The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 18, 1895, Image 3

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    JOS. T. PETERS & GO.,
Seems before
The Dalles Patty Chronicle.
ntered a the Poetofflce at The Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
Clubbing List.
Regular Our
price price
Ckruielt ud 9. 1. Iriliie. $2.50 (1.75
" aid WmUj Oregniu . 3.00 2.00
" ud Weekly Eumiiier 3.25 2.25
" WHt Kw T.rfc World..... 2.25 2.00
ID Cerate per line for first Insertion, and 6 Centa
per line for each subsequent insertion.. "
: : Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than S o'clock
will appear the following day.
- APRIL 18, 1895
XieaTes From the Notebook of Chronicle
The river is 11.2 today and about
See A. M. Williams 3 great specials in
tomorrow's issue.
J if iroweu arrived In this morning
from Day ville with a load of wool:
- The- Dalles City yesterday landed sixty
or more passengers at the Cascade Locks.
License to wed was issued this morn
ing to F. S. Gunning and Miss Carrie
The Wasco warehouse received thirty
two sacks of wool this morning and
twenty this afternoon.
Sheepmen report the grass unusualy
poor for this time of year, caused they
say, by frosts and cold weather.
The social and entertainment, which
was to be given by the Ep worth League
: Friday, has been postponed for one
The Regulator brought up several
prairie schooners last night and a lot of
good people, who are bound for Harney
Sixteen carloads of sheep were shipped
to Chicago from the yards here this
morning. The sheep belonged to
Fargher Bros.
The Smith Bros, will give their prize
dance at the opera house one week from
Saturday night, and their regular dance
Bext Saturday evening. .
Evang. Lutheran church, next Sun
day, 10 :30, preparation for holy com-
munion ; 2 p. m. Confirmation and com
munion. Always a cordial welcome. -
The city council meets tomorrow night
for the purpose of disposing of the re
. maining claims against .the city, caused
by Mr. Monahan and his case of small
pox. v
While the rainfall in the Willamette
alley has been one inch and a quarter
here it has only been four one hnndretbs,
South of here though, the rainfall has
r been quite heavy. ' -, 1. ; . , -
- Situation wanted by a good steady boy
as clerk in a clothing store ; he has had
two years experience. Apply at Mrs. F.
Hendershott's dressmaking parlors
becond and Liberty street. . aprl8-3t
..." The. East End presents a rather dull
appearance today though the blacksmith
Our Special Sale for Saturday,
to be announced in tomorrow's
paper, will be specially interest
ing to Young Ladies from 2 to 5
years of age.
hops are all doing a rushing business.
Another week or two will show a differ
ent state of affairs. Then all that part
of town will be filled with wool teams.
Condon & Seufert received today the
first installment of their telephones and
the balance will be here by the time
these 'are in place. " They are' fine in
struments and will no doubt give entire
satisfaction to the patrons of the com
pany. . '
The local market is well supplied with
salmon, but the run is not on yet and
the canneries have not commenced work.
It is said the run of bluebacks reached
the Cascades Sunday, if so, they should
be here next Sunday. The river is rising
slowly but is approaching the stage
where the wheels will begin to work.
Mr. Emil Schannois out bugging these
days, as he intends to send one hundred
or more twice-stabbed lady-birds or
lady-bugs to the fruit men in the Wil
lamette valley. These little beetles are
death on fruit pests and have done good
service here. The first lot was received
here a year or two ago and now there
are thousands of them.
Saturday morning Percy Adams, of
Hood River, was driving home the owl
from the pasture. He had along his 22-
calibre rifle, and when a cow lagged be-
hind he would shoot in her direction,
the whistling of the bullets serving to
head off the cow or start her along. By
this means the boy saved many a step
But in trying to see how close he could
come to the cows without hitting them,
he missed his aim and hit the best cow
in the herd, striking her in a vital spot,
and she dropped dead. Glacier.
Mr. D. P. Thompson's lecture to be
given Friday evening in . the Congrega-
ional ch'ircb is to bs upon the oldest
ivilization known to history, Egypt,
izraim, the Land of the Two Walls
r. Thompson makes no pretence of
being an orator, he is a plain but very
interesting talker who has seen what he
will describe and can tell us what he has
seen, tor the sake of the educational
work we are very glad to say that pnpils
of the schools can receive the benefits of
this lecture at reduced rates.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Chad, she cried for Castoiisw
When she became Miss, she dung to Oastoria.
Whim Shr httft fhfMran, h garatham flnKiwU
There will be a lecture by Hon. D. P
Thompson of Portland, at the Congrega
tional church, Friday evening, April
19th, at 7:30 o'clock, subject, either
"The Monuments of Egypt," or "Points
of Interest in Palestine." The lecture
will be under (he auspices of the Ladies'
Aid ? Society of . the ' Congregational
church. . ; " : ". " " y -'; , td
. Best cabinet photos in the city, re
duced from $3.E0 to $2, for & few. days
only, at Chicago gallery. Second , street,
opposite Mays & Crowe's hardware
store. ral5-2w.
At the Locks.
Work at the Cascade Locks is progres
sing rapidly. Above the upper bulkhead
the guard walls are almost completed,
and the canal has been excavated to its
full depth, down to the water line so
that it can be completed very quickly
when the high water is over. Eight days
work on one of the gates completed one
section on one" gate, and work has been
commenced on the other which it is ex
pected will be completed in the same
length of time. This will make, two of
the three gates complete. Below : the
lower bulkhead the guard walls are
about completed, and a mass of heavy
stones is being placed on the upper side
of the upper wall to protect it from the
current of high water. When Gdvernbr
Lord and party was there recently they
were the guests of the Day Bros., who
assured the governor that if no unforseen
accidents happened, the canal would be
opened not later than March 1st and
possibly much sooner. The work is in
good shape, and as soon as the' sammer
flood is over it will be crowded to com
pletion just as fast' as men' and money
can do it. The Day Bros, have lots of
money tied up until the work is finished
and are just as anxious to get the
work completed as the people of
the Inland Empire are. We feel assured
that in less than ten months the long
delayed opening of the Columbia from
this point to the sea will have been com
pleted.' This will give a great impetus
to business here and will, also be bene
ficial to points east of us, as we will then
have terminal At the same time
Eastern Oregon will never reach the full
measure of its prosperity until the ob
structions at this point have been re'
moved and the Columbia is made a free
highway to the sea.
Ing-alls on Gold.
"It is the most cowardly and treach
erous of all metals. It makes no treaty
it does not break. It has no friend it
does not sooner or later betray. Armies
and navies are not maintained by gold
In times of panic and calamity, ship
wreck and disaster, it becomes the agent
and minister of ruin. No nation ever
tought a great war by the aid of gold
On the contrary, in the crisis of the
greatest peril, it becomes an enemy more
potent than the foe in the field; but
when the battle is won and peace has re
turned gold reappears and claims the
fruits of the victory. In our own civil
war it is doubtful if the gold of New
fork and London did not work ns great
er injury than the powder and lead and
iron of the rebels. It was the most in
vincible enemy of the public credit,
Gold paid no soldier or sailor. It re
fused the national obligations. It was
worth most when our fortunes were the
lowest. Every defeat gave it increased
value. . It was in open alliance with our
enemies the world over, and all its en
ergies were evoked for our destruction
But as usual, when danger has been
averted and the victory secured, gold
swaggers to the front and asserts the
All pain banished Vj Dr. Mllaa' Pals PlUa.
We carry a Complete Line of
Pishing Tackle,
Stoves and Steel Ranges,
Wire Cloth, '
Wire Poultry Netting,
Sewer Pipe,
Iron Water Pipe,
Garden Tools,
Sheep Shears, ;
Barrell Chums,
RutVber and Cotton Wrap
ped Garden Hose,
Groceries and Provisions,
Oak Fir and Maple Cord
wood and General sup
J. E. Hanna. Hood River's popular
merchant, is in the city today.
Mrs. Mary G. Fisher, of Petersburg,
Illinois, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. L.
Mrs. W. O. Hadley of Bandon, Or., is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi
Mr. Edward G. Shoun, special agent
for the London Globe Insurance Co., was
in the city last night..
Mr. Willis Brown, of Portland is in
the city looking at the fruit situation,
with a view ot getting some kind ot con
certed action in fruit shipments.
Bv W. C. Curtis, castor of the Congre
gational church, at the residence of
Judge Blakely, on Thursday, April 18th,
Frank S. Gunning and Miss Caroline
G. Davenport, both of this city.
Mens' OTershlrta! Mens' Underwear! '
Now opening up the finest line of dress
shirts and underwear ever showed in
The Dalles. Every shirt 36 inches long,
made np in the very best way, in an
endless variety of patterns, perfect
beauties. Also an elegant line of spring
and summer underwear. Call and in
spect them, you will be more than sat'
isfied, both as to style and price.
Robert E. Williams, -
Blue Front store, opposite Diamond
Mills. al6tf.
For -Sale. ...
Steam yacht Irma has been thoroughly
overhauled and repaired, is as good as
new. Has just passed inspection. Price
$500 spot cash. H. C. Cos,
al7-lw . Sec'y Hood River Mfg. Co.
The Wasco Warehouse Co. have on
sate at their warehouse Seed Wheat,
Feed Wheat, Barley, Barley Chop, Oats
and Hay. Are sole agents in The Dalles
for the now celebrated Goldendale roller
mills flour, the best flour in the market,
and sold only in ton lots or over. 9-tf
who care to pay a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the
'' Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, and are ' "
all druggists sell Dr. Miles Pain PttJs,
We are showing now the very latest
toes in Black and Tan Shoes. Also a
large line of staples.
The Tjgtx 'Val
ley Creamery
Ask VanlDib'ber & Worsley for it.
Every Square is Pull Weight.
Are Your Eyes Open ?
Just Received,.
A Complete Assortment of GARDEN
and TIMBER SEEDS. We can save
you money. Now wend your way to the
Big Brick, opposite Moody's Warehouse.
Telephone 20. Terms Cash.
Crescents! Crescents! Crescents!
Why pay $100 for a Bicycle
. When you can get one for $55?
We buy direct from the makers, and save you the jobber's profit.
We sell our High-grade CRESCENT, with wood rim and Clincher tire, for. .$80 0
The same wheel, with Morgan & Wright tire, for : 75 00
- - This wheel weighs 23 pounds.
Our SPECIAL CRESCENT, with either wood or steel rims, M. & W. tires. .$55
This wheel with wood rim weighs 28 pounds; with steel, 5U pounds.
Our SPECIAL CRESCENT will compare favorably with any $75 wheel on the
market, and we will give the same guarantee that is siven on tne mgnest
priced wheel sold. - Come and see our samples or send for catalogue.
MAYS & CROWE, The Dalles.
Take your. Prescriptions to
Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in
Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars,
And all Articles Kept In a First Class Harness Shop.
XSTo. 23
A. A. B.
They will be Filled by Thorough
. Prescription Druggists.
Adjoining Joles, Collins & Co.'e Stere,