The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 24, 1895, Image 4

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    ' Free PUIS. .
Send yonr address to H. E. Bucklen &
Co; Chicago, and get a free sample box
Of Dr. King's New Life Fills. : A trial
will convince you of their merits. 'These
pills are eapy in action and are particu
larly effective in the care of Constipation
and Sick Headache. - For Malaria atrd
Liver troubles they have been proved
invaluable. They are guaranteed to be
perfectly free from ; every, deleterious
. eubstan"e and to be pnrely vegetable.
They do not weaken by their action, but
fey giving tone to etomacb. and bowels
greatly invigorate the system. Regular
eiza 25c. per box.. Sold .' by Snipes &
Kinerely. y -:'
Concerning; the Revenue. .
Washington, April 23. -During Feb
ruary and March $28,657 was paid into
the; treasury on -account of the income
tax.' Receipts from international rev
enues for the nine months ended March
' 31 show an increase over 1834 of nearly
$2,000,000; Receipts for the month of
March were oVer $3,000,000 .less than for
March, 1894.- ' , - ; , ,v
fimtotw . ...
From little acorns grow, so also do
fatal diseases spring from small begin'
nings. Never neglect symptoms of kid'
ney troubles; if allowed to develop they
' Cause much suffering, and. sorrow- Dr.
S. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm
yt a certain cure for any disease or weak
ness of the fcidnevs. A trial will con
vince you of its great potency. Price
$1.00 per bottle. Sold by Snipes-Kin
ersly Drug Co. ' . - y ,
An Expensive Fire.
St. Paul, A pril 23. A 3 o'clock fire
broke out in the McQuillan building, on
East Fourth street, in the factory 'of
Lamphere, Finish & Co. A general
.alarm was turned in. and the depart
ment. managed to' confine the flames to
one building. The loss will exceed $100,-
000, largely by water, It is covered by
insurance. ;
Exposure to rough weather, dampness,
extreme cold, etc., is apt to bring on an
attack of rheumatism or neuralgia;
chapped hands and, face, cracked lips
and violent itching of the skin alsq owe
their origin to cold weather. . Dr. Mc
Lean's Volcanic Oil Liniment should be
kept on band at all times for immediate
application when troubles of this nature
aopear. It is a sovereign remedy. 25c,
50o and $1.00 per. bottle. ., . ' . i ;
Will Be Police Commissioner.
Washington, April 23. Civil Service
Commissioner Roosevelt has decided to
accept the police commisstonership for
the city of New York tendered him by
Mayor Strong. Roosevelt intends to
hand his resignation to President Cleve
land in a few days, and early in May
may enter on his new duties. , -
Symptoms of kidney troubles should
'toe promptly attended ,to; they , are
nature's- warnings that something is
wrong. ' Many persona - die victims of
kidneys diseases who conld have been
saved had they taken proper precautions.
The prompt use of Dr. J. H. McLean's
.Liver & Kidney Balm has saved thous
ands of valuable lives. If you have any
.. derangement of the ,' kidneys .try it.
Price $1 00 per bottle, . Sold by Snipes
& Kinerely, druggists.
The Spot Marked.
Quebec, April 23 A- marble tablet
with an inscription has been placed over
the spot where the thirteen skeletons of
eoldiere, who fought under General
Montgomery were found near Citadel
hill, last fall. The tablet was donated
by American citizens, residents in this
cltv " - i- -
A severe rheumatic pain in the left
ahoulder had troubled Mr.' J. H. Loper,
. a well known druggists of- Des Moines,
Iowa, fov sir njooths. At times the
-. pain was so severe that be could not lift
anything. With all he could ' do he
could not pet rid, of it until he applied
Chamlierlain Pain Balm. "I only
made three applications of it,"' he says,
'and have since been free from all pain."
lie now reccomenas tt to persons simi
larly afflicted. It is for sale by Blakely
& Houghton Drugicists. :
Taken Bjr 8ar prise.
Washington, April 23. As far as can
be learned neither the state nor navy de
partment were aware ot ' England's in
tention to send its entire available
Pacific squadron to Corinto at this junc
ture. "."-
. ' All Trtm.
Those who have used Dr. King's New
Discovery know its value, and those who
bave not, have now the opportnnitv to
try it free. Call on the advertised drug'
gist and get a trial bottle, free. Send
your name and address to H. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, aad get a sample box of
Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well
as a copy of Guide to Health and House'
bold Instructor, free. All of which is
guaranteed to do you good and cost you
nothing.. Sold bv Snipes & KLnersly.
Cow for Sale. T . ... ... .
Parties wanting fresh milk cows can
obtain them by calling on "A.' Fields at
bis place near Crate's point. J26-tf
May Go on the Warpith.
Omaha, April 23. In the opinion of
United States District Attorney Sawyer
who has just returned from the Winne
bago reservation, the Indians are likely
to go on the warpath unless the conten
tion between the Flourney Land Com
pany and Captain Beck, of the Winne
bago Indian agency, is settled auickly. ,
Bmcklen'e Anna ssIts.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes A Kin
ersly. "
The Price of Oil Advanced Silently
PrrrsBTKG, April 23. The oil market
Opened at $2.10, yesterday's closing price,
and climbed to $2.13 bid. There was no
sales, ' The Standard's price' fqr credit
balances remains unchanged at $2.10.
-' Ton Sos't Bltt to Iwnr Off,
says the St. Louis Journal of Agriculture
in an editorial about No-To-Bac, the
famous tobacco habit cure. "We know
of many cases cured by No-To-Bac, one,
a prominent St. Louis architect, smoked
and chewed for twenty years ; two boxes
cured him so that even the smell of to
bacco makes him ''sick." No To-Bac
sold and guaranteed by Blakeley &
Houghton. Nbcurenopay. Book free-.
Sterling Remedy Co., New York or Chi
13. H. Bowman; Pub. Enquirer, of
Bremen, Ind., writes: Last week our
little girl baby, the only one we hav,
was taken sick- with croup. After two
Doctors failed -to give relief and life was
hanging on a mere thread we tried One
Minute Cough Cure andr its life was
saved. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Wheat Took a' rail.
Chicago,-April 23i Wheat opened
with a decided slump today. There
were no buyers, the short interest seem
ing to bave covered. May opened at
60c, touched 60c, and reached 60c.
Corn and oats were- weak with heat. '
Doctor H. R. Fish, of Gravois Mills,
Mo.,, a practicing physician of many
years - experience, , writes : Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve has no equal for in
dolent sores, scalds and burns. It stops
the pain instantly, heals a burn quickly
and leaves ni Bear. Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co. -
Choice two-year-old roses for 25 cents;
alse but flowers and floral designs at the
Rose Hill Greenhouse, Eighth and Lin
coln street. Orders can be left at Mrs.
Phillips' millinery store,- on Washington
street, between Second and Third, tf.
The Wasco Warehouse Co. have on
sale at their warehouse Seed Wheat,
Feed Wheat, Barley, Barley Chop, Oats
and Hay. Are sole agents in The Dalles
for the now celebrated Goldendale roller
mills flour, the best flour in the market,
and sold only in ton lots or over, 9-tf
,Mro. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga,
Tenn,, says, "Shiloh's vitalizer 'saved
my life.' I consider it the best remedy
for a debilitated system I ever used."
For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble
it excels. Price 75 cts.
. ft '
Karl's Clover Root will purify your
Blood, clear your Complexion, regulate
your Bowels and make your head clear
as a bell. 25c, 50c., and $1.00.
. Captain Sweeney, U.S. A., San Diego,
Cal., says : "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
is the first- medicine I have ever found
that would do me any good." Price 50c.
Telephone Notice
Those who bave not already ordered
instruments placed and who desire tele
phone service from the Senfert-Condon
.Exchange, will please order at once.
. Skutkbt & Coupon. ..
- Notice.
All city warrants registered prior to
February 3, 1892, are now due and pay
able at my office. Interest ceases, after
this date; 1. 1. Bukgbt, Citv Treas.
Dated Dalles City, Jan. 1, 1895.
Shiloh's Core is sold on a guarantee.
It cures incipient Consumption. It is
the best cough cure. Only one cent a
dose 25cts.,' oOcts., and $1.00.
Miss Aimee Newman, teacher of piano
forte music. For terms apply at resi
deuce, corner of Fourth and Union.
, -' - racb29-mayl.
. Mrs. Nellie Hines, room 50, Chapman
block, has Spanish creams for the face;
also Dow's electric belts. Telia past or
future bv the band or cards. Call and
see her. '- "' lw
. : Wood! Wood!
- We have yet on hand a complete stock
of Dry Fir, Oak and Maple Cord wood,
which will be sold at minimum prices.
feb27. Maieb & Benton.
Best cabinet photos in the city, re
duced from 13 50 to $2, for a few days
only, at Chicago gallery. Second street,
opposite Mays & Crowe's hardware
store. al6-2w.
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains;
Bruises and Strains.
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Blisters, '
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments, . .
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Verjr
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
V Mustang Liniment conquers
Makes . flan or Beast well
again. -,-
: . .... j
J. A. Richardson, of Jefferson City
Mo., Chief Enrolling force 38th general
assembly of Missouri, writes: I wish to
testify to the merits of One Minute
Cough Cure. When other so-called
cures tailed. I obtained almost instant
relief and a speed v cure by the use
of One Minute Cough Cure. Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
W. T. San ford, Station Agent of
keeper, Clarion Co.' Pa., writes ; I can
recommend One Minute Cough Cure as
the best I ever used. It gave instant
relief and a quick cure. Snipes-Kinersly
Urug Jo.j
It may eave you time and money to be
informed that, when you need a blood
purifier, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the kind
most in favor with the medical profeB
sion. it is the standard and. as such,
the only blood-purifier admitted at the
Chicago World's Fair.
Money for Paper.
All countv warrants registered prior to
May 1st, 1891, will be bald if: presented
at my othce, corner 3d and Washington
streets. The Dalles, Or. Interest ceases
after April 12, 1895.
. County Treasurer.
Situation wanted by a good steady boy
as clerk in a clothing store ; he has bad
two vears experience. Apply at'Mrs. F.
M.' Hendershott's dressmaking, parlors.
Second and Liberty street. aprl8-3t
For Sale.
Steam yacht Irma has been thoroughly
overhauled and repaired, is as good .as
new". Has just passed inspection. Price
$500 spot cash. H. C. Cob.
al7-lw Sec'y Hood River Mfg. Co.
La Grippe Is here again with all of its
old time vigor. One Minute Cough Cure
si a reliable remedv. It cures and cures
quickly. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Shoes below cost, F.' Fortin,' pho
tographer. .
Jos. T. Peters fc Co. have "Cord wood,
which is desirable in all respects, and
respectfully solicn your orders. :
US Milk St, Boston, Mass
This company owns Letters Patent
No. 463,569, granted to Emile Berliner
jNoventDer 17, iai, for a combioea tele
graph and telephone, and controls let
ters Patent No. 474.231. era n ted to Thos
A. Edison May 3. 1892, for a speaking
telegraph, which' Patents cover funda
mental inventions and embrace all forms
of microphone transmitters and of car
lion telephones . jan2$
Clefcwter. Encllnh Dttnd Bras.
trl1n.U m4 Only sxlne.
rcf alwaja reliable, laoics ask
vraggtsa lor C'icaatr JPngUs Lfia-Ji
monj Brand in Ke4 od Gold sQetllio
an Ata ffffiisa ifiinissmia mftsrifn
tiotu and Imitations. At Dnutzlst. rmd4.
In impi for oartfcolari, testiBamLai u4
- Kuer ror ladfes," m uur, hj retvira
. I oil
4aU to M tnL
"The Regulator Line'
The Dalles, Portland ; and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Frelprii anHPasssnosr Liue
Through Daily : Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and. Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m., connectingat the Cas
cade Locks . with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connect
ing with . Steamer Regulator for .The
Oneway.. $2.00
Round tnp.1. . 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.;
All freight, except car lots.
will be brought through, with
out delay at Cascades.
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night.- Shipments for
ay landings must be delivered before
5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted.
Call on or address,
ftnerl Afeut
TH08. P. Oatcs, Beirr c. Payne, Benrr t eoum,
Tourist .
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
KLIN A. and
Thiroagti- Tickets
For information, time card, maps and tikU,
cau on or wnn 10
W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent.
The Dalles, Oregon,
A. D. CHARLTON: Asst. G. P. A..
' 255, Morrlbon, Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon.
Spring- Clothing';
Imported Suitings.
Suits made to order
from $30.00 up.
John Pashek,
Thft MfiPr.hant Tniln
i u v i-i a V vuuiu u . a yiiiy 1 )
Old Rvtxxotry Bailding,
Wasbinfrton Street, between Second -
bet. Second and Third,
Cleaalag and RepAiring a Speeialty
Came to my place abbot Feb, 20,' 1895,
one black boree with white face, three
white feet weight about 1,200 pounds;
branded 3 on left shoulder. Also one
bockskin horse branded Z on left shoul
der; weight about 850 pounds. Owner
can have them by paying pasture bill
andad. .,'!.-?. k
, -.... F.,8. Flmwo,
, ' . J .' r- ... Bake Oven. -
When the Train stops at THE
This ianre and popular House ones the principal bote businewv
and is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of an
House In the city, and at the low rate of . . -
$i.oo per Day. - prst Qass Teals, 25 Cepts.
Office tnr all Staa-e tines lea-rlnr T DitlM Tor all T '
points In Kmatern Oreron ssd UuMrn WuklBftoi,'
Id tail Hotel. 7 ... ;.
Corner of Front and Union 8ts.
"There is. a tide in the affairs
- ' leads' on to fortune" ,
The poet' unquestionably had - reference to the
Clisirti i
Who are selling those, goods
Successor to Paul Kreft & Co
' . And the Most Complete ad Latest. Patterns and Designs in
PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands
most skilled workmen employed... Agents for Masury .Liquid Faints. No chem
ical combination or Boap mixture. A first-class article in all colors.' All orders
promptly attended to.
Store and Paint Shoo oorner Third and Wasbineton 8ts.. The Dalles, Oreo-ot
Chop on Third 8treet,. next door west of Young & Rum'
Blacksmith Shop. .
This well-known Brewery ia now turning out the best Beer and Porte
east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health
ful Beer have been introduced, and on.y the first-class article will be placed pa
hr mnrkt i
v uuriniuni o, x
' prompt answer and an honest opinion, irriLG to
Blli N J fc CO., wbo bare bad Dearly Oft; rears'
experience In the patent business. Communica
tions strictly confidential. A Haxadbeek of In
formation concerning: Patents and bow to ob
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of meohan
leal and soienttso books sent free.
Patents taken tbrooRh Mann Co, teoelTe
pedal notice In tbe Sclent! Be American, and
thus are brought widely before tbe pabtlo with
out eost to the Inrentor. This splendid paper,
Issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, base isr th
lanrest circulation of any scientlBo work In to
worm. 83 a year. Sample copies sent free. -
Building Edition, monthly, 2JO a year, gin!
eeniea, cents. Krery number eontalns-besu.
tiful plates. In oolora, and photographs of nw
nouses, with plana, enabltnir builders to show to
latest designs and secore contracts. Address
Harry Liebe,
. All work -promptly attended to,
- and warranted.
Can -now be found at
162 Second
DALLES, get off on the South Side
T. ,
T. T: NICHOLAS, Propr.
of men which, taken at its flooa
out at greatly-reduced rates.
- 1 UNION ST. '
in all our work, and none but the
Caveats, and Trade-Marksobtained. and all Pat
ent business conducted for moderate Fees.
Oua Omee t 0"orrr U. 8. pHTtsromci
sod we can secure patent in less time loan those
remote from Washington. "
Send model, drawtnf or photon, with deserip.
noo. we aoTise, it patentaDie or not, tree oi
cnargtt. . Oar fee not due till patent is secured.
A pamphlet. "How to Obtain Patents," with
cost of same in tbe U. S. and foreign countries
sent free. Address, - .. ..
qpp pnTtsYOnet, washihotqx. b. C
Andrew Velarde
IS 'prepared to do anj and all .'
' - kinds of work in his line at !
".reasonable figures.- ' Has the '
' - largest house moving outfit - - 1
in Eastern Oregon.
- - ' C: ' ' ' .''e '''
... , . '
Address P.O.Box 18 1, The Dalles