The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 20, 1895, Image 3

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Saturday, April 20th.
() CO)
Parasols Parasols Parasols
The Largest Assortment of Staples.
The Most Tempting Array of Novelties.
Excellent Styles. Great "Values. .
Spring Stock. New and Complete.
Not a single Parasol carried over from last year ; everyone this season's
The Novelties in Parasols we are showing consist in part of
White Figured Silks, covered with Chiffon; White India Silks, with -Silk
Flouncing; Striped Kaiki Silks, with Bamboo Handles; Shot Silks, with. .
Natural Wood Handles; Striped Colored Gros Grain Silks to match Suits ;
Black Sarah Silks, with Silk Flouncing.
To give everyone a chance when our stock is fullest and offers the widest
range for selection, fob this day only
io Per Gent. Discount
10 Per Cent. Discount
Remember This is at the Opening of the season, not at the Close.
.To the coming Belles of The Dalles (bat who are now 2 to 5 years old), -who
will call on us this day, accompanied with their mothers, we will pre
sent, until our stock is exhausted, a Handsome Parasol.
See us before
you buy.
We carry a Complete Line of
Fishing Tackle, .
Ammunition, ,
Stoves and Steel Ranges,
Wire Cloth,
Wire Poultry Netting,
Sewer Pipe,
Iron Water Pipe,
G-arden Tools,
Sheep Shdars,
Barrel! Chums,
Rubber and Cotton Wrap
ped G-arden Hose, .
Groceries and Provisions,
Oak Fir and Maple Cord-
wood and General sup
Teleplione No. 2Sa
We are showing now the very latest
toes in Black and Tan Shoes. Also a
large line of staples.
The Tygb Val- I I "T"T" f Is
ley Creamery ES I I ELa I 1 Delicious.
Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it.
Every Square is Full Weight.
A. A. B.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
ntered a (be Fostottlce at The Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
Clubbing List.
Regular Our
' price price
Amid ii S.T. Tribute $2.50 $1.75
" ui Weeklj Ongniai 3.00 2.00
aia net i j uamiaer a.zo z.zo
' Weekly Hew Yrk World. ... . 2.25 2.00
10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 6 Cents
oot line for each subsequent Insertion.
Snecia! rates for lone time nntines.
All local notices received later than 8 o'clock
irill appear the following day.
APRIL 20. 1895
Leaves From tbe Notebook of Chronicle
Two wagon loads of . wool from Klick
itat arrived today.
A heavy shower visited tbe southern
part of tbe county Thursday night.
The best is always cheapest. Herrin
makes the beet cabinet photographs for
only $2.50 perdozen. Chapman block,
up stairs. a20-tf.
The Wasco warehouse today received
fifty sacks of wool, thirteen of which
came from Klickitat county and the
balance from Hay Creek.
It being Saturday the streets are pretty
well crowded with people in from the
country. This makes business for tbe
stores, but does not furnish items for the
Superintendent Shelley has three free
scholarships in tbe normal school at
Weston for Wasco county students who
desire to perfect themselves in the
science of teaching.
George M. Johnson, recently employed
as barkeeper at the Perkins hotel, com
mitted suicide in the Merchant's hotel
yesterday morning, cause despondency
and unrequited love coupled with a jag.
It is too bad that the legislature did
not take some steps towards accepting
the offer of a million acres of desert land
to the state. Our sister states were
wiser, and will profit by the liberal offer.
Tbe. river is coming, up slowly and the
fish wheels in the slough are almost
afloat. Another loot of water will set
them free and it cannot come -- too soon
as their owners want to get- them at
work. " ........
Yesterday afternoon, about 3 o'clock,
the dwelling bouse of Germain Seige, on
lulu w o .mi iilij fcvr liiu ft uuiiu.
The fire had made such progress when it
was discovered that nothing could be
saved except a small amount of clothing.
The fruitgrowers of Hood River have
selected Mr. N. C. Evans as, their ship
ping agent. Mr. Evans is a thoroughly
practical man, is veil posted on fruit,
being a successful fruit grower himself,
and is as good a selection as could bave
been made.
There was a lively runaway about 1
o'clock this afternoon, a pair of horses
hitched to a wagon' striking oat up
Union street, tbe inclination of the road
overcame the inclination of the horses
and by the time they reached tbe top of
the hill tbey were ready to stop of their
own accord-
Mr. J. H. Sherar started Monday for
Currant creek with a force of sixteen
men, and is already at work opening up
tbe proposed road at that point. It is
perhaps unnecessary to add that the
work will be well done, and when Mr.
Sherar is through it will be a good road.
Mr. M. Hony will advertises a closing-
out sale of his new stock of dry goods,
clothing, etc., and expresses a determin
ation to make them go no matter what
the sacrifice. He invites the public to
inspect his stock and assure themselves
of tbe fact that everything in tbe store is
a bargain at the prices.
Articles of , incorporation have been
filed wkh the eecretary of state of the
Co-operative Commonwealth to engage
in any business offering profits : capital
stock $1, divided into one hundred
shares of the par value of one cent each.
This is the smallest capital of any cor
poration in the state, unless it is some
of the insurance on building and loan
This has been a perfect day and all the
small boys in town bave enjoyed it by
playing marbles. Every back street and
good spot had its ring of youngsters all
intent on beating the game, it is a
pleasure to watch the little fellows and
call back tbe times when we need to be
familiar with all the technical terms
from taw to dubs and knuckle down to
Judge Fee has rendered a decision
affecting over 100 farmers in Umatilla
county. Balfour, Guthrie & Co. applied
for a receiver to take charge of growing
crops on certain lands, the lands being
under mortgage to the firm. Tbe firm
claimed the right to the custody of the
crops under a clause in the mortgage
giving the mortgagee the rents and
profits. Judge Fee denied tbe applica
tion, and will so rule in every case in
which the land is ample security for tbe
The Hon. D. P. Thompson's lecture at
the Congregational church last night
drew a targe audience. Mr. Thompson
began bis lecture promptly at 8 o'clock
and held the entire audience as they
followed bis descriptions of the wonders
and mysteries of the land of the Pha
roaha until 9:30. Mr. Thompson is not
a word painter, but his descriptions are
realistic and his ideas are clearly, ex
pressed. Thoee who attended last even
ing speak very highly of the entertain
ment, and express the hope of being
again given an opportunity of hearing
Mr. Thompson.
The ladies in charge of the coming
concert, next Wednesday, are glad to
say they have the promise of help from
Mrs. Heald,of Hood River. . This artiste
has won ,or herself q, distinguished sue
cess as an Instructor as well as a per
former. They - also expect two vocal
numbers from Miss Anna O. Smith also
of Hood River, who bad the good fortune
in the early part of her musical educa
tion to be a pupil of Mrs. Heald. Tbey
are also promised the assistance of Miss
Aldrich, of Cascade Locks, who will
give two numbers. ' Of Miss Ethel
Grnbbs' part of the entertainment there
is no need to speak to a Dalles audience
they know what it will be when simply
her name is mentioned. '
The city recorder interviewed . two
tramps this morning. One of them
while doing time for the city the other
day took advantage of Commissioner
Butts while he was trying to put up tbe
big new electric light pole, near the res
ervoir, and just while the .pole was part
way up and everybody was lifting with
both hands to walk away. The marshal
gathered him in again last night, and
this morning he stated that he would
not work under any circumstances. As
he persisted in this assertion and backed
it up by refusing to labor, the marshal
put a ball and chain on each leg and
chained him to a post in front of the city
jail in i such, a position that, he had
nothing to lean against and could not
sit down. He has done a good hard
day's work.
Married Sixty-One Tears.
Next Wednesday, April 24th, Daniel
D. Rogers add wife of Hood River will
celebrate tbe 61st anniversary ot their
wedding. They were married in Troups
burg, Steuben county, New York, April
24, 1834. Both are natives- of Stenben
county. . Mr. Rogers was born at Troups-
burg February 4, 1815 ; his wife, Sarah
Taylor, was born at Bath Nov. 22, 1816.
Ten. children were born to them, only
two of whom are living. The oldest
son, if living, would be 59. The second
son, E. C. Rogers of Hood River, is 57
Charles H. Rogers, youngest son, also a
resident of Hood, is 43. Wednesday the
aged couple will keep open house, and
their friends and neighbors will call and
pay their respects. Glacier. .
Harvesting- In Gilliam.
It will surprise our Eastern readers to
learn that D. C. Henry, whose excellent
farm lies four miles south of Condon, is
cutting wheat this week with a reaper.
Mr. Henry did not get through cutting
last fall when the threshers quit work,
bo be just left it till this spring. The
grain is in just as good condition now as
it was last fall and will yield just
much to the acre. This speaks volumes
for our mild climate and fertility of tbe
soil. This is the choicest portion of the
United States, and considering the large
amountof vacant land yetin this county,
tbe population of the county ought to be
ten times as great as it is at present.
Condon Globe.
Now opening np tbe finest line of dress
shirts and underwear ever showed in
Tbe Dalles. - Every shirt 36 inches long,
made np in the very best way, in an
endless variety of patterns, perfect
beauties. Also an elegant line of spring
and summer underwear. Call and in
spect them, you will be more than sat
isfied, both as to Btyle and price.
Robert E. Williams,
Blue Front store, opposite Diamond
Mills. al6tf.
. Mr. W. A. Mack of Oregon City is here
on a business trip, buying horses.
Mr. O. G. Roberts and Geo. T. Prather
came up from Hood Rivei this afternoon.
: C. J. Bright and V. C. Brock, two of
Sherman county's leading citizens, are
in tbe city.
Furnished room to rent Fourth Street
near Lincoln.
19-tf , Mae. W. H. Swaynb,
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When ahe iraS a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria,
Mens' Overshlrtsl Mens' Underwear!
Are Your Eyes Open ?
Just Received,.
For Sale.
Steam yacht Irma has been thoroughly
overhauled and repaired, is as -good as
new. Has just passed inspection. Price
$500 spot cash. H. C. Cob,
al7-lw Sec'y Hood River Mfg. Co.
Best cabinet photos in the city, re
duced from $3.50 to $2, for a few days
only, at Chicago gallery. Second street,
opposite Mays & Crowe's hardware
store.- a!6-2w.
Five years' Suffering. Could not Sleep
or Work . from Itching
and Burning. Six Doctors could do
Nothing. Belief In the
First Application. Perfect Our by
I had on both my legs, for five years, three
very bad ulcers, two on one, and one on the
other just into the bone above the ankle, as large
mb ix v a cent piece wnicn
hurt me so much night and
day, that I could not sleep
for the itching and burning.
I had to get np three or four
times a night. Did not know
what to do with myself as I
could not work.- Car." I a
doctor to look at then r.ut
be did me no (rood. a. .1 in
all, had six of the best doc
tors l could get. but they
could do nothincr. I fluent
many dollars on different kinds of salve, to no
good, and I gave p all hopes of ever getting
cured. Nothing did me any good, until I tried
Cotiotou Rbubdies. The firt application my
legs began to feel better, the itching, smarting,
and burning stopped. I kept on with them,
and after using for three months, 1 was entirely
cured. I used seven boxes of CCTiotJKA, one
cake of Cuticuba Soap, and three bottles of
Cuticura Resolvent, and they are the best
remedies for skin diseases I ever used. yire
year 1 suffered, and can prove it bv people
where I now live. If anyono doubts tbis, write
to me, and I will tell them with the greatest of
fleaaure what Ci TiocitA Remedies have done,
cannot sneak too hitrhlv of the Cutioijra
Rsmedii-o 1 shall recommend them to others
as a sure. . ii. it. HENIRICIiSON
522 Bridge St., Trenlou, K. J.
I wish to let everyone know what pood the
CrjTicuaA Resolvent has done for ir.y licile girl.
From one year old till three, she wa one moss
of sores iitiiI scabs all over her laee, 1i;..k!k, and
body. "Tried several doctors without rel'ef. . At
last I heard of the CuTicuaAs, bought seven
bottles of the CrmcuBA -HEsotvEXT. -ami Hhe
was cured. 8ho is now seven voar oM anl a
healthy child, thank t)i OtmoirRA REnoL-
665 Ferry Ave., Ward 8, South Camden, N. J.
Sold everywhere. Price, Cutiuuka, 60c; Soap
25c; Resolvent, $1. PottbDrcs adCbkm
Cohp., Bole Props., Boston. "All about the Skin,'1
El PY'C Bkln and Bcalp purified and beau tided
AO I O by CottcoraSoap. Absolutely pure.
A Complete Assortment of GARDEW
and TIMBER SEEDS. We can save
you money. Now wend your way to the '
Big Brick, opposite Moody's Warehouse.
Telephone 20. Terms Cash.
Crescents! Crescents! Crescents!
Why pay $100 for a Bicycle
When you can get one for $55 ?
We buy direct from the makers, and save yon tbe jobber's profit.
We sell oar High-grade CRESCENT, with wood rim and Clincher tire, for. .$80 00
Tbe eame wheel, with Morgan & Wright tire, for 75 00
This wheel weighs 23 pounds.
Onr SPECIAL CRESCENT, with either wood or steel rime, M. & W. tires. .$55 00
' This wheel with wood rim weighs 28 pounds; with steel, 30 pounds.
Oar SPECIAL CRESCENT will compare favorably with any $75 wheel on the
market, and we will give tbe same guarantee that is given on the highest
priced wheel sold. Come and see onr samples or send for catalogue.
MAYS & CROWE, The Dalles.
Take your Prescriptions to.
Th6 -will be Filled ty Thorough.
Prescription Druggists.
Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in ,
UoKnnoo CnrlrllotV I! rirl loo Pnllare
uai iidoo, uauuiDo, ui iuido, uumuio,
And all Articles Kept in a First Class Harness Shop. .
REPAIRING PROMPTLY DOSE. Adjoining Jolee, OoBins &. Co.'i Ster.
, 'X' I f.n T" ATiT iTifl,