The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 24, 1895, Image 3

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    JOS. T. PETERS & CO.,
See us before
Is it Customary with You
you buy.
to Wear Shoes ?
We believe that shoes are the most satisfactory outer
covering for the feet, and contend that all gentlemen who
wish to appear well in polite society should wear them.
Now, the object of this dissertation is to call your atten
tion to our $2.50 Shoes for Men. Of course, other, shoe
dealers have $2.50 Shoes; some pay $12.00 per dozen for
them and others may pay $36.00. We think, however,
the dealers paying the latter price are limited. We do
not,, neither do we pay the former. We claim our $2.50
Shoes to be the best that money can buy and that can be
sold at that price. So sure are we of their good 'wearing
qualities that we say, "Take these Shoes, wear them,
and if they don't prove satisfactory, return them to us,
and your money will be refunded." If you are curious,
just see our Corner Window filled with these celebrated
$2.50 Shoes. If this won't satisfy you, step inside, pur
chase a pair and examine them at your leisure.
. We carry a Complete Line of
Fishing Tackle, . ,
Stoves and Steel Ranges,
Wire Cloth,
Wire Poultry Netting,
Sewer Pipe, 1
Iron Water Pipe, .
Garden Tools,
Sheep Shears,
Bafrell Chni ns, .
Rubber and Cotton Wrap
ped G-arden Hose,
G-roceries and Provisions,
Oak Fir and Maple Cord
wood and General sup
Telephone No. 28"
We are showing now the very latest"
toes in Black and Tan Shoes. Also a
large line of staples. i '
The Tvgb Val
ley Creamery
Ask Van'bib'ber & Worsley for it.
Every Square is Full Weight.
TSIiIEI'IHCOlSriEJ rtsro. so. .
A. A. B.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
ntered a the Poatoffioe at The Dalle. Oregon
Am pon1-liui matter.
Clubbing List.
Regular Our
price price
CkreiieU ni I. T. Triliu. .$2.50 $1.75
" ill Wwklj Oregniu ....... 3.00 2.00
" ul Wwkly Eianiier ....... 3.25 2.25
10 Ceuie per ilue for first insertion, and 6 Ueuts
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than S o'clock
will appear the following day.
APRIL 24, 1895
ful one, and it is to be hoped the care
less will not c induct themselves in such
a manner that the city will have to pre
pare another ordinance for the regula
tion of the sport.
Captain Richard Hoyt, the well known
steamboat man, was taken to the insane
asylum from Portland Monday.' His
hallucination is that he has been
awarded a contract for building a light
house at Bandon, and be keeps ordering
material for it. It is hoped by his num
erous friends that the attack may prove
but temporary and that his reason may
be soon restored. ' He was one of the
best and most popular captains on the
river. ' '
License Them.
Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle
At the Congregational church.
You will miss a treat if yon do not go.
'- The Moro Dramatic Club will present
"A Social Glass" at the opera house
Friday night. Do not fail to attend it.
The ipwortb league will give an
Indigo social on Friday evening in the
lecture room of the M. E. church
AH are cordially invited.
Everyone sneaks highly of the acting
of the Moro Dramatic Club, and if you
are present F-iday evening you will , be
nnA mnro nf ttiA nnrnfiAr t nvsisa hm m
. The Ep worth League will hold their
monthly business meeting on Thursday
evening alter prayer meeting. Writ
ten reports requested from the officers.
The tax rolls have been turned over to
the county clerk, having been declared
delinquent, and as toon as the rolls can
be piepared the collection will be
- - The piledriver is at work today driv-
' ing a lot of piles around the end of the
wharf to nrntwt f r.. Thus ra Vxtincr nnt
f s i
in to replace those carried away by the
high water last year. , .
- Who pays advertising does not pay?
Yesterday we made a soultul plaint for
the presence of Jupiter Pluvius Aqua
rios Ferris, and this morning Jupi Plut,
Aqua' Ferris arrived. Now , then, the
sprinkler will sprinkle.
" The total amount of taxes for all pur
poees in this county is a fraction leps
than $89,000 for the -ear 1894. Although
the rolls were in thepheriff's hands only
about a month, (51.330.73 of the amount
. was collected.. This does not indicate
hard times or a scarcity of money.
' Bicycling has evidently come to stay
- and it 8 devotees seem to derive much
pleasure from the exe-cine. Those who
ride the wheels, however, should rec
ollect that while they own the bicycles
they do not own the earth and that care.
V less riding is apt to bring a punishment
that will fall on all the bikers. Last
night a bin cow bell fastened to one of
the machines, so doubt without any
. evil intent, but only for the fun of the
thing, came neat causing a half a dozen
runaways. The amusement is a health
The country is being oyer-run with
peddlers, to the damage of everybody
concerned, except themselves. The
parties who buy of them are generally
more or less duped, as the stocks of
goods peddled are generally old-fash
ioned shop-worn stuff that is dear at
any price, and the merchants who haye
good stocks have their trade curtailed.
As none of these pay taxes it is highly
proper that their business should be
licensed, so that they are placed more
nearly under the burdens that our jner
chants have to bear. - A tax of not less
than flOO a quarter should be levied
upon them, and in the meanwhile those
who have goods to purchase had better
patronize their local merchantswhetber
of The Dalles or otherwise. Your home
merchant will generally do better by
you than anybody, and besides he, and
not the peddler, is the man who carries
you when you need it. ...
Real Estate Transactions.
United States to Norman M. Oeborn,
the swj of iw, sec 11, and sej of sej
sec. 10, tp 7 n, r 14 e; patent.
United States to-: Joseph Woodford,
nei, sw, sec 15, tp 6 s,r.l5 e; patent
James, H. Johnston, to Samuel B
Johnston, s, -sej, nej, eej and sej,
ne, ec 22, tp 1 a, rJ3 e; $500.
R. R. Thompson and wife to John M.
Marden, confirmatory deed to property
in Dalles City. ;
When Baby was sick, we her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When sue bad Children, sue gave them Castoria,
Clothing! Clothing!
we incite you to inspect our new
spring stock of mens' suits, boys' suits
and childrens' suits, latest cuts. Also
very large assortment of mens' and boys
pants in all the new styles. . Never in
the history of low prices has such been
offered. We will guarantee to save you
fully 50 per cent. Remember the loca
tion. Robert E. Williams,
Blue Front store, opposite Diamond
Mills. . - al6tf.
Tain baa no show with Dr. Miles' Pain FtUev
Senator Elklns Visits Us..
Senator Elkine, accompanied by big
wife and son, arrived on the Regulator
yesterday evening. The party came as
far as the Cascades in their private car,
arriving there at 11 o'clock. As the sen
ator was secretary of war at the time the
contract was let for the completion of
the locks under the contract system,
and as be had urged the adoption of that
plan, he was much interested' in the
work, which he examined very thor
oughly. He is very practical, and at
first glance expressed astonishment at
the stupendous character of the work.
He pronounced it the finest piece of
work in the United State", but added:
'The trouble is that the work has
been done on too large a scale. The
canal should have been made smaller,
and had this been done, it would have
been completed years ago. As it'is I am
convinced that next spring will see the
work completed and realize that it means
great deal to the people of Eastern
Commenting upon the boat railway
proposition, he said:
"I am opposed to it, for at the best it
is but an experiment, but I am heartily
in favor o a canal. Not such a canal as
you will have at the Cascades, bnt a
canal that will pass boats of 500 or 600
tons, big enough to do the business of
the country for years to come. The
Columbia is a grand river and I become
bewildered in contemplating the future
of the great basin which it drains
Whoever named it the Inland Empire
had a proper conception of its magni
tude. I believe a small canal will open
the river and do it more cheaply and
much more expeditiously tban the rail
way, and besides it would save the cost
of operating probably $100,000 a year.
The party were the guests of Mr. I. N,
Day, who took them for a drive over the
city. Many of our citizens called to pay
their respects to the senator and many
more would have done bo had they
known-positively of his coming.' r The
senator's special ear was attached to the
passenger last night, and the party left
for Salt Lake, delighted with their trip
up the Columbia and firm friends to all
measures pertaining to the speedy open
ing of our great waterway. ." r x
certain that everybody in The Dalles
shares their joy and rey rices with them
that they have been permitted to travel
so far along the pathway or life together,
and unite in hoping that yet another
mile-stone,., the golden . one, may ... be
passed ere either be taken.
Those who came up from Portland
are: Mr. Theodore Liebe, wife and
child, Mr. A. Burkhardt' and wife, his
son, Alfred Liebe, and Mr. G. W. Davey ;
from Astoria, Mr. A. Scherneckau and
wife and Miss N. Sauter.
A Silver Wedding.
Hi There I
; Irony Of Fate. .
Profeesor Bischof, a prominent physi
cian, was vehemently opposed to the ad
mission of female students at the Uni
versity of St. Petersburg and in general
to any concession made to the woman's
rights advocates. He argued that it was
wrong to put a woman on on equal foot
ing with a man as far as mental capa
city was concerned, and gave as a reason
for this statement that the average
weight of a woman's brain (three pounds
four ounces) was three and a half ounces
less than that of a man.
He died not long ago and upon an
autopsy being performed bis brain was
weighed. How odd that its weight was
even a triflo less than the average claim
ed for the sex be despiced. St. Peters
burg Letter.
; w
Men's Straw Hats,
Boys' Straw Hats,
Misses' Straw Hats,
' Ladies' Straw Hats.
Largest Assortment in the City.
Bltie Front Store, Opposite Diamond Mills.
Judge George A. Liebe and his good
wife celebrate ; today their , eilver .wed
ding, the twenty-fifth annivereary of
their marriage. Twenty-five years ago
in Cassel Hessen, Lena Bauer became
Mrs. George A. Liebe, and shortly
after 'she accompanied her ' husband
across the ocean, they coming direct to
The Dalles. Here for twenty-five'
beloved by all who knew them, they
have lived a peaceful, happy and con
tented life. A family of sturdy boys
and. bright girls have grown, or are
growing up, an honor to their parents
and to be a pride and comfort in their
old age. ' .
Relatives and frienda have come from
Portland and Astoria to rejoice with
them ; but while they cannot be pres
ent, both Mr. and Mrs. Liebe can feel
Mr. Chancer Moore of Colfax and his
sister of Portland, are visiting relatives
here. .
Mr. J. H. Thatcher, of the Oregon
Telephone Co., came up from Portland
last night.
Mrs. W. L. Bradshaw went to Port
land yesterday on a visit to her father
lit. u.uueuiu. . .. .., .-
Mr. and Mrs. Henrr and Mr. and Mrs.
Houston of North Carolina, are regis
tered at the Umatilla. .
Mr. VV. E. Jones, the Boston - wool
buyer, arrived here last night, and will
probably remain during tbewool season,
Mrs. Geo. P. Morgan and Miss Al-
dricb came up from Cascades yesterday
Miss Aldricn win tase part in the con
cert at the Congregational church to
nhtht. Mrs. E. L Smith and daughter,
Anne, and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rand ar
rived from H'Mxi River on the local this
afternoon. Miss Anne takes part in the
concert this evening. ;
Dr. Logan leaves for Chicago this
veninic, to attend a convection of rail
road tnrgeonp, which meetJ there early
in May. After this . ne will remain
some time attending clinics and will be
abseat about a month.
Messrs. Glenn, Brooks, Mays, Kiner-
ly, Ntilan and Peters went to Saturn
eeterilay morning, and all except Mr.
rooks arrived home last night. He
ill come up on the boat today. The
trip was made on husinrss connected
with the portage road at the Cascades.
Our patrons will find De Witt's Little
Early Risers it safe and reliable remedy
for constipation, dyspepsia and liver
complaints. Snipes-Kiuersly Drug Co.
Sick Headache, constipation and indi
gestion are qui ikly cured by De Witt's
Little Early Risers, the famous little
pills. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. -Dr.
Miles' Pain Pills care Neural!. " "
- . ' Successor to Cbrisman & Corson.) -
; - - ; '
Again in business at the old stand. ' I would be pleased to
see all my formei patrons. Free delivery, to any part of town.
Crescents! Crescents! Crescents!
Why pay $100 for a Bicycle 1 '. ' :
wnen yoti can get one ior $00, y
We buy direct from the makers, and save yon the jobber's profit. ..
We sell our High-grade CRESCENT, with wood rim and Clincher. tire, for. .?80 00
The same wheel, wiih Morgan & Wright tire, for. 75 00
Thie wheel weighs 23 pounds. . .
Our SPECIAL CRESCENT, with either wood or steel rime, M. & W. tires. .$55 CD
.This wheel with wood rim weighs 28 pounds; with steel, 30 pounds. ,
Our SPECIAL CRESCENT will compare favorably with any $75 wheel on the
market, and we will give the same guarantee that ie eiven on the highest
. priced wheel sold. Come and see onr samples or send for catalogue.
MAYS & CROWE, The Dalles;
Take your Prescriptions to.
The will be Filled by Tlxorougn.
Prescription Druggists.