CO tmmtlz. VOL. VIII THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1895 NO 95 m7 (Why BLACKBURN ON SILVER Kentucky's Senator Declares ' for Free White Metal. HE CHALLENGES HIS OPPONENTS They Are Asked to Openly Declare IhtmitWei Upon the Question at luu. . Louisville, April 20. In an inter view published in today's Courier-Journal, Senator, Blackburn, in unmistaka ble terms, outlines his position on the silver question and boldly throws down the gauntlet to his opponents for similar candor on the same subject. With his usual aggressiveness the senator almost dares his opponents to meet him on the issue he represents, and it may be as sumed the issue will be promptly ac cepted. The senator has written with his own hand the statement of the posi tion on which he expects to stand or fall in the senatorial race. He declares his position as follows: , ; "If I have heretofore shown any indis position to. be interviewed by the daily papers of this1 city, it has not been be cauee of any purpose to conceal from the people my views on anjr, public question, bat. because I was aixious to avoid, if possible, a perversion and distortion to which my utterances have generally' (of course, unintentionally) been subjected. I never had, I have not now, and I never intend to have, any secrets in politics. I am at a loss to nnderstand hpw any one, especially in Kentucky, can remain in ignorance as to my senti - xnents upon the silver question if they ' feel enough interest in the matter to de sire such information. "For the last twenty years, in con gress and on the stump, anywhere and everywhere, I nave earnestly and per sistently insisted upon the restoration of the silver metal to that place in the money system of the country which it held . prior to the passage of that disas trous act of demonetization in 1873. It there is one man in public life in all the country whose views on the subject were entitled to be known to all men by rea son of his acts and utterances, I bad reason to believe. I' was that man. Upon this subject I . have never held an opin ion or made an utterance that I have in the slightest degree altered or modified in all these years. Yet, if there is still any uninformed who desires to know my views I will reiterate them in the shortest space possible by saying I am in favor of opening the mints ot this country- to nnlimited coinage of the sil ver metal on an equality with the coin age of gold. I am opposed to monomet alism and Just as much opposed to silver monometalism.. Without reservation, I am a bimetallist. ' I want and mean to continue to insist upon the use of both metal b on even terms as the redemption money of this country.: -1 would be glad to see this result brought about by the action of an international conference, provided it could be done without delay. I am opposed to this government wait ing for any such conference to act. Our experience with suctr agencies has not been such as to give us either confidence or hope of the attainment of this pur pose. Upon the contrary, our partici pations in. such conferences have, in their very barrenness, become farcial and. ridiculous. h. "In ; 1796, this country, with only 3,000,000 of people, was bold enough to , prove itself able to discard the monetary system of Great. Britain and establish one of its own, which for nearly 100 years met every demand and stood every strain that the growth and development of the country 'put-upon. It. I believe . the destruction (entailed upon us ' by this demonetization policy) of one-half of our redemption money has contribut ed more than any cause to this shrink age of all values ; the depreciation of all property ; the stagnation of trade; the paralysis of industry:. .. the financial troubles in which we now find ouselves. While the restoration. A silver to its place of unrestricted 'coinage and un limited legal tender function may not prove a panacea for the ills that we now suffer, yet .1 am convinced it will do more, and. go further in that direction than any one piece of legislation that has been'suggested. I have an abiding faith in the capacity of this metal to work out and maintain its permanent parity with gold, provided the .oppres sive hand of the law is removed, and the mints of the country thrown open to its coinage. I believe, and always did be lieve, that the act of 1873 was an uncon stitutional measure. I believe that the act of 1873 would have been so held by the supreme' court of the United States had not partisan spirit dominated the action in that case. This conviction I have stated in debate on the floor of the senate as broadly as I pat it here. "1 agree with Daniel Webster, who, in bis day, and even to this day, was and is still held to be something of an au thority as a constitutional lawyer. He declared the constitution of the United States made gold and silver the redemp tion money-of this country, and that neithor congress nor any state had any rightful power to substitute any other, nor to destroy either . the one or the other of these metals. If congress had the power to demonetize eilver, it must be conceded that it had the same power tojdemonetize gold. ' It has seen fit to exercise this assumed power as to one of these metals. Had it exercised the same power over the other, under the anoma lous and somewhat embarrassing condi tion, they would not have obtained any money at all. If they could strike down half they could strike down all. "I am in favor of the restoration of the silver metal at the ratio of 16 to 1, believing, in the. light of an experience that covers a century, such ratio will establish and maintain permanently the parity between the' two metals. . ' I be lieve we should take this action at the earliest day possible, -independent ot the policies or views - of . other . nations. I have abiding faith in the ability of my country to establish and maintain its own monetary system, as that which I cherish in its ability to defend its own soil from invasion; or its institutions from assault. In my judgment, we are as independent of foreign dictation or domination in the one as in the other. "In August, 1893, when the bill pro posing to repeal the purchasing clause of what was known as the Sherman act was before the senate, I said, in a speech, then and there, that I wanted the right of coinage for the silver metal, and that without limitation ; that if seigniorage was what my opponents demanded, I was willing, not as a matter of fairness but in a spirit of compromise, that the government should take 10 or 15 per cent, or 20 per cent, or even 25 per cent, of. the silver bullion presented for coin age ; or that if the question of ratio was what was troubling, I was willing, not as a matter of justice, but . in a spirit of compromise, if 16 to I was not accepta ble, to take 17, 18, or 19, or even a ratio of 20tol. But .the opponents of this metal -were not to be placated by any concessions, either on the line of in creased seigniorage or advanced ratio. They had destroyed the metal by a pro cess that has never been, in my opinion, successfully justified, and from - the hours of its taking effect until now, they have never been willing that it should be reinstated. Let those who will seek to distort and pervert the issue pending, the effort will fail. ; The American people are not. to be thood winked or deceived further. - They are at last thinking, and the result of their investigation will vin dicate the right. No employment of catch phrases will determine the popu lar. verdict.; ' ,The people are' rapidly coming to know that the issue before them is not gold monometaliem upon the one side and eilver monometalism on the Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report AYJ f. fill fUJ ' "Oil, these Advertisements pre me " Some advertisements do have that . tendency. So do some people, and some books. Nevertheless bright people understand that the adver tising columns now-a-days carry valuable information about things new and good. Such is Cottolene The New Vegetable Shortening Common sense teaches that a pure vegetable product must be more wholesome than hog's grease.- Gottolene is part cotton seed oil and part beef suet, refined and purified by the most effective process known. . It is more economical than lard for every use, and imparts a delicate, palatable flavor to food. Ask your grocer for the ,' V Genuine COTTO lene. . XADB ONLY BT f - THE N. K. FAIRBANK COnPANY, ST. IXTJIS and .. Chicago, New York, Boitom. other, but it is rather a contest between the- advocates of a single gold standard upon the one hand and those "who de mand the use of both silver and gold upon the other. ' - "For one to claim that he is a bimetal ist, coupled with the condition that bi metalism is to be brought about only as a result of an international conference, is a mere evasion of the situation. That is simply the work of the lawyer who files an affidavit for a continuance. "My friends in Kentucky, I am sure, know my position upon this and all other public questions, and are satisfied with it. . Now, if there, be one upon the list of the announced candidates for the senate who will avow himself an oppon ent of silver coinage and an advocate of a single gold standard, or, in other words, who is in accord with the views held and advocated by your paper, and will so de Clare nimseli, 1 will ask and urge ; every friend of mine in Kentucky holding these views, and who, in spite of that fact, is now supporting me, to withdraw bis support from me and give it to the candidate who is bold enough to make uch a declaration ; but ' I apprehend that no one -of these worthy gentlemen will make such an avowal unless he couples with it an announcement of his withdrawal from the canvass. If this be true, if no senatorial candidate will espouse or accept your - views, what ad vantage comes to you by continuing a war upon me, because of my convictions, unless yon are able to find on that liBt of aspirants, some man who stands on your platform?" ' ' ; ' ' '- ' : ' ; Or eat out From little acorns grow, so also do fatal diseases spring from small begin nings. Never neglect 'symptoms of kid ney troubles; if allowed to develop they cause much suffering and eorrow. Dr. S. H.' McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm is a certain cure for any disease or weak' cess of the kidneys. A trial will con vince you of its great potency. Price $1.00 per bottle.1 Sold by Snipes-Kin ersly Drug Co. ' ' : ' " ' Out-door plants, rose bushes, pansies forget me-nots, and dahlia-bulbs at the tabling.' Greenhouse, Cor.. Eighth and Liberty, r- .- - - 2t Don't Forget V- " THAT THB- Grow Photo Co. - . .Formerly Crow & Lossier, of Portland) Will bar. 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Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day :of collection.' Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port . land. , v DIRBOTOKS. D. P. Thokpsoh. . Jko. S. Schxkck. Ed. M. Wiixiams, ' Go. A.' Liebb. , Hi M. Bkall. . . DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME and CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding". zee. a-XjEnsrzsr, BOSS CASH STORE -jr v ... i.. 1 , Saturday, April 20, we commence a of our new stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. FURNISHINGS, Boots) Axxca. Slioeai, 3Sto.y " . ' :; : : ;? ; At a Big Sacrifice, TOR CASH. IMMENSE BARGAINS: SEEING is BELIEVING. f- H r- . 166 Second St. ifflr HOMY VilULt, Importef. m mini Hi atrn, ' &&0 lagP mt ki list 1 1 fUfc jW &