Baoent Storms im Kansas and Colorado. Denver, April 8. Belated travelers from tbe East report tlta storm through Kansas the worst ever known in that section. Many passenger trains, now more than forty-eight hours late, are etill battling with snow and sand on the prairie. Superintendent Bogard, of the Union Pacific, with headquarters at Cheyenne Welle, has a large force of men cleaning tracks. In places within sixty or seventy miles of Denver snow was found in cuts from thirty to forty feet deep, being over the tops of telegraph poles. Trains are getting through on all roads today. The loss of range stock in some por tions of eastern Colorado, it is said will amount to 20 per cent, of the cattle. Many cattle drifted into Hugo, Colo., and perished, which had been driven be f ore the wind from the north over one hundred miles. -' A Household Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y,. says that he always keeps ' Dr. King's New Discovery in the house and his family has always found the very best results follow its use; that he would not be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dykeman Druggist, Cat skill, N. Y., says that Dr. Kings New Discovery is' un doubtedly the best cough remedy ; that ' he has used it in his family for eight years, and it has never tailed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not trv a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottle at Suipeff-Kinerslys Drug Co.'s DmgStore. Regular size 50c. and $1.00. The President Pleased. Chicago, April 8. A special to the 'Daily News from Washington says: I am deeply gratified by the stand Senator Palmer has taken against the proposed free silver convention in Illinois," said President Cleveland to one of his callers today. The president discussed the new silver movement at considerable length, anl deprecated the action of the Illinois state committee. Politicians who are acquainted with Senator Palmer's pri vate views on tbe silver question read between the lines of his published in terview this morning a plain warning to his party that if the June convention de ciared for free silver he will leave the party and carry with him a large fol lowing of administration democrats. A severe rheumatic pain in the left shoulder bad troubled Mr. J. H. Loper, a well known druggist of Des Moines, Iowa, fo six months. ' At times the pain was so severe that be could not lift anything. With all he could do he could not get rid of it 'until he applied Chamberlain.s Pain Balm. "I only made three applications of it," he says, and have since been free from all pain." He now reccomends it to persons simi larly afflicted. It is for sale by Blakely A .Houghton .Druggists. Symptoms of kidney troubles should be promptly attended to ; they are nature's warnings that something is wrong. Many persons die victims of ' kidnev diseases who could have been saved had they taken proper precautions The prompt use of Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver & Kidney Balm has saved thous ands of valuable lives. If yoa have any . derangement of the kidneys try it, Price $1.00 per bottle. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. . We have made arrangements with the San Francisco Examiner to furnish it in " connection with The Chronicle. Hav ing a clubbing rate with the Oregonian and N. Y. TriHune for our republican patrons, we have made this arrangement for the accommodation of the democratic members of The Chronicle family Both papers, the Weekly Examiner and Semi-Weekly Chronicle will be fur nished for one year for $2.25, cash in ad vance. Notice. To Whom It Mat Concern : On and after April 1, 1895, the price of horse-shoeing will be $2 per head in the places ot tne undersigned. George Thompson, St.' Arnold & Shoren, J. L. Thompson, Gunning & Hockman, Lane Br8, Wm. Young. Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Tour Life Away. Is the truthful, startling title of a book about No-To-Bac, the harmless, guaran teed tobacco habit cure that braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates the nico tine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No-To Bac is sold by Blakeley & Houghton under a guarantee to cure or money re funded. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., New York or Chicago. W. T. Sanford, Station ' Agent of Leeper, Clarion Co. Pa., writes; I can recommend One Minute Cough Cure as the best I ever used.- It gave instant relief and a quick cure. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. - - - 1 :'''- -' Sick Headache, constipation and indi gestion are quickly cured by De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.: Specimen Cases. S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, ap petite fell away, and he was terribly re duced in fle6h and strength. Three bot tles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg," 111., had a running sore on. his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Cata waba, O., had five large fever sores on bis leg, -doctors said he was incurable. one bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him en tirely. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly. Great Oaits From, little acorns' grow, so also do fatal diseases spring from small begin nings. Never neglect symptoms of kid ney troubles ; if allowed to develop they cause much suffering and sorrow. Dr. S. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm is a certain cure for any disease or weak ness of the kidneys. A trial will con vince you of its great potency. Price $1.00 per bottle. Sold by Snipes-Kin-ersly Drng Co. ' Yoa Don't Have to Swear Off, says the St. Louis Journal of Agriculture in an editorial about No-To-Bac, the famous tobacco habit cure. "We know of many cases cured by No-To-Bac, one, a prominent St. Louis architect, smoked and chewed for twenty years ; two boxes cured him so that even the smell of to bacco makes ' bim sick." No-To-Bac sold and guaranteed by Blakeley & Houghton. Nocurenopay. Bookfree Sterlina Remedy Co., New York or Chi cago. Exposure to rough weather, dampness, extreme cold, etc., is apt to bring on an attack of rheumatism or neuralgia; chapped bands and face, cracked lips and violent itching of the skin alBO .owe their origin to cold weather. Dr. Mc Lean's Volcanic Oil Liniment should be kept on hand at all times for immediate application when troubles of this nature no pear. It is a sovereign remedy. 25c. ouc and $i.uu per bottle. Doctor H. R. Fish, of Gravois Mills, Mo., a practicing physician of many years experience, writes: De Witts Witch Hazel Salve has no equal for in dolent sores, scalds and burns. It stops the pain instantly, heals a burn quickly and leaves ni scar. Snipes-Kinersly Drug tjo. ,- 1 J. A.' Richardson, of Jefferson City Mo., Chief Enrolling force 38th general assembly of Missouri, writes : I wish to testify to the merits of One Minute Cough Cure. When other so-called cures tailed. I obtained almost instant relief and a speedv cure by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. Snipes- Kinersly Urug L-o. It may save you time and money to be informed that, when you need a blood purifier, Ayer's Sarsa par ilia is tbe kind most in favor with the medical profeB sion. It is the standard and, as such, the only blood-purifier admitted at the Chicago World's Fair. The regular subscription price of the Weekly Chronicle is $1.50 and the regular price of the Weekly Oregonian is $1.50.. Any one subscribing for The Chronicle and paying for one year in advance can get both The Chronicle and the Weekly Oregonian for $2.00 Our patrons will find De Witt's Little Early Risers a safe and reliable remedy for constipation, dyspepsia and liver complaints. fenipes-KInersly Drug Co, Out-door plants, rose bushes, panBies, forget-me-nots, and dahlia-bulbs at the Stabling Greenhouse, Cor. Eighth and Liberty. 2t Miss Aimee Newman, teacher of piano forte music. For terms apply at resi dence, corner of Fourth and Union. . mch29-mayl. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cures scalds, burns, indolent sores and never fails to cure' piles. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. ' - DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given, that the firm heretofore existing and doing business under the firm name of Joles, Collins & Co., has been dissolved bv mutual con sent. Mr. E. J. Collins has become the purchaser of the entire stock, notes and accounts of said firm, has assumed all liabilities and will settle all claims against said firm.. J E. J. Collins, George Joles, Isaac Joles, Elizabeth Joles, Cows tor Sale. . . Parties wanting fresh milk cows can obtain them by calling on A. Fields at his place near Crate's point. 26-tf Wanted Salesman ; salary from start. permanent place. Brown Bros. Co Nurseryman, Chicago, 111. Wanted. A girl to do housework. Steady job to right party. ' Apply at this office. BIDS FOR BONDS. In accordance with an act of the legis lature. Dalles City, Wasco County, Ore gon, will issue bonds to an amount not to exceed sixty thousand and not less than fifty thousand dollars, each bond to be of the face value of five hundred dollars, payable twenty-five years from the date of issue, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, interest payable semi-annually. Sam bonds win De eold to tne mgnest bidder for cush. Sealed proposals will he received for the purchase of the same at the recorder's office in said city from this date nntil 4 o'clock p. m. on the 15th day of April 1895. Each bid must be. accompanied by a certified, check equal to five per cent of the face value of the bonds for which the proposal is made. The council of said city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this lltn. day ot Mar en, 1895. - . D. S. DuruR, Recorder of Dalles City. ; A Splendid Offer. Our clubbing arrangements with the San Francisco Examiner entitles those subscribing for that paper in connection with The Chronicle to all the benefits of their premium offer, that is a sum bered receipt and choice of premium pictures. The price of the Examiner is $1.75, the price of The Chronicle $1.50, and we send you both with all privileges as above stated for one year for $2.25. Do you want The Chronicle and San Francisco Examiner for a year? If so send ns $2.25 and you can have them, 156 papers for $2.25 or less than a cent and a half a pioce. If you would rather have the New York World, we will send you that and the Semi-Weekly Chron icle one year for $2.25. The World is also "a Bemi-weekly so you will get 208 papers for $2.25. . B. H. Bowman; Pub. Enquirer, o Bremen, Ind., writes: Last week our little girl baby, the only one we hav, was taken sick with croup. After two Doctors failed to give relief and life was banging on a mere thread we tried One Minute Cough Cure and its life was saved: Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. A Help wanted. $25.00 to $50.00 per week using and selling Old Reliable Plaster. Every fam ily has rusty, worn knives, forks, spoons, etc. - Quicklv plated by dipping in melted metal. No experience or kard work; a good situation. Address W, P. Harrison & Co., Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives the best satisfaction of any cough medi cine I handle, and as a seller leads all other preparations in this market. I reccomend it because it is the best medi cine I ever handled for coughs, and croup. A. W. Baldridge, Millersville, El. For sale by Blakely & Houghton Druggists. : On April 1st Mr. W. D. Jones, of An telope, will occupy bis brand new Antel ope hotel, and will, of course, run it in first-class shape, aa also in connection with it, his old reliable Red Feed Barn. Travelers staying at Antelope will find at his house the very best accommoda tions in town. ' al-ml. Bmcklen's Armca salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin ersly. Look Hen. This is January 10, 1895. Have you got any of Wasco county's warrants reg istered prior to Feb. 1, 1891? They will be paid if presented at my office.- In teres t ceases after Jan. 10, 1895. Wm. Michell, County Treasurer. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins; Chattanooga, Tenn., says, "Shiloh's vitalizer 'saved my life.' . I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system I ever used." For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cts. Karl's Clover Root will purify your Blood, clear your Complexion, regulate your Bowels and make your head clear as a bell. 2oc, 60c, and $1.00. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh "Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50c, Shiloh's Cure is sold on a guarantee, It cares incipient Consumption. It is the best ough cure. Only one cent a dose 25ct8., 50cte., and $1.00. JTor Sal. Clydesdale seed oats at E. J. Collins & Co.'s and W. H. Taylor's. Yield and weigh more than any other oat grown on hill land. ' --: , m6-a6. Wood! Wood! '.We have yet on hand a complete stock of Dry Fir, Oak and' Maple -Cordwood, which will be sold at minimum prices feb27. , r - MaiebA Benton ' . -Notice.- , :,, ; ' "" All city warrants registered prior to February 3, 1892, are now due and pay able at my office. ' Interest ceases after this date. ' I." I. Bcrgzt, City'Treas. , Dated Dalles City, Jan. 1, 1895. Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations. Stiff joints, - Harness & Saddle Sores. Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, AH Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. . Mustang; Liniment conquers Ham, Makes, flan or Beast well again. - The AMERICAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. 125 Milk St., Boston, Mass This company owns Letters Patent jno. 4b3,obu, granted to .ftmiie Jtseriiner .November 17, 1891, for a combined tele graph and telephone, and controls Let ters Patent No. 474,231, granted to Thos A. Edison May 3. 1892, for a speaking telegraph, which Patents cover fanua mental inventions and embrace all forms of microphone ' transmitters and of car bon telephones . jan28 Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker! Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. Can now be found at 162 Second street. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Fat. ent business conducted for modcratc Fees. Our Office is opostc U. s. patent Office and we can secure patent in less time than those Send model, drawine or choto.. with descrip tion. We advise, if oaten table or not. free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. . A Pamphlet. "Bow to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent tree. Auaress, . C.A.SfJOW&CO. Off rTtnT Ornpr-WiisMiiiC"'- n. c CcMATS.TRADE Marks; - 0 s r-ivr- 1 ll T" c V CATV I OBTAIN A PATENT t ' For prompt answnr and an honest opinion, write to MIJNN ife CO.. who have had nearly flftT Tear' experience tn tbe patent business. Commnnlca tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In. formation concerning Patents and bow to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of ""t'in- MHU (VIII MJllSllblUV IWOU OKI I. Patents taken tbronnh Mirnn ft Co. reoetrs IDedAlnntlMlnfUtM.nlfli. A m...-i n .nil thus are brought widely before the puWio with- wi wdi. w biro luveiibur. -im, .plenum paper. Issued weeklT. elesrantl V illn.trit?1. hu tiT ftw thil lamest circulation of any scientific work in the wunu. QJ a year, issmpie copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, fiM a year. 8lnrte copies, '2 .5 cents. Every number contains beau, tlf 111 nlntea. In eokira. and nlintsiCTiinha tvf ntw bouses, with plans, enabling builders to show the jaienc usirdb ana secure contracts. Aaaress MUNN & CO, Nkw York, 361 Bhoadwat. For Sale or Trade. One Norman Stallion, weight about l.ouu pounds ; 4 head of work horses ; 6 young horses. Will sell or -trade for Dalles City property.- - V ' . Charles koehler, ml5-2m Boyd, Or. GREAT VALUE FOR LITTLE MONEY. 'Jew York Weekly Tribune a twenty-page journal, is the leading Republican family paper of the United States. It is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and gives all the general news of tbe United States. It gives the events of foreign lands in a nutshell. Its AGRICULTURAL department has no su perior in the country. Its MARKET REPORTS are ref-ognized au thority. Separate departments for THE FAMILY CIRCLE, OUR YOUNG FOLKS, and SCIENCE AND MECHANICS. Its HOME AND SOCIETY columns command tbe admiration of the wives and daughters. It general political news, editorials and discussions are comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables THE WEEKLY CHRONICLE for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1.75, Oaali lxi LdLiranoe. (The regular subscription for the two papers is $2.50.) SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME. Address all ordei s to Write your name and address on a Room 2, Tribune Building, New York YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will be lorn, Tin MAINS TAPPED &op on Third Street, next door west of Young Hum' ': Blacksmith Shop. "The Regulator Line He Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH FrBlDnt aniff PassBiigBr liub Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a.m., connecting at the Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connect ing with . Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. PA8HBKOIR RATES. Oneway .......... $2 XX) Round trip.... 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, will be brought ' through, ' with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night.- Shipments for way landings must be -delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, - v ' - ' W. C ALLAWAY General Agent- TH E-DALLES, ' ' ' OREGON House Moving. Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all - kinds of work- in his line at reasonable figures. . Has the largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181. The Dalles Chleneator'a EaaUab Diamond BraaeV EfinVROYAL PILLS Orlsival nd Oaly Genuine. mmw m., aiwsjs rrsiaino. UID iav Drttcgut fbr Chtchmttr'm EytUh , bcxC. MtUed with bias ribbon. wfrma-Ns MtiavmfilMi & . luuin lNTs sMiriaami WEEKLY NEWS OF THE WORLD FOR A TRIFLE. us to offer this snlendid ionrnal anrl CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. postal card, send it to George W. Best. City, and a sample copy of THE NEW mailed to you. , . LL. Irs and iofiog UNDER PRESSURE. T&os. F. Oafces, Henry C. Payne, "Heary C. Rouse, BECBIVEB8. DOORTHERN JJ PACIFIC R. R. n s Pullman Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars Elegant Tourist ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS Dl'Ll'lB FARGO TO GRAND FORKS CBOOKSTON " . WINNIPEG . ELEN A and BTJTTK Through Tickets CHICAGO WASHINGTON PBII.AnBI.PmA TRW YORK BOSTON AND AIL POINTS EAST and SOUTH . For Information, time cards, maps and ticksts, call on or write to ; W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, ,. The Dallea, Oregon, A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 255, Morrison, Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon. Spring Clothing1, Imported Suitings. Suits made to order from $30.00 up. John Pashsk, 5 Old Rftnofy ' fiaildincj, , Washington Street, between Baaond " " ' ' p . , bet. Secoad and Third, CleBiig" and epHriug Spellty.' The Manila nf jwmv I11V1VUUJUU XUlilUl V