The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 21, 1895, Image 4

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    Police Bnntlne lor tbe Murderer of
Notice. .
Mothers -never found a preparation
;11 adapted to the needs ot
delicate children, as Scott's
Emu'sion of Cod-liver Oil, 'with
H ry; hosphites. if
CL:;dren almost ' universally
liV i i.!ic taste of it, which maker,
its administration easy, and ii
supplies their blood with the
food properties that overcome
va'sting tendencies.
Scott's Emulsion enriches the
blood, promotes the making of
healthy flesh, and aids in a
healthy formation of the bones.
Don't be persuaded to accept a
Suit :. Bowne, N. Y. All Druggist 50c and $1.
The Tables Were Turned.
Colusa, Cal., March 20. This morn
ing about 1 o'clock-H. Jacobson, of the
firm of E. & H. Jacobson, farnitare deal
ers, was awakened by a noise of some
one boring holes in the door of his store,
Hastely and noiselessly he arose and
dressed himself,. and on reaching the
door beard the fellow at work. Mr,
Jacobson, thinking that if he would open
the door suddenly and quickly he could
capture the burglar, quietly unfastened
tbe bolts. Springing at the man he call
ed out, "Hands up.', but was met by a
knife-trust, the force of wbich nearly
knocked him down, the knife penetrat
ing an account book which be had in bis
coat pocket. As the burglar made an
other attempt to strike him, Mr. Jacob
son fired at him. The man then started
on a run, followed by two more shots
from Jacobson's pistol. It was a narrow
escape for Mr Jacobson, as tbe knife
penetrated the book to a depth of nearly
an inch. It is believed that, the man
was wounded, as fresh blood was found
near the door.
lOO Reward SlOO
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Cure is the only posi
live cote known to the medical frater
nity. Catarrh being a constitutional
disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally. acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system
thereby destroying the foundation of the
"disease, and giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and as
- sisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its
curative powers, that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for anv case that it
fails to cure. Send for list of testimo
xninls. Address,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O
'Sold by all druggists, 75c.
Trainrobbers Balked.
Middlesboko, Ky., March 20, Rob
bers attacked Frank Ball, George Neo
and a man named Gibson in the Cum
berland Gap tunnel this morning,
fifty shots were exchanged, and one
robber was wounded. Tbe Louisville &
Nashville pay train passed over the road
today, and it is supposed the robbers
were waiting for it.
The DUooTcry Saved Bis Life.
Mr. G. Caillouette, druggist, Beavers
ville, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New
Discovery I owe my life. Was taken
with La Grippe and tried all tbe physi
cians for miles about, but of no avail,
and was given up and told I could not
live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery
in my store, I sent for a bottle and be
gan its use, and from tbe first dose be
gan to get better, and after using three
bottles was up and aout again. It is
worth its weight in gold. We won't
keep store or house without it." Get a
free trial at Snipes & Kinersly'e.
Committed Suicide.
Sharon, Pa., March 20. Captain Sam
Stull, a veteran of the Fifty-seventh vol
unteers, and prominent in the Grand
Army of the Republic, committed sui
cide yesterday by blowing out his brains
with a revolver. The deed was probably
premeditated, as he persuaded bis wife
to read the Bible two hours longer than
usual the night before.
J. A. Richardson, of Jefferson City,
Mo., Chief Enrolling force 38th general
assembly of Missouri, writes : I wish to.
testify to the merits of One Minute
Cough - Cure. When other so-called
cures tailed. I obtained almost instant
relief and a speedy cure by the use
of One Minute Cough Cure. Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
B. H. Bowman; Pub. Enquirer, of
Bremen, Iud., writes: Last week onr
little girl baby, tbe only one we bav,
wss taken sick with croup. After two
Doctors failed to give relief and life was
hanging on a mere thread we tried ' One
Minute Cough Care and Its life was
saved. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Sak Feancisoo,." March 20. Detec
tives and police are still hard at work
trying to get a clew which will lead to
the discovery and arrest of the two men
who murdered Cornelius Stagg and
robbed the barkeeper of the Ingleside
house last Saturday night. Five men
have been taken into custody on suspic
ion, out all were released except dames
Bailey, who was held pending furthur
investigation as to where he was on the
night of the crime.
Sheriff Cunningham, ot San Joaquin
county, who is in the city, is positive
that the trainrobbers are now in hiding
in San Francisco, and he has good rea
sons for his belief. He is also sure that
the trainrobbers are the same men who
killed Stagg. The same kind of masks,
gray ulsters and caps were used on each
occasion. Tbe height and size of the
men correspond as closely as the evi
dence of a dozen witnesses can make
them. The men who saw the train'
robbers' pistols say tbey are of the same
size, length and color as those used by
the robbers in this city.
A. secret.
If all the ladies knew the simple secret
that a bad complexion is due to a dis
ordered liver, there would be fewer sal
low faces and blotchy skins. This im
portant organ must be kept active and
healthy to insure a clear and rosy color.
Dr. J. A. McLean's Liver & Kidney
Jialm a? a purifier, beats all ttte creams
and lotions in existence and will pro
duce a more permanent effect. Removes
bad taste in the mouth, offensive breath,
yellow tinge in the skin, wind on the
stomach and that dull, bill io us feeling
which so surely indicates the torpid
liver. .Trice $1.00 per bottle. Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
Expresses No Surprise.
Washington. March 20. Persons
familiar with the course of Hawaiian
affairs in congress express no surprise at
the recall of Thurston. Members of
both houses who supported the policy of
the administration in Hawaiian matters
made no secret of their dissatisfaction
with the alleged course of Thurston in
furnishing Information to friends of his
government for use in debates. Mc
Crearcy, chairman of the house commit
tee on foreign affairs, is said to have
been considerably provoked at Thura
ton's activity in matters before congress
and the story goes that be told Gres-
ham of Thurston's frequent presence at
the capitol, and his belief that he was
furnishing the opponents of tbe admin
istration with their facts and figures for
use on the floor.. Gresham refused to
day to make any comments whatever on
the report concerning Thurston's recall
Cure for Headache
As a remedy for all forms of headache
Electric Bitters has proved to be the
very best. It effects a permanent cure
and the most dreaded habitual sick
headaches yield to its influence. We
urge ail woo are amicted to procure a
bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial
In cases of habitual constipation Elec
trie Bitters cures by giving the needed
tone to the bowels, and few cases long
resist the use of this medicine. Try it
once. Large bottles only fifty cents at
Snipes & Kinersly'e druur store.
t On Behalf of Armenians.
London, March 20. Francis Seymour
Stevenson, M. P., chairman. of the An
glo-Armenian Association, on behalf of
the Tiflis Armenians, will present to
Mr. Gladstone, when the latter, returns
to London, the copy of the Armenian
gospels inscribed upon vellum, which is
to accompany the address to the ex-premier,
now being signed by the Armeni
ans there. In a recent letter, Mr. Glad
stone says be has abandoned hope that
the condition of affairs in Armenia will
change for the better. The sultan, he
declares, is no longer worthy of the
courtesy of diplomatic usage or Chris
tian tolerance. The ex-premier prom
ises that when the gospels are formally
presented to him on his return to Lon
don, he will deliver a rallying address
on behalf of the Armenians.
Baeklen'a Arinea salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, ' fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac-
or money reiunaea. Trice 25 cents
per box.
bor sale Dy Snipes & Kin-
Do you like to see fine photographs?
If so, feast your eyes at Fortin's show
window. Promenade pictures new
style. Chicago Gallery.
Wood! Wood!
We have yet on hand a complete stock
of Dry Fir, Oak and Maple Cordwood,
which , will be sold at minimum prices.
feb27. Maier & Benton.
Telephone Notice.
Those who have not already ordered
instruments placed and who desire tele
phone service from the Seufert-Condou
Exchange, will please order at once.
. . - Seufert & Condon. .. .
Ask the men who are making Im
itations of C0TT0LENE, the new
vegetable shortening, why they
give lip lard and try to trade on
the merits of C0TT0LENE ? Per
haps you can guess why.
tig sr?
Ask the grocer who attempts sub
stitution, why be tries to sell an
imitation when people can ior
that pure, palatable and popular
vegetable shortening, C0TT0
LENE? Perhaps YOU can guess.
Why should not YOU use C0T
T0LENE, instead of lard or any
other compound, for all cooking
purposes? It -has the highest
possible endorsement ; from Phy
sicians as to healthfulness ; from
CookingExperts as to superiority;
from housekeepers as to economy.
Use COTTOLENE and stick to it.
Bold la 3 and pound palls.
Hade only by
ST. IXTJIS and "
Chlcago.New York,
Sounds Like Old Times.
One of those frequent happenings a
barroom fight occasioned by a too free
indulgence of stimulants took place
about 1 o'clock yesterday morning at tbe
Mann corner and which resulted in a
number of black eyes, broken noses and
swelled heads. The fight has more than
a passing significance inasmuch as one
of tbe principals, Eben P. Torrey, here
tofore the champion "scrapper" of the
town, was badly worsted. .:
At the time of the commencement of
hostilities there were assembled a large
crowd of all-round "good men," husky
miners, who are open for an engagement
at any time. Thomas Murrey and Eben
Torrey with others were at the bar and
engaged in a parleying of words, when
it is said Torrey, as he has many times
done on previous occasions, struck the
first blow, . landing on Murrey's eye
Murrey gathered himself and went at
Torrey like a whirlwind, landing heavy
on Torrey 's nose and eyes and felling
him to the floor. The first blow that
Murrey struck was a stunner and Tor
rey, to the surprise of those present
showed the "white feather," by asking
for quarter. . This made Marrey more
incensed than ever, since he had not yet
started in on his man, and he hit him
harder than ever. At this juncture Ed
Farrell, a peace maker, stepped up ai.d
was in the act of separating the men,
when Dan Halisay struck him a fearful
blow over the . eye. tarrell, who is
somewhat of a fighter himself, then went
for Halisay and the way he done him up
was a pleasure to all the eye witnesses
A stop to the row was made when Jack
Monahan stepped in and demanded
As a result oi the "scrap" Torrey is
now confined to bis bed with a broken
nose, eyes swollen shut and generally in
a badly used up condition. Murrey has
Only a slight discoloration of one eye and
Farrel and Halisey are laid up for re
pairs. Chief Lamb has caused warrants of
arrest issued and they will be ser
ved upon Torrey, Murrey and Halisey as
soon as practicable and a full investiga
tion of the affair made in 'Judge Pack
wood's court;
Tbe general sentiment seems to be
that Torrey got just what he has long
been looking for and that Halisey should
De neaviiy nned lor the part he took inJ
tbe affair. His attack on Farrell was
cowardly in the extreme. Baker City
A girl to do housework. Steady job to
right party. Apply at this office.
125 Milk St., Boston, Mass.
This company owns Letters Patent
No. 463,569, granted to Emile Berliner
November 17, 1891, for a combined tele
graph and telephone, and controls Let
ters Patent No. 474,231, granted to Tbos.
A. Edison May 3. 1892, for a speaking
telegraph, which Patents cover funda
mental inventions and embrace all forms
of microphone transmitters and of car
ben telsphones jan28
For Exchange.
Finely improved farm in Willamette
Valley to exchange for ranch and stock
or sheep or cattle. -
Addess J. H., care The Daxlbsj
Chonbjclb. . . janl6-lm.-
To AH Whom It lf&$ Concern:'
JNotice is hereby given that under and
by ' virtue of special ordinance No. 297,
which - passed the common council of
Dalles City, Feb. 23, 1895, an assessment
for the construction of a terra cotta
sewer in the alley from - Court to Union
Btreets and between First and Second
streets, has been levied upon and is
hereby declared a lien upon the follow
ing property, as follows, block 4, Dalles
Uity proper
uoz. Name.
Lin. Ft. Bate.
NH Gates 44
12 32
Wm McKay 24
J M Marden , 100
Ben E Snipes.. . . 32
Wm McKay 68
T Bald win 60
NH Gates... 52
6 72
28 00
8 95
19 04
16 80
14 56
5 32
- T Baldwin 19
3 XP J Martin. . 65
3-4 Z F Moody .14
4 TT Nicholas 59
18 20
3 92
16 52
Total 537 $150 36
In case said sums hereinbefore set
forth are not paid to the city treasurer
and a duplicate receipt therefor filed
with the recorder of Dalles City, within
5 days from the final publication of this
notice, to-wit, March 18, 1895, a warrant
will be issued to tbe city marshal for the
collection of tbe same, and additional
coBts will be added as by charter pro
Dated this 25th day of February, 1895.
Recorder of Dalles Citv.
In accordance with an act of the legis
lature. Dalles Uity, Wasco Countv, Ore
gon, will issue bonds to an amount not
to exceed sixty thousand and not less
than fifty thousand dollars, each bond
to be of the lace value of five Hundred
dollars, payable twenty-five years from
the date of issue, bearing interest at the
rate of six per cent, per annum, interest
payable semi-annually.
baid bonds will be eoid to tne nignest
bidder for cush. Sealed proposals will
he received for the purchase of tbe same
at tbe recorder's otbee in said city from
this date until 4 o'clock p. m. on the
15th day of April 1895. Each bid must
be accompanied by a certified check
equal to five per cent of the face value
of the bonds for which the proposal is
The council of said city reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
Dated this 11th day of March, 1895.
D. b. Dutuk,
Recorder of Dalles City.
Exposure to rough weather, dampness,
extreme cold, etc., is apt to bring on an
attack of rheumatism or neuralgia;
chapped hands and face, cracked lips
and violent itching of tbe skin also owe
their origin to cold weather. Dr. Mc
Lean's Volcanic Oil Liniment should be
kept on hand at all times for immediate
application when troubles of this nature
appear. It is a sovereign remedy. 25c,
50c and $1.00 per bottle.
Mr. Debs, the great labor leader, is in
Portland. We are glad ' that we got
away before he arrived, for while our
modulated ' voice and softly beaming
eyes, could hardly be taken np for con
tempt of court, yet in view of Mr. Debs'
business with the United States courts
and the fact that we were mistaken for
him three days before he arrived, we
feel more sr care, while we have a good
Strong alibi. -
- Symptoms of kidney troubles should
be promptly attended to; they are
nature's warnings that something is
wrong. Many persons die victims of
kidney diseases who could have been
saved had tbey taken proper precautions.
tne prompt use of Dr. J. hi. McLean's
Liver & Kidney Balm has saved thous
ands of valuable lives. If you have any
derangement of the kidneys try it.
Price $1.00 per bottle. Sold by Snipes
& Kinersly, druggists,
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy giv'eS
the best satisfaction of any cough medi
cine I handle, and as a seller leads all
other preparations in this market. I
reccomend it because it is tbe best medi
cine I ever bandied for coughs, and
croup. A. "W. Baldridge, Millersville,
111. For sale by Blakely & Houghton
Druggists. "
Jos. T. Peters Sc Co. have cord wood,
which is desirable in all respects, and
respectfully solici' your orders.
Oregon Railway & Navigation Company
Watch Bepalrer and Inspector.
Repairing: or Fine Watches a Specialty.
lOS Second St., THE DALLES. OR.
Harry Liebe,
Watchmaker! Jeweler
- All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
1 Can now be found at 162 Second
urn York Weekly T
a twenty-page journal, is the leading Republican family paper of tbe
United States. It is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and gives all
tbe general news of the United States. It gives the events of foreign
lands in a nutshell. Its AGRICULTURAL department has no su
perior in the country. Its MARKET REPORTS are recognized au
thority. Separate departments for THE FAMILY CIRCLE, OUR
AND SOCIETY columns command the admiration of the wives and
daughters. It general political news, editorials and discussions are
comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive.
Caah. xx 'civaiioe.
(The regular subscription for the two papers is $2.50.)
Address all ordeis to
EEF" Write your name and address on a
Koom 2, Tribune Building, new York
Ctep on Third Street, next
Pipe won, Tin Repairs .1
i5iacJstsmitn shop.
"The Regulator Line'
Tie Dalles, Portland ani Astoria
Navigation Co.
Freigni ana Passenger Line
Throusrb. Daily Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connect
ing with Steamer Regulator for The
One way ,w.::i:::iui
Round trip
, 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except car lots,
will be brought through, witt
out delay at Cascades.
Shipments for Portland received Ht
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
6 p. m. Live stock shipments sojicted.
Call on or address,
. Oeneral Agent'
w. House
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and all
kinds of work in his line at
reasonable figures. Has the
largest house moving outfit
in Eastern Oregon.
Address P.O.Box 181,The Dalles
PCfileBeatei'a FdkI1.1i Dlaauarf Brmarf. ""
ungtaal aad Only Genuine.
Arc, alw.j. reH.bla, ukotca aak
mom Brand in Ked and GoU m.ullb
then Refuaa daumt omm m.hntirm-
finni nmif Imitutium. HIIraMiM.MAJ.
In tamps ft sartkraUra, unlmonaUs aad
" RaUeT for Kadlea," Uum, br Mlin
Mali. 1 0,04M Tuumasiala.- Hmm rap.
vJnian.,a:io Maan.
I ft
us to' offer this splendid iournal and
postal card, send it to George W. Best,
Uity, and a sample copy ot 'run. JNttiVr
mailed to you.
door west of Young & Kum'
Tbos. F. Oatfcs,
Henry C.-Payie,
Henry C. House,
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
Through Tickets
For information, tfme cards, maps and tickets',
call on or write to
W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent,
Tbe Dalles, Oregon,
A. D." CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A.,
253, Morrison, Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon.
Spring Clothing
Imported Suitings.
Suits made to order
from $30.00 up.
John Pashek,
The Merchant Tailor,
Old Rvtnoiry fiCfiffiing,
WaaBtngton 8 tree t, between second-; -bet.
Second and Third,
w Roofing
Cleafiiag aa Repairing a Sp&ftlfy,