The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 27, 1895, Image 2

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    "Hie Dalles Daily Ghroniele.
Weekly, 1 year 1 60
6 months 0 75
" 3 ' 0 BO
Dall, 1 year 6 00
" 6 months. 8 00
" ' per " 0 60
Address all communication to ' THE CHBON
CCLE," The Dalles, Oregon.
The Post, published at Washington,
in its issue of the 14th inst. has the fol
lowing concerning the Cascade canal
, and locks :
; "The people of Oregon are in high
spirits over the approaching completion
of the Cascades on the Columbia river,
which will open that stream to naviga
tion," said Mr. I. IJ. Day to a Post re
porter at the Ebbitt. Mr. Day is quite
a young man of the hustling, enterpris
ing Western type, and is one of the
firm that secured the contract for com
pleting the enterprise referred to by him
"It is a work of vast magnitude," he
said, "and means more to the inhabi
tants of Eastern Oregon than can be
well understood in this part of the coun
try. The construction of the locks and
canal involves a total expenditure of $3,-
500,000, the canal to be 3000 feet long,
with locks and lift of twenty-four feet
Pour massive gates are provided for,
measuring 55 feet in height by 94 feet in
width, being the largest lock gates in the
world. . One thousand men are em ployed
in the enterprise, which is carried on
principally in the fall and winter, aa the
work is annually submerged by the June
floods remaining in that condition for
about five months of the year. When
the canal is finished it will give a nayi
gable water-way from The Dalles to the
Pacific ocean, a distance of 200 miles.
"There are millions of acres of idle
lands in the eastern part of the state,
fertile and productive and capable of
supporting a dense population. That
section is alluded to in our country as
the 'Inland Empire,' and it has hitherto
remained in an undeveloped state chiefly
from lack of transportation facilities
The opening up of the Columbia river by
' the construction of this canal will bring
about a change of conditions that cannot
. fail to benefit this naturally favored ter
. ritory. The climate is mild and equable,
the summers not excessively hot, and
, the winters much milder than on the
Atlantic coast. The scheme for develop
ing this country originated with Senator
Mitchell away back in '75. At that time
he was attorney for Ben Holladay, the
then great transportation king of the
Northwest, who had committed himself
' to the support of Mitchell for United
States Benator. Subsequently Holladay
was seized with senatorial aspirations
himself, forgetful of his promise to
Mitchell. The latter, nevertheless
walked off with the honors and shortly
after his election had a brief and spirited
interview with his former friend.
"Holladay sneering! y . said : 'You
think you are a pretty big man now
Mitchell, but what are you going to do
for the people of Oregon when you get
to Washington?"
"Still smarting under the sense of in
jury, Mitchell answered: 'One of the
first things I shall strive to accomplish
will be the building of a canal around
the Cascades and give the people of in
land Oregon the benefit of competing
transportation rates against your rail
'The senator never forgot thas tiecla
ration, and I think by January V1896
bis constituents will see a consummation
of his long-cherished plan."
Now that the senatorial question has
been settled by the election-of Hon
. Geo. W. McBride, the people will feel
grateful indeed if they are given a rest
They need it, and they have waited
patiently for it for these forty days ; but
the aftermath is worse than the afflic
lion. The Portland Sun is mapping out
a course of conduct for the new senator.
which, it is perhaps unnecessary to
Btate, has silver trimmings all over it
Its dictation in that line is already mak
ing an already-tired public weary. The
Oregonian, on the other hand, is insist
ing that McBride will "stand by th
platform," and therefore recognize all
money as being equally good, provided
it is based on gold. We suggest that
Senator McBride be given time to re-
cover from the sudden shock to his
nerves his - election must have given
him, and that the public - be given
rest. We have .. McBride, and McBride
has the office; therefore we all have the
office. Now then, let us give him time
to pull himself together, and as for ns
newspaper flendB, let us talk about
. something good to eat, Jw res tie with
spring poetry, decimate the early fish
story, and cheerfully vie in seeing which
community can prod jce the biggest egg
or the earliest berries. The senatorial
matter has lost its savor. Let the flavor
of the plain, now that it is picked, be
sufficient tin to itaelf. ' Let's all take a
Sheriff Sears of Multnomah county
and Senator McGinn had an encounter
in Portland yesterday. . Sears accused
McGinn of sneaking a bill through the
legislature reducing Sears' emoluments.
McGinn, though surprised at being ac
cused of trying to practice economy for
the state, realized the enormity of the
charge, and its lack of . foundation, and
Btruck Sears in th face with his fist.
Sears responded by striking McGinn on
the head with his revolver. At this
point bystanders separated them. Sears
went into a pawnbrokers shop, probably
to "soak his head," while McGinn, so
the Oregonian says, went down to the
Turkish baths, and soaked his.
Marveloris results.
From a letter written by Rev. J. Gun-
derman, of Dimondale, Mich., we are
permitted to make this extract : "I have
no hesitation in recommending Dr
King's New Discovery, as the results
were almost marvelous in the case of my
wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist
Church at Rivers junction she was
brought down with Pneumonia succeed
ing La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of
coughing would last hours with little in
terruption and it seemed as if she could
not survive them. A friend recom
mended Dr. Kingis New Discovery ; it
was quick in its work and highly eatis
factory n results." Trial bottles free at
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co's Store. ' Reg-
ular size 50c. and $1.00.
four Big Successes.
Having the needed merit to more than
made good all the advertising claimed
for them, the following four remedies
have reached a phenominal sale. Dr.
King's New Discovery, for consumption,
Coughs and Colds, each bottle guaranteed
Electric Bitters, the great remedy for
Liver, Btomach and Kidneys. Buck
len's Arnica Salve, the best in the world,
and Dr. King's New Life Pills, which
are a perlect pill. All these remedies
are guaranteed to do jnst what is claimed
for them and the dealer whose name is
attached herewith will be glad to tell
you more of them. Sold by the Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
The United States circuit court of
appeals has affirmed the decision of
Judge Bellinger in the case of Frank
Tracy against the Oregon Short Line and
Utah & Northern, the action being
brought to recover damages for injuries
received by plaintiff, who was an em
ploye of the road. The lower court gave
plaintiff $4000 damages, and the court of
appeals now affirms that judgment
Judge Bennett of this city was plaintiffs
Ten days loss of time on account of
sickness and a doctor bill to pay, is any
thing but pleasant for a man of a family
to contemplate, whether he is a laborer
mechanic, merchant or publisher. J as
O. Jones, publisher of the Leader
Mexia, Texas, was sick in bed for ten
days with the grip during its prevalence
a year or two ago. Later in the season
he had a second attack. He says: - "in
the latter case 1. used Chamberlain';
Cough Remedy with considerable sue
cess, I think, only being in bed a little
over two days. The second attack I am
satisfied would have been equally as bad
as the first butfortheuse of this rem
edy." It should be borne in mind that
the grip is much the same as a very
severe cold and requires preciselj the
same treatment. When you wish
cure a cold quickly and effectually give
this remedy a trial. . 50 cent bottles for
sale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists
Great Oaks
From little acorns grow, so also do
fatal diseases spring from small begin
nings. Never neglect symptoms of kid'
ney troubles ; if allowed to develop they
cause much sufferings and sorrow. Dr.
S. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm
is a certain cure for any disease or weak
cess of the kidneys. A trial will con
vince you of its great potency. Price
$1.00 per bottle. Sold by Snipes-Kin
ersly Drug Co.
Wood! Wood!
We have yet on hand a complete stock
of Dry Fir, Oak and Maple Cord wood
which will be sold at minimum prices
feb27. Maieb & Benton
B5 E5 ID S J
w: Lraraen ana hs
-4 m s fmmmm
r ; . Grass Seeds
in ' Bulk, at "n l
t Tar . -nrttsnV imsW
-r ? Peed & Gro-
eery. Store.
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
AH Cattle Ailments,
AH Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mustang Liniment conquers
Makes flan or Beast well
... again.
At Hood River. Sunday, February
24th, to the wife of J. H. Shoemaker, a
A Secret.
If all the ladies knew the Bimple secret
that a bad complexion is due to a dis
ordered liver, there would be fewer sal
low faces and blotchy skins. This im
portant organ must be kept active and
healthy, to insure a clear and rosy color.
Dr. J. . A. McLean's Liver & Kidney
Balm as a purifier, beats all the creams
and lotions in existence and will pro
duue a more permanent effect. Removes
bad taste in the mouth, offensive breath
yellow tinge in the skin, wind on the
stomach and that dull, billions feeling
which so surely indicates the torpid
liver. Price $1.00 per bottle. Snipes
Kinersly Drug (Jo.
Phillip Wa88erman, a prominent citi
zen and ex-mayor of Portland, died at
his residence in that city yesterday
aged 66 years.
O. W. O. Hardman, Sheriff of Tyle
Co., W. Va., appreciates a good thing
and does not hesitate to say so. He was
almost prostrated with a cold when he
procured a bottle of Chamberlain'
Cough Remedy. He says: "It gave me
prompt relief. I find it to be an inval
liable remedy .for-coughs and colds
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Drug'
That . the blood should perform its
vital functions, it is absolutely necessary
it should not only be pure but. rich in
life-giving elements. These results are
best effected by, the use of: thai well
known Btandard blood-purifier, Ayer'i
"I guess my hat's my own I I paid for
it," snapped the young woman at the
matinee, turning round and addressing
the two men who were making audible
remarks about her towering bead-dress
"and I paid for my seat, too." ''But
you didn't pay for all the space between
your seat and the ceiling, my dear
young lady," mildly observed the elder
of the two men. Chicago Tribune.
Don't neglect that cough, it leads to
consumption. One Minute Cough Cure
possesses a double virtue. It cures and
cures quickly. Snipes-Kinersly Drug
Co. "
It is not a miracle. It won't cure
everything, but it will , cure piles
That's what De Witt's Witch Hazel
Salve will do, because it has done it in
hundreds of, cases. Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co. . ' " ,
- A gentleman of this county who has
excellent judgement remarked to us the
other day that he knew of no pill, bo
good for constipation, dyspepsia liver
complaint as De Witt's Little Early Ri
ers. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
If you want anything in the shape .of
For Man or Woman, Boy, Girl or Baby.
When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side
"' AT TH
. ..Of O" '
This large and popular House does the principal hotel business,
and is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any
, House in the city, and at the low rate of
$i.oo per Day. - pirst Qass (Ieals, 25 Cerpts.
Office for all Stage Tlnes leaving; Trie Dalles for all
points In Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington,
In this Hotel.
Corner of Front and Union Sts.
33- "757".
Successor to
And the Most Complete and
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No cnem
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to.
Store and Faint Shou corner Third and
"There is a tide in the affairs
leads on to fortune"
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
Cliirti a i
Who are selling these goods
New Umatilla- House
Ticket and Baggage Office of the TJ. P.
Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel.
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables.
Pip loit fin Eepis iei ,ion
dep on Third Street, next
Blacksmith bhop.
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
Paul Kreft & Co
Latest Patterns and Designs in
HANGER. None but the best brands
in all our work, and none but the
Washington Sts., The Dalles, 0reoi
of men which, taken at its flooa
out at greatly-reduced rates.
R. R. Company, and office of the Western
door west of Young & Kuss
A Long
String of Fish
Is not Carried -up
a Side Street. t
It's just about as important
to': let folks know that we've
got extra fine Hams and Ba
con,Eastern Buckwheat Flour,
genuine Maple Syrup. The
Finest Coffee in town. A fine
ot of New Breakfast Foods.
For all those who call on
us we have bargains in Fine
Goods; for those who don't,
Ask Central for 62.
Ladies' and
Gold and Silver
'Large Assortment
to select from.
I. C. Nickelsen's.
We carry everything hat is good
to eat, and at such prices that
we should have the trade of all
hungry people.
Try our
Teas and Coffees.
Can give you an excellent blend- '
ed Coffee at 25 per pound.
Ask for, Halivor Butter.
Telephone No. 60.
SiuDiing Greennouss
We wish to announce that
we have made a specialty of
Winter Blooming Bulbs,
We are prepared to furnish
on short notice cut flowers
for all occasions; also pot
plants and wires.
Hyacinths in bloom A
beautiful holiday gift.
Get your Chrysanthemums
at once to send East.
'X1 w n
ninflC' TfinflTiplTr Wvnct f!n
Wall r Paper,
Window Glass.
129 Second St.,