c n VOL. VIII THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY,, MARCH 9, 1895 NO 58 nl l? fflHi (fit ltP f? 41' tllClMlMtt tig-: When in Gall at the Dry Qood5, Agency of the BROWNSVILLE CLOTHING-, BLANKETS, &c On fleeount of Siekness in Jly Family, And physicians recommending a change of climate, my entire stock of SOOTS stnci SHOEIS Will be Sold 20 Per Cent. Below Cost., There -will also be a reduction made in prices of Pho tographs in order to use up stock on hand. BUILDING F O R S RLE, Chicago Photograph Gallery, Second Street, Opposite Mays & Crowe's Hardware Store, The Dalles. F. FORTIN, SOCIETIES. WASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. Meets first and third Monday of each month at 7 DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday of each month at 7 P. M. , WASCO TRIBE, NO. 16, I. O. R'. M. Meets every Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. in K. of P. Hall. Sojourning; brothers are cordially invited to attend A, A. KELLER, 8, D. 8. DUFUB, C. of R. , p fODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD.' 11 Mt. Hood CampN Mt. Hood Camp No. 69, Meets Tuesday even- Ing of each week in Fraternity Hall, at 7 : p. m. COLOMBIA LODGE. NO. 6. I. O. O. F. Meets KJ every Friday evening at 7 :80 o'clock, in K. of P. hall, corner Second and Court streets. sojourning brothers are welcome. ' H. Clouqh, Bec'y. H. A. Billb.N. O. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. , K. of P. Meets very Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in dchanno's building, corner of Court and Second treets. Sojourning members are cordially in vited. W. L. BRADSHAW, D. W.Vaus, K. of R. and B C. C. ASSEMBLY NO. 4827, K. OF L. Meets in K of P. hall the second and fourth Wednea Jays of each month at 7:80 p. m. TJIERN . LODGE. DEGREE OF HONOR. NO, JO 25. Meets in Fraternity Hall, Second street, every weanesoay evening at 8 o ciock. , '; : 11 ; , Mbh. B. J. Russell, C of H. Miss Cora Jolbs, Financier.- - fTVHE DALLES LODGE No. 2, I. .O. G.T. Reg- I ular weekly meetings Friday at 8 p. sr., .. a' K. of P. HalL J. 8. WlMZLBB, C. T. DiNSMOBK Pabish, Dec'y. . TEMPLE LODGE NO. 8, A; O. D. Wu Meets ' In Fraternity Hall, over Kellers, -en 6ecoad treet, inursaay evemnga at 7 :au. V. F. STEPHENS, W.B Mtebb, Financier.' M. W TAB. NE8M1TH POST, No. 82; O. A. R. Meets CJ every Saturday at 7:80 P. X., in tne is., oi tr. Hall. D OF L. E. Meets every Sunday afternoon in the K of P. Hall. GE8ANG VEREIN Meets every evening in the K. of P. Hall. : 8unda B. OF L, F. DIVI8ION. No. 167 Meets In K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes day o( each month, at 7 .30 r. u. ClOLUMBIA CHAPTER, U. D. O. E. 8. Meets ' in Masonic hall on the second and fourth Tuesday evenings ot each month. Viaitors cor dially invited. - MRS. MARY 8..MYER8, W. M. MRS. ELEANOR CROSSEN, ecy ' , ; PrtOFBSSIONAL. 1 1 - H.- RIDDELL ATTOEMay-AT-LiW Office II Court street. The Dalles, Oregon. S. B. DUFUB. . FTtANS kbhxfbs. rvDFUEL b MENEFEE f ATTOJUT8 - AT- If law Rooms 42 and' - 43, , oveT Poet JtfW Building, Entrance on Washington street rn panes, nregou. J. B. CONDON. J. W. CONDON, tONDON & CONDON, ATVORliEYB AT LAW J O trice on Court street, onnosite ;the old court house, The Dalles, Or. B. S.HUNTtNeTON. H. S. WILSON, TJ O NTINGTON A WILSON -i-ATTOMBTS-AT- JLL law -Offices. French's block over trst Na tional Bank - - v . Dalles. Oregon. . - , H. WILSON Attornbt-at-law Rooms rrencn s t ;o . nans. Dimainjr.. second Street. riH Dalles, Oregon. . - .. ., , :- T SUTHERLAND. I'.. CsX.fT. T. M. C. J M-. .-F. and S.'Oi. Phrsleian and 8or non. Rooms 8 and 4. Chanman block. Residence Mrs. Thombury's, west end of Second Doubt, ' - lotip, Boot5 Sl?oes Always up to Date, Style, Shape, Quality, Price. JVl. Proprietor. "The Regulator Line The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. through; . : Frelgnt ana Passenoer Line Throneh J)ily - Trips ( Sunday e ,X' cepted) ttwn The uaiiea and Ports- land. Steamer BetraJator leaves- The Dalles at 7 a. to.. connecting at the Cas Steamer Dalles City. City . leaves Portland cade Locks with Steamer Dalles (Oak street dock) at 6 a. m.connect- incr with Steamer Regulator " for The Dalles. PA88ENOKB KATES. One way...... bound trip.. . $20 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.., All freight, except, ,car. lots, will be brought through, with out delay at i Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or mgnt. buipmenta tor way landings must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted Call on or address, - I W. C . A LLAWAY '' - Oeneval Agent- TH E-DALL.ES. OREGON E, J1C0BSEN BOOK and MUSIC CO., THE LEADER IN - and Organs, Boob, NQTIONS, STATIONERY ' Call and get his prices. Sells PIANOS on fasy monthly payments, and is prepared to meet any liunrniuiufl. THE-DALLES OR JOHN M. KANE, ; Physician arid Surgeoiii 30TJFTJB, OREGON, vf ; ' - ' Late Bouse Burseon, St. Vineent's Hospital o rortland, Orey;oo.. . s '.. .: , , . v ,. :sep2S HONYWlIili, , Importer. For Infants and Children. Castoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Soar Stomach, ; Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Caatorla contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. . -" Cartorla is so well adapted to children that X recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archer. M. D., ... Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. " For several years I have recomraeiTtled your t I 1 jm 1 1, 1 . : "The use of 'Castoria' is so universal' and its merits so well known that it reems a work of supererogation to endorse it. - Few are the In telligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos Habttn, D. D., New York City. Thb CzHxuni Cohpaxt, 77 Hurray Street, N.T. Tlos; F-laiesr Henry C. Pape,- Henry C. Eoise, RECEIVERS. ffl ORTHERIM n i' H. Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining'Cafs Totirist- Sleeping Cars STl PACL i,,. h'- MINNEAPOLIS DULVTU'' I FAEOO'- - TO GRAND FORKS CBOOS8TON WINNIPEG HEI.EtAud BITTTB, Thpough Tickets CHICAGO WA8BINGTON . PRaAnBLPBlA -VI1W TORE - . BOSTON-AND AI.I. POINTS EAST and SOUTH For information, time cards, maps and tickets, Call on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Aeent. . The Dalles, Oregon A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A.. . 255, MorrleOD, Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon. IIEER THE FLAG Newfoundland Citizens and the American, Flag, r . HAYWARD IS FOUND GUILTY He Was Removed from, the Courtroom -. lie fere tbe Verdict Wm Made :. Fablle Fearing Violence. , Guilty as Charted. . Minneapolis, ' March 8.- The jury's verdict in the Hayward case is "guilty as charged." The verdict was kept a secret while tbe prisoner was being con ducted back to jail. " No one was allowed to leave the court house, and immense crowds gathered. The judge's order that no one should be allowed to enter or leave the court room until Hayward was safe behind the "bars was effective in preventing trouble. When word was brought back that the prisoner was safe the verdict was read. A poll of the jury was de manded, and without -hesitation each man answered "guilty." Up to the time the verdict was read counsel for the defense expressed- the greatest confi dence in his acquittal. Hall, assistant county attorney,- moved for- Immediate sentence, but owing to tbe absence of Erwin, the passing of sentence was postponed until Monday morning at 10 o'clock. " Erwin finished bis argument for tbe defense today. He pointed out that the loan Harry Hayward made Miss Ging had not been attacked, in the evidence except by tbe word of Blixt. ' The val- dity of this loan was a ci tidel of defense, It was- evident ' that had the.'' police machine been properly set in motion the mystery surrounding Miss Ging's behavior would have been ; solved' in a manner . consistent with ' the .noble character of .the girl. - and an . innocent man would have been relieved from" tbe charge under which he how- rests. "In closing,' be said this was the'most mons trous persecution in history. -. It , took - Judge . Seagrave Smith 40 minutes to read his charge to the jury He declared the verdict must be guilty as charged or not guilty. If the defend ant was guilty it ' was' premeditated. He explained . the ' ' reasonable doubt theory at great length. He continued : "It is necessary for you to be satisfied that Blixt killed Miss Ging ; eecond, that Hay ward incited him. If when Jou re tire you are satisfied that Blixt killed tbe girl, you may proceed, if not, do not consider the verdict further, but if Harry did incite as charged,' your verdict will be guilty."-.- :;: , --'j:,.-' . The charge was perfectly satisfactory to both sides and no exceptions were noted. The ruling passion in Harry Hay ward was strong ia the presence of death. He placed a bet of $10 this morning that a . verdict, of ' acquittal would be reached inside of two hours, Court adjourned until two o'clock. It is believed in case a verdict of ..''not guilty," there will be rioting. There is no way in which Hayward can be taken from the room except through the orowd and rumors of violence are heard.-: , ' Swindled an Englishman. Z ac ate c as, Mexico, March : 8. Louis J. Foot, an Englishman, representing a wealthy British syndicate,-' has. been swindled out of $50,000 by two American mining prospectors. They salted a non paying mine west of here and 'sold it to the Englishman for $100,000., One-half of the amount was paid in cash'.' The Americans immediately left the country, ' " ' ' The Hay tlan Rebellion.' ' ' ' Kingston, Jamaica, March 8. The revolution in the republic of Hay ti, re ported yesterday to have begun in the north. ' has extended already to the south. Haytian exiles who have been Highest of ail jn ieayening Power. living in Jamaica waiting for a chance of overthrowing Hippoiyte, are. preparing to leave. ,; ,..'. . , . .. The Haytian minister of war, General Adelson Verene, has fled to San Domin go. : . This makes two members of . the cabinet that .have. -deserted.. President Hippoiyte. - Finance Minister Fouchard beicg the first to go, after a bitter quarrel. The .public treasury is empty and. the president : is unable to raise money by loan. - - - River Sterm Sank. ' Cincinnati, March 8. During a heavy fog this morning tbe steamer Longfel low, belonging to the Cincinnati, Mem phis tt New Orleans Packet Line Com pany, going to New Orleans, in some way not yet clearly explained, lost her course, crashed against a pier ot tbe Chesapeake & Ohio railway -bridge and sank. Her 26 cabin passengers were all res cued by the company's harbor boat, Her cules Carrell, except a lame man named Aldrich, of Cleveland, who is still miss ing. -Thost of the crew who are missing are: Captain I. Lawrence Carter; sec ond mate, name unknown, and three roustabouts also unknown. The steamer literally crumbled to pieces immediately following the colli sion, and sank bow nrst. The Longfellow was valued at $22,500 and insured for 15,000. She was carry ing 500 tons of freight. .. The real cause of the accident is said to be that the boat was unweildy. Tbe tow boat Hercules Carrell was sent along with the steamboat to aid herein passing the bridges, and was attached to . the stern of the steamboat for the purpose of keeping the stern clear of the bridge piers, but proved unable to do this. Many passengers were in their state rooms when tbe collision occureu, out tbe blasts of the whistles of both tbe Carrell and Longfellow awakened them and they hurried on deck. The Carrell ran alongside of the ' sinking boat, and tbe passengers were quickly - transferred to it. : But for the presence of the Carrell the loss of life would have been fearful The Longfellow was one ot the hand somest packets on . the Ohio. Second Clerk Colbert and Second Engineer Hart each had a foot crushed. : The known list of dead numbers three; David Aldrich of Borne, Kev York, who was lame; Captain I. L. Carter, the clerk of the boat, and James Miller, a colored porter." Tbe others' reported missing have been accounted for. The loss of the ' steamer is one of those tragedies there seems to be no means of preventing short of the removal of the bridge piers, i " . Canadian Cheers Given for the Ainer- lean Flag;.. .' St; John's, N. F., March 8. The steamer Grand, Lake arrived here from Halifax last evening. At 6 o'clock, when the ship was sighted', an immense crowd began to gather until about 3000 people were on tbe wharf. As the ship , came near tne wnari, tne American nag was hoisted at the foremast head and excite men t ran very bigh. . Cheer, after cheer went up for the ! American - flag, for the United States .and for Boston.. ' When the ship' was moored a delegation from the relief committee wen ton board and were met by Mr. Faye, who is in charge of the relief, which amounts to about 1700 barrels" Of provisions. Frotestant Worshipers , at LompanU '. , . . - Bulgaria, Attacked. ; Sofia, March 8. During religious ser vices at the Protestant church at Lorn panis, the building was invaded by mob members of the orthodox Greek church, who assaulted the worshipers, tore up their prayer books and com pletely wrecked . tbe interior of - the cburch. ' Several Germans and Americans were seriously in jured during tbe disturbance. The Americans are under British pro tection. - - - - ; : It is understood that Colonel Ingersoll is willing to recant to the extent of ad mitting that there . is a Hoboken. New York Advertiser. Latest U. S. Gov't Report rJX . -' ,-; f1- Growing MoreLiberal' That's what file 'human race 1 is - doing particularly the I American part of it. . , , There are a few left who are satisfied with ancient history. 1 But most people are ready to I I apply : modern progress and ( common-sense to the treatment . of -the human stomach an I organ that demands its rights 4 whether or no ; that resents the ( insults of worn-out methods. , All this is to emphasize the ' facts abot& offolene There was once a prejudice ' 1 against Cottonseed oil. But people who are : alive, who in- ( j vestigate, who have no bigotry i Ir in their omnos5tion hni ' ($1 found that pure, refined cotton- ( K seed oil combined with selected ( Dee i suec is a oerxer arucic in . every conceivable way than hog's lard. And so they wisely I use it for cooking and are cor- respondingly healthy and hap-1 py. The sales of Cottoi,enb ' are enormous and constantly ' I increasing ; a proof that it is ( appreciated by . appreciative . persons. Aslc your grocer for it. Sold In three and five pound pails. 1 The N. K. Fairbank Company, ' fciiiwis,vaicaa;a,jew iora, Boston. Canght In Time, Buffalo. N. Y., . March 8 A trunk containing jewelry samples, valued at $100,000, was stolen from the sidewalk in front of a prominent hotel this after-, noon. It was only left for a . few min utes by tbe porter. Detectives found it in an alley where two men had . broken it open and were busy burying its con-," tents in a hole. The men were arrested. , 100 Reward SlOO - The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease' that : science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Cure is the only posi tive cure known to the medical' frater nity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system,' thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its - curative " powers, that tbey oner One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of teetimo nials. Address, F.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O. " Sold by all druggists, 75c. Amendments Rejected. Berlin, March 8 The reichstag re-. jected the paragraphs.of the anti-revola-. tionary bill imposing penalties for pub lic attacks on religion, the government and marriage. ' '. - . . A Secret. . If all the ladies knew the simple secret that a bad complexion ia due to a dis-. ordered liver, there would be fewer sal low faces and blotchy skins. This im portant organ must be kept active and healthy to insure a clear and rosy color. Dr.; 3. A.; McLean's Liver & Kidney Balm as a purifier, beats -all the creams and lotions in "existence and will pro-., duee a more permanent effect. Kemoves bad taste in the mouth, offensive breath, yellow tinge in the skin, wind on the stomach and that dull, billious feeling which so surely indicates the torpid liver. Price $1.00 per bottle. Snipes Kinersly Drug Cj. Prisoners Brought to Colon. 'Colon, Colombia, March 8. The Brit- ish steamer Premierhas arrived here bringing 30 prisoners captured when the army of General Logus was defeated in the department of Bolivia. American Vessel Burned. t Hayek, March 8.-Tbe steamer Esse quibo, which arrived today, reports pass ing an American vessel, oil ', laden, March 1. almost burned to the water's" edge, in latitude 44, longitude Vt. Dr. Miles'Nrav P charters enre RHEUMA TISM. WEAK BACKS. At druggists, only 2Sc . r - vt,.vJ.iS!0"