The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 06, 1895, Image 3

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    JOS. T. PETERS & CO.,
Will You Pay
an Income Tax?
The Bean
If so, perhaps it doesn't make any difference
ou "buy of us or not, "because you are able
prices for your goods.
If You Don't
It's mighty important for you to give us your trade, as you
must undoubtedly "be interested in close prices.
The Dalles Patty Chronicle.
ntered a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
Clubbing List.
Begnlar Onr
price price
Clroiicle ud S. T. Tribue $2.50
" and Weekly Orfgonian 3.00
" and Weekly Eiamimr 3.25
" Weekly New York W.rld 2.25
10 Ccu lb per line for first insertion, and 6 Cents
oer line for each subsequent insertion.
8pecial rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 8 o'clock
rill appear the following day.
MAECH 6, 1895
(.eaves From the Notebook of Chronicle
Admission 25 cents ; children 15 cents.
The curfew bell did not ring last
C. E. Bayard announces himself as a
candidate for the office of school clerk.
By request I desire to state that I will
be a candidate for school clerk again,
tf E. Jacobson.
Fourteen horses were shipped on the
Regulator this morning, eight of which
will be sent to Sitka, Alaska. .
Mrs. Phil Metschan, wife of the state
treasurer, died at Salem yesterday, after
an illness of eighteen months.
Elder J. W. Jenkins will preach at
Dufar Saturday evening of this week
and Sunday at the usual hours.
The county court this afternoon
changed the name of William Traylor
of Hood River to William Haynes.
The laBt term of the circuit court was
the least expensive of any held here for
years. The bills from that source are
conspicuous by "failing to be on hand.
Major Morgan and the Irish Nightin
gale of the Salvation Army, will be here
on March 12th and 13th. "On the 12th
there will be a coffee supper, on the 13th
Jp major will speak on the "Secret of
he Salvation Army." j
Two Slaps, an Indian of the Umatilla
tribe, got drunk at Pendleton Monday,
J and on his way home his pony bucked
f him off. In the fall a flask containing a
small amount of whisky was broken and
a piece of the glass penetrated his
femoral artery. The result was a dead
Indian in about two minutes, but "he
died happy."
John M. Fridley, an O. K "fc N. bridge
foreman, died in the hospital in Portland
last Thursday. His funeral services
were conducted in Pendleton Sunday.
Deceased had no family. He came orig
inally from Virginia where all his rela
tives now reside. Although word had
been sent to them, no answer was re
ceived prior to the funeral. Bat his
Sell on Small Margin of Profits.
fellow workmen gladly performed this
last service for one with whom for many
thev had labored for a common interest.
Last year Clerk Jacobsen collected $553
tuition from non-resident pupils, as
against $253 in 1893, and only $102.50 in
1892. It can be seen at a glance that
our schools have obtained a high stand
ing elsewhere: that outsiders indorse
our course of studies, and are satisfied
with the results obtained from patroniz
ing our public schools. No doubt the
number of non-resident pupils will keep
on increasing in the future.
Alley's bill fixing the age of consent
passed by the legislature takes effect
May 24th. It is as follows : If any per
son shall carnally know any female child
under the age of 18 years, or shall forci
bly ravish any woman of the age of 16
years or upwards, such person shall be
deemed guilty of rape, and upon convic
tion thereof shall be punished by im
prisonment in the penitentiary for not
less than three nor more than twenty
Mr. Lochhead, one of the board of fire
delegates, called the attention of the en
gineer to the fact that the board had re
fused to allow the fi rebel 1 to be rung for
any purpose except fires or fire meetings,
and so curfew did not ring last night.
Since the immortal but misguided
"Bessie" used herself as a clapper and
swung her sandaled feet out the belfry
window and twinkled her shin bones be
fore the blushing face of the man in the
moon, curfew has curfewed whenever it
wanted to. But last night curfew did
not ring, the boys were not execated
and Cromwell did not show up.
Real Estate Transactions.
The following deeds were filed for
record yesterday and today :
John Snyder and wife -to Warren B.
Blake, ee, se, eec12, tp 2 n, r 10 e;
Samuel Thompson to Adam Lohr and
John S. Nachter, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, sec
18, tp 6 s, r 17 e, and the b ne. the
nw, sej and ne, se), sec 12, tp 6 s,
r 16 e ; $1000.
Same to same, s, se and e, sw,
sec 12, tp 6 s, r 16 e; $1000.
Waucoma lodge, K. of P., to Mattie
A. Oilar, deed to cemetery lot Hood
River; $10.
United States to Samuel Thompson
patents to same land as sold by him
above described.
A. O. TJ. W. Lodge at the Lodge.
Grand Master Brannan organized Cas
cade lodge, No. 69, A. O. U. W., at Cas
cade Locks, Saturday night, March 2d,
with forty-one charter members. Officers
elected and installed were : -
V. W. Tomkins, P. M. W.: V. C.
Lewis, M. W. ; P. Walsh, foreman : F,
E. Horton, overseer ; G. P. Morgan, re
corder; 'A.'F. Kent, financier: T. C,
Benson, receiver ; R, McCartney, guide
F. R. Archer, R. G. Conners, H. S
Rising, trustees ; C. F. Candiani, phys
ician. ' X,
Room to rent, with or without board
Fourth near Lincoln,
tf. Mbs. W. H. Swaik
to you -whether
to pay higher
The City's Bills.
The following bills were allowed by
the council at its meeting Monday night:
Douglas Dufur, recorder $ 75 00
Jas H Blakeney, marshal 75 00
Geo J Brown, eng fire dept -75 00
W H Butts, street commsr 60 00
1 1 Burget, treasurer 20 00
John Blaser, fire warden 10 00
Gunning and Hardman, labor. . 1 50
Maier & lien ton, supplies 1 7o
R B Hood, hauling 1 50
Dalles Lamb Co, lumber 45 21
Mays & Crowe, mdse 6 75
W F Barber, labor 13 00
J Hagan, labor 10 00
Wm Brown, labor 10 00
J Like, laoor 8 00
Hanna, labor lb 00
W R Brown, labor 6 00
H Goelner, labor 2 00
N C Stephens, labor 1 00
S A Cathcart, hauling 2 00
Ben Jiben, labor 2 U
J F Haworth, printing 2 00
Telegraph Co, phone rent 2 00
Times-Mountaineer, printing. . . ' 1 50
M T Nolan, expenses Salem 49 40
Huntington & Wilson, atty fees 60 00
Dalles El Lt, Tel & P Co, street
lights 251
Snipes-Kinersly Co, mdie
Stevens Bros, hauling
W vValters, sawing wood..
Maier & Benton, mdse .
E J Collins & Co, mdse
Mays & Crowe, mdse
R B Hood, jr, hauling
J K Page, labor
Jos X Peters & Co. lumber
K a Hood, mdse h ou
D W Vause, mdse 5 62
Maier & Benton, mdse 19 15
J P Mclnerny, mdse 11 15
AM Williams & Co, mdse. ....'. 4 o
11 11 Campbell, mdso 11 IK)
Mays & Urowe, mdse
Dalles Lumb Co, wood
8 80
1 75
14 04
T T Nicholas, board prisoners. .
J W Blakeney, hauling
Snipes-Kinersly Co, mdse
id JN Patterson, witness
Mary Brittain, witness
Frank Heater, witness
Al Esping, witness
Geo Morbus, witness
K V Uihons, witness
H N Aiken, witness
Dr Swain, witness
Thos Woods, witness.
John Woods, witness
E Morgan, juror
A P Jberguson, juror
Ed Ryan
J Pbares, juror
John Fleck, juror.
Uhas Uraves, juror
Phil Brogan, juror
T G Connelly, night watchman.
60 00
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives
the best satisfaction of any cough medi
cine I handle, and as a seller leads all
other preparations in this market.
rerccomend it because it is the best medi
cine I ever handled for coughs, and
croup. A. W. Bald ridge, Millers ville,
III. For sale- by Blakely & Houghton
InTlted to Call.
Mr. C. L. Lambert, representing the
Portland popular houses of Rudolph
Goldsmith, one of the leading dry goods
houses, and H. B. Steinbach & Co., the
leading clothier, is at Frank Yogi's old
store on Washington with samples of
their immense stock, consisting of dry
goods, house furnishing, gent's furnish
ins; goods, clothing, etc. Prices the
same as at counter in Portland.
Mr. J. R. Warner is up from White
Dr. Brosius and Arkley Lindsay are
up from Hood River.
Mr. Richard Hinton of Bake Oven is
in the city.
Judge Bradshaw will go to Heppner
Monday to open court.
County Commissioner Blowers came
up from Hood River this afternoon.
Mr. C. H. Brown, whom has spent
the past three . months in Mendon,
Mich., returned yesterday morning.
At Bickelton, Wash., Thursday, Feb
ruary 28th, Mrs. J. W. Rigby, aged 53
The remains were taken to Hood
River Saturday for interment. Deceased
was the wife of Rev. J. W. Rigby, who
ia In charge of the Methodist church at
Bickelton. He was stationed at Hood
River for two years, and there many
friends of both he and his wife will
mourn her death.
At Pleasant Ridge, Monday. March
4th, to the wife of Joseph C. Meins, a
Bnolclei-'s Amies elalTe.
The best salve in the world for cutB,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion . or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin-
Telephone Notice.
Those who have not already ordered
instruments placed and who desire tele
phone service from the Seufert-Condon
Exchange, will please order at once.
Skctert & Condon.
Wood! Wood!
We have yet on hand a complete stock
of Dry Fir, Oak and Maple Cord wood,
which will be Bold at minimum prices.
feb27. Maibb & Benton.
J. M. Huntington & Co. have moved
their abstract and insurance office into
the rooms formerly occupied by Hunt
ington & Wilson, next to Dr. Logan's
office. lwd&w
Spring straw shapes, just received
from the East, wil be displayed in the
windows tomorrow.
Mbs. M.'E. Bbigqs.
Promptness is a commendable virtue.
That's why we offer you One Minute
Cough Care. It is prompt in relief and
prompt in curing. That's what it is
made for. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Don't neglect that cough, it leada to
consumption. One Minute Cough Cure
possesses a double virtue. It cures and
cures quickly. Snipes-Kinersly Drug
Co. -
Rooms to rent, with or without board
Apply Cor. Third and Morrison. tf
Shiloh'a Cure ia sold on a guarantee.
It cures incipient Consumption. It ia
the. best cough cure. Only one cents
dose25cts., 50cts., and $1.00.
Are Your Eyes Open ?
Just Received,.
A Complete Assortment of GARDEN"
and TIMBER SEEDS. We can save
you money. Now wend your way to the
Big Brick, opposite Moody's Warehouse.
Telephone 20. Terms Cash.
Physician and Surgeon,
All professional calls promptly ottende
toTday and night. aprl4
who care to pay a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the
Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, and are
Oreat Oaks
From little acorns grow, so also do
fatal diseases spring from small begin
nings. Never neglect symptoms of kid
ney troubles ; if allowed to develop they
cause much' suffering and sorrow. Dr.
S. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm
is a certain cure for any disease or weak
ness of the kidneys. A trial will con
vince you of its great potency. Price
$1.00 per bottle. Sold by Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co. .
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego,
Cal., says : "Shiloh'a Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I have ever found
that would do me any good." Price 50c.
This well-known Brewery is now
east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health
ful Beer have been introduced, and ony
he market.
125 Milk St., Boston, Mass.
This company owdb Letters Patent
No. 463,569, granted to Emile Berliner
November 17, 1891, for a combined tele
graph and. telephone, and controls Let
ters Patent No. 474,231, granted to Thos.
A. Edison May 3. 1892, for a speaking
telegraph, which Patents cover funda
mental inventions and embrace all forms
of microphone transmitters and of car
ban telephone janSS
!KTo. SO"
Register TJ. S. Land Office, 1890-1834.
Business Before tlie United states Land
Office a Specialty.
Wells Block, Main St., Vancouver, Clarke Co
Washington. BOTlfi
O. W. O, Hardman, Sheriff of Tyler
Co., W. Va., appreciates a good thing
and does not hesitate to say so. Hfe was
almost prostrated with a cold when he
procured a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. He says: "It gave me
prompt relief. I find it to be an inval
uable remedy .for coughs and colds."'.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Drug
gists. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria. -When
she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
Headache is the direct result of indi
gestion and stomach disorders. Rem
edy these by using De Witt's Little-
Early Risers, and your headache disap .
pears. The Favorite little pilla every
where. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
A gentleman of this county who has
excellent judgement remarked to us the
other day that he knew of no pill, so
good for constipation, dyspepsia liver
complaint as De Witt's Little Early Ris
ers. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Sugar Cured Hams. 11 cents per lb ;
Boneless Hams, 9 cents per lb. ; 51b Pail
Lard, 50 cents; 101b Pail Lard, 95 cents,
at Columbia Packing Co.'s. tf.
Ask your grocer for Columbia Packing
Co. '8 Ham and Iard. Insist on our
prices and accept no substitutes. tf
Jos. T. Peters & Co. have cord wood,'
which is desirable in all respects, and
respectfully eolici' your orders.
A girl to do housework. Steady job to
right party. Apply at this office.
turning out the best Beer and Porter
the first-class article will be pacedon
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
Oregon Railway A Navigation Company
Watch Repairer and Inspector.
Repairing of Fine Watches a Special fry.
toe Second St., THE DALLES, OR.