JOS. T. PETERS & CO., See us before you buy. , -DEALERS IN- Two-thirds Our Lives are Spent in Clothes. Then "why not have them fit? The HAPPY HOME Brand of Clothing is warranted to fit perfectly. Every Sleeve has a ard with the following : "If this garment does not give satisfac tory wear, return it to our agent, who will return the sum paid for it." "We Sell Them. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ncered a the Fostofflce at The Dalles, Oregon as second-class matter. Clubbing List. ' Regular Our price Nprice Ckroiielt ud If. Y. Trikie $2.50 $1.75 " ud Weekly Oregoiiai 3.00 2.00 -' " and Weekly Biamiier 3.25 2.25 , " Weeklj Bew York World. .... 2.25 2.00 10 Ceuw per line for first insertion, and 6 Cents .per line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 8 o'clock will appear the following day. TTESDAY, - - - APRIL 16. 1895 BRItF MENTION. Tt From the Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. Thirty sacks of wool were received 'aT'eacned in the box and which of course the Wasco warehouse yesterday even ing from Hay Creek. Mrs. Nellie Hines, room 50, Chapman' block, has Spanish creams for the face; also Dow 'a electric belts. Tells past or future by the hand or cards. Call and see her. lw Mr. S. T. Erwin, Indian agent at Fort I f Simcoe. arrived in from Yakima veater- (7, day. He came to meet Mr. McCormick, who will return with him to the SimcoeK, rer,""uu- Mr. F. McCormick, special agent in 1 las iuuiud department, arriveu iu lru m Warm Springs yesterday, af ter a week's visit to that reservation. Mr. J. C. J: Luckey ex-agent, came in with him, A convention of Epworth Leagues of The Dalles district will be held at Ar- lington, Or., on May 15th and 16th, for the purpose of organizing a district league. About twenty leagues will be represented. Senator Dolph and Tom Kelly took breakfast together this morning at the Umatilla house. We will give the full particulars of the affair later, but in the meanwhile if you doubt the assertion, inquire of Mr. Kelly. The original "nine-cent man" of the Masonic temple, Portland, will open to morrow a store opposite The Chronicle office. Everybody knows him and 'everybody knows that the nine-cent man doesn't haggle over a cent. He sells his goods regardless of prices, and as he is going to close out his stock they will be sold even at 25 cents on the dollar. Re- member the place, and be on hand at noon at which time the store will be opened. Mrs Olive Ames was in the city last evening and tried to make arrangements to have Professor Loska, the celebrated mind reader, give one of his exhibitions here, bat did not succeed. The subjects of mind reading, hypnotism and kindred matters pertaining to the occult, possess a deep interest for the larger portion of humanity, and we believe such an ex hibition would attract a larger audience than anything that could be presented. The Little Captain, $4.00 Knee Suit. The Little Governor, $5.00 Knee Suit. These Suits have Double Knees and Seats, and are reinforced throughout. The future Washingtons and Grants . Should "wear them. Nobby Suits for Fine Retail Trade. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS. We hope Mr. Loska may yet be induced to give The Dalles people an exhibition of his powers. ' A. Fake Lottery. The bicycle craze had a decidedly new feature yesterday. There, has been a scheme for disposing of the machines of the genuine lottery style, and yesterday after a drawing for the machine put up by C. S. F.Baker, when it was learned that his sister, Mrs Koontz, had drawn the lucky number the ticket holders became suspicious and began to investigate. A boy named Ferguson bad drawn, the ticket from the box, and it ia claimed that this particular ticket was crumpled and soiled to such an extent that it caused the first suspicion that all was not right. Borne of those interested inter viewed the Ferguson boy, who, it is said, admitted that Baker had hired him to do the drawing giving him a ticket which he held concealed in his hand when he he drew out and so won the prize. When this became known there was considerable excitement and bad feeling and the result was that Baker was, ar rested, charged with selling false and fictitious lottery tickets. The case was set for trial at 2 o'clock this afternoon, t which time the defendant and bis at- orney, Judge Bennett appeared and, as the latter had not examined into the matter the case was continued until 4 'clock this afternoon. The matter is Before Justice Davis. A Lively Buna-way. There was a lively runaway this morn-' ing that came near getting to be an epi demic. Sandoz' team; the wagon loaded with stable refuse, started the fun on Union street. As they came up the street Keller's horse hitched to a light hack, snuffed danger and struck out ahead of them. Turning up Third street at the courthouse corner they started Bob Hood, who was driving up that thoroughfare, and be fearing a smash-up put the buckskin to his nags and tried to run ahead of the storm. Up Third they came at break-neck speed, and 'it was hard to tell for awhile which was going to come in ahead, but Hood side tracked himself the first opportunity, while the Keller horse getting all he wanted, was easily caught, but the San doz team were still headed towards Dnfur and going faster than a flying machine when last they were seen. Peace Declared. A dispatch from London received from China this morning says : Li Hung Chang's son-in-law telegraphs that the treaty of peace was signed in Simonosaki today, April 16,'. and that the terms are: First The Independence of Corea. Second Japan's retention of the con quered places. Third Japan's retention of the terrl tory east of the Liauiver. ' , ! Fourth Permanent cession of - For mosa. "": " """ Fifth An offensive and defensive alli ance between China and Japan. Ladies, Don't Sew Your Lives Away. Note these Prices, then come to our store and examine goods. Ladies' Wrappers. Light Prints, Well Made, Navy Blue and Black Prints, with small figures, 75c $1.00 Flannelette, I QC Choice Styles, LZu All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS. City Bonds Sold. The bids for Dalles City bonds were opened last night at 8 o'clock and were as follows : A. H. Curtiss, of The Dalles, bid for $20,000 worth, paying for each $500 bond, $550.50, or 10 and 1-10 th per cent, pre mium. Theis & Barroll, of Spokane, bid for $40,000 worth, 2 and l-20th cents pre mium. E. H. Rollins, of Boston, IK cents premium. R. H. Hard, Seattle, 8) mills, pre mium, t The bonds were sold to Mr. Curtiss and to Theis & Barroll. Mr. Curtiss pays to the city fot $20,000 bonds, $22,- 020, and Theis & Barroll $40,820. The total is $62,840, or $2,840 premium. The bid made by Mr. Curtiss is pecul iarly gratifying. It shows the confidence our own business people who are thor oughly acquainted with the country and its resources have in it. The bids from the outside are also good, all at a pre mium, though slight. The bonding of the city's indebtedness is a grand thing. It cuts the interest charges down by one fourth, and at the same time pays off nearly $3,000 of the principal. With economical management the city's in debtedness should now be gradually wiped out. The city's warrants now are mostly in the hands of her own, people probably 95 per cent, of the whole amount being owned here. . The flame may be Eaid of our county indebtedness, and besides this a large share of Klick itat county's script has found its way into the hands of Dalles people. There is not a business proposition that crops up but shows that The Dalles is one of the thriftiest business centers, in the Northwest and the ownership of our county and city warrants is no ex ception to the rule. JKeal Estate Transaction. The following have been filed for rec ord since our last report: ' Mary Langhlin to Mrs. Carrie Butler e of lot 5 and 10 feet of west side of lot 6, block 11, Laughhn's addition to Dalles City. - - - -. - . .. There will be a lecture by Hon. D. P Thompson of Portland, at the Congrega tional church, Friday evenine. ADril 19th, at 7:30 o'clock, subject, either The Monuments of Egypt," or "Points of Interest in Palestine." The lecture will be under the auspices of the Ladies Aid Society of the Congregational church. ' - ' ' ,- td. Mens' Oversbirtst Hens' Underwear! Now opening up the finest line of dress snins ana unaerwear ever snowed in The Dalles. Every shirt 36 inches long, made, up in the very best way,' in an endless variety - of patterns, perfect beauties. Also an elegant line of spring and summer underwear. Call and in spect " them, you will be more than sat isfied, both as to style and price. , BobebtE. Wjxi.iamb, Blue Front store, opposite Diamond Mills. - al6tf. We carry a Complete Line of Pishing Tackle, Ammunition, Stoves and Steel Ranges, Wire Gloth, Wire Poultry Netting, Sewer Pipe, Iron Water Pipe, Garden Tools, Sheep Shears, Barrell Chums, Rubber and Cotton Wrap ped Garden Hose, Groceries and Provisions, Oak Fir and Maple Cord- wood and General sup plies, MAO & BENTON. Clothing! Clothing! We invite you to inspect our new spring stock of mens' suits, boys' suits and childrens' suits, latest cuts. Also a very large assortment of mens' and boys' pants in all the new styles. Never in the history of low prices has such been offered. We will guarantee to save you fully 50 per cent. Remember the loca tion. Robert E. Williams, Blue Front store, opposite Diamond Mills. a!6tf. Money for Paper. All county warrants registered prior to May 1st, 1891, will be paid if presented at my office, corner 3d and Washington streets. The Dalles, Or. Interest ceases after April 12, 1895. WM. MICHELL, County Treasurer. Wnere Do You It ay Tour Hats and Cap? A large assortment of the newest shapes and styles for spring just received. Over 200 different kinds to select from. World beaters! Will sell them to you with the tariff off. Robert E. Williams, Blue Front Store, opposite Diamond Mills. ' al6-tf.. Best cabinet photos in the city, re duced from $3.50 to $2, for a few days only, at Chicago gallery. Second street, opposite Mays & Crowe's hardware store. al6-2w. Choice two-year-old roses for 25 cents; alse cat flowers and floral designs at the Rose Hill Greenhouse, Eighth and Lin coln street. Orders can be left at Mrs. Phillips' millinery store, on Washington street, between Second and Third, tf. Shoes below cost, F. Fortin, pho- tographer. Wood! Wood! We have yet on hand a complete stock of Dry Fir, Oak and Maple Cord wood, which will be sold at minimum prices. feb27. Maikb & Benton. nil pain banished by Dr. Miles' Vain Pun ARE THE 6E5T CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pay a little more than the cost of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS iMade from the highest cost Gold Leaf grown in Virginia,' and are ABSOLUTELY PURE BUILDING : -AND- Telepbone We are showing now the very latest toes in Black and Tan Shoes. Also a large line of staples. The Tygrh Val ley Creamery BUTTER Ask Vanlaib'ber & Worsley for it. Every Square is Full Weight. TBLEPHOlirB 3STO. 80. Are Your IF SO, READ THIS. Just Received,. "A Complete Assortment of GARDEN" and TIMBER SEEDS. We can save you money. Now wend your way to the -. Big Brick, opposite Moody's Warehouse. E. J. COLLINS & CO. Telephone 20. Terms Cash. Crescents! Crescents! Crescents!' Why pay $100 for a Bicycle When you can get one for $55 ? . We buy direct from the makers, and save you the jobber's profit. We sell our High-grade CRESCENT, with wood rim and Clincher tire, for. .$80 00 The same wheel, with Morgan & Wright tire, for 75 00 This wheel wefghs 23 pounds. Our SPECIAL CRESCENT, with either wood or steel rims, M. & W.. tires. .$55 00 This wheel with wood rim weighs 28 pounds; with steel, 30 pounds. Our SPECIAL CRESCENT will compare favorably with any $75 wheel on the market, and we will give the same guarantee that ie given on the highest priced wheel sold. Come and see our samples or eend for catalogue. MAYS & CROWE, The Dalles. Take your Prescriptions to. M. Z DONNELL. DEUTSCHEJAPOTHEKE. RUPERT & GABEL, Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, TENTS and WAGON COVERS, And. all Articles Kept In a First Class .Harness Shop. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DOSE. MATERIALS Uo. 83 Delicious. Eyes Open ? CREAMERY A. A. B. They will be Filled by Thorough, Prescription Druggists. Adjoining Joles, Collins & Co.'s SUr, 23 a