VOL. VIII THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1895 NO 70 H EHDQUMRTERS MEN'S, BOY'S CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Our Stock of the Above is now Complete in every sense of the word. We Start Men's Suits, OUR LEADER. All-Wool Cheviot Suits, Good Reliable Cloths, qj. dfi rn For a First-class Business Suit, 4. rSrv rVr-' In Black onlv j. tfr u Warranted free from Shoddy, Xj pOAJU in Mixed Gooda, Medium Dark, SiZ J7.70 Very Kich and Nobby, " tt tfy.70 A Very Dressy Suit, t All-Wool Fancy Worsteds, own. Mixed, Tweed, at $9.00 Jsc8 . at $10.00 : : : '. , ; : ' Our Youths' Department DRESS SUITS, Boys' Reefer Suits, Was never Boetrongly represented. In Black Clay Worsteds Age 4 to 8 years in Light, Medium and Three-piece Suits, in many styles of cloths, The Latest Lengths in Cut-away Coats Heavyweights Elaborately Trimmed from $4.50 up start at $13.75 to start at $3.90 Every Suit of the above is made up by First-class Tailors, and Warranted Up-to-Date in Cut, Material and Price. A. M. WILLIAMS & GO A. M. WILLIAMS & GO AT BOCAS DEL TORO How the Rebels Attacked the Town. THE TROOPS TAKEN BY SURPRISE Sereral Women Killed The Lola Small Considering the Desperate Fight Hade. Colon, Colombia, March 22. (Special correspondence Associated Press.) Fol lowing are the details of tbe attack re cently made upon Bocae del Toro, dar ing which the notorious Mexican bandit, Gaiza, was killed: . . About 4 a. m. Friday, March 8, rebels from Nicaragua made a desperate attack upon Bocae del Toro. , The attacking party consisted of 50 men, under the leadership of Catarino Garza, Piercia Castro and Stefano More, a lawyer. After landing under cover of tbe dark ness, (he rebels captured the.policemen on duty,1 and attacked the calaboose and liberated all the prisoners. The rebels then attacked the quarters, garrisoned by about 40 soldiers, under command of Lieutenant Lopez. The government soldiers were taken by surprise, and some were killed while still in their bunks, but when aroused the soldiers fought gallantly. A lieut enant was ' killed during the fighting. Ten rebels were killed, 15 wounded and 25 taken prisoners. On the government side four were killed and nine Wounded. Among the rebels killed were Garza and Castro. As soon as - the invaders saw these two men fall they retreated to- wards the outskirts and disappeared in the brush. During the encounter the attempt waB made to set fire to tbe town. Castro saturated-the side of a house with kero sene and wa9 in the act of lighting a match t ) start the conflagration when be was noticed by a soldier, who shot him dead. The rebels also made an unsuc cessful attempt to use dynamite. Several women were . killed. . Miss Nellie Isaacs, the government school mistress, is reported among the slain. A government official, after the en gagement, captured the schooner Favor de Dios and found on board 80 rifles, 20,000 cartridges and blankets, clothing and rations for the rebels. At the request of United States Con sular Agent Dr. Hand, 50 marines from the United States cruiser Atlanta were landed for the protection of American interests. As this letter is mailed, a de cisive battle is about to be fought in the department of Santander. Senor Kayes, commander of the government troops, is at Cucuta with 500 men and is awaiting the arrival of reinforcements? numbering 5000 men. When these two bodies are joined a combined attack will be made upon the rebel forces, estimated to num ber about 6000. Still Later New. New Yobk, March 22. Since the above letter was mailed the Associated Press correspondent at Colon, March 18, cabled that a telegraphic 'message had been received there from President Caro, dated, Bogota, announcing tbe revolution in the republic of 'Colombia was ended. The dispatch added the triumph of Gen eral Reyes over tbe rebels had been complete. ' . ' -' - . Worth 8Tlnf. Washington, March 22. The bark Two Schooner loaded with over S500 tons of coal, from Baltimore, is now waiting at Kingston for the arrival of Admiral Meade's squadron, due there next Fri day. As steamer coal Is now quoted at Kingston at $9 per ton, the United States will save by this shipment alone $18,000. Suffering Montana'! Senators Both From La Grippe. Washington, March 22. Senator Lee Mantle has been seriously ill at Coch rane with the grippe. He is recovering Senator Carter is ill at Helena. jx-Congrreasman Dead. Philadelphia, March 22. Ex-Mayor and ex-Congressman Richard Vaux died this morning of grippe. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov'j Report 0 rv He Has Osseous Paralysis. Tampa, Fla., March ' 22. A remarka ble case of osseous paralysis, one of the most unusual diseases known to the medical profession, was brought to the attention of Drs. Petty and Lawrence laBt night. ' The victim is Fermen Ma chado, ho came from Havana only a few days ago. His feet and .his lower limbs nearly up to the knees are desti tute of life, and are insensible to feeling. The tissues have shrunk until the limbs are entirely dessicated and have become as hard as bone. The line of demarca tion between the healthy tissue an-1 the and the ossified or portion is clear and distinct, with an abrupt slope in tbe size of the leg of about three-quarters of an inch, the skin on this surface being affected by an eruption' resembling tetter or ringworm. A blow upon Machado's shins or upon i his feet is not felt by him at all, bnt gives out a sound as if a solid bone or a stone had been struck. Of course, the patent has lost the power of locomotion, but otherwise his health is good and he has an exceptionally good appetite. He is almost constantly thirsty, and drinks great quantities of ice water daily. A nurse in attendance upon Macbado, to test tbe feeling in bis patients limbs, if any. cut his own initials upon the back of the right leg just below the calf, while Machado was asleep.. The man never stirred daring the operation, and slept soundly for four hours afterward. Not the slightest moisture appeared on tbe blade of the knife, although some of the incisions were one-eighth of an inch deep. ' Dr. Lawrence pronounces the disease "dry mortification," and says that it is one of the rarest in medical science, and has been reported only a very few times in the surgical journals. Dr.- Petty thinks that perhaps the growth of the disease may. be checked if his patient could, be given scientific treatment. The disease, first, made its. appearance about three months ago. : Case Will Be Reopened. SanTbancibco, March 22. In United States district court argument was to have been commenced on Monday next in the case of strikers charged with ob structing mails. Today Attorney .. Mon teith of defense in presenting a list of in structions for the jury, raised the point .that the government had failed to prove the existence cf the Southern Pacific Company. The case will now have to be reopened, and Monteith will make an effort to have Eugene V. Debs, who will be In the city next week, placed on the stand. . Dr. Miles' Pant Plus eura Nsaralcl. . For Infants and Children. Castoria promotes Pig portion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Caatoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. "Caatoria Is so well adapted to children chat I recommrad it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A, Abcheb, M. D., in South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.Y. For sereral years I have recommerf3ed your Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwth F. Pardk, M. D., 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. "The use of Castoria Is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the In telligent families who do not keep Castoria. within easy reach," Carlos Uaktyv, D. D., New York City. Ths Cbbtaus OotcPAirr, 77 Murray Street, H. Y. Dr: Miles' Nbrvb Piasters cure RHETJMA nSM. WEA K BACKS. At drujHrtsts. only 25c FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERA-LBAUKTNG BD8INKB8 Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Bight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sol don New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. . J. . SCHIHCK, ' President. J. M. Patterson, Cashier. first Rational Bank. THE DALLES. - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight .-.. -Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port- land. " D1RBOTORS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Sohxrck. Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Libbb. H. M. Bball. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME and CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. JE31. GXjIEILSriISr, 7 BOSS STORE New Goods for Spring Rains. lNadie5, apd Tisse5' leetrie ireulars, RUBBERS RUBBERS RUBBERS Straight from their makers. Boots and Shoes. Newest Styles. Lowest Prices. Agency of the BROWNSVILLE CLOTHING,: BL ANKETS, &c. '. Importer. t