The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 23, 1895, Image 1

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    S?n . yrvr flfl S2 : 'fjtT' (I
NO 96
The Courtroom Crowded to
Suffocation. .
At Leas Thre Daye and Perhape Hon,
Will be Taken Dp by the Ei-amlnatlon.
the officers ran rampart through the
Btreet8, breaking: into stores, helping
themselves to what they wished, and
threatening to barn the town and mur
der the inhabitants.
The mayor telegraphed to the sheriff
at Washington for aid, and company 6,
of the N. C. S. G., was ordered out.
With the assistance of a posse from
neighboring farms the mob was gotten
under control last night, and five of the
ringleaders were arrested. Solomon
Lanier, one of the rioters, was shot
twice, and the chief of police and four
deputies were injured. The prisoners
were transferred to Washington in a sail
boat. Negroes pursued the boat, but
no trouble resulted.
San Fbancisco, April 22. District At
torney Barnes of the preliminary exami
nation of Theodore Da rant, for the mur
der of Minnie Williams, before Judge
Conlan this morning, stated that the
prosecution would put twenty-eight
witnesses on the stand, several of whom
bad: not testified at the inquest, and
that the examination would last at least
three days, probably more. The prose
cution is keeping back a - good deal of
cumulative evidence.
The defense, it is stated, will dispute
that the purse found in Dnrant's over
coat pocket belonging to the 'leceased
but the prosecution says the evidence on
this point is overwhelmingly in their
favor. A baker named Young, of Ala
meda, will testify that the celluloid tab
let found in the puree was given by him
to Miss Williams on the day she met
her death.
For hours before the preliminary ex
amination commenced in Judge Conlan's
court, a crowd began to gather and a
squad of police were stationed at the en
trance to the hall to preserve order.
Judge Conlan's court room was crowded
to suffocation, and policemen were
stationed in different parts of the room
on the lookout for numerous cranks who
have written threatening letters to the
'judge. Court opened at 11 o'clock.
When the defendant arrived in court
all eyes were turned upon him. The
prisoner looked pale and concerned, bat
bowed no emotion. -
A photographer ; exhibited several
photographs of scenes in the church,
and two large pictures of Minnie Will
iams'showing her wounds and the work
of the physicians were exhibited and at
tracted great attention. ; They presented
a revolting sight.
Mrs. Morgan, with, whom Miss Wil
liams lived in Alameda, was called to
the stand. She said that she last saw
Minnie Williams on the morning of
the 12th inst;, and that the deceased had
told her she was going to Mrs. Voy's
house. She knew Durant. He had
called at her house last summer and had
stayed half an hour. . She could not
identify the f aces shown in the photos
either. He also failed to identify the
purse found in Dnrant's overcoat pocket
Here the name of A. E. Williams, the
father of the dead girl, -was called, bat
in his place a young woman rushed to
the stand and said that no one should
testify Deiore ner. . ne gave tne name
of Williamson and said that she would
be the one to judge Durrant and ordered
him released. The police tried to re
move her but she would not let them,
and left the stand voluntarily after some
wordav She handed an incoherent letter
to the clerk. She said she was sent: by
God to judge Durant.
A North Carolina Vlllaaje Ortrraa
- Necroes.
Bath, N. C, April 22. Two miles
from Bath are the timber mills of the
Boanoke Railroad company, where
about one hundred negrees are employed,
They are paid off every Saturday night
and spend their money lavishly in Bath,
' many of them frequently landing in the
police station.; ' ' , -
Those arrests have enraged the negroes
to such an extent that last night nearly
all the employes of the mill marched to
the town, which has a population of
three hundred, ' determined to take re
venge. They filled themselves with
whisky, and after they bad overpowered
h Huntington's Arrest.
New Yokk, April 22. Collia P. Hunt :
ington, president of the Southern Pacific
railway, was arrested today on the
charge of giving a free pass to one Frank
Stone, in violation of the interstate com
merce law. President Huntington was
arraigned before United Stales Commis
sioner Shields. He was represented by
Frederick Coudert. Huntington ad
mitted his identity. He was taken be
fore Judge Brown, of the United States
jjiatrict court, for a warrant -of removal
to California. -
The indictment against Huntington
was found March 26, in San Francisco, a
certified copy of which was sent United
States District Attorney MaeFarlane,
who notified the railroad president to
appear before the United States com
missioner and furnish bonds.
When Huntington was arraigned.Com-
missioner Shields said the only 'question
he could inquire into was one of identity,
which Coudert, for Huntington, said
would be admitted. , An order was then
made out holding him to await the issue
of a warrant of removal. His counsel
then went before Judge Brown, in the
United States district court, and the
hearing was fixed for next Thursday at 3
o'clock, Huntington meantime being al
lowed to go on hi 8 own recognizance.
Huntington said to a reporter after
the' proceedings 'before Commissioner
Shields: "I have known Frank Stone
25 years. ' He is a San Francisco lawyer.
I would not call him a wicked man, be
cause a wicked man would not do things
that way. He is an innocent kind of a
fellow! " I supposed he started this
thing because I piqued him In some way
or other, how I don't know. I may
have given him a pass; probably I did,
but I give out so many passes I don't re
member a third of them. The passes
usually given out are endorsed as a rule,
Not good outside,' and I presume his
pass was not bo stamped and he took ad
vantage of it. I don't know anything
about the matter beyond that, for I
don't pay any attention to such things.
In fact, I don't care a tupenCe one way
or the other. It don't amount to any
thing, any how. I really don't know
what action was taken in court this
morning. - Some routine business, I sup
pose it was, but 1 did not pay any atten
tion. .The arrests are among the high
and low, and criminal procedure is not
confined to any ."class. I don't, know
what will be done. I guess Frank got
bis pass all right, but I have not time to
attend to all the details. I have too
much else to do. I think the root of the
whole matter lies in the fact that when I
became president of the Southern Pacific
railroad I discharged twenty-three men
in San Francisco, who were, as far as
could see, mere political agents and go-
betweens for politicians. They did no
work for the ' railway that I conld dia
cover, so I cnt them off. - Perhaps they
are hungry now and have got to make
strike eomewhere."
The pass is said to read as follows :
"Pass Frank M. Stone over the Southern
Pacific Company lines in 1894 until Dec
ember 31, unless otherwise ordered."
Wheat Traders Were Wild.
, Nxw Yokk. April 22. Transactions in
wheat this morning about equaled the
heaviest entire day's trading this year,
being 18,525,000 bushels, and the ad
vance of 2J cents in prices over Satur
Highest of all in Leavening Power. lowest U. !S. Gov't Report ' . . ;
This is it.
This is the new shortening or
cooking fat which is so fast taking
the place of lard. It is an entirely
new food product, composed of
clarified cotton seed oil and re
fined beef suet. You can see that
Is clean, delicate, wholesome,
appetizing, and economical as far
superior to lard as the electric
light is to the tallow dip. It asks
only a fair trial, and a fair trial
will convince you of its value.
Be sure and got the genuine.
Bold la three and Ave pound
p&ila by all grocers. HaOehy
Calcaco, New Yerk, Beaton.
day was " the big get single jump
the market has had In months. Traders
were fairly crushed in their wild efforts
to execute buying orders. The., price
fluctuated violently, and soon after open
ing began to slide down again, only in
creasing the excited feeling. It is gener
ally conceded the advance was the re
sult of bull enthusiasm, which had at
last broken loose in' real" earnest, well
backed up by outside support. .
There was a lot of short stuff covered
and a good amount of switchiog done.
May opened 2 cents higher, at 65
cents, sold up to 65 cents, and back to
65 cents. - Corn and oats made a quick
response to the rise in wheat, but sus
tained the sharp noon reaction.
Gold Mines Jealously Guarded by the
Natives. "-..
San Luis Potosi, Mexico, April 22.
C. L. Debenroth ' the mining man who
left here six months ago on trip
through the territory of Tepee, in search
of the fabulously rich gold mines that
are said to be worked there by the In
dians, was killed in the mountains near
one of the Indian villages. - .
A number of expeditions to these gold
fields have been undertaken during the
past few years, and they have resulted
in the death of all members at the hands
of the Indians, who jealously guard the
treasure. The n-ws of the killing of De
benroth was brought rere yesterday oy
a Mexican who saw and recognized the
body. He was well known in mining
circles of Colorado.
Great una
From little acorns grow, so also do
fatal diseases spring from small begin
nings. Never neglect symptoms of kid'
oey troubles ; if allowed to develop they
cause much suffering and sorrow. Dr.
S. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm
is a certain cure for any disease or weak'
cess pt.-tne kidneys. ." A trial will con
vince you of its great potency. W Price
$1.00 per bottle. Sold by Snipes-Kin
ersly Drug Co. ; '
Out-door plants, rose bushes, pansies,
forget me-nots, and dahlia-bulbs at the
Stnbling Greenhouse, Cor. Eighth and
Liberty. 2t
Don't Forget
Crow Photo Co.,
(Formerly Crow & Losaler, of Portland)
Will soon br their New Photograph
Gallery at The Dalles finished ,
and ready for business. '!
Wait nnUl yon see samples of work and prices
before having pictures taken. apr20
Do You Want
a Spring Suit ?
Our Stock Complete.
Our Assortment the Most Extensive.
Our Styles the Latest. 7
Our Prices the
Every Suit Will Fit.
For Further : Particulars See.
: IV- T-ni
for Infants and Children.
Caatorla promotes Plgeation, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishnesa.
Thus tbe child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. - Caatoriav contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property. ' '
Castoria is fo well adapted to children that
I recommend it a superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. abohkb. M. Dm
. Ill Booth Oxford St., Brooklyn, K.Y.
For several years I have recommended your
Castoria, and shall always continue to do so.
aa it has invariably produced beneficial remlta."
mra F. Panose, M. D.,
. 125th Street and 7th A-re Kbw York City.
"The use of 'Castoria' is bo universal and
its merits so well known that it seems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the In
tel) i (rent families who do not keep Oastoria
within easy reach."
Cantos Kabttw, D. D.,
New York City.
Tan Cbwzabb Oomfastt, 77 Murray Street, H.T.
MILES' PAIN PILLS. "One cent a dose."
Letters of Credit leaned available in the
Eastern States. f; i
Bight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Waaninjrton.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms. "
. President.
First Rational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Bight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port
D. P. Thokpboh. Jko. S. Sceinck.
Ed. M. Williams, Go. A. Libb.
H. M. Bkai.1. , ...
LIME and
Picture Moulding.
na:- a-Xiaisrisr.
Saturday, April 20, we commence a
of our nevr stock of
GlnsiM Out SalE
Boota And SHoeaj, Zito.,
At a Big Sacrifice, FOR CASH.
! -166 Second Str t'VCmi
iir.j. ;-.' i
all drugglsta sell Dr. Miles' Pain PlUs.
a. 11 pain banlshwd ly Ur. Milaa' Fain rui
. r -. i r' fc '-- W"asr a-