The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 20, 1895, Image 1

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SBp. IP Ufa CSSEl CIr(SiBiikk
"IIIMI jffcfc
Our Stock of the Above is now Complete in every sense of the word.
We Start Men's Suits, OUR LEADER All-Wool Cheviot Suits,
Good Reliable Cloths, 0 -f (jjfl . For a First-class Business Suit, r ryti In Black only, - C2?fk t-yt?
Warranted free from Shoddy, clb tpU.WV in Mixed Goods, Medium Dark, cih . O Very Rich and Nobby, cilj pJ.tO
A Very Dressy Suit, All-Wool Fancy Worsteds, .
nlltf' at $9.00 iDpecralE
' 1 ' ' ' 4 " ' ' - .- . ,
Our Youths' Department DRESS SUITS, j Boys' Reefer Suits,
Was never bo strongly represented. In Black Clay Worsteds j Age 4 to 8 years in Light, Medinm and
Three-piece Suits, in many styles of cloths, The Latest Lengths in Cat-away Coats j Heavyweights Elaborately Trimmed
from $4.50 up start at $13.75 to start at $3.90
Every Suit of the above is made up by First-class Tailors, and
Warranted Up-to-Date in Cut, Material and Price.
Was Sunk Near the Straits of
She Was In New York Two Tears Ago,
HaTlng Acted as Escort to the
Col ambus CaraTels.
Cadiz, March 19. The Spanish cruiser
Alphonso XIII reports haying found the
missing cruiser Reina Regente, sunk
near Rajos Aceitanos, not far from the
Straits of Gibraltar. Only 20 inches of
her mast s were above the water. The
Alphonso XIII returned to the scene of
the wreck with divers to recover the
' The Reina Regente carried a new crew
of 420 officers and men, and all are be
lieved to have perished, as not a single
survivor has been reported as having
arrived at any port, nor has a single
body been found that could be identified
as that of one of the officers or crew of
the lost ship.
Deputy Diaz Moreau, formeily an
officer in the Spanish navy, in the cham
ber of deputies, March 14, read a state
ment of the former commander of the
Beiua Regente, in which the writer des
cribed the cruiser as a vessel unable to
weather a heavy storm, owing to the in
creased weight of her armament. Ad
miral Beranger said the overweight of
the cruiser's deck guns was rectified two
, years ago by his orders, when he was
minister of marine.
In Cadiz and Cartagena, where most
of the crew belonged,, there has been
great anxiety and excitement from the
moment the cruiser was reported missing,
The Reina Regente, about two years
ago, went to New' Tork as one of the
Spanish squadron . which escorted across
the Atlantic the Columbus ,' caravels
The vessel was launched in 1887, and
was one of the three Becond-class deck-
protected cruisers of the same build, her
Bister ships being the Alphonso XIII
and Lepante, all of 2800 tons, 12,000
horse-power, and expected to steam. 20
The wrecked cruiser was 320 feet long,
40 feet 6 inches beam, and a draught of
20 feet 4 inches. She was propelled by
twin screws. Her protected deck was
4 inches thick on the slopes, her con-ning-tower
had 5 inches of armor ' and
her ' funnel shields were 3 inches thick.
Her armament consisted of four 9-incb
Hontoria gans, one on each side forward
of the central superstructure and one on
each side aft; six 4 Hontoria guns in
the broadside forward aft, a pair in
sponeons, a middle pair in recess ports
and 15 rapid-firing machine guns. She
was also fitted with five torpedo tubes.
More Pacts Concerning;, the Arrest of
Myron B. Wood. .
Later .developments . concerning the
case of Myron B. Wood, of Lane county,
who was arrested Saturday by Deputy
.United States Marshal George Hum
phrey, of Portland on a charge of cutting
timber on government land, put a differ
ent phase on the matter. It seems that
the timber was cut on a homestead
which had been filed upon by Mr. Wood,
and npon which he has now lived for
four years, having only one more year in
which to finish up his claim and make
final proof. According to the law, Mr.
Wood had the right to clear the timber
off his claim and burn it or use it in the
improvement of his claim, but had not
the right to sell it, and upon this ground
the arrest was made, as Mr. Wood had
sold some logs off the' claim. ' Parties
who are acquainted with the facts of the
case say that Mr. Wood filed upon the
claim and has been holding ' it in good
faith. If such be true, it is likely that a
very strong case cannot be made against
Minister Thurston Not Wanted In Wash,
Chicago, March 10. A special to the
Daily News from Washington says:
Secretary Gresham has demanded the
recall of L. A. Thurston, Hawaiian tnin
later at Washington'. ' At the same time
the doors of the state department have
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't 'Report ,'
been closed against the representative of
the new republic, and he has been told
be must communicate in writing with
the secretary. GreBham requested Min
ister Willis to formally communicate to
the Hawaiian minister of " foreign affairs
the fact that Minister Thurston was per
sona non grata. The communication
was sent by mail, and the news regard
ing its reception may now be on the
American steamer on the way to Sari
Gossips are conjuring with the rumor
late , this .afternoon that the Spanish
ministers recall will be demanded. H a
offense is alleged to be similar to Thurs
ton's. He gave an interview to the
newspapers a few days ago criticising
Secretary Gresham.
In Receivers' Hands.
St. Paul, March 19. The Walter A.
Wood Harvester Company went into the
hands of receivers today by order of
Judge Egan. The receivers are: Frank
Seymour, cashier Merchants bank ; A.
H. Lindeke and Peter S. McGowan, gen
eral manager of the company.
The order was made on the applica
tion of the Erwarts Manufacturing Com
pany, which claims $3750 for goods sold
the Wood Company between January
and March.! In its petition the Erwarts
Company says the harvester company
is indebted to various creditors in the
sum of more than $900,000, given with
preferences - to ' some creditors over
others, and borrowed money on terms
which give preferences to the lenders
with large collateral security.
. A Cargo of Arms.
Washington, March 19 Information
is said to be at hand that the schooner
which recently sailed from Savannah,
Ga., after having been watched by the
customs officers bad on board arms and
ammunition concealed under a deckldud
of lumber. " Her destination is supposed
to have been Cuba. Spanish gunboats
are on the watch for her.
. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives
the best satisfaction of any coujrh medi
cine I handle, and as a seller lea all
other preparations in tlds market. I
reccomend it because it is the best medi
cine I ever handled for couabe, and
croup. A. W. Baldridge, Millersville,
111. ' For sale by Blakely & Houghton
Druggists. ' - '
Receiver Appointed. ;
. Nbw Yobk, March 19. H. J. Morris
has been appointed receiver of the Long
Island Traction Company, controlling
several lines of street railway in Brook-
lyn and adjacent towns, by the West
Virginia court, in which state the com
Tor Infants and Children.
Caatoria promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and . Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Caatoria contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
"Castorla Is so well adapted to children chat
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Ahchkb. M. D.,
Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
For setei al years I have recommenced your
" Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so.
as it has in Yariably produced beneficial results
Edwix F. Pardie, M. D.,
125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
"The use of ' Castoria' Is so universal and
Its merits so well known that it seems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in
ternment families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach." . .
CUmo Mabtth. D. P., '
Now York City.
Ths Ckhtaijb Compact, 77 Hurray Street, N. T.
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
- Collections made at all points on -favorable
J. M. Patterson,
First Rational Bank.
Dr. Miles' Nravi PLASTKRsenre BHETJMA
riSM. WEAK BACKS. At druggists, only 25c.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight '
. Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
- remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New. York, San Francisco, and .Porter-
": '.. nland.? v. , '.,.
D. P. Thompson. "--. Jno. S. Schxnck.
Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Lixbb.
'. j i , x m s H. M. Bkau , .,,
LIME and
Picture Moulding1.
ZE3I- G-XjIEItSr iLSr.
When in Doubt
Gall at the
Dry (jpod5, slotl?i92, Boot5 Slpoes
Always up to Date,
Style, Shape, Quality, Price.
Agency of the
BLANKETS,- &o. - rr -
' .. . . t ''" ' -. -
f . .'ill:' ,!
pany is chartered.