The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 26, 1895, Image 1

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    C I )
NO 99
Will Not Interfere With the
Occupation of Corinto.
Monroe Doctrine CM No Flftrt 80
Long; as En eland Makes Mo Attempt
to Acquire Territory.
Naw Yobk, April 25. A epecial to tbe
8un trom Washington says: "from the
most trustworthy sources it ia learned
today that the president has again up
set the policy which Secretary Gresham
' had outlined in dealing with the Nicara
guan question, and has taken matters
practically in his own hands. There is
to be no protest on the part of the United
States against any action Great Britain
may take in enforcing her demands tor
the prompt payment of the $75,000 in
demnity called fur for ttie expuUion of
her consul-general, Mr. Hatch, who Ni
caragua said had conspired to overthrow
the existing government, and Lord Kim
berly will practically carry oat his plan,
which now seems certain to lead to com
plications, and which may bring upon
the United States the serious question
of demanding the withdrawal of British
sailors and marines from Nicaraguan
"Mr. Green ana's . carefully outlined
program was to prevent the landing of
troops, the seiaure of the custom-house
and the cession of any land which Ni
caragua might be willing to transfer to
Gieat Britain in payment of the indem
nity. The president, however, has de-.
eided that so long as England makes no
direct attempt to annex any part of
Nicaragua, this country will not interfere
with her purpose to receive prompt re
paration for Hatch's expulsion.
. "Lord Kimberly'a disavowal of any in
tention on Great Britain's part to -extend
territorial jurisdiction over any
' part of Nicaragua, has satisfied the presi
dent that she has every right to adopt
what methods she may please in collec
tion of tbe payment, and while this as-
. turance was only of a verbal nature, and
given to Ambassador Bayard at the time
of the landing of British sailors on tbe
. Mopquito strip some months ago, there
is a general feeling that if she once lands
troops on Nicaraguan soil, she will most
piobably remain there for a longer time
than the president dreams of.
"The exact policy of the administra
tion toward Nicaragua has been some
what vague for months, but there is no
longer the slightest doubt as to its atti
tude. No instructions have been cabled
to Ambassador Bayard asking that no
peremptory steps be taken by Britieh
warships in enforcing the demand, and
none have been forwarded to the United
8tates minister at Nicaragua warning
him of the British purpose of occupying
Corinto. Minister Guzman, the Nicara
guan representative to this country,
has been pacing the coridors of the state
department endeavoring to see Gresham
and secure through him intervention on
the part of the United States. The min
ister has received information from his
government which tends to make him
extremely anxious of the outcome of
British intentions this week. It is tbe
. opinion here among both officials of the
state department and diplomats that
. before the 'end of the week British sailors
and marines will be in possession of the
little commercial city of the republic
and that they will remain on shore un
til tne money is iormcoming, or some
guarantee is given of its payment."
Gibson As;nln Testifies.
San Fbancisco, April 25. Dr. Gibson
was again called to the stand, on tbe re
sumption of Durrant's examination this
morning. He was asked for-gpt-cimnns
of his handwriting, but declined to (rive
it. After a tilt with counsel for the de
Highest ot au in A.etveuuig Power.
fense, however, tbe' clerical witness
finally wrote his name on a piece of
paper, and at the request of the counsel
also wrote the names of George R. King
and Professor Shernstern, which were on
the newspaper in which the rings, of
Blanche Lamont were enclosed. It was
evident from this that tbe defense are
trying to connect Dr. Gibson with tbe
Lamont tragedy. Tbe witness identified
tbe chisel and hammer introduced by
defense as ..his property. He testified
that they were kept in a drawer in his
study. On being questioned as to bis
connection with St. Andrew's Baptist
church, Scotland, the witness stated
that be could not remember the name of
the street upon which it was situated,
although be had lived there three years.
He was asked to give the location in
Emanuel church of the washbasin in
which the blood stains were foun-I, and
replied that it was very close to his
study. He further stated that he sup
plied the towels that were used, and that
they were kept in au unlocked drawer
in the study. - Dr. Gibson corrected the
statement he made yesterday that the
library door wat locked with the old
lock on his first visit before the discovery
of tbe body of the murdered girl. He
now stated it was unlocked.
W. C. McElroy, another new witness.
testified that he saw a man meet a
woman at 8 :30 Friday evening, at the
corner of Bartlett and .Twenty-third
streets. - As the couple passed him, the
man threw bis shoulder around in such
a way as to screen the woman from Mc
Elroy 'a view. The man also partially
turned around and looked at witness.
The couple stopped at the gate leading
to the side entrance. Durrant seemed
to be a little shorter than the man he
saw. Witness afterwards passed through
a passage to a lot in the rear of Bartlett
street to meet a friend, Bert Minna, and
.while waiting there be saw a light in the
rear of tbe church, moving around, as if
from a candle or lantern. When bis
friend joined him be pointed the light
out to him.
Bert Minna, McElroy's friend, next
testified and corroborated McElroy's
statement as to tbe light. The time
they saw the light was about 9 -.40, the
train due at that time having passed
shortly before. ' '
Minister Lome Arrives.
Nkw York, April 25. Senor Dupny
de Lome, new Spanish minister, arrived
from Havana today.
He says the Spanish government pro
poses to send 20,000 soldiers to Cuba by
May 1. It is fully intended to crush the
insurrection by force. All leaders will
be dealt with vigorously by Canapo.".
The government will not buy them off,
as was the case in the previous Insurrec
tion. The minister stated that at pres
ent there were eight modern warships
in Cuban waters.
The Allianca incident, he says, will be
satisfactorily settled. He added he
thought it would have been wise if
the Allianca had stopped and then
put In a claim for indemnity.
How it Bells In funs.
8ak Antonio, Tex., April 25. A ter
rific hail storm which swept through
Wilson, Bexar and Medina counties last
night, did $200,000 damage. Hail stones
as large as goose eggs covered the ground
to tbe depth of two feet. Lyttle, Ben
ton City and Castroville were devastated,
the houses being riddled like sieves.
The damage to residences and business
bouses in Lyttle alone amounts to $50,-
000. A hundred head of live stock were
killed. The track of the International
St Great Northern railroad was blockaded
with hail stones which had to be re
moved before the trains could proceed.
Cotton and corn crops in tbe path of tbe
storm were completely destroyed.
A subscription wan started here today
for the relief of the sufferers.
Japan Can Make no Further Concessions.
St. Pxtirbbuko, April 25. The Jap
anese government, replying to the note
of the Russian government, intimating
that there are various conditions in the
treaty of peace between Japan and
iaiest U. a. Gov't .Report
BBW. wWP . t 'Wn
hear tell of. a purchaser wanting
to buy an imitation? Why do
men who try to sell such articles
speak of the act as "working
them off?" Simply because peo
ple want the best, and it takes
work and likewise deception to
sell them the worst. This un
pleasant experience may befall the
housekeeper who determines to
the new vegetable shortening.
The healthfulness, flavor, and
economy of this wonderful cook
ing product has won for it the
widest popularity, which in turn
has attracted the attention of
business parasites v.hoare "work
ing off" imitations and coun
terfeits. Forewarned is fore
armed. Be sure you get the only
genuine vegetable shortening
Sold In s sod 5 pound n0a .
Made only by
The N. K. Fairbanks
Chicago, New Tork, Boston. -
China that Russia cannot allow to be
pat into execution, has informed Russia
that if Japan yielded to the exactions of
Russia,' France and Germany, she would
expose herself to a revolution, as tbe
Japanese people are intoxicated with tbe
victories and would assent to no conces
sions. J n spite of this reply, Ruesia is
determined to maintain her demands.
When your heart pains you and un
usual palpitation is frequent, accom
panied . sometimes with shortness of
breath and low spirits you are suffering
from a disordered state of the liVvr, di
gestion is imperfect and there is wind
on the stomach. If allowed to remain
the trouble will ultimately reach the kid
neys and then become dangerous to life.
Steps should be taken to stay its pro
gress on the appearance ot the. first
symptoms. Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver
and Kidney Balm is especially adapted
for disorders of this kind. Price $1.00
per bottle. For sale by Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co. 1
M Kin ley Their Choke.
Washington, April 25. Senator
Prichard, of North Carolina, was inter
viewed today. He said he believed
North Carolina would send ' a solid Mc-
Kinley delegation to the next republican
national convention. The eouth he de
clared, wanted McKinley to get protec
tion for the developmentof its industries.
The delegation, be further said, would be
ready to vote for free silver.
Free Pills.
Send your address to H. . Bucklen &
Co ; Chicago, and get a f red sample box
of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial
will convince you of their merits. These
pills are easy in action and are particu
larly effective in the cure of Constipation
and Sick Headache. For Malaria and
Liver troubles they have been proved
invaluable. They are guaranteed to be
perfectly free from every deleterious
substance and to be purely vegetable.
They do not weaken by their action, but
by giving tone to stomach and bowels
greatly invigorate the system. Regular
siae 25c. per box. Sold by Snipes St
Kinersly. -
Shoes below cost, F. Fortin, pho
Don't Forget
Crow Photo Co.,
(Formerly Crow fc Lnsaler, of Portland)
Will soon hiT their New Photograph
Gallery at The Dallas finished
sad ready Tor business.
Wait until you see samples of work and prtoes
before hsring pictures taken. " . -. " spi-20
facial Sale
Lot 512, Regular Price,
529, Regular Price,
520, Regular Price,
524, Regular Price,
532-548, "
640, Regular Price,
1102-4185 "
:. Special Value, ; ;
3-yard Nottingham,
75c pair.
For Infanta and Children.
Caetoria promote! Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Boor
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural - Caatoria. contains no
MorpUne or other narcotic property.
"Cantor! is ro well adapted to children Chat
I ncommntd it as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Archies. M. I.,
Ill Booth Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
For nerei al years I have reoommenaedyoar
' Ctstoria, and shall always continue to do en,
as it has invariably produced beneficial remits."
EDwm F. Pardbx. M. D.,
135th Street and 7th Are NewYork City.
"The nse of 'Castorl Is so nnrrarsal and
Its merits ro well known that It reams a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are tbe in
telligent families who do not keep Caetoria
within easy roach."
Cast .oa Xatt. T. D.,
New York City.
Tu CnrrAva Oowjjrr, TT Ktxrray Attest, N.Y.
Dr. Miles Nertb Plasters euro RHEUM A
riSM. WEAK BACKS. At dmgniM. only 3S
Clisi Out Sale
; At a Big Sacrifice, FOR CASH.
166 Second St.
o! Lace Curtis,
Saturday, April 27th.
$1.50 .
2.00 .
2.50 .
2.75 .
3.50 .
3.75 .
4.00 .
5.00 .
. . Special Price,
. . Special Price,
. . Special Price,
. . Special Price,
. . Special Price,
. . Special Price,
. . Special Price,
. . Special Price,
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
.. .n 1-rr i- i : j . i y
omuio vviwu.. all (-1 vaxiuus njmio 111 vyi -
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable turrnn,
First Rational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to.Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port-
' land.
D. P. Thobwboh. Jmo. 8. BcnxNCi
Ed. M. Williams, Gbo. A. Liibi.
H. M. BnALL.
Saturday, April 20, we commence a
of our new stock of
Boot A.XI.C1.
JVI HOJlYWIIili, Importer.
$1.12 pair
1.45 pair
1.85 pair
2.00 pair
2.60 pair
2.75 pair
2.95 pair
3.75 pair
LIME and
Picture Moulding-.
Slioesi, X?to.,