Tn.2 Dalles Daily Chronicle. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. BT If All., POBTAG PRIPAID, IN ADVANCI. Weakly, 1 year. . .'. . . - " . 8 months. , s g 4 Dallf , 1 year " 6 months - per " f 1 60 0 75 0 V) 8 00 800 0 50 Address all communication to " THE CHEON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. SATURDAY - APRIL. 20, 1893 IS IT A MIRACLE? Mrs. Eima Wylie, who resides on east Thirteenth street, near the univereiiy in this city, says the Eugene Guard, has a strange story to tell. For eleven years she has' been paralyzed in her lower limbs so that she was not able to walk or even stand alone upon her feet. Last Tuesday at 1 o'clock she suddenly regained the use of her paralyzed limbs and arose from her seat and walked about the houee a well woman. She had a strange story to tell and hearing of this a Guard reporter called at her home today for an interview. . Entering the room he was greeted by the lady herself, who got up from a sofa and came forward with the usual activ ity of any person who is sound in mind and body. In answer to a question she said : "I feel that it is all for the glory of my Lord and Savior that I am healed." It seems that eleven years ago she was tricken with a disease which affected the lower portion of her body, and finally caused her to lose the use of those limbs to such an extent that she could not walk. It was so complicated that -the physicians did not sufficiently understand it to give her relief, al though all has been done that could be to afford her such relief. Any attempt on her part to rise her feet would cause her great pain. She is a fine Christian lady and has great faith in prayer. She .has been praying for relief. Last Sun day morning shortly after midnight she awoke. A strange feeling seemed to have taken possession of her and con tinued thus all day Sunday. She felt that she must nerve herself for a stronger faith. She bad an ordinary chair set on small wheels with which she wheeled herself about the room. On Tuesday afternoon about 1 o'clock she was sitting in this chair cleaning a lamp, when she was suddenly seized with this strange feeling,. and as she worked the thought entered her mind, why not make an effort to rise and walk and have faith that it would be so. .It forced itself upon her mind so strongly that she yielded and reaching out, rose to her feet and. walked across the room, the effort being accompanied by no pain as bad previously been the case when she tried to rise. A short time afterwards he walked up stairs without assistance and has since been able to go about the house performing duties as well as any one. She attributes her cure to faith and prayer, easing, "Christ alone is my healer." . Her case is indeed a peculiar one, and there is no cause for doubting her story, Medicine could have had nothing to do with it as she has not been treating the case, having long since given up all hope of relie' from that source. She is a bright, intelligent lady of about forty, and came from Missouri with her hus band and family four years ago. They have a very pleasant home on East Thirteenth street. Miss Linnie Wylie, 'who has been teaching echool west of this city, was sent for and came home as soon as she heard the news of her mother's recovers, Another peculiar feature of the case is that Mrs. Wylie could not sing before her recovery but can now sing as well as anyone. HAD NOT ALL THE EVIDENCE. . "A New York man. took a funny course to prove to his wife that he was not a coward, after he had been called one by her. He took twenty-five grains ot morphine'' in her presence and re marked ? '.Ypu called me a coward, and I will let you know that I am not. will be a dead man before 12 o'clock He only lived a short time. Was he a coward?" The above is taken from the Albany ueuiocrat. uur answer is yes. A man that will suicide to escape the possibili ties 6f life is the greatest coward on earth. Waeco News. . There is one element that Brother Armsworthy did not take into consider ation. He does not know the woman The San Francifco Eural Press says "The English and French have become very fond of American apples, and siuce last fall the New York fruit men have shipped 1,443,592 barrels of apples to Europe, as against 168,706 barrels in the winter of 1893-94. This export trade " will encourage American fruit-growers to take Detter care of their apple orch ards and give more attention to fruit growing and less attention to corn and wheat. The. new discoveries in cold storage and improved methods of pack- ing have done a great deal to Btimulate be export trade, and now that the trade has egnn we .may expect it to increase until it furnishes one of the large items in oar national income. ..This is good news for horticulturists and email farm ers everywhere, and will encourage them to further efforts for improved varieties, and more intelligent culture." It is time this country either abandon the Monroe doctrine or put it in force. As it ia this government is a laughing stock for the world. If the United States doe8: her duty, England will never own a foot of Nicaragua soil with out a fight tor it. Now is the time for this government to stand up for its boasted Munroe doctrine, or else forever hold its peace. la Oar Great Grandfather's Time, big bulky pills were in general use. Like the "blunderbuss" of that decade they were big and cliitn .sy, but ineffec tive. In this cent ury of enlight enment, we nave Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel lets, which cure all liver. stomach and bowel derange ments in the most effective way. Assist Nature' a little now and then, with a gentle, 1 , a ... i r r cican&mg uaauvc, uicrcuy removing ox fending matter from the stomach and bowels, toning up and invigorating the liver and quickening its tardy action, and you tnereby remove the cause of a multitude of distressing diseases, such aa headaches, indigestion, or dyspepsia, biliousness, pimples, blotches, eruptions, boils, constipation, piles, fistulas and maladies too numerous to mention. If people would pay more attention to properly regulating the action of their bowels, they . would have less fre quent occasion to call for their doctor's services to subdue attacks of dangerous diseases. That, of all known agents to accom plish this purpose, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are unequaled, is proven by the tact mat once used, tney are always in favor. Their secondary effect is to keep the bowels open and regular, not to .fur ther constipate, as is the case with other pills. Hence, their great popularity, with sufferers from habitual constipation, piles and indigestion. A free sample of the " Pellets," (4 to 7 doses) on trial, is mailed to any address, post-paid, on receipt of name and address on postal card. Address, World's Dispensary Mboi cai. Association, Buffalo, N. Y. . Clothing! Clothing;! . We invite you to inspect our new spring stock of mens' suits, boys' suits and childrens' Buits, latest cute. Also a very large assortment of mens' and boys' pants-in all the new styles. Never in the history of low prices has such been offered. We will guarantee to save you fully 50 per cent. Remember the loca tion. Robert E. Williams, Blue Front store, opposite Diamond Mills. al6tf. For Kent. ' After April 1st, 20 acres of fine land, situated within the city limits. House and barn, good water, for irrigating. Terms easy. Apply to Fred W. Wilson. mch20-lm. - ; Out-door plants, rose bushes, pansies, forget-me-nots, and dahlia-bulbs at the Ptubling Greenhouse, Cor. Eighth and Liberty. 2t Dr. Miles' Pain Pills euro Neurahria Hi There ! 1 Jf jE S. . X 3 II ill rrTi tiii fftf VMM To single in your Dockets these Hard Times? Do voa want good American Dol lars for Fifty Cents? If you do, we can mean just what we say, as we are going to vincing. We can and will Save you Fifty Clothing, Underwear, Overshirts, Hats and Caps, Olovei . Our Spring Stock is Complete. jno iurtner argument is necessary. ROBERT E. Blue Front Store; : . Tillir;ery. -ALSO A FULL LINE OF- MRS. M. E. BRIGGS, Where Do Ton liny loar Hats and Cap? A large assortment of the newest shapes and styles for spring jut received. Over 200 different kinds to. select from. World beaters! Will sell them'to you with the tariff off. Robert E. Williams. Blue Front " Store, opposite Diamond Mills. al6.-tf.. Money for Paper. All county warrants registered prior to May 1st, 1891, will he paid if presented at my office, corner 3d and Washington streets, The Dalles, Or. , Interest ceases after April 12, 1895. WM. MICEELL, County Treasurer. . Do you want The Chronicle and Sah Francisco Examiner for a year? If so send us$2.25 and you can have them, 156 pa per 8 for $2.25 or less than a cent and a half a pioce. If you would rather have the New York World, we will send you that and the Semi- Chron icle one year for $2.25. The World is also a semi-weekly so you will get 208 papers for $2.25. Choice two-year-old roses for 25 cents f alse cut flowers and floral designs at the Rose Hill Greenhouse, Eighth and Lin coln street. Orders can be left at Mrs. Phillips' millinery store, on Washington street, between Second and Third, tf. Mrs. Nellie Hines, room 50, Chapman block, has Spanish creams for the face; also Dow's electric belts. Tells past or future bv the hand or cards. Call and see her. - lw Wood! Wood! We have yet on hand a complete stock of Dry Fir, Oak and Maple Cord wood, which will be sold at minimum prices. feb27. " Maieb & Benton. Shoes below cost, F. Fort in, pho tographer. THE DALLES ASSOCIATION. The above association is prepared to take a list of all and any kind of Real Estate for sale or exchange, whereby the seller will have the undi vided assistance of the follow ing Ileal Estate Agents, or ganized as an association for the purpose of inducing im migration to Wasco and oner man Counties, and generally stimulating the sale of prop erty: " - C. E. Bayard, T. A. Hud- son, J. li. ivoontz sc uo., J. m Huntington & Co., Dufur & Hill, N. Whealdon, Gibons & Marden, G. W. Rowland. Address any of the above well known firms, or F. D. HILL, Sec'y, f y --,..... The Dalles. Oregon Do you Want to Save your -Twenty Dollar Gold Pieces farnisn them. This is no humbug; we Sacrifice every article. Seeing is Con' Per Cent on Coiory, XHo, We can Suit You. All we want is A Trial. . WILLIAMS, . Opposite Diamond Mills REAL ESTATE .Having secured the services of a first-class trimmer from the city, I can assure my patrons, perfect sat isfaction as to style and finish. Call and see the large variety of Hats on display in window. Successor to Anna Peter & Co., ; ' 112 Second Street. Balk Seeds. A Fine Line of Fresh Bulk Seeds, just arrived. Kentucky Blue Grass, Red Clover, Peas, White Clover, " Onions Alfalfa, , , Turnips, Millet, . Carrots, Beans. Beets. ALL VARIETIES ',' , Flower Seeds, Onion Sets. J. B. GROSSEST, Grocer. Ask Central for 62. NICKELSEN'S BOOK : STORE. Attractive Good s, Full Assortment, Smail Profits, Quick Sales. X'JbLE SiuDiing Greennouse Everything for the Garden we can furnish Floral Designs and Bouquets second to none in Eastern Ore gon at very reasonable prices. See our assortment of .Plants, Button hole Bouquets, and display in M. Z Donnell's Drugstore and Keller's Bak ery. Orders can be left at either of the above places. The Hyacinths are now in full bloom AH are cordially invited to come and see our assortment of Flowers and Greenhouse Plants. the ipes-Kinersly Dm C o Drugs, Vall Paper, Window Glass "129 Second St., THE DALLES, - - OR E. J1C0BSEN BOOK and MUSIC CO THE LEADERS IN Pianos aiid Organs, Books NOTIONS, STATIONERY, 9 Call and get their prices. Sell PIANOS on easy monthly pavmei.ts, and is prepared to meet any vunrumiun. . . 162 Seconl St., THE DALLES, OR, Notice. To the General Public: The undersigned has thoroughly re modeled what is known as the Farmers1 Feed Yard, corner of Third and Madi son, adjoining J. L. Thompson's black smith shop, and is now ready to accom modate all' who wish their horses well fed and properly cared for, at Prices to Suit the Times. . AGNKW & MoCOLLEYi Props., The Dalles, Or. Sq Bring in Your Family. . Come in Yourself, And see how cheaply Men's Suits, Boys' LACES, WOOLENS, Everything from Hat to Shoes, C. F STEPHENS, Closing Out Sale of DRY GOODS CLOTHING-. FURNISHING- GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. Past or present values cut no figure, as goods MUST be SOLD The C. P. and P. D., French Woven, Hand-Made, Dr. Warner's Health, Coraline, of Corsets will be closed out and be convinced. You will J. P. " x There is a tide in the affairs leads on to fortune' The poet unquestionably had reference to the at CRANDALL Who are selling these goods MTCHELBACH BrilCK, GEORGE RUCH, PIONEER GROCER. ' Successor to Chriaman t Corson. rmm FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to see all my formei patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. 33 - "W. Successor to Paul Kreft & Co DEALER IN PA I NTS, OILS AN D GLASS.- And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in . . WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None bnt the best brands of J. W. -MASURY'S PAINTS need in all onr work, and none bnt the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masnry Liquid Paints. No chem icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All oraers promptly attended to. Store and Paint ShoD oorner Third and Washington Sts., The Dalles, Oregon JOHN D. GIOQBEOAN, Register U. 8. Lend Office, 1890-1894. Business Before tbe United states Land Offiee Specialty. Wells Block, Haln 8t, Vaneonrsr, Clark Co Washington. ncrlS we can dress all of you. Suits, Silks, Satins, COTTONS, LINENS, for everyone. All new stock. LESS than COST. French Model and other makes at extremelv low prices. Call be surprised at our low prices. McINERNY. of men which, taken at its flotd & BURGET'S, out at greatly-reduced rates. - - UNION ST. 7 J&. XT S E3 QR. A. DIETRICH, Physician and Surgeon, DTJFUK, OKBGOX. All orofeaslonal calls oromntly attend toToaj day and night. aprl Firim k Cats