN and TIMBER SEEDS. We can save you money.- Now wend your way to the Big Brick, opposite Moody's Warehouse. V E. J. COLLINS & CO. Telephone 20, - Terms Cash. a first I can Ti I livery. -ALSO A FULL LINE OF- MRS. B, BBIGGS, X k LEAVES ITS MARK every one of the painful irregularities and weaknesses' that Drev noon women. They fade the face, waste the figure, ruin the temper, wither you up, make you old uciwic your rime. Get well : That's the way to look well. Cure the disorders and ailments that beset you, with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion. It regulates and promotes all the proper functions, improves digestion, enriches the blood, dispels aches and pains, melancholy and nervousness, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and strength. It's a powerful general, as well as uterine, tonic and nervine, imparting vigor and strength to the entire system. - Mrs. Awica UiucH, of Elm Creek, Buffalo Co., jvea., writes : i enjoy good health thanks to Ir. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription and Golden Medical Discovery.' I was under doctors care for two years with womb disease, and gradually wasting in strength all I the time. I was so weak I that I could sit np in bed f only a few moments, for two years. I commenced taking Br. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription and his Golden Medical Dis covery.' and by the time I I had taken one-half doz en bottles I was up and ' going wherever I pleased. Mrs, Ulrich. , . ud been very strong ever since that was two years and a half ago." A book of i63 pages on " Woman and Her Diseases " mailed sealed, on receipt of io cents in stamps for postage. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. All pain banished by Lr. Miles' Pain i"iii THE DALLES REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION. The above association prepared to take a list of is all and any kind of Ileal Estate for sale or exchange, whereby the seller will have the undi vided assistance of the follow ing Real Estate Agents, or ganized as an association for the purpose of inducing im migration to Wasco and Sher man Counties, and generally stimulating tne sale ol prop erty: C. E. Bayard, T. A. Hud son, J. G. Koontz & Co., J. M Huntington & Co., Dufur & Hill, N. Whealdon, Gibons & Marden, G. W. Rowland. Address any of the above well known firms, or V: : F. D. HILL, Sec'y, The Dalles. Oregon Having secured the services o - class ; trimmer from the city assure my patrons perfect sat isfaction as to style and finish. . Call and see 'the large variety of Hats on display in window. Successor to Anna Peter 4c Co., - i jr ,-t 112 Second Street. Balk Seeds. A Finn Line of Fresh Bulk Seeds, jut -- arrived. Kentucky Blue Grass, Red Clovery White Clover, Peas, Onions Turnips, Carrots, Beets. Alfalfa, Millet, Beans. ALL VAKIKTIE8 Flower Seeds, Onion Sets. J. B. CROSSEN, - Grocer. Ask Central for 62. ing Everything for the Garden we can furnish Floral Designs and Bona nets second to none in Eastern Ore gon at very reasonable prices. . nee our assortment of Jrlants, Button hole Bouquets, and display in M. Z. Donnell's Drugstore and Keller's Bak ery. Orders can be lelt at eltner ot the above places. The Hyacinths are now in full - bloom. All are cordially invited to come and see our assortment ot mowers ana Greenhouse Plants. Snipes-Kinersly Drag C o. Drugs, Wall Paper, Window Glass 129 Second St., THE DALLES. - - OR E. JACOBffl BOOK and MCSIG CO THE LEADERS IN - Pianos and Organs, Boob " NOTIONS, STATIONERY. Call and get their prices. Sell PIANOS on easy month ly payments, and is prepared to meet any COMf 162 Second SL THE DALLES, OR S E ES 2 S Garden and Grass Seeds in Bulk, at J. H. Cross' Feed & Gro cery Store. - S BEDS Don't Forget THAT THB Crov Photo Co. (Formerly Crow & Lussler, of Portland) Will soon hM. their Now Photograph Gallery at The Dallrs finished and ready for business. , Wait until yon see samples A work and prices before haying pictures taken. apr20 Calefccatet'a Fll.k Dimmed BnuMS. h EUUYROYAL PILLS Orlsf nml aad Oalv 6firiCL Drorairt for Ckic1r SvtglUh wtmd Brmtd in Ke4 and Gold nc afi, aiwajs rename, i snetAllW 3boxe. aeated with blue ribboa. Tk Vg Brand In Ue4 and . with ttlae til rrfcli mi mm lL l-nl J '- Smmmt. tofextL 1 0.OOA TestiMMBlfcla. Xmmm Amstr. StUDI Gieeiouse i 2J tlinl Ones JrjMiiXWn Bring in Your Family. Gome in Yourself. And see how cheaply Men's Suits, Boys' LACES, WOOLENS, Everything from Hat to Shoes, C. F STEPHENS, Cascade Locks GIVEN REDMEN'S SOCIAL GLUB -OS- Sunday Grounds will bs prepared at After lunch the following CLIMBING GREASED PAT MAN'S RACE, Prizes to the amount of Twenty-five Dollars will be awarded the successful After stopping at the Locks a few hours the train will make a trip to Bonneville, where another stop will be made. It is probable that Captain Webb will make a frightful plunge over the rapids on this All those desirous of examining the Government Works at the Cascades will be given ROUND TRIP TICKETS, .... $1.00 Children under 12 Train will leave the Umatilla ana returning arrive at b p. M. The Dalles Orchestral Union Band WILL ACCOMPANY THE EXCURSION. Closing Out Sale of DRY GOODS CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. Past or present values cut no figure, as goods MUST be SOLD LESS than COST. The C. P. and P. D., French Woven, Hand-Made, Dr. Warner's Health, Coraline, French Model and other make of Corsets will be closed out at extremely low prices. Call and be convinced. You will be surprised at our low prices. J. P. RUPERT & GABEL, Wholesale and retail manafactarera and dealers in - Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, TENTS and WAGON COVERS, And all Articles Kept in a First Class Harness Shop. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DOSE. we can dress all of you. Suits, Silks, Satins, COTTONS, LINENS, for everyone. All new stock. and Bonneville, BY THE JVTay 12th. the Locks for a Basket Picnic. amusements will be had: POLE, SACK RACE, LADIES' RACE. competitors. occasion. ample - opportunity. . years of age, half price. House at 8 o'clock a. m. McINERNY. Adjoining Joles, Oollina & Co.' Star,