The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 01, 1895, Image 3

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    These are not the time
for experiments.
The makers of the celebrated guaranteed brand of
Happy Home Clothing
Have gotten through with their experiments, and they '
are now patting on the market
Garments which are Guaranteed
If we have never Bold yon, we will be glad to see you,
and feel sure that a trial of our
Justly Celebrated Clothing
- Will MiKt Tou a Continued and Contented Purchaser.
Our Latch-string is always out.
Fruit Growers
Solid Sprays.
These Sprays are reduced to a SOLID
form, requiring only the addition of
water for immediate use.
Winter. Spray for San Jose Scale and
Curl'Leaf of the Peach.
Lime, unelacked 30 lbs
Sulphur, powdered . . .20 lbs
Salt, Liverpool .. . . 15 lbs
The above is a very efficient remedy for
che ban Jose scale and Uurl leat of the
Peach, and is an excellent fertilizer for
the trees. It not only destroys the scale
and prevents the spread of the curl leaf,
Dut removes all lichens ana keeps the
bark soit.
In the case of curl leaf, the greatest
good will result from the early spraying,
as it prevents to a large degree the dor
mant spores of this parasitic fungus
coming to life, and destroys any that
may have started. -
To 'be moet succepsful, this spray
should be applied just before the buds
swell in the spring. It can be used at
this time stronger than later, and should
be thrown upon the trees when it is
' Use for winter spraying,! pound to 2
gallons of water; for summer work use
1 pound to 8 gallons of water. Maier &
lien ton, sole agents, The Uallea, Ur.
Telephone Uo. 23'
We are showing now the very latest
toes in Black and Tan Shoes. Also a
large line of staples.
Tbe Tygh Val
ley Creamery
Ask Vanhibher & Worsley for it.
Every Square is Full Weight.
A. A. B.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
nte red a the Postofflce at Tbe Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
Clubbing List.
i Regular Our
price price
Circuit! md S.I. Tribune $2.50 $1.75
" wd Weellj Orgoniii 3.00 2.00
" ua Weekly Eiaminer ...3.25 2.25
- " Weekly Hew York World 2.25 2.00
10 Ccii us per line for first Insertion, and S Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
8pecial rates for long time notices ,
All local notices received later than S o'clock
will appear the following day.
- APRIL 1, 1895
Prom the Notebook of Chronicle
Reporters. ,
wagons, both happening to Joe Crooks,
and the insane freak of a eheepherder,
who tried to become a
We heard a good one Saturday that
was perpetrated by an Eastern capitalist
some .weeks ago during the smallpox
scare. The special car in which his
party was traveling was sidetracked
near the depot, and two of the tourists
walked up to Second street. Looking up
the street, the gentleman noticed the
fences across tbe street and asked if the
street was dangerous. He was told that
the fence was put up across the street
because there was a case of smallpox in
one of the houses. "But," said he, ."the
sidewalk is left open. Do the horses in
this country catch smallpox, while the
people are beyond the possibility of con
tagion?" '
- Galore.
Mr. Pague this morning gives the
weather probabilities as fair, followed by
showers, and for tomorrow, warmer with
showers and then cooler. -
Captain Paul Webb went over the
Oregon City tails in a barrel Sunday
The only thing this proves is that Ore'
gon fir and good iron hoops will with'
stand a whole lot of hard thumps.
The temperature for the month of
March, as taken by Mr. S. L. Brooks,
shows that it has been slightly below
the average for March. The average
- was 45.
There was no April fool about the
shower this afternoon, although it
started in like it was only a windy joke
It rained as if old Jupiter Pluvius him
self was bossing the job.
The flying machine landed at the foot
of the Btairs on Laughlin street (so we
are told) this morning about 11 o'clock
One of the stockholders witnessed the
landing,- and pronounced it a' thorough
They played it on us again this after
noon by getting us to walk over to the
sheriff's office, and on the door thereof
was an immense placard inviting us to
come : in and see the flying machine.
These April fool jokes are awfully silly,
ain't they? .
County Surveyor Sharp will be in
Hood River on Tuesday next for the
purpose of surveying county roads, of
which two demand his attention. He
will be there Tuesday and Wednesday
... and on Monday, the 8th, he will be in
Oak Grove, where two more roads are
to be surveyed.' :
The gentle west wind got on a - jam
this afternoon, and the way the dust.
papers, boxes, cans, and everything else
that was loose got whirled through the
streets was a caution. If the affair will
only wind up in a good rain, we will
cheerfully put up with the wind. And
it did. - -
x - The Prineville Review last week was
filled with accounts of death and dis
aster. .'. It contains an account ' of the
burning of McNally, the killing of Wm
Raglin by a kicking horse, two accidents
irr the shape of runaways and overturned
The Home Dramatic Club, appreci
ating the generous s lpport given it,
herewith submits an itemized account of
the expenses of the play, so that the
good people who put up the money may
know just what was done with it. The
balance remaining on hand will be di
vided, as stated, among the charitable
institutions of the city.
Scenery, including material and
labor $18 10
Times-Mountaineer..' 4 00
Chronicle-...- 3 00
Willis: 50
Mays & Crowe 20
Joe Koehler, carpenter work ... 2 45
Plays and wigs 11 35
Blakeley & Houghton 25
J.T.Peters ' 2 85
Dalles Orchestral Union 39 00
The Pendleton Tribune says that a
firm in that city recently shipped 3000
dozen eggs to Seattle,- that the entire lot
was obtained in Umatilla county within
one wrek's time, and that the price paid
was 6 cents a dozen, cash. The same
firm shipped 1500 dozen to Butte, Mon
tana, the week before. This is a pretty
good showing for Umatilla county, but
as it is capable of demonstration that "a
barrel of wheat will . make a barrel of
eggs," there is no limit to Umatilla's
possibilities in the egg line. The differ
ence in value between the two, is the
difference between fifteen dozen eggs
and a barrel full.
A. Brave Man.
Sheriff John Bogard of Tehama county,
Cal., who was killed in the recent hold
up of the Oregon & California train, after
having killed one of tbe robbers, was an
old friend of Sheriff Driver's, who
formerly lived in Tehama county.
About a week ago Mr. Driver received a
letter from Mr. Bogard containing his
photograph. It was probably sent just
before his trip on the return from which
he was killed. Sheriff Bogard was also
known by the writer. He was a mag
nificent fellow, brave as a lion, and he
fell shot in the back by a cowardly mur
derer, while doing his duty. No effort
should be spared to bring his murderer
to punishment.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss, she clang to Castorla,
When she had Children, she gave them Castorla,
On April 1st Mr. W. D. Jones, of An
telope, will occupy his brand new Antel
ope hotel, and will, of course, run it in
first-class shape, as also in connection
with it, his old reliable Red Feed Barn
Travelers staying at Antelope will find
at his house the very best accommoda
tions in town. al-ml
" ' "'" " MARRIED. " 1 t?
'At. Richmond, Indiana .Wednesday
March 20th, - Frank H. Sharp , of this
city, to -fluss uarne. . barker of Rich
mono.:.. . . .... - - V"
After the Flay.
Mies Eva Heppner is in Portland
visiting relatives.
Mr. Fred Wilson spent Saturday at
White Salmon.
Dr. and Mrs. Doane went to Portland
Saturday for a short visit..
Dr. O. C. Hollister and wife returned
from Portland Saturday night.
Mr. K. Wilson, a Portland attorney,
was in the city yesterday, returning this
Miss Marie Helm returned Saturday
from a visit with friends at White
Mrs. Wilson, wife of the genial steward
of the Umatilla House, who has been
spending the winter in Portland, re
turned Saturday.
Real Estate Transactions.
Gross receipts
$81 70
$172 75
Balance $91 05
The club desires to express their sin
cere thankB to Blakeley & Houghton for
their services, which were given without
the slightest remuneration.
A. Mean Trick.
This morning Tom McCoy and Dick
Nolin put it up on us in a way that was
simply low down and mean. McCoy
had a white thread run out through the
shoulder-seam of his coat, the spool be
ing on tbe inside pocket. The end of
tbe white thread was curled up promis
cuous like over the back of bis black
coat and of course when he turned that
shoulder ' towards us, while Dick com
menced to- question us about the flying
machine, we saw. tbe thread, and in an
absent minded sort of way we caught
hold of it to take it off. When the thing
pulled out five or six. yards we took a
tumble, i We have - a poor opinion of a
man who would deliberately . perpetrate
an April fool joke , anyhow. A. man
ought to have more dignity about him,
and then ; he shouldn't -waste his time.
This thing of .deceiving people just be
cause it is the first day of April, cannot
be too severely condemned.
Bonnets and Such.
We just dropped into the Mrs. Briggs'
millinery store this ,' morning, for two
reasons, one because the show windows
were full of pretty Easter bonnets and
hats, and the other because a galaxy of
pretty women were trying on those
same bonnets, and the effect was that of
an immense kaleidoscope with hand.
some faces, mingled with the ever
changing figures. .We have an indistinct
recollection of "bluet" and "cerese," be
sides a subdued chatter, about shapes
and shades and bows mingled with ex
clamations of pleasure, such - as an
Raster bonnet alone can give to the
ladies God bless them. We noticed
also that violets are fairly in it, and
purple is the popular shade. -
For Rent.
After April let, 20 acres of fine land
situated within the city limits. ' House
and barn, -good- -water for irrigating.
Terms easy. Apply to Fred W. Wilson.
Are Your Eyes Open ?
Just Received,
The following deeds have been filed
for record since our last report :
P. D. Hinrichs of Hood River to Isa
bella Monroe, 25 acres in sw, sec 2, tp
2 n, r 10 e ; bond for a deed..
State of Oregon to H. W. Wells, sw,
sej, sec 23, tp 5 8, r 14 e ; $50. ,
United States to . H. W. Wells, e,
ne, nwi, ne, sec 27, tp 5 8, r 14 e ;
United States to Geo. F. Wells, a.
sej, sec 35, tp 5 s, r 14 e ; patent.
United States to W. D. Richards, the
sej and s, swj, sec 27, tp 1 n, r 14 e ;
Anna Flynn to Margaret E. Flynn,
lot 2, block 27, Gates' addition to Dalles
City; $1.
Margaret Flynn to Anna Flynn, lot 4,
block 27, Gates' addition to Dalles
City; $1.
W. F. Lockwood to Caleb R.,
nej, sec 33, tp 1 n, r 13 e ; $200. -
O. L. Stranahan and wife to Adelia A.
Stranahan, three acres . near Hood
River; $150.
A. S. Blowers to O. L. Stranahan, 3
acres near Hood River ; quitclaim, $150.
Charles F. V. Berger and wife to A. S.
Blowers, s, sec 13, tp 2 n, r 9 e; $500.
who care to pay a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the
Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, and are . . : ...
A Complete Assortment of GARDEN"
and TIMBER SEEDS. We can save
you money. Now wend your way to the
- . Big Brick, opposite Moody's Warehouse.
Telephone 20. Terms Cash. 1
Crescents! Crescents! Crescents!:
Why pay $100 for a Bicycle
When you can get one for $55?
ITT 1 J ? i. T it 1 ' J xi ? .1.1 1 a.
vt is nil v u i rci. l i ri j 1 1 liih ihhk ith. him i nhvh von r. f ih iniiiw H nrnnr.
We sell our High-grade CRESCENT, with wood rim and Clincher tire, for. .$80 00
The same wheel, with Morgan & Wright tire, for 75 00
Ihis wheel weighs 23 pounds.
Our SPECIAL CRESCENT, with either wood or steel rims. M. & W. tires. .$55 00
This wheel with wood rim weighs 28 pounds; with steel, 30 pounds.
Our SPECIAL CRESCENT will compare favorably with any $75 wheel on the
market, and we will give the same guarantee that is given on the highest,
priced wheel sold. Come and see our samples or send for catalogue.
MAYS & CROWE, The Dalles.
laaa bLbb lanB
. . Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in
Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Goljars,
And all Articles Kept In a First Class Harness Shop.
REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. - Adjoining Joles, Collins & Co.'s Stora,
ft -
i. ,..) I