The Dalles Daily Chronicle SUBSCRIPTION BATES. BY MA.IL., rOBTASM FBXF4.ID, IH ADVANCS. Weakly, 1 year " S months. t " Dan, 1 year " 6 montha. . 1 60 . 0 75 . 090 . 0 00 . 800 . 060 per Address all communication to " THE CHBON 1012," The Dalle, Oregon. FEIPAY, APRIL 12, 1895 THE NEXT JSSVE. ' The disnatcheH venterdav stated that g - j Senator Palmer will fight the movement in Illinois calling a convention of ' democrats to commit the democracy of the state to a free silver policy. . Sena tor Palmer may profit by the illustration made by Otis a hundred and ' twenty - years ago of "damming the Nile with bulrushes." It can't be done. That the democracy will adopt an out-and-out free silver platform at its next na- ' tional convention is as certain as any thing earthly can be. There is no other couree left open for it. , Free trade is as dead as a door nail for years. That issue will not do as a blast to gather the clans. Circumstances have kilied it; the working people have damned it, and its obsequies were looked after by Mr. .Wilson of West Virginia. What other issue can the party make? T. in frnA 'friat. ahnnlrf triia Tilanlr Via adopted, Mr. Cleveland and some more heavy weights the party has carried will be dropped, but that will be but little loss. Cleveland never did anything for his party except to fight it, to disrupt it, and to stultify it. For twelve years, rather for three successive terms, he has headed the ticket of his party and amused himself between times by hold ing its nose and making it take such medicine as be prescribed. ' He never diagnosed the case properly either, for he being the disease as well as the doc tor, failed to see that it required a course of anti-fat. It will get it in '96. Cleve land and his followers will leave the party, there will be a split, but the dem ocrats know that where they lose one democrat they will gain five republicans, unless the latter party also comes out for free silver. It will not do that. It can't afford to do it, and in consequence there is going to be a re-arranging of party lines. ,' It is going to be silver against gold, 'and gold is going to have the hardest struggle that eer hap pened it. The taritt will be a minor issue, although the action of European ' nations in shutting out American farm products will, per force, drive many democrats into the protective tariff ranks, and will help to make up the loss from its ranks by the silver ques tion. Senator Palmer may fight the calling of the free silver democrats to a conven tion, but they will meet just the same, Democracy has but one weapon, and it will use it. LET THEM EIGHT. Much has been said and written about tbe new rates from Porland to Spokane and the effect on the shipping business of tbe two cities, but the fact remains that the new tariff is now in force, and Portland merchants have the best of the deal. A prominent Spokane merchant, when asked what would be their i e- course, replied that he expected, in a short time, that the Spokane merchants would combine and raise a fund to de fend themselves; that since low rates were to be the order of the day, and that since "the other railroad and Spo kane merchant were dancing now to the O. .B; & .N. . fiddling," the latter pro posed to see that low rates applied in other directions. A plan is on foot by which a subsidy will be raised to charter one or two steamers, which will be placed on the run between San Fran cisco and Portland and the rates of- fare reduced to tbe figure of $3. and the freight rates also proportionately re duced. This will enable Spokane trier chants to get back at the O. R. & N. Co and to handle freight brought from the East via the Panama route and destined direct to their city for distribution on a basis which will enable them to meet the competition of the Portland and Sound merchants. Tbe suggestion was also thrown out that the rail lines of the O. R. & N. are almost entirely paralleled by water routes, and that it was among the prob abilities that the Northern Pacific would put on a line of steamers from Pasco to Biparia and Lewieton, making the rates nominal, and that with a new line of boats between Portland and Tbe Dalles such a pressure could be brought to bear on local rates that the O. B. & N. would ' be very likely to treat with other lines on an equalization of rates that would give Spokane a show. It is positively stated that the means can and will be - raised for the move ments, and that the building, of the Astoria road will be another factor in helping these places along, indirectly, as it is more than likely that Astoria mer chants would then stand in on such a scheme. San. Yesterday's Oregonian says: "The salmon season opened today, and ship ments from Oregon City and points be tween here and Portland indicate one of the greatest after-midnight catches on record. : The steamer Bamona carried 2006 salmon, weighing somewhat more than twenty-three tons. This is . the heaviest first's day's shipment from this part of the river for four years." It is not at all remarkable that the first night's catch should be the largest on record. It does not indicate an ex traordinary run of fish, but does convey the impression that the almanac was out of whack a day or so up about Oregon City. It is quite probable that mid night of the 9th began about 12 o'clock p. m. the night of the 7th. It is aUo probable that the catch will fall off sud denly, and that the fishing the night of the 11th will not be good. It happens that way on first nights. Secretary Morton is out with instruc tions to those representing his depart ment to find out why the price of meat is going up to the consumer and tbe price of stock going down. If tbe secre tary would read the market reports, be would find that his premises are incor rect. The price of meat is going up and so is tbe price of cattle, hogs and sheep. The secretary needs to oil up bis thinker. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy - gives the best satisfaction of any cough medi cine I handle, and as a seller leads all other preparations in this market. I reccomend it because it is the best medi cine I ever bandied for coughs, and croup. A. W. Baldridge, , Millersviile, 111. For sale by Blakely & Houghton Druggists. , ' Telephone Notice Those who have not already ordered instruments placed and who desire tele phone service from the Seufert-Condon Exchange, will please order at once. Seufebt & Condon. Choice two-year-old roses for 25 cents; alse cut flowers and floral designs at the Rose Hill Greenhouse, Eighth and Lin coln street. Orders can be left at Mrs. Phillips' millinery store, on Washington street, between Second and Third, tf. THE BUSINESS MAN'S LUNCH. Hard Work and Indigestion go Hand in Hand. Concentrated thought, continued in, robs the stomach of necessary blood, and this ia Also true of hard physical labor. When a five horse-power engine is made to do ten horse-power work something: is groins? to break. Very often the hard worked man coming: from the field or the office will "bolt" his food in a few min utes which will take hours to digest. Then too, many foods are about as useful in the stomach as a keg: of nails would be in a fire under a boiler. The ill-used stomach refuses to do its work without the proper stimulus which it gets from the blood and nerves. The nerves are weak and " ready to break," because they do not get the nourishment they require from the blood, finally the ill-used brain is morbidly wide awake when the overworked man at tempts to find rest in bed. The application of common sense in the treatment of the stomach and the whole system brinfrs to the busy man the full en- i' oyment of life and healthy digestion when le takes Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets to relieve a bilious stomach or after a too hearty meal, and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery to purify, enrich and vitalize the blood. The " Pellets " are tiny sugrar-coated pills made of highly concen trated vegetable ingredients which relieve the stomach of all offending matters easily and thoroughly. They need only be taken for a short time to cure the biliousness, constipation and slothfulness, or torpor, of the liver; then-the ." Medical Discovery" should be taken in teaspoonful doses to in crease the blood and enrich it. It has a peculiar effect upon the lining membranes of the stomach and -bowels, toning up and strengthening them for all time. The hole system feels the effect of the pure blood coursing through the body and the nerves are vitalized and strengthened, not deadened, or put to sleep, as the so-called celery compounds and nerve mixtures do but refreshed and fed on the food they need for health. If you suffer from indi gestion, dyspepsia, nervousness, and any of the ills which come from impure blood and disordered . stomach,- you can - cure yourself -with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery which can be obtained at any a rug store in the country. Notice.: Lost, One red and white heifer, 3-year-old in the spring; branded pq on the hip; - marked smooth crop off the right ear and lit and tinder bit In the left ear. ' Also one almost red 2-year- oia neiier, oranaea on me nip same as rea ana white heifer'B brand. Any one letting me know where thay are will be paid for their trouble. AQOretB B&?4 HUUTnWbLL, anltf-lm Endereby, Wasco Co., Oregon, pipe Tilli9ery. - -ALSO A FULL LINE OF- L- .'.....r.. ' . WTC?C! . TMT TP "RTTfifXC! - Successor to Anna Peter & Co., vwf. m, --"--v-.4 BTB4IED. Came to my place about Feb. 20. 1895, one black horse with white face, three white feet weight about 1,200 pounds; branded 3 on left shoulder. Also one buckskin horse branded Z on left ehrA der; weight about 850 ponnds- Owner can have them by paying pasture bill and ad. F. S. Fleming, Hake Oven., The regular subscription price of the Weekly Chronicle is $1.50 and the regular price pf the Weekly Obegonian is $1.50. 'Any one subscribing for The Chronicle and paying for one year in advance can get both The Chronicle and the Weekly Oregonian for $2.00. For Rene After April 1st, 20 acres of fine land, situated within the city limits. House and barn, good water for irrigating. Terms easy. Apply to Fred W. Wilson. mch20-lrn. . Our patrons will find De Witt's Little Early Risers 'a safe and reliable remedy for constipation, dyspepsia and liver complaints.. Snipes-Klnersly Drug Co. La Grippe is here again with all of its old time vigor. , One Minnte Cough Cure is a reliable remedy. It cures and cures quickly. - Snipes-Kinerely Drug Co. For Sale. Clydesdale seed oats at E. J. Collins & Co. 's and W. H. Taylor's. Yield and weigh more than any other oat grown on hill land. m6-a6. Wanted Salesman ; salary from start, permanent place. Brown Bros. Co., Nurseryman, Chicago, 111. - - aln has no show with Dr. Miles' Pain Pill. THE DALLES ASSOCIATION. The above association is prepared to take a list of all and any kind of Real Estate for sale or exchange, whereby the seller will have the undi vided assistance of the follow ing. Real Estate Agents, or ganized as an association for the purpose of inducing im migration to "Wasco and Sher man Counties, and generally stimulating 'the sale of prop erty:' j C. E. Bayard, -T. A. Hud son, J. G. Koontz & Co., J. M. Huntington & Co., Dufur & Hill, N. Whealdon, Gibons & Marden, G. W. Rowland. Address any of the above well known firms, or , F. D. HILL, Sec'y, The Dalles. Oregon. S:E E Z2S Garden and. Grass Seeds in Bill k, at J. H. Cross' Feed & Gro cery Store. IS?" For Sale or Trade. One Norman Stallion, weight about 1,500 ponnds; 4 bead of work horses; 6 young horses. Will sell or trade for Dalles City property. CHARLES KOEHLER, ml5-2m Boyd, Or. Having secured the services of REAL ESTATE I 231 a first-class trimmer from the city, I can assure my patrons perfect sat isfaction as to style and finish. Call and see the large variety of Hats on display in window. - hr, 112 Second Street. BU K SEEDS A Fine Line of Fresh Bulk Seeds, just arrived. Kentucky Blue Grass, Red Clover, White Clover, Alfalfa, Millet, Beans, , Peas, Onions Turnips, Carrots, Beets. ALL VARIETIES Flower Seeds, Onion Sets. J. B. CROSSEN, Grocer. Ask Central for 62. NICKELSEN'S BOOK : STORE. Attractive Goods, Full Assortment, Small Profits, Quick Sales. Stuiogtoiouse Everything for the Garden Roses, one, two and three years old ; White and Purple Lilacs, and all kinds of blooming shrubbery ; Dahlias, Gladi olias, Phlox, and Caoterberry Bells. Choice Chrysanthemums at 50 cents per dozen, or 5 cents each. Geraniums, Heliotrope, Marguerites and Fuschias at $1 per dozen. - Cut Flowers furnished on short notice for all occasions. , THE Snipes-Kmepsly Drag Co. Glass. 129 Second St., THE DALLES, - - QR E. J1C0BSEN BOOK and MUSIC CO., TEE LEADERS IS ... j- Pianos and Organs, Boob, NOTIONS, STATIONERY. - Call and eet their triee. Bell PIANOS on easy monthly payments, and is prepared to meet any (Uur Jii a. jk m. M.jet. 162 Seconi St, THE DALLES, OR. Notice. , To the General Public: - . The undersighed has thoroughly re modeled what is known as the Farmers' Feed Yard, corner of Third and Madi son, adjoining J. L. Thompson's .black smith shop, and is now ready to accom modate all. who wish their horses well fed and properly cared for, at Prices to Suit the Times., , , - - .. . i f . r , A GNE W . McCOLLEY, ;Prope., i - ' The Dalles, Or. Drugs Paper Bring in Your Family. Come in Yourself, And see how cheaply we can. dress all of you. Men's Suits, Boys' LACES, WOOLENS, Everything from Hat to Shoes, C. F STEPHENS, Closing Out Sale of DRY nnnns . CLOTHING-, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. Past or present values cut no figure, as goods MUST be SOLD LESS than COST. The CP. and P. D., French Woven, Hand-Made,' Dr. Warner s Health, Uoralme, French Model and other makes of Corsets will be closed out at extremely low prices. Call and be convinced. You will be surprised at our low prices. J. P. Auction! BANKRUPT STOCK of H. WHALEN, of San Francisco, consisting in part of The celebrated 1847 Rogers Bros.' Silverware Tea Sets, Batter Dishes, Pickle Stands, Cake Baskets. Drinking Cups, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Child's Sets. Also Watches, Jewelry, Notions, Cigars, Etc. Sale begins Saturday, April 13th, at' 2 and . 7 p. m., and continue Each Day until sold out No reserve: no limit. Everything goes to the Highest Bidder, regardless of Cost or Value. Beautiful and costly Prizes given to tbe Ladies, who are especially invited to attend Private Sale all through the day at-anction prices. Salesroom N.'E. Cor. Second and Washington. PERCY H. GREER, Auctioneer. GEORGE RUCH, PIONEER GROCER. Successor to Chrisman & Corson. imim FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. ' Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. ' Free delivery to any part of town. X- "717-. V A U Successor to -DEALER IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. ' ' And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. PKACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands of J. W. MASURY'S PAINT8 used in all onr work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem icel combination or soap mixture. . A first-class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. Store and Faint Shoo corner Third and Washington Sts.. The Dalles, Oregon JOHN , QEpGHEOAN, Register tr:i. Land Office, 1B90-18M.J Business Before tfce United 'States Xmnd Office a Specialty. ' -7'' Wells Block, Main St., Vsncourer, Clark Co- Washington. aovl Suits, Silks, Satins, COTTONS, LINENS, for everyone. All new stock. McINERNY. AiiRfinn! Paul Kreft & Co -JJR. A. DIETRICH, ' Physician and Surgeon, , DUFUR, OEBGOy. : All Droteraional calls promptly attends day and night. - , aprl