The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 18, 1895, Image 2

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    Tlis Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Wekly, 1 year 1 1 60
" 6 months. 0 75
" 8 " 0 60
DmJI, 1 year 6 00
" 6 months. 8 00
per " 0 60
Address all communication to " THE CHKON
ICliB." The Dalles, Oregon.
MARCH 18, 1895
About forty delegates met at Pitts
bnrg Friday, for the purpose of organ'
izng a new party. But little was done
besides agreeing upon a name, which, it
was decided, will be the "Home Protec
tion Party." An early date has been
agreed upon when the delegates will
again meet, and at which time the
"Home Protection" .infant will be born
The delegates delivered several addresses
on the temperance question, but noth
ing was said concerning the tariff on
silver. A resolution was adopted,
which, if put into the platform as a fin
ancial plank, ought to be broad enough
for the vorld to stand on. The resolu
tion demanded: "That all kinds of
money, be on a parity ; but that the gov
ernment shall issue it direct to the peo
ple, instead of to the bankers." There
is breadth to that platform that might
be called longitudinal in its extent. The
resolutions indicate if Home Protection
wins, tbe government will issue all
kinds of money to the people, and the
only fellows who won't get any will be
the bankers.
If the scheme can be carried out, we
offer ouselves as an earnest and sancti
fied convert, safe from all heresies finan
cially, and an humble and longing
seeker after a larger government, with
more power to its elbow, and more
money of all kinds so it is at "a parity,"
that it may, can and will issue to the
people instead of the bankers. We are
the people, all the time ; and we are
glad that a new party will born, with an
elastic financial system, so that every
dollar will be the peer of every other
dollar, and all will be issued indiscrimi
hately to the people except th.e bank
ers. We have always envied those
banking fellows who stand pat on a tray
. full of double eagles ; but when "Home
Protection" gets in its work, they won't
be in it, and then they will see for them
selves how disagreeable a thing it is to
have the population divided into classes
s o i i umi i l
ill oucb uuea: iuobb wuo uave
money, and those who have not." They
will see what a nuisance the old plan
was when they have to borrow, which
they will, when the Home Protection
government gets in its work and issues
parity money to all of us that have no
national banks in our pocket.
' We believe, though, the matter could
be simplified. We have an idea, and
an original one, that in view of the great
good the "Home Protectionist" is going
to do, we will let them have at cost. It
would save the government coining
money, printing greenbacks, or going to
any trouble at all over money matters
Now that the thought has come to us
we wonder that it never occurred to
Hamilton and Jefferson, and Robert
Morris and Jay Gould, the Barings and
David Wells, and tbe Rothschilds and
Sydney Dell, and all other great finan
ciers. We can hardly realize that our
thinker has gotten a scoop on all those
illustrious monetary money-terriers, and
feel correspondingly elated.
So much for the cackle. Behold the
egg! Let our "Home. Protection" party
as soon as it is born, demand "That all
men's promises to pay be on a parity.
When our note is on a parity with Van
derbilt's or Astor's, we won't care what
kind of money is best.
. It might be well to pause in our criti
cism of the Turkish government as to
its course in the so-called Armenian out'
rages, to make a pull or two at the beam
which ' is at present prominent enough
in our own eye to be somewhat painful
It would not in the least lessen our sym
pathies with the butchered Armenians
to contemplate for a moment the mor
dered Italians in Colorado, or the poor
black-faced fellows shot down in New
Orleans for no greater offence than try
ing to earn money by the labor of their
It is true this is a Christian nation
and that what it does is entirely differ
ent from the acts of a benighted Mo
hammedan people. They ought to know
better , than to murder helpless peo pi
just on account of a little difference in
religious matters. Of course it is less
sinful and more excusable to differ in
religious views than it is to labor at
job someone else wants, especially
that someone else is of a lighter com
pleiion; but then, the Turks, with all
their experience in religious wars, ought
by this time to know better. . Thirty
five years ago things were different, for
Jthen the negroes did all the work in
New Orleans, but people have not yet
got used to the change. Oar brethren
of the South then did not know what
good thing the. "nigger" had, or how
much they were missing. They did not
know then what a blessing work was, or
they would not have driven the colored
brethren to it with a club. Now that
they have found it out, it is only nat
ural that they should desire to get their
share. The Negro had it all for nearly a
hundred years, though he did not get
paid much for it, and it is only right the
white man have it all for a while, to
even up. rue JNegro was Drought nere
against his will, was forced to work on
the wharves when he would gladly have
divided his job with his master ; but
there is no reason on earth why he
should be allowed to earn a living for
himself, unless he does it at some em
ployment a white man wont work at.
Honors are easy between this country
and Turkey, as far as race prejudice is
concerned, and an Armenian in Turkey
might well hesitate before leaving the
oke of tbe Turk to grasp tbe unlimited
freedom of the United States.
J. M. Huntington & Co. have prae
tically finished their labors on tbe present
ownership books. Over $200,000 at the
very lowest estimate, has been added to
the wealth of the county. This will in
crease the yearly revenue of the county
several thousand dollars besides causing
more equitable taxation. It can be
easily seen that the county made a good
investment in this venture.
This from the Antelope Herald tells a
chapter cf the Gould-Castellance-ro-
mance, not before given to the public :
One of the editor's old girls, Miss
Anna Gould, was married in New York
Monday to Count Paul Ernest Boniface
de Castellance, and they have already
sailed for Paris, where they will reside.
Poor girl ! We hated to disappoint her
in love, but the size ot her "sack" did'nt
suit us, and we bad to drop her.
At the last meeting of the Literary
society the question of tbe annexation of
Hawaii came up for settlement. After a
spirited debate the judges decided that
this government bad better annex the
islands. At the coming meeting the de
bate will be on the election of United
States senators by a direct vote of the
people, and an interesting program is
promised. The society decided to con
tinue its meetings till the beginning of
The suggestion has been made, and it
is a good one, that a grand musical
festival be given on Easter Sunday in
one of our churches. Union services
could be held and a special program ar
ranged. With tbe present fine orches
tra, which The Dalles now has, and the
number of sweet singers, which could be
obtained, a most pleasing and appro-
propriate service could be held. The
Dalles has a great amount of talent,
which conld easily be brought out on
such an occassion.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
Room to rent, with or without board,
Fourth near Lincoln.
tf. Mas. W. H. Swain.
A Secret. -
If all the ladies knew the simple secret
that a bad complexion is due to a dis
ordered liver, there would be fewer sal
low faces and blotchy skins. This im
portant organ must be kept active and
healthy to insure a clear and rosy color.
Dr. J. A. McLean's Liver & Kidney
Balm as a purifier, beats all the creams
and lotions in existence and will pro
duce a more permanent effect. Removes
bad taste in the mouth, offensive breath,
yellow tinge in the skin, wind on tbe
stomach and that dull, billions feeling
which so surely indicates the torpid
liver. Price $1.00 per bottle. Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
Wood! Wood!
We have yet on band a complete stock
of Dry Fir, Oak and Maple Cord wood,
which will be sold at minimum prices.
feb27. Maibe & Benton.
In this city, March 18th, to the wife of
vv. W. .Brown, a son.
Exposure to rough weather, dampness,
extreme cold, etc., is apt to bring on an
attack of rheumatism or neuralgia;
chapped bands and face, cracked lips
and violent itching of tbe skin also owe
their origin to cold weathet. Dr. Mc
Lean's Volcanic Oil Liniment should be
kept on hand at all times for immediate
application when troubles of this nature
appear. It is a sovereign remedy. 25c,
50c and $1.00 per bottle. ,
- Do you like to see tine photographs?
If so, feast your eyes at' Fortm's show
window. Promenade pictures new
style. Chicago Gaxlbbt,
mchl6-lw. - ; ' A'
Bncklan'i Arinu Salve.
The best ealve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money retunded. race zo cents
per box. For sale Dy Snipes & Kin-
ersly. -
Telephone Notice.
Those who have not already ordered
instruments placed and who desire tele
phone service from the Seufert-Condon
Exchange, will please order at once.
Seufert & Condon. .
J. A. Richardson, of Jefferson City,
Mo., Chief Enrolling force 38th general
assembly of Missouri, writes: I wish to
testify to the merits of One Minute
Cough Cure. When other so-called
cures tailed. I obtained almost instant
relief and a speed v cure by the use
of One Minute Cough Cure. Snipes-
Kinersly Drug Co.
B. H. Bowman; Pub. Enquirer, of
Bremen, Ind., writes: Last week our
little girl baby, the only one we have,
was taken sick with croup. After two-
Doctors failed to give relief and life 'was
hanging on a mere thread we tried One
Minute Cough Cure and its life was
saved. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
The Wasco Warehouse Co. have on
sale at their warehouse Seed Wheat,
Feed Wheat, Barley, Barley Chop, Oats
and Hay. Are sole agents in The Dalles
for the now celebrated Goldendale roller
mills flour, the best flour in the market,
and sold only in ton lots or over. 9-tf
W. T. Sanford, Station Agentof
Leeper, Clarion Co. Pa., writes; I can
recommend One Minute Cough Cure as
the best I ever used. It gave instant
relief and a quick cure.
Drug Co.
Call and
Oxford Ties.
Mrs. T. i
Tenn., says,
new styles. Ladies'
Chicago Galleet.
. Hawkins, Chattanooga
"Shiloh's vitalizer 'saved
my life.1
I consider it the best remedy
for a debilitated system I ever used,
For dyspepsia, liver or kidney troubl
it excels. Price 75 cts.
Sailors! Sailors!
Just received three cases sailors for
children, sailors for ladies, sailors for
everybody. Prices from 25 cents to
$2.50. Mes. M. E. Beiggs
Shiloh s Cure is sold on a guarantee.
It cures incipient Consumption. It is
the best cough cure. Only one cent a
dose 25cts., 50c 1 8., and $1.00.
Sick Headache, constipation and indi
gestion are quickly cured by De Witt:
Little Early. Risers, the famous little
pills. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
De Witt s Witch Hazel ealve cures
Bcalds. burns; indolent sores and never
fails - to cure piles. Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
La Grippe is here again with all of its
old time vigor. One Minute Cough Cure
is a reliable remedy. It cures and cures
quickly. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
W anted.
A girl to do housework. Steady job to
right party. Apply at this office.
Karl's Clover Root will purify your
Blood, clear your Complexion, regulati
your Bowels and make your head clear
as a bell. 25c, 50c, and $1.00.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego
Cal., says : "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I have ever found
that would do me any good." Price 50c,
3E2 ZD S
Garden and
G-rass Seeds
in Bulk, at
J. H. Cross'
Feed & Gro
cery Store.
Fashionable Dressmaker
Newest styles and work neatly done;
Use the Norman Taylor System, which
took the gold medal at tbe Columbian
Exposition. Dressmaking Parlors over
Pease & Mays' dry goods store, room
No. 1. feb21-lmo.
Fashionable Dressmaker
Cop. Third and Lineoln Sts.
All work promptly and neatly done.
Advertise in Thji CmaomcL.
If you want anything in the shape of
For Man or "Woman,
Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in
Harness, Saddles,
And all Articles Kept in a First Class Harness Shop.
When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get ott on the South Side
This large and popular House
ana is prepared to
House in the city, and at the
$1.00 per Day. - prst
Office for all Stage Lines
points In Kastern Oregon
In this Hotel.
Corner of Front and Union Sts.
Successor to Paul Kref t & Co
And the Most Complete and
PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used-in all onr work, and none but the
most skilled workmen emnloved. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem
icel combination or soap mixture. A
promptly attended to. .
Store and Paint Shon oorner Third and
" 1 There is a tide in the affairs
leads on to fortune."
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
Clisii-Oit Sale Di li
Who are selling these goods
This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Portet
east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health
ful Eu i -ve been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed o
be mark ' ' . ':-V- ! 'V . V- :.
Boy, Girl or Baby.
Bridles, Collars,
Adjoining Joles, Collins & Co.'a Store,
does tbe principal hotel hnsinesn,
the Best' Accommodations of any
low rate of .
QlassAeals, 25 Cerjts.
leaving The Dalles for all
and Kastern 'Washington,
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
Latest Patterns and Designs in .
first - class article in all colors. All orders
Washington Sts.. The Dalles, Oreo
of men which, taken at its fiooa
out at greatly-reduced rates.
Fnrnitnre k Garnets
A Fine Line of Fresh Bulk Seeds, iast
Kentucky Blue Grass,
Red Clover,
White Clover,
Flower Seeds, Onion Sets.
Ask Central for 62.
Attractive Goods,
Full Assortment,
Small Profits,
Quick Sales.
We carry everything that is good
to eat, and at such prices that
we should have the trade of all
hungry people.
Try our
Teas and Coffees.
Can give you an excellent blend
ed Coffee at 25 per pound.
Ask for Halivor Butter.
Telephone No. 60.
We wish to announce that
we have made a specialty of
WintergIjQgmin Bulbs,
HtAISTTfia andfl-IES,., .
'V v . -.',-- '.--:'
We are jireparedt'idiarriish
. on short noticj$T cut "Bowers
- V r-s f or ' ail occasions'' -afejj "pot
' plants and wirej&f''.pr'
Hyacinths in.:bibom A
beautiful holidaifcift
Get your Chrysanthemums
at once to septL EaSt, '
' . ', i
Snipes-Kinersly Drtff ,(!,
Wall Paper,
Window Glass;
129 Second St., ?
THE DATJ.ES', - - 6&.
SiuDiing Greenfiouse