The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 15, 1895, Image 3

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    JOS. T. PETERS & CO.
See us before
We SeU Them.
you buy.
Look at Our
The Dalles Daily Qhronicle.
ntered a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
Clubbing List.
Kegular Our
price price
CiroiicU ui If. I. Tribiai. $2.50 $1.75
" -ni WmIIj Ortgwiu ... 3.00 2.00
" iti Wetklj Eiuniier 3.25 2.25
" ffwlly Bw York World 2.25 2.00
10 Crato per line for first Insertion, and 6 Cents
per line for each subsequent Insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 8 o'clock
will appear the following day.
MONDAY. - - - APRIL 15, 1895
ts From the Notebook of Chronicle
A. M. wiinama & (Jo. nave some
special bargains in silks and curtains to
day. See their ad.
The King's Daughters will meet to
morrow at 2 o'clock at the residence o:
Mrs. W. S. Myers. A fall attendan
f Tn
And still the bicycle craze continues
In the distribution this morning Mrs.
Lottie Koontz captured the bicycle
O. S. F. Baker's.
MraNellie Hines, room 50, Chapman
Sck, has Spanish creams for the face;
also Dow a electric belts. Tells past or
future by the hand or cards. Call and
see her. lw
Captain Webb went over the Oregon
City falls yesterday in his barrel. It is
stated that 5000 persons were present on
the occasion. Several went from here,
A Bangor, Maine, paper tells ot the
salmon season at that place and that the
first fish, weighing 22 pounds, was
caught in a pool amid the floating ice,
and that it sold for $22, or $1 per pound
Bain is needed in the wheat fields, but
still they can stand it for awhile as it is.
From the indications today and the
futile attempts that the weather clerk
made to send down a shower, it is fair to
presume that a good soaking shower is
preparing tor a visit to us.
The hen and ducklings are gone from
the Snipes-Kinersly drugstore window.
They attracted a great deal of attention
during their brief stay, and it was really
comical the way the little fellows would
bits off a piece of bread and then streak
it to the water pan for a drink.
' Easter was appropriately observed in
all the chnrcbee, and all of them were
beautifully decorated for the occasion.
The day was a perfect one in spite of
Brother Pague's prognostications, and
the churches were all well filled. The
Sunday schools also had special programs
for the day. ' ' -" , . ;
Just catch on to Pease & Mays' ad.
tomorrow. It is a pertinent question
that in asked, that "As two-thirds of our
lives are spent in clothes, why not have
them fit." .pease fc Maya have that
.kind in stock and they have everything
Mr. i a
" Da
else that anyone can desire.'
Ad. Tomorrow.
J. B. Crossen is in trouble again, and
all because his sorrel cat, with the longi
tudinal stripes of white and yaller-red,
has again abandoned the grocery store.
All through Lent Jerry was an example
of goodness, but yesterday he skipped.
His return to Mr. Crossen will gladden
that gentleman's heart, and he promises
to forgive Jerry without any mental res
ervations, if he will only come back.
Tonight at 8 o'clock the bids for Dalles
City bonds will be opened, and if the
bids are satisfactory will be awarded.
There has been great inquiry concerning
these bonds, more than fifty letters hav
ing been received requesting informa
tion as to the interest, time to run, etc.
The Dalles enjoys a good reputation in
the financial world, and the bids to
night ought to be well up in price and
show a handsome premium. It will be
a great thing for the city to bond its in
debtedness, as it would reduce the inter
est charges, and with good management
the city ought to slowly reduce its debt,
The Dalles has the bicycle fever bad,
and while in most cases the temperature
tuns very high, an exception to the rule
ame under the notice of a reporter as
e sauntered along the brow of brewery
ill yesterday, when a young man, who
as evidently a novice in the art, de
ded to ride leisurely down the grade
ing unable to resist the inclination. At
length, coming to the conclusion that be
wa8 going too fast on the downrgrade and
might eventually strike the moral wave
in .Portland, be made up bis mind,
break or no break to stop and be did
The last seen of him he was walking
slowly toward a wheel hospital, with his
head and a hand in slings (not vice versa)
and bis trousers somewhat the worse for
the short stop. And now he's sorry
that he slid.
Real Estate Transactions.
W. L. Vanderpool and wife and T. H.
Johnston and wife to I. J. Powell, bond
for a deed to block 28 in Johnston and
Vanderpool'a addition to town of Dufur ;
$230. "
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she became Hiss, she clung to Castorla.
When sne had Children, she gave them Castorla.
The Wasco Warehouse Co. have on
sale at their warehouse Seed Wheat,
Feed Wheat, Barley, Barley Chop, Oats
and Hay. Are sole agents in The Dalles
for the now celebrated Goldendale roller
mills flour, the best flour in the market,
and sold only in ton lota or over. 9-tf
Sick Headache, constipation and indi
gestion are quickly cured by De Witt
Little Early Risers, the famous little
pills. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. i.
; Jos. T. Peters & Co. have cord wood
which is desirable in all respects, and
respectfully solici' your orders. .
Advertise in Turn Cmboniclb. "
Mitchell Net
Our spring is far gone; soon summer
will be here, and we - will have bad
scarcely a taste of spring's - flavoring,
and only a sniff of its sweets. Our days
and nights still continue to be a little on
the howling nature, and not at all to be
trusted. If you should go out for a walk
the advice to take an overcoat should? be
respected and acted upon, if not there
should be no complaint if you return
frozen to death and snowed under or
drowned. Not bo apt to be drowned,
for the prayer most often heard is "More
rain." Many predict a complete drouth
and failures entire in their general
crops, especially to those who have no
Irrigating advantages.
On the John Day the fruit trees are
beautiful in their gorgeous display of
bloom. At- this place buds are but
lately begun to open, but the trees are
loaded with them. The prospects are
that the loads of bloom and fine display
is all for naught, the frost has so little
Our butcher, Mr. Miller, was sadly
disappointed in not seeing bia family
Tuesday's stage, but a letter that give!
him hope another week. His disap
pointment does not unfit him for a lively
lookout for bia business interests. His
greatest trouble seems to be to supply
the demand of good appetites. So far
he has been very fortunate in securing
some excellent beef, as I can vouch for,
R. E. Misner's building makes a fine
show, as it stands a half -story above
every other building in town. -
Many persons have taken the mining
craze and are bound for the Iron King
mines. I do not doubt but they will
return well satisfied that they have
been fooled. ' '
Owner's of sheep are very busy caring
for their flocks, and report a very good
per cent of lambs. "Ho grass" is a
great complaint among the sheep men.
There is a general dullness prevalent
that sunshine or shower does not drive
away. Everyone seems unsteady or in
doubt, failing to invest enough to keep
up their business interest. .
There have been sheep-buyers here
for some weeks, but I have not heard
positively ot any sales. A few-cattle
men sold but not sufficient to make
money a drug. Prices given for 2-year
olds, $14 and $15 ; yearlings, $10 to $13.
Generally these sales were made by per
sons that were desirous of a little ready
money, but with all people seem to be
more hopeful than last spring.
E. V. E
' Mitchell, Or., Apr. 9, '95.
Thinks He la Bad.
A Portland exchange has the following
concerning Hawthorne, who will be
tried at the coming term of the United
States court: . .
"The most important case ia that of
John Hawthorne, who ia charged with
the murder of Indian Policeman Kar-
polia. . As Hawthorne ia said to be a des
perado of the ancient Eastern Oregon
type, one of the kind that shoot upon
very alight provocation, his trial will be
interesting. He ia a dangerous man. ' A
We carry a Complete Line of
Fishing Tackle,
Stoves and Steel - Ranges,
Wire Cloth,
Wire Poultry Netting,
Sewer Pipe,
Iron Water Pipe,
Garden Tools,
Sheep Shears,
Barrell Chums,
Rubber and Cotton Wrap
ped Garden Hose,
Groceries and Provisions,
Oak Fir and Maple Cord
wood and General sup
grafter, who after working the city was
caught and incarcerated in a cell at the
county jail next to Hawthorne's, and who
became well acquainted with him, has
said that were Hawthorne to secure a
pistol in the court room or while in
charge of the officers, be would strew
the earth with a few dead men in an
effort to get away."
Mr. Wood Gilman was in the city yes
Mrs. C. L- Gilbert returned to Hood
River this morning.
Miss Ethel W. Grubba of Portland ia
in the city, the guest of Mrs. S. French.
Hon. E. L. Smith and S. J. LaFrance
came up from Hood River this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. McFarland passed
through today going from Hood River to
Mrs. Geo. St. Johns, who haa been
visiting ber mother in this city, returned
to Tacoma yesterday.
Mr. Arthur Clarke, who baa been in
California tor the past year, returned to
e cfty Saturday night.
Among those going to the Locks today
were Mr. and Mrs. is. J-.. Brooks, Kev
Curtis and wife, Mrs. R. F.Gibons, Mrs,
. Glenn, Mrs. is. b. Huntington
. S. MacAIhster.
r Liora, Secretary ovotate
Treasurer Metsctwni arrived
m Union this morning. They
had been examining into the matter o
the branch insane asylum at that place
and stopped off here this morning to
take the Regulator, and examine the
portage railway and work at the Locke.
Wood! Wood!
We have yet on hand a complete stock
of Dry Fir, Oak and Maple Cord wood,
which will be sold at minimum prices.
feb27. Maikb & Benton.
In this city .Saturday night, the infant
child of Mr. and Mrs. J. a. Morton.
In IMa nitv. TVfnndftv. Anril 15th. the
infant child of Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
who care to pay a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the
" Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, and are
inurra and
nSfe fro
We are showing no"w the very latest
toes in Black and Tan Shoes. Also a
large line of staples.
The Tygti Val
ley Creamery
Ask Vanbibher & Worsley for it.
Every Square is Pull Weight.
Are Your Eyes Open?
Just Received,.
A Complete Assortment of GARDEN '
and TIMBER SEEDS. We can save
you money. Now wend your way to the
Big Brick, opposite Moody's Warehouse.
Telephone 20. Terms Cash.
Irescents! Crescents! Crescents!
rhy pay $100 for a Bicycle
When yon can get one for $55 ?
We buy direct from the makers, and save you the jobber's profit.
We sell our High-grade CRESCENT, with wood rim and Clincher tire, for. .$80 00
The same wheel, with Morgan & Wright tire, for 75 00
This wheel weighs 23 pounds.
Our SPECIAL CRESCENT, with either wood or steel rims, M. & W. tires. .$55 00
- This wheel with wood rim weighs 28 pounds; with steel, 30 pounds.
Our SPECIAL CRESCENT will compare favorably with any $75 wheel on the
market, and we will give the eame guarantee that ie given on the highest
priced wheel sold. Come and see our samples or send for catalogue.
MAYS & CROWE, The Dalles.
Take your Prescriptions to
Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealera in
Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars,
And all Articles Kept In a First Class : Harness Shop.
X'JdL.IJ 3
3NTo. 23"
A. A. B.
They will be Filled by Thorough.
Prescription Druggists.
Adjoining Joles, Collins & Co.'i Sterf,