t JT j. V f -T JT jPk & j0 jT Tl jf .V T yC sr JC. .O. C ."V s They pust Go Will You Pay an Income Tax? TheBean SprayPuriip, To make room for new stock, and this If so, perhaps it doesn't make any difference to you. -whether you "buy of us or not, "because you are able to pay higher prices for your goods. . If You Don't It's mighty important for you to give us your trade, as you must undoubtedly be interested in close prices. We Sell on Small Margin of Profits. Lime, Sulphur, Salt, Regardless of Prices. We are doubling our Store Room to make room for new Goods, and our present stock has to go. Everything in the shape of GIiOTfllflG FOH EVERYBODY. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. -FOB BALE BY- MAIER& BENTON, -JjK. A. DIETRICH. Physician and Surgeon, DUFTJB, OREGON. CUF" All professional calls promptly attende to, aay ana nignu aprl4 JOHN D. OKOGHEGiN, Register TJ. S. Land Office, 1890-1894. Business Before the United States Land; Office a Specialty. Wells Block, Main St., Vancouver, Clarke'Co Washington. novlS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ntered a the Poetofflce at The Dalles, Oregon as second-class matter. Clubbing List. Regular Our price price Ckreniele ui S. T.Tribnne $2.50 $1.75 " ud Weekly Oregwiaa 3.00 2.00 " d Weekly Eiaminer 3.25 2.25 " Weekly Kew York W.rli 2.25 2.00 Monahan, is recovering rapidly, the nurse is all right, and the quarantined people are well and happy, rejoicing in the approach of the time when they will he liberated. This is the 12th day since Monahan was taken sick, and the 11th since his attack waa known to be mallpox. The chances are now all againut there being any new cases. Concert Program. 10 Con us per line for first Insertion, and S Cents uex line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 8 o'clock will appear the following day. TUESDAY MARCH 5, 1895 BRIfcF MENTION. Leaves From the Notebook o t Chronicle Reporters. Concert A The Methodist Church Tomorrow Night. The Cold Storage Co. shipped a car load of potatoes East today. John Hill, the man killed at tieufert'a fishery yesterday was bnried today. Governor Lord yesterday appointed A. N. Gilbert superintendent of the peni tentiary. uo you want garden seeds t 11 so, read Croseen's ad tomorrow, which will tell yon just where to get them. The railroad commissioners are in session at Salem considering the freight schedule of the Southern Pacific. It will be seen by perusing the min utes of the council meeting last night, that all persons under 18 years of age are liable to arrest if found on the streets after 8 o'clock at night. " The Smtth Bros, will give their dance at the opera house Wednesday evening this week instead of Thursday. This change Is made on account of the hospi tal corps using the hall Thursday even ing. . Tonight at 8 o'clock the fire bell will be tapped eight times. This is the cur few bell, and from this on will be rung etch night at the same hour. Just re-1 member this, and don't think it is a fir alarm. ' A decision was handed down in the supreme court today iriHhe case of the r state against Daniel Maloney and Char' les Snelling. The judgment in the lower court was reversed and a new trial ordered. The Dalles just at present is at its dullest. All the farmers are busy plow ing, and hardly one of them is to be seen in the city. The weather is perfect and if it keepB np for a little while there will be a large acreage in grain. What we. want is just such weather as we are hay ing now, followed next month by rains, The smallpox scare has grown beauti fully less at such a rate that there is now little, if any, of it left. The patient, Following is the program of the enter tainment to be given Wednesday even ing at the M. E. church : Hunter's Chorus" Mesdames Bradshaw,Doane,MaeLafterty, Varney; Messrs. Bnowden, Crandall, MaGee, MacLaflerty. Male Quartette "The Bridge" ....Messrs. (jranaau, jonnson, uoane, Magee Recitation Miss Bessie French Duett "I Know a Bank" Mesdames Bradshaw and Boyer Solo "The Grand Old Ocean" Dr. Doane Quartette "Annie Laurie" .Mesdames varney, tfoyer, uraasnaw, uonaon "The Flower Dance" Full Chorus Reading Mrs. E. M. Wilson Solo Miss Myrtle MIchell Quartette "The Lark" Mesdames conaon, varney, Huntington, and Corson. Quartette "Larboard Watch" Messrs. (Jranoau, Jonnson, Doane, Magee Duett "O Restless Sea" Mesdames Huntington and French Solo "Let All Obey" Mr. Magee Zion Awake From Thy Sadness"... Full Chorus Recitation "Cassius to Brutus". .Mr. N. Sinnott 'O, Hush Thee, My Baby" jnetaames jonaon, uoane, tjorson, var ney; Messrs. Davenport, Johnson, Ma gee, Doane. How Are Tour Kyea! Dr. M. G. Benedict, the eminent optician of Cleveland, Ohio, is in the city, stopping at the Umatilla House, where he may be consulted. The doctor carries a complete case of opthalmic in struments, and makes a thorough ex amination of the eye, free of charge, This is a rare opportunity and should be appreciated by the spectacle wearers of this community. He will remain one week. The following testimonial is from J. S. Lewis & Co., the leading jeweler of Ogden, Utah. "J. S, Lewis & Co., of Ogden, Utah, take great pleasure in recommending Dr. Benedict, oculist and optician, he having prescribed for and fitted many of our first -citizens, therefore we do not hesitate to commend, but should urge all needing an oculist and. optician's care, to profit by his visit to your place Respectfully, - J. S.- Lewis & Co.' Invited to Call. Mr. C. L. Lambert, representing the Portland popular - houses of Rudolph Goldsmith, one of the leading dry good houses, and H. B. Steinbach & Co., the leading clothier, is at Frank Vogt's old store on Washington with samples of their immense stock, consisting of dry goods, house furnishing, gent's furnish' ing goods, clothing, etc. Prices the same as at counter in Portland. mch5-6. Telephone Notlee... ... ... , Those who have not already ordered instruments placed and who desire tele phone service from the Seufert-Condon Exchange, will pleaBe order at once. Skufsbt & Cosdow, The Accident at Seufert's. News reached the city yesterday after noon about 5 o'clock that an accident had happened at Seufert Bros.' fish- wheel No. 3, in which one man was killed and another badly injured. The testimony showed that the men were working in a crib, placing rock therein. That a derrick was need for hoisting the tray containing the rock into the crib. Before the tray is hoisted the man in charge always blows a whistle, which is a call to the men in the crib to come out. Among those employed were John Hill and a man named Koskelo. When the whistle blowed at the time the ac cident occurred, Hill and Koskelo came out with the others, but instead of going behind the derrick with the others, and as Mr. Seufert had told them to do many times, they sat down on the edge of the crib. Although -the tray was loaded with less than half the usual amount, when it was lifted part way np the der rick gave way. Koskelo saw it coming towards him, and dropped into the crib distance of ten feet, being badly bruised and cut by the fall. Hill had his back towards the derrick, and the heavy pole struck him in the back or shoulders, hurling him violently into the crib. His head struck on the side timbers and his brains were dashed out. The Seufert Bros, are not in anyway to blame, as the derrick had been in use for six months, bad been lifting heavy loads, and there was nothing to indicate that it had weakened. Besides, had the strict orders to keep out from under the derrick been obeyed, no harm would have followed the breaking of the derrick. Coroner Butts summoned a jury, and an inquest was held, resulting in the following verdict : Seufert's Fish-wheel, ) No. 1, March 4, 1895,$ We, the jury impaneled by W. H. Butts, coroner of Wasco county, Oregon, to inquire into the cause of the death of a man killed at said place on March 4, 1895, at or near 3 :45 p. m. of said day, find as follows : That the name of said deceased was John Hill, a single man, and a Fin lander in nationality; that he was about 24 or 25 years of age, and bad no relatives in this country, as far as we are able to ascertain ; that he came to his death by reason of a derrick, which was used on said fish-wheel to hoist rock, breaking, and the boom of said der rick, or the mast, becoming detached and striking him in the head, thereby causing instant death. And we further find that he came to his death through his own negligence, and that no one was responsible for the death of said de ceased. Signed : Ernibt Kreaman, D. Heboux, Gus Stadleb, . D. S. Dtjpue, " .' ' J. F. BUBRT, John Abndt. Regular Council Meeting;. The - regular -monthly meeting of the I city council was held last night. Pres ent full board, except the mayor. On motion Councilman Nolan was elected chairman pro tern. Minutes of the meetings held in Feb ruary were read and approved. The petition of J. W. Blakeney and others, asking for to either enforce the payment of licenses by all expressmen doing business, or to allow those now doing business and paying a license therefor a remittance of all future li censes, was read and on motion the marshal was instructed to collect licenses now due from the Pacific Express Co., A. S, Cathcart, and all others now delinquent. W. B. Shackelford then reported ver bally as a member of the health and police committee, regarding the actions of said committee in devising means to protect the citizens from smallpox, and made such recommendations as he thought necessary consistent therewith. Thereafter on motion it was ordered that there be six physicians of Dalles City appointed as follows, Drs. Logan, Suth erland, Hollister, Doane, Eshelman and Shackelford, and that they be constitut ed a board to eelect and locate a site for a city pest house. The claims against the city were then read and ordered paid. The claim of Teague Bros, for $60 for team hire, which was heretofore ordered allowed at $30, was reconsidered on the application of said claimants and or dered referred to the committee on fire and water, and the chief engineer was instructed to act with (he committee in auditing said bill. Moved and carried that the chairman pro tern ot this meeting be authorized and empowered to sign the warrants issued in payment of the claims ordered paid at this meeting. On motion it was ordered that the council hold the property for the extra expenses of getting the water out of the sewer ditch, in sewer between First and Second streets from Court to Union streets. On motion 'it was ordered that the marshal be instructed to collect the ex penses of pumping out the lots after the high water, belonging to T. T. Nicholas and S. French, and situated on the south side ot Front street, between Washing ton and Federal streets. On motion it was ordered that the council ratify the election of R. B. Hood as councilman for the first ward. The roll being called resulted as fol lows : Ayes, Kuck, Johns, Lauer and Nolan, Councilman Eshelman refused to vote. On motion it was ordered that the re corder prepare an ordinance prohibiting the planting of poplar trees on the streets or private property in the city limits; -On motion it was ordered that the re corder prepare an ordinance as an amendment to the curfew ordinance in creasing the age of persons allowed upon the streets after certain hours, to 18 years, and that all .such, .persons fonnd on the streets after those hours, be arrested alter the ringing of the curfew bell at 8 o'clock p. m. Adjourned. JOS. T. PETERS & CO. -DEALERS IN BUILDIE : MATERIALS -AND- Teleplioue No. BB Are Your Eyes Open ? IF SO, READ THIS. D Just Received, A Complete Assortment of GARDEN, and TIMBER SEEDS. We can save you money. Now wend your way to the Big Brick, opposite Moody's' Warehouse. E. J. COLLINS & CO Telephone 20. Terms Cash. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now turning oui the best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and on.y the first-class article will be placed oa he markt. . The AMERICAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. 125 Milk St, Boston, Mass. ' - This company owns Letters Patent No. 463,569, granted to Emile Berliner November 17, 1891, for a combined tele graph and telephone, and controls Let ters Patent No. 474,231, granted to Thos. A. Edison May 3. 1892, for a speaking telegraph, which Patents cover funda mental inventions and embrace all forms of microphone transmitters and of car ben Ulephenea jan2S T. A. VAN NORDEN, DEALBE IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry AND SPECTACLES. Oregon Railway A Navigation Company Watch Repairer and Inspector.. Repairing of Kino Watches a Specialty, loe Second St., THE DALLES, OR.