C0 KB FftH " is r.mcnable to treatment. Hope, - courage, proper exercise," and frcm the inception of the dis ease the continual use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil and Jljrpophosphites, are absolutely 'necessary. Keep up, good courage, and v.'ith the use of this most nour ishing and fattening preparation ' recovery is certain in the first t stares, and maybe accomplished even when fhe lungs are seri ously involved. Stop the exces sive waste (and nothing will do it like Scott's Emulsion), and , you are almost safe. ' P n't ht persuaded to accept a $ubtltntt t icoit 4 Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists. 50c and $1. Let Uu Spray. Notice is hereby given by 'the Oregon mate uoara ot Horticulture mat an iruit trees and plants which are found to be infested" with the San Jose scale, the woolly aphis or other injurious insects, in this state, are required to be eprayed - or washed before the end of March, 1895, with a eolation of lime,' sulphnr and aalt, or some other equally effective remedy which has been known to destroy these pests. ' spbay no. 1 TJnslacked lime 30 or 40 pounds Sulphur (best powdered) 20 pounds Salt 15 pounds Water to make 60 gallons When 40 pounds instead of 20 pounds of lime are used the solution will have a whiter appearance and the operator can better detect when every limb has been properly -treated with the wash.. Dibections Place ten pounds of lime and twenty pounds of sulphur in a boiler with twenty gallons of water, stir and boil over a brisk fire for not less than one hour and a half, until the sulphur is thoroughly dissolved. When this takes place the mixture will be an amber color, Next place in a cask from twenty to thirty pounds of unslacked lime, pouring over enough hot water to thoroughly slack it (being careful to keep it moist and not to spoil it by burning), and while it is boiling add the fifteen pounds of salt. When this is dissolved add to the lime and sulphur in the boiler and .boil for half an hour or more longer, twhen the necessary amount of water to j make sixty gallons should be added. ' - It should then be strained through gunny cloth or burlap. When using, it should be frequently and well stirred. In ap plying this wash a strong rubber hose ; and a nozzle having a rubber orifice or ; plate should be used, as those made of brass are soon worn out by the action of vtbeJime. Apply lukewarm. , ' Notice. " To All Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of special ordinance JSo. 297, which passed the common council of Dalles City, Feb. 23, 1895, an assessment for the construction of a "terra cotta sewer in the alley from Court to Union streets and between First and Second streets, has been levied upon and is hereby declared a lien upon the follow ing property, as follows, block 4, Dalles Uity proper: lot. Name. Lin. Ft Bate. Am't 5 NH Gates 44 28c 12 32 5 W m McKav . . . . . 24 do 6 72 6- 7 J M Marden 100 do 28 00 7- Ben E Snipes.... 32 do 8 96 8 Wm McKay,.... .68 do 19 04 1 T Baldwin 60 do 16 80 1-2 N H Gates. ...... 52 - do 14 56 3. . T Baldwin. 19 .do 5 32 3 P J Martin...... 65 do 18 20 3-4 Z F Moody . . 14 59 do 3 92 4 TT Nicholas. do 16 52 Total .V. .... 537 $150 36 In case said sums hereinbefore set forth are not paid to the city treasurer and a duplicate' receipt therefor filed with the recorder of Dalles City, within 5 days from the final publication of this notice, to-wit, March 18, 1895, a warrant will be issued to the city marshal for the collection ot the same, and additional costs will be added as by charter pro vided. Dated this 25th day of February, 1895 DOUGLAS H. DUFUB, . , ; Recorder of Dalles City ' c . Great Oaks From little acorns grow, so also do fatal diseases spring from small begin nings. Never neglect symptoms of kid' ney troubles ; if allowed to develop they cause much, suffering and sorrow. Dr. S. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm is a certain curejor any disease or weak cess of the kidneys; yA. trial will con vince you of Us great potency. Price $1.00 per bottle. Sold by Snipes-Kin ersly Drug Co. ' W. T. Sanford, Station Agent of Lee per, Clarion Co. Pa., writes; I can recommend One Minute Cough Cure as the best I ever used. " It gave, instant relief and a quick eure.O Snipea-Kinertly Drug Co. - . ' - Old offender Wat yer arreslin' me fer? I hain't done nothin fer a year. Officer That's the time ye hit it .right; the charge is going to be vagrancy. Kate Field. h& m w sfc is m Pacific Coast Wheat for Europe Via the Iithmni. Minneapolis, Minn., March 13. An experimental shipment of Pacific coast wheat from Portland, Or., to Liverpool by way of Panama, undertaken by F. H. Peavey & Co., of this city bids fair to be a success. The firm today received mail advicus from Colon that the transship ment bad been effected at the isthmus without injury. ; ' -' . ; The new route eaves the long voyage around the Horn. It was a question whether the wheat would not be spoiled by the weather it would encounter in crossing- the isthmus, but this fear is now proved groundless, and -it i9 prob able that much of the coast wheat will go by this route in future. Symptoms of kidney troubles should be promptly attended to; they are nature's warnings that something is wrong. Many persons die victims of kidney diseases who could have been saved had they taken proper precautions. The prompt use of Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver & Kidney Balm has saved thous ands of valuable lives. If yon have any derangement of the kidneys try it. Price $1.00 per bottle. Sold by Snipes & Kinerely, druggists. - Do you want The Chronicle and San Francisco Examiner for a year? If so send us $2.25 'and' you can have them,' 156 papers for $2.25 or less than a cent and a half a pioce. If yon would rather have the New York World, we will send you that and the Semi-Weekli Chbon icle one year for $2.25. The World is also a semi-weekly so you will get 208 papers tor fz.zo. B. H. .Bowman ; Pub.' Enquirer, of Bremen, Ind., writes : Last week our little girl baby, the only one we have, was taken sick with croup. After two Doctors failed to give relief and life was hanging on a mere thread we tried One Minute Couch Cure and its life was saved. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives the beet satisfaction of any cough ruedi cine I handle, and as a seller leads all other preparations in this market. 1 reccon end it because it is the best medi cine I ever handled for cougbe, and croup. A. W. Baldridge, Millersville, 111. For sale by Blakely & Houghton Druggists. y The regular subscription price of the Weekly Chronicle is $1.50 and the regular price pf the Weekly Obegonian is $1.50. Any one subscribing for TheJ Chronicle and paying for 'one year in uuvuuce can get uuiu ihs VzHBOMCLI J l. 1 - t ' m e. - and the Weekly Obegonian for $2.00 Rooms to rent, with or without board Apply Cor. Third and Morrison." tf ECZEMA From early child hood until 1 was ' grown my family ( spent a fortune 'trying to cure me of this disease. I1 1 visited Hot Springs, and was treated by the best medical men, butwas not , benefited. srriP',i When ail, i things had " failed I determined to try S. t. ., and in i 1 four months was entirely cured.. The , ' terrible Eczema was gone, not a sign of it left; my general health built up. and I have never had any return of , the disease, mill nilnnn I have since i.mi 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' recommended S. S. S. to a number of friends for skin dis eases, and have never yet known a failure to cure. GEO. W. IRWIN. Irwin, Pa. 3saFS5Spa7l Never falls to core. 1 lS- ) even after all other i NV Ny Jl remedies have. Our im i a Treatise on Blood and SUa Diseases mailed free to any address. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. T. A. VAN NORDEN DEALER IN- Watches, Clods, Jewelry AND SPECTACLES. Oregon Railway & Navigation Company w atcB. nepairer ana inspector. Repairing- of Fine Watches m Specialty 106 Sacond St., - THE DALLES, OR The AMERICAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. 125 Milk St., Boston, Mass. This company owns Letters Patent No. 463.569, granted to Emile Berliner November 17, lbUL, for a combined tele graph and telephone, and controls Let ters fatent 20. granted to rnos. A. Edison May 3; 1892, for a speaking telegraph, which Patents cover funda mental inventions and embrace all forms of microphone transmitters and of car ben telephones anZS Cfclehcateit EulWfc Bbmi Br fi EnnVRQYAL PILLS J -.' Dramftst for ChicJuaUr Kngtith XH.- 1 tooxm, acmiea wiuj oio noooo. . - ra e&tkk ft. no other. Jtefus damomma mbmUty 4 i' tionM and wti!ffeiM. At Drmgariat, mr mrA 4v Mfisvll. Ift.aM TisliOMiiil. jraaMAaM. ft m W dtmrni iywii,io Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. . Piles, Rheumatic Pains, ' r Bruises and Strains. Running Sores, . . j .,. Inflammations, Stiff joints, . Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, . , Blisters, Insect Bites,' "All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. . Mustang Liniment conquers Pain, Makes nan or Beast -well again. V COPYRIGHTS. w CATV I OBTAIN A PATENT t " For a Rrompt answer and an b on est opinion, write to 1UNN fc CO., who have bad nearly fifty rears exDertennA In th natcmt business. Commnnlna tions strictly confidential. A Handbook, of In Tormatton concerning Patents ana now to ob tain them sent free. Also a cataloguof mechan ical and scientific books sent free. y - Patents taken through Mann ft Co. feoelve special notice in the Hcientific American, and thna are brought widely before the public with out cost to the inventor. This splendid Paper, Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work In the vrnrlrl. 42! a vpht. RnmntA mnlM martt. fron. Building Edition, monthly, $20 a year. Single copies, vi) cems. every numoer contains oeau tiful nlates. in colors, and Dhotocnranhfl of new bouses, with plana, enabling builders to show the latest aesigns ana secure contracts.- a a areas -. MUNN & CO- New Yoke, 31 Bboaowat. Caveats, and Trade-MarksobUined.andftll Pat-! ent business conducted tor modcratc Fees. 1 nu. nrnr.r in ft.ontiTr II s. Patent OFPICC and we cao secure patent in less time than those ; remote irom nisaingion... . .1 Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip. 1 tion. ' We advise.- if Date'ntable or not. free of1 charge. : Our fee not due till patent is secured. ? , . a piuMLfT. "How to Obtain Patents." with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent tree. Aaaress, Opr. patent OmcK WlSHmO'C". 3. C -, House i -Movingl Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. Has the largest house moving outfit in Kaatern Oregon. Address 'P.O. Box 181. The Dalles E, J1C0BSEN BOOK and, MUSIC CO., THE LEADER IN T Pianos and Organs, Books, NOTIONS, STATIONERY. Call and eet his Drices. Sells PIANOS on easy monthly payments, and is prepared to meet any liunrttTiiiun. THE DALLES OR For - Sale. Pare Blood Pekin Dock egue for sale at $z per dozen, ihese ducks are tbe most profitable fovrl on the farm. . ,; W. K. WJnaks, : feb25-lm. Hood, River, Or, JOHK M. KAKE, , Physiciah and Surgeon. ' ; DTJFUB, OKEOON. t ' Lata Huns Snrseoa, Bt Tinnt' EsItal a "The Regulator Line' The Dalles, PorM an! Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freioat anil Passenger lub Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a.m., connecting at the Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connect ing with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. I'ABSEKURB RATED. One way $2 XX) Round trip. . r 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, will be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 6 p. m. iive stock shipments sohcted Call on or address, W. C ALLAWAY Oeaeral Agent THE-DALLES. OREGON Titos. F. Oafts, Henry C. Payne, Henry C. House, BECEIVBB8. ORTHERN yy PACIFIC R. R Pnllman Elegant . Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DCLCTH . I PABGO TO, GRAND FORKS CBOOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA and BUTTE . . ' Thf oricjh Tickets CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW TORE BOSTON AND ALL . POINTS EAST and SOUTH For information, time cards, maps and tickets can on or wn 10 - . , . i . W. C. ALL A WAY. Aeent, , . . The Dalles, Oregon A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A.'.' . 255, Morrison, Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon Spring1 Clothing, Imported Suitings Suits made to order from $30.00 up. John Pashek, The Merchant Tailor nt THE Old Rvcnoiry - Building Washington Street, between Second - . bet. Second and Third, Cleafiicg anrl1 Repairing a Specialty Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmakerl Jeweler -' All work promptly attended to, , ' . and warranted. Can now b found at 162 Second -' A WINTER'S ENTERTAINMENT i GREAT VALUE FOR LITTLE MONEY. to York Weekly Tribune, a twenty-page journal, is the leading Republican family paper of tbe United States. , It is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and gives all the general news of the United States. It gives the events of foreign lands in a nutshell. Its AGRICULTURAL department has no su perior in the country. Its MARKET REPORTS are recognized au thority. Separate departments for THE FAMILY CIRCLE. OUR YOUNG FOLKS, and SCIENCE AND MECHANICS. Its HOME AND SOCIETY columns command the admiration of the wives and daughters. It general political news, editorials and discussions are comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables THE WEEKLY CHRONICLE for ONE YEAR TOR ONLY $1.75, Oasb. In Advauoe. (The regular subscription for the two papers is $2.50.) pnBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME. Address all ordei s to Write your name and address on coom z, TriDnne Bonding, Hew York Uity, and a sample copy of THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will be mailed to you. liie rales Duly si llfeeldv THE CHRONICLE was established for the ex- press, purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles ; and the surrounding country, and the satisfying ; effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man,' Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and . Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re . gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire.' The Daily Chronicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $6.00 per annum. The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of ? each week at $1.50 per annum? - . For advertising rates, subscriptions, eter, address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlio Dalles, Oresou. Blak ley it t 175 Second Street, A full . line of all the Standard Patent Medicines, j : ; Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. i fcSy Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. PfcWoiS,,Tiii:l8iiis IIAHTS TAPPED C!agp on Third Street next WEEKLY NEWS OF THE WORLD FOR A TRIFLE. na to offer this Hnlenri;,! innrnal ond CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. a postal card, send it to George W. Best, The Dalles, Oregon UNDER PRESSURE. door - west of -Young & Cusa Houghton