The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 10, 1895, Image 3

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Fruit Growers
Solid Sprays.
These Soravs are reduced to a SOLID
form, requiring only the addition of
water lor immediate use.
Winter Spray for San Jose Scale and
Uurl .Leaf ot trie r'eacn.
Lime, unslacked.. . .
Sulphur, powdered.
Salt, Liverpool
..30 lbs
..20 lbs
..15 lbs
The above is a very efficient remedy for
the san jone scale ana (jnn Lieat of tne
Peach, and is an excellent fertilizer for
the trees. It not only destroys the scale
and prevents the spread of the carl leaf,
bat removes all lichens and keeps tne
bars soft.
In the case of carl leaf, the greatest
good will result from the early spraying,
as it prevents to a large degree the dor'
mant spores of this parasitic fungus
coming to life, and destroys any that
may nave started.
directions. .
To be moBt successful, this spray
should be applied inst before the bads
swell in the spring. It can be used at
this time stronger than later, and should
be thrown upon the trees when it is
warm. . -.,--Use
for winter spraving, 1 pound to
gallons of water ; for summer work use
1 pound to 8 gallons of . water. Maier &
Benton, sole agents, The Dalles, Or.
Telephone No. EES"
We are showing now the very latest
toes in Black and Tan Shoes. Also a
large line of staples.
The Tyg-h Val
ley Creamery
Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it.
Every Square is Full Weight.
A. A. B.
The Dalles Daily Chfoniele.
ntered a the Postofflce at Tbe Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
Cl-dhhing List.
Regular Our
price price
Ciniiel ui If. T. Iribnt $2.50 $1.75
" ui Weekly Oregi 3.00 2.00
' ' ud Weekly Examiner 3.25 2.25
" Weekly Keir York World. .... 2.25 2.00
i well
1U Crau per line for first Insertion, and 6 Cents
per line for each subsequent Insertion.
JBpeclal rates for long time notices..
All local notices received later than 8 o'clock
rill appear the following day.
APRIL 10. 1895
ares From the Notebook of Chronicle
Two bicycles will be given away at
Mays & Crowe's tonight, at 8 o'clock,
The weather bureau reported this
morning, occasional showers for today,
and tomorrow fair and cooler.
Huskey, the boy tried for shooting a
dog belonging to Mrs. Bachelor, ; was
found guilty and fined $40 and costs.
Next Sunday being Easter, several
children will make their first common
ion at the Catholic church at 7 o'clock
The wind yesterday afternoon was not
so powerful here, but on the river below
and the high ground back of the city it
was a regular scorcher.
Castle Haworth, which stands on the
bluff overlooking tbe site suggested for
the branch insane asylum, shows up
from town as the largest thing in that
direction, except Mount Hood.
The directors of the D. P. & A. N. Co.
met soon after their election and elected
tne ionowing omcers for the ensuing
year : S. L. Brooks, president, Orion
.Kinersiy, vice president, M. T. - Nolan,
secretary, J. S. Schenck, treasurer.
The Regulator came in last night a
little late on account of the heavy wind
that made her hug the shore. With two
men at tbe wheel it was all that could be
done to keep her steady, it being one of
the worst storms experienced In a long
time on the middle Columbia. She
brought fifty-two passengers.
Easter Sunday, tbe 14th. All the
churches are preparing for appropriate
services on the day, and they will all be
crowded. There is something about the
Easter eervices that overcome even the
non-church-going procliuities of those
who do not usually attend the churches
during the balance of the year, and cause
them to wend their way on that day to
the house of prayer. -
The Woodmen had a very pleasant
entertainment last night. Fraternity
hall was well filled and from the hearty
applause given the different numbers all
enjoyed the affair thoronghly. The pro
gram consisted of recitations and music.
followed by a broom drill by a class of
young ladies that was heartily ap
plauded. At its conclusion refreshments
were served and after that dancing wj
indulged in until midnight.
The fishing season began at 12 o'clock
last nieht. The low stage of tbe river
will prevent much of a catch at the stai
as the water is not up to most of
wheels. Some net fishing will be don
but until the river rises the catch as
as the run will be light. The Seufer
Bros, have two wheels at Celilo that wii
take in.thefishat the present stage of
water, provided there are any to take in.
Fishermen say there are a few chinooks
running, but that is about all.
Benton county farmers are paying
some attention to the . new stock food,
vetches. Last season Miles Starr and
several neighbors grew, the crop with
marked success, and have re-sown this
season with, excellent crop prospect. In
an experiment of a month each, recent
ly, in which the milk was accurately
measured, C. D. Thompson, farmer at
the O. A. C, made a feeding test to
milch cows with vetches and clover and
found no difference in their value as
milk-producing food.
Ever since the high water of last June
French & Co. have wanted to have the
the interior of their bank repapered and
painted, but owing to the dampness in
the walls this could not be done until
this spring. David Yause, the artistic
decorator, took the contract and has car
ed in beautifying thirbig
wonderfully. The ceiling has been
papered with light shades, blending
beautifully. The walls are a peculiar
yellowish tint, giving a very pretty effect,
and the woodwork has been grained un
til it looks like Nature herself could not
have done anything more perfect. The
floor is covered with a peculiar linoleum,
made by a recent process. The figures
in it are made of the same color the full
depth of the material and are pressed to
gether," so that as it wears the figure
does not wear out but shows- just the
same color and shape until it is worn
clear through. The room has a light,
airy and cheerful appearance, and is aB
handsome an interior as can be found in
the state.
Crop Report.
Everybody Satisfied.
County Judge Blakeley and Com mis
sioners Darneille and Blowers went out
to 8-Mile this morning for the purpose
of looking at the road and examining
some bridges. They returned by what
is known as the Benson road. Near
Mr. Benson's place they heard a grind
ing noise in one of tbe wheels, and Mr,
Drrneille got out to investigate. When
he put his fingers on the nut that holds
one of the hind wheels on, he took them
on again wunont oemg tola, lor it was
decidedly warm. The party proceeded
to Benson's, where they took the wheel
off, leaving the boxing shrunk firmly
around the spindle. After pouring a
barrel or two of. water on the spindle.
the boxing was gotten loose, and then
Mr. Darneille rose to the occasion and
proceeded to doctor the wheel. He bor
rowed .Benson's overalls, and wrapping
the boxing drove it backward into the
wheel, repairing all damages in about
five minutes. Tbe party had a nice ex
perience, Ward, Kerns & Robinson have
a buggy wheel as good as new, and Ben
son has a lien on the buggy for the price
of a new pair of overalls.
When Baby -was sick, we gave ber Castorla.
When she -was a Child," she cried for Castorla.
When she became Hiss, she clung to Castorla,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
Vox Bent.
After April 1st, 20 acres of fine land
situated within the city limits. House
and barn, good water for irrigating.
Terms easy. . Apply to Fred W. Wilson
mch20-lm. " ' .
Our patrons will find De Witt's Little
Early Risers a safe and reliable remedy
for constipation, dyspepsia and liver
complaints. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co,
Some Handsome Work.
The crop weather bulletin for this
week has tbe following :
'Columbia river valley, embracing
Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam, Morrow and
Umatilla counties A light skim of snow
fell on the 3d, and a light frost was had
on tbe 4th. Conditions are still favora
ble for all kinds of fruit. Cherry and
peach trees are leafing and blooming.
Strawberries have commenced to bloom
Almond and apricot trees are blooming
at Hood River. . Fruit bloom is consid
ered unharmed by tbe frosts. ' Plowing
is well along, and seeding is about one
quarter done. The small acreage of
winter wheat is growing slowly. The
season is considered later than nsual
Early garden vegetables, such as lettuce,
radishes, onions, spinach and asparagus
all of home grawth, are in Tbe Dalles
market. Farmers are plowing for sum
mer-f allow.
A. Queer Accident.
Mrs. LeBallister went to Dufur
.erday. . . ,
M. T. Nolan went to Portland
rning. .-...'
r. A. Everding arrived from Portland
ieht and will get the cannery ready
lor work in a day or so.
. Mr. Calvin H. Weeks of Portland, ac
companied bv his family, is in the city
and examining into the country's re
source. , . i
We have made arrangements With the
San Francisco Ex in in-r to ur ish it in
connection with The Chronicle. Hav
ing a clubbing rate with the Oregonian
and N. T. Tribune for our republican
patron 8, we have made this arrangement
for the accommodation of tbe democratic
members of Tub - Chbonicle family.
Both papers, tbe Weekly Examiner and
Semi-Weekly Chbonicle will be fur
nished for one year for $2.25, cash in advance.
W. , T. Sanford, Station Agent of
Lee per, Clarion Co. Pa., writes ; I can
recommend One Minute Cough Cure as
the best I ever used. It gave instant
relief and a quick cure. Snipes-Kinersly
Drns Co.
La Grippe is here again with all of its
old time vigor. One Minute Cough Cure
is a reliable remedy. It cures and cures
quickly. . Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Are Your Eyes Open ?
Just Received,.
Conductor Brown's caboose etands on
the coach track stabbed full of hop-pole
holes. When the train was coming in
from Hilgard Monday afternoon 'with
five flat cars of hop-poles loaded for
Idaho, the side stakes on one of the cars
gave way" at the bridge above Oro Dell,
and about half the load was dumped off
among the bridge timbers. Several ol
the poles were driven squarely throngh
the trout end of the caboose, and it is a
great wonder that the trainmen escaped
injury. The caboose wia tilted over to
one side, but finally got through without
any serious mishap. When the train
was stopped and a survey of the situu
ation made the bridge looked like it was
literally piled full of hop sticks. The
section, crew was at work near that
place, and they succeeded in clearing
the obstruction before the arrival of the
west-bound passenger. La Grande
Chronicle. :
- XT anted.
A girl to do housework. Steady job to
right party. Apply at this office.
Torturing Disfiguring
Skin Diseases
Cuticdra, the greet stlncnro, insianily allays
the most intense itching, b. trump;, and ii.iiain
mation, permits rest auil slop, Seals raw a-irt
irritated surfaces, cTeanacs tbo spalp of crusts
and scales, and restores tho hair. Cutiouiia
Soap, the only medicated toilet soap, is indis
pensable in cleansing diseased surfaces. Cuti
cura Resolvent, the new blood and skin puri
fier and greatest of humor remedies, cleanses
the blood of all imparities, and thus removes
the cause. Hence the Cctiodra Remedies cure
every humor of the skin, scalp, and blood, with
loss of hair, from pimples to scrofula, from
Infancy to age.
Bold throughout the world. Price, Conctnu,
60c.; 8oaf,2&c.; Bcsolveht, (1. Pottkb Daue
Ajn Ceim. Cobp., Sole Proprietors, Boston.
tO- " How to Cure Skin Diseases,' milled f me.
A Complete . Assortment of GrARDEKF
and TIMBER , SEEDS. We can save
you money. Now wend your way to the
Big Brick, opposite Moody's Warehouse.
Telephone 20. Terms Cash. "
Crescents! Crescents! Crescents I
Why pay $100 for a Bicycle
When you can get one for $55 ?
We buy direct from the makers, and save you tbe jobber's profit.
We sell our'Higb-grade CRESCENT, with wood rim and Clincher tire, for. .$80 00
The same wheel, with Morgan & Wright tire, for ... . 75 00
This wheel weighs 23 pounds. . . .
Our SPECIAL CRESCENT, with either wood or steel rims, M.& W. tires. .$55 00
This wheel with wood rim weighs 28 pounds; with steel, 30 pounds.
Our SPECIAL CRESCENT will compare favorably with any $75 wheel on the
market, and we will give tbe same guarantee that is given on the highest
priced wheel sold. Come and see our samples or send for catalogue.
MAYS & CROWE, The Dalles.
Don nell's Drug Store.
Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in
Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars,
And all Articles Kept In a First Class Harness Shop.
T33C:E3 3D ATiTiTK
Adjoining Joles, Collins & Co.'s Str,