CPeoijj SHLE. Outing Flannel, 4c. New Choice Q-oods just received and now selling at 6c. We are Receiving New Goods Daily. Would be Pleased to Have You Call. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ' nte red a the Poetotftce at Tbe Dalies, Oregon as second-class matter. Clubhing List. Regular Our price price Cbrwicle tid H. T. Tribme. $2.50 $1.75 " ud Weekly Oregosiw ....... 3.00 2.00 " mi Weekly Ewminer 3.25 2.25 " Weekly New York World..... 2.25 2.00 ' 10 Cento per line for first insertion, and 6 Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 8 o'clock rill appear the following day. THURSDAY - . APRIL 4, 1895 BRIbF MENTION. ves From the Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. Eli Perkins Tonight At Baptist church. -The weather bureau reports colder weather, and it says to look out for frost tonight. Stylish dresses made for $7 and up wards. Mrs. F. M. Hendershott, Second and Liberty streets. 3t. Be sure and -attend the social and en. tertainment given by the Epwortb League tomorrow evening; admission 10 cents. The Northwestern Life Insurance company, of Milwaukee, today, paid to the estate of the late G. V. Bolton, of this city, the claim of $15,000. .The teachers ot the M. E. Sunday school are requested to be present at a meeting to be held at the church this evening after prayer meeting. Mr. Geo. Ruch is back at the old stand,, where he looks as natural as life and fully as large. Just drop in and see him, and you will find a hearty wel come and a fine stock of goods. ' HiS ad will appear in tomorrow's issue. The famous Eli Perkins arrived on the local this afternoon and will lecture to night at the Baptist church on "The Philosophy of Wit." Mr. Perkins has a world-wide reputation as a lecturer, and muw uu guvo near mm win nave a genuine treat. The coroner's jury impaneled to in quire into the cause of the death of Wil liam Feldberg, the man who was killed at the falls of the White Salmon last week, rendered a verdict of justifiable homicide, and the boy,- Hoff, who did the killing, was discharged from custody. A Broken Ieg. Yesterday afternoon, about twenty minutes to 5 o'clock, a lot of boys were playing football near the courthouse, when Claude'Kelsay, son of the county clerk, got possession of the ball. Sev eral of the other boys tried to get it away from him and in the straggle Claude was throwir over backwards, some of the boys falling on him. One of his legs was caught in such a manner that it was doubled, his own weight and murucij, nyrii urn. D that of the boys on top of him beinz thrown on it. The result was one of the bonea was broken and the ankle very badly sprained. He was at once taken home where Dr. Sutherland attended to his injuries. The broken bone will Boon knit, bat tbe ankle is very badly sprained, and it will be some time before it is "aa good as new." Bndersby Items. Spring is still cold and backward. Farmers are getting along towards tbe end of their spring seeding. The new school district has purchased the grange hall and ceiled it throughout for their schoolhouse. No. 57, this dis trict, has now the finest school building in the county outside of The Dalles, the Thft TT. 1 (T XTiIa TT a m - n r Arnlin o practicing in the new echoolhouse fori the May day picnic,' to be given at Williams' grove, on May 1st, a J bo a grand concert to be given at tnenW schoolhouse, on the evening of May 1st, the proceeds to go for the benefit of the sp.hnnl. Oar school started in tbe new building April 2d, with Miss Mary Northrnp adj teacher. Fifteen pupils were enrolled! fit-af- an -' Don't forget the May day picnic and the grand musical entertainment in the evening, of which due notice will be given later on. Engage your best girl now before you may be forever too late. He Bnilt Fort Dalles. .The dispatches today announce the death ot General Thomas Jordan, a vet eran of the rebellion. His death is worthy of passing mention here because daring his service in the United States army, after the close of the Mexican war, he was sent to the Pacific coast and superintended the construction of Fort Dalles. His quarters here when first built was the finest building in the ter ritory, costing, it is said, $40,000. The old building was burned years ago, and now inside of its ruins tbe forest trees are growing. He spent 'the government money with a lavish hand in building the forts here, but when the rebellion broke out, he resigned and went South to Join the rebel army. Appreciated. The members of St. Vincent's Charita ble Society express their gratitude to the Home Dramatic club, lor the sum of $21, given for charity. Mas. T. Baldwin, - Sec. St. Vincent's Society. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, Miss' Aimee Newtnanjteacher'of piano forte masic; - For terms apply, at real dence,-corner of Fourth and Union. ." ' ' V- : ' ' mch29-mayl. Council Meeting;. The regular monthly meeting of the city council was held last night, present Mayor Menefee and full board of coun- cilmen, except S. B. Adams. The minutes of the meeting held dur ing Marcn were read and on motion it was ordered that that part of the min utes of March 9, 1895, in regard to tbe informal balloting for mayor, be stricken from the record, for the reason that said ballots were had before the council bad been called to order or was in session, and there being ho farther amendments, eaid minutes were then approved as read. ' A proposition of Condon & Sea'ert to furnish tbe city with an electric fire alarm system, consisting of ten alarm boxes fully equipped, and to be put in and kept in repair at their own expense, for the term of five years, at a monthly rental of $15, was read and on motion waa referred to the committee on fire and water. A petition from W. A. Kirby, asking for an extension of lease on the city lot now occupied by him, for a period of one or two yeara and a redaction in rent, from $50 to $35 per year, waa read and on motion referred to committee on streets and public property. Regular monthly reports of the city officers were read, accepted and placed on file. On motion it was ordered that when the council adjourn; it adjourn to meet Friday evening, April 12th and that all claims in reference to the smallpox epi demic, except those contracted by proper authority, be referred to - the finance committee, and that eaid committee aadjt and report on the same at each adjourned meeting. , The claims against the city werathen read, and the same were on motion allowed," and warrants ordered drawn on the proper funds to pay the same. On motion it waa ordered that the recorder collect the fall license for the different occupations and terms named in the license ordinance, whether or not license Shall be issued after the com mencement of such term and shall only allow tbe deduction for that part of the expired term at the date of tbe issuance of such license, upon' the payment in full and in advance for the term suc ceeding. ' - . The matter of renting the premises on which the pest house is located, was on motion referred to the committee . on streets and public property. There being no farther business on motion council adjourned. BILLS ALLOWED. Douglas S Dufur, recorder $ 75 00 James H Blakeney, marshal 75 00 Geo o Brown, engineer fire dept. 75 00 W H Butts, street com 65 00 1 1 Burget,' treasurer. 20 00 John Blaser, fire warden.: 10 00 1 50 7 92 9 00 1 60 , 5 00 2 00 Mays & Crowe, mdse Jos T Peters & Co, mdee C L Richmond, team hire Ward, Kerns & Robinson, team. C J Crandall, surveying sewer. . W S Davidson, hauling A S Cathcart, hauling J Hogan, labor. Wo Brown, labor Dan Da Wolf, labor 6 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 Fruit Growers Solid Sprays. These Sprays are reduced to a SOLID form, requiring only .the addition of water for immediate rise. SPRAY ISO. 1. Winter Sprav for San .To8e Scale and Carl Leaf of trie Peach. Lime, unelacked. ... . . . Sulphur, powdered... Salt, Liverpool '. ...30 lbs , . . 20 lbs ...15 lbs The above is a very efficient remedy for the San Jose Scale and Curl Leaf of the Peach, and is an excellent fertilizer for the trees. It not only destroys the scale and prevents the spread of the curl leaf, but removes all lichens and keeps the bark eoft. . . . In the case of curl leaf, the greatest good will result from the early spraying, as it prevents to a large degree the dor mant spores of this parasitic . fungus coming to life, and destroys any that may have started. DIRECTIONS. To be most successful, this spray should be applied just before the buds swell in the spring. It can be used at this time stronger tban later, and should be thrown upon the trees when it is warm. Use for winter spraying, 1 pound to 2 gallons of water ; for 'summer work use 1 pound to 8 gallons of water. Maier & Benton, sole agents, The Dalles, Or. MAIER & BENTON. SOLE AGENTS, THE DALLES. J Hanna, labor. 200 Dallea Uity Water Works, water. 32 00 Oregon T & T Co. telephone rent 4 00 Irwin, Hodson & Co, 2000 war rants 31 GO R B Hood, jr, team hire 75 J P Mclnernv, mdse. 3 00 A M Williams & Co, mdse 1 80 Dufur & Hill, circular letters. ... 5 00 G W Phelps, attorney fees. . .... 10 00 tt K Jvmca'd, copv charter. , . . . . 51 50 Dallea Elec Lt Co,' office light. . . 5 40 Dallea Elec Lt Co, street lights. . 240 00 Dalles Elec Lt Co, fire dept. .... 6 40 T J Ferguson, hauling hose cart. 2 50 Maier & Benton, mdse 10 25 Mays & Crowe, mdse . 45 Warren Walters, sawing wood.. 1 50 T T Nicholas, meals for prisoners . 7 92 C L Schmidt, mdse 4 85 H Clougb, labor 3 00 D W Sullivan, labor .... 1 50 Chrisman Bros, mdse 3 85 John Mann, milk 2 60 R B Hood, two wool mattresses. 6 00 Dalles Lamb Co, wood - 175 J H Blakeney, hauling. . ........ 6 76 Mays & Crowe, mdse.. 1 40 Columbia Packing Co, mdse 2 55 Chas F Lauer, mdse 1 20 Hugh Glenn, building pest house 197 70 L Rorden & Co, mdse 27 60 RBHood.jr, hauling..... 2 76 G C.Eshelman, prof services . . . . 5 00 M F Hancock, moving smallpox patients. ; 25 00 Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co, mdse. 1 75 F G Connelly, night watchman. . 60 00 PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Lee Bolton is suffering from an attack of the grippe. Mr. and Mrs. L. E sengers on the early Crowe were pas morning train for Portland. Mr. H. H. Riddell returned this morn ing from Baker City, where he has been on military business. DIED. At ' Wasco, Sherman county, this (Thursday) morning, of la grippe, An drew Murchie, aged 60 years. ISOKN. Near 15-Mile, April 1, 1895, to the wifeof Clinton McRenolds, a daughter. Club Meeting;. There will be a meeting of the Mc Kinley Republican club at the council chambers, Saturday evening, April 6th, at 8 o'clock. This meeting is called for the purpose of electing delegates to the state convention, which meets in Port land May 22d, and for such other busi ness aa may arise. H. H. Riddell, Secretary. Exposure to rough weather, dampness, extreme cold, etc., ia apt to bring on an attack of rheumatism or neuralgia; chapped hands and face, cracked lips and violent itching of tbe skin also owe their origin to cold weather. Dr. Mc Lean's Volcanic Oil Liniment should be kept on hand at all times for immediate application when troubles of this nature aopear. It ia a sovereign remedy. 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. ' For Rent. After April 1st, 20 acres of fine land, situated within the city limits. House and barn, good water for irrigating. Terms easy. Apply to Fred W. Wilson. mch20-lm. Wanted. A girl to do housework. Steady job to right party. Apply at fhia office. JOS. T. PETERS & CO., -DEALERS IN BOILDIWK : - AND - Teleplioiie XJo 85' We aire showing now the very latest toes in Black and Tan Shoes. Also a large line of staples. . The Tygn Val- I I I I ley Creamery D KJ EL Ask VantoitVber & Worsley for it. Every Square is Full Weight. TELEPHONE IISTO- 80. Are Your Eyes Open? IF SO, READ THIS. Just Received,. A Complete Assortment of G-ARDEN and TIMBER SEEDS. We can save you money. Now wend your way to the Big Brick, opposite Moody's "Warehouse. E. J. COLLINS & CO. Telephone 20. Terms Cash. Crescents! Crescents! Why pay $100 for a Bicycle When you can get one for $55? We buy direct from the makers, and save you the jobber's profit. We sell our High-grade CRESCENT, with wood rim and Clincher tire, for. .$80 00 The same wheel, with Morgan & Wright tire, for. . 75 00 This wheel weighs 23 pounds. Our SPECIAL CRESCENT, with either wood or steel rims, M. & W. tires. .$55 00 This wheel with wood rim weighs 28 pounds; with steel, 30 pounds. Oar SPECIAL CRESCENT will compare favorably with any $75 wheel on the market, and we will give, the same guarantee that is given on the highest priced wheel sold. Come and see onr samples or eend for catalogue. MAYS & CROWE, The Dalles. Take your Prescriptions to M Z. DONNELL. DEUTSCHE AFOTHEKE. RUPERT & GABEL, Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, TENTS and WAGON COVERS, And all ' Articles Kept in a First Class Harness-Shop. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DOSE. MATERIALS SUPPLIES. JOHHI C. BER,T25. LI CREAMERY Delicious. A. A. B. Crescents! They will be Filled, toy Thorough ' Prescription Druggists. Adjoining Joles, Collins & Co.'s Store, Z7. " '