The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 03, 1895, Image 3

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    These are not the time
for experiments.
The makers of the celebrated guaranteed brand of
Happy Home Clothing
Have gotten through with their experiments, and they
are now putting on the market ".
Garments which are Guaranteed
If we have never sold yon, we will be glad to see you,
and feel sure that a trial of our
Justly Celebrated Clothing
Will Make You a Continued and Contented Purchaser.
Our Latch-string is always out.-
Fruit Growers
Solid Sprays.
These Sprays are reduced to a SOLID
form, requiring only the addition of
water for immediate use.
SPRAY NO. 1. .
Winter Spray for San Jose Scale and
Curl Leaf of the Peach.
Lime, unslacked '. 30 lbs
Sulphur, powdered 20 lbs
Salt, Liverpool 15 lbs
The above is a very efficient remedy for
the San Jose Scale and Curl Leaf of the
Peach, and is an excellent fertilizer for
the trees. It not only destroys the scale
and prevents the spread of the cnrl leaf,
but removes all lichens ' and keeps the
bark soft.
In the case of cnrl leaf, the greatest
good will result from the early spraying,
as it prevents to a large degree the dor
mant spores of this parasitic fungus
coming to life, and destroys any that
may have started.
To be most successful, this spray
should be applied just before the buds
swell in the spring. It can be used at
this time stronger than later, and should
be thrown upon the trees when it is
Use for winter spraying, 1 pound to 2
gallons of water ; for summer work use
1 pound to 8 gallons of water. Maier &
Benton, sole agents, The Dalles, Or.
Telephone 3J"o. SO"
We are showing now the very latest
toes in Black and Tan Shoes. Also a
large line of staples.
The Tygrh Val
ley Creamery
Ask Vanbib'ber & Worsley for it.
Every Square is Full Weight.
A. A. B.
The Dalles Patty Chronicle.
ntered a the Postoffice at The Dallea, Oregon
as second-class matter.
Clnb"bing List.
Regular Out
price price
Ckroiielt ltd R.I. Tribnit $2.50 $1.75
" ind Weekly Oregoiiai 3.00 2.00
and Weekly Kumiaer ....... 3.25 2.25
" : VmHt Sew York World. .... 2.25 2.00
xu irimui per une ior nrsi insertion, ana o uenia
oer line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
4. Ail local notices received later than S o'clock
fill appear the following; day.
- APRIL 3. 1895
vei From the Notebook of Chronicle
Crop weather bulletins for the year
1895 began their issue this morning.
License to wed was issued today to
George H. Woodruff and Miss Marcie V.
Morris, both of Tygh Valley.
Among the passengers on the Reg
ulator yesterday morning were six min
isters, who held services on the boat.
The weather report for this section, as
cast by the Portland office, was for to
day fair, and ior tomorrow is rain and
Two tramps were arrested last night
and are working ont their fines on the
streets. Commissioner Butts thinks
they are totally unreliable.
Eli Perkins, who lectures tomorrow
night at the Baptist church, has
national reputation. Those who miss
hearing him will miss a treat.
Hereafter the postomce will be open
Sundays from 12 :30 to 1 :30 p. m. This
change is made so that mail arriving on
the 12:15 train can be delivered the
same day.
I he city marshal warns all persons
owning cows to take care of them and
keep them off the streets. After this
week all cows found running at large
witnin tnecity limits will be Impounded, Xi
Mies Corilla G. French.daughter of Mr. Bt
S. French of this city, was one of those
graduating from the medical department
of the Willamette university, Tuesday.
She graduated at the head of her class
Commencing with our Saturday TfsTTB'Dayton Shaw
we will again begin publishing a weekly
market report. It was discontinued
during the winter for the reason that
there was nothing coming into the
Sheriff Driver received a telegram
this morning stating that his old friend,
Sheriff Bogard of Tehama county, Cali
fornia, who web killed by train robbers
near Marysville last week, was buried at
Eed Bluff today.
Editor Hayne, who was elected school
clerk of Portland resigned because he
was" unable to get bondsmen. The
board cannot do better than re-appoint
Mr. Allen, whtfhas disbursed $2,000,000
in bis seven years of service, and dis
bursed it honestly.
The Regulator brought up 145 calves jj
as a part of her cargo last night: They II
belonged to Mr. J. W. Carev and were IV
purchased near Salem. They weie u
musical lot and seemed determined to
let our people know they had arrived,
for they no sooner got off the boat than
each one of them began to call for his
Mr. C. L. Gilbert of Hood River, has
been appointed second deputy clerk. I
is necessary to have three persons in th
clerk's office a larger portion of the tim
and especially during the sessions
circuit court. Mr. Gilbert writes a hand
like copper plate, is a clever, accommo
dating and genial gentleman, thoroughly
competent, and his appointment will
prove gratifying to his innumerable
The wind was on another frolic this
afternoon, and the amount of dust it
stirred np. and whirled about was some
thing astonishing. The streets are ap
parently clean and free from dust, but
the wind managed to find an abundance
of it somewhere, and distribued it with
a generous and impartial hand; in fact
both hands. As the weather resembles
a woman, in that an extra exhibition of
temper generally winds up in tears, and
as this was no exception, we cheerfully
put up with the wind.
Real XSstate Transactions.
The following deeds have been
for record since onr last report :
Hugh Gourlay to Bessie Gourlay, lot
D, Dufur's Grand. View addition to
Dalles City; $1 and other considerations.
James W. Wallace to Mary A. Palmer
lot 23 and 40 feet of lot 22, block 1, town
of Waucoma ; $800.
Johanna Fredericksen and Margaret
Frederickson to Hannah E. White, Tot
L, block 74, Fort Dalles military reser
vation addition to Dalles City.
Willamette Graduates.
Mr. Monahan, the smallpox victim,
J eels aggrieved at the stories that have
been circulated concerning him and as
to the manner in which he contracted
the disease and brought it here. Mr.
Monahan says that he left Hot Springs,
Arkansas, on the 14th day of February,
went to Kansas City, stopped there a
day, and then'came to The Dalles. He
states emphatically that when he left
Hot Springs he did not know the small
pox had broken out there; ' that if It
existed the health authorities had kept
the matter concealed,' and the public
did not know it. That he does not
know where he was exposed to the dis
ease, or wnen, but presumes it was at
some of ' the public resorts at Hot
Springs, since it is now known smallpox
is ted there. That when be arrived
here he was sick, but had no suspicion
that he had the smallpox, and in fact
did not believe it even when told by Dr.
Hollister, until the eruption commenced.
He further offers to pay for a telegram
to the health officers, mayor, or any
other person in Hot Springs, to verify
his statement that the disease was not
known to exist when he left.
He wantB further to say that he did
not contract the disease intentionally
for the purpose of bringing it here ; that
he did not want it, and did not enjoy it.
Tbe Great Northern Coming.
The graduating exercises of the class of
'95 of the medical department of the
Willamette university were held at the
Taylor street M. E. church, at Portland
Tuesday. The church was crowded with
lends of the school and of the graduates.
The names of the graduates are James
Harlan Bristol, Elta Hill Chambers,
Corilla French, Lulu M. Munkers Mar
huam, Harry Freeborn McKay and John
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
W. T. Sanford, Station Agent of
Leeper, Clarion Co. Pa., writes ; I can
recommend One Minute Congb Omar
the best I ever used. , It gave . instant
relief and a quick cure. Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co. ;
"Fibre Chamois" just received at A.
M. Williams & Co. tf,
Mr. Hooahsn's Statement.
Yesterday's Oregonian has the follow
ing concerning a proposed change in
railroad matters that would result in
giving The Dalles direct communication
with the East over the Great Northern :
"The Great Northern proposes putting
into effect about May 1st a new time
card, by which the time between Port
land and St. Paul will be shortened
twelve hours. This will be agreeable
news for the traveling public, but an
other change is contemplated which will
be of far greater benefit to Portland
Since the connection was made between
tbe O. R. & N. and the Great Northern,
tbe latter's road businees out of Port
land has rapidly increased. It is now
proposed to run a complete through
train between St. Paul and this city, in
stead of between St. Paul and Seattle
The line between Spokane and Seattle
will thus become a branch line, as the
business over it does not warrant the
running of a full train. The train which
will then roll into Portland will consist
of buffet library cars, first and second
class sleepers, diners and express and
baggage cars, and drawn bv Great
Northern engines. It is not yet known
when this change will be made, but it
will probably come with the new time
schedule. . The' Great Northern is going
to make a strong bid for business from
the coast the coming summer, and the
officials realize that they can do far more
with the terminus of the road at Port
lanA than they can. do at Seattle or any
Paget sound point..
Miss Aimee Newman, teacher of piano
forte music. For terms apply at resi
dence, corner of Fourth and Union. .
Prof. Wm. Birgfeld went to Portland
yesterday. -
Mr. Hugh Glenn went to Cascade
Locks this morning.
Mr. Grant Mays has returned from
trip to Kan irancisco.
Mrs. H. Laureteen went to Portland
this morning on the Regulator.
Miss Carrie Davenport went to Port
land yesterday on a visit to her sister.
Mr. Balfe Johnson went to Portland
yesterday, and will probably return to
night. - . -.
Mr. John Gilpin was a passenger on
the Regulator, bound for Portland this
morning. 7
Exposure to rough weather, dampneis,
extreme cold, etc., is-apt to bring on an
attack of rheumatism or neuralgia ;
chapped bands and face, cracked lips
and violent itching of the skin also owe
their origin to cold weather. Dr. Mc
Lean's Volcanic Oil Liniment should be
kept on hand at all times for immediate
application when troubles of this nature
appear. It is a sovereign remedy. 25c,
50c and $1.00 per bottle.
Qiggs Do you mean to say you have
been married three years and have three
children? Briggs Yes, and that isn't
the worst of it. Griggs What do you
mean? Briggs They are all the same
age. Brooklyn Life.
Are Your Eyes Open ?
Just Received,.
When my little girl was one month old, she
had a scab form on her face. It kept spreading
until she was completely covered from head to
foot. Then she had boils. She had forty on her
head at one time, and more on her body. When
six months old she did not weih seven pounds,
a pound and a half less than at birth. Then her
skin started to dry up and got so had she could
not shut her eyes to Bleep, but lay with them
half open. About this time. I started using the
CuncUBA KF.MKDIES, anil in one month the' mat
completely cured. The doctor and drug bills
were over one hnndre ' dnllart, the CUTiClutA
bill was not more than Jive dollar. My child
is now strong, healthy, and large as any child
of her age see pho:o.). and it Is all owing
to CunonBA. Yours with a Mother's Blessing,
Mas.' GEO. II. TUCKER. Jb.,
032 Walker St., Milwaukee. Wis.
Bold through out the world Poms Dnna axs
Cbtem. Corp., Bole I'rops., Boston. "All about
the Blood, Bkln, Bcalp. ai.d Hair." mailed free.
hands prevented and cured by Cuiicnrsi ttoatp.
Find in Cutlonra Am I- Pain Pias
ter instant and ffrateful relief. It
is the rirat and only pain-killing,
iircchcu&g; plaster
A Complete Assortment of GARDEN"
and TIMBER SEEDS. We can save
you money. Now wend your way to the
Big Brick, opposite Moody's Warehouse.
Telephone 20. Terms Cash.
Crescents! Crescents! Crescents!
Why pay $100 for a Bicycle
TTTl .
When you' can get one for $55 '
We buy direct from the makers, and save. you the jobber's profit.
We sell our High-grade CRESCENT, with wood rim and Clincher tire. for. .$80 00
The same wheel, with Morgan & Wright tire, for 75 00
this wneel weighs 5:3 pounds.
Our SPECIAL CRESCENT, with either wood or steel rims, M. & W. tires. .$55 00
This wheel with wood rim weighs 28 pounds; with steel, 30 pounds.
Our SPECIAL CRESCENT will compare favorably with any $75 wheel on the
uiaratst, kdu ww win givn lu uaiue guaraniee loaii le Riven on ins nigneBb
priced wheel sold. Come and see our samples or send for catalogue.
MAYS & CROWE, The Dalles.
. - . ..Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in
Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars,
And all Articles Kept in a First Class Harness Shop.
REPAIRING PROMPTLY DOSE. v Adjoining Joles, Collins & Co.'s Stor,
L'HTl "nATiTiTlg,