ust Go Will You Pay f They M an Income Tax? If so, perhaps it doesn't make any difference to you "whether you buy of us or not, "because you are able to pay higher prices for your goods. To make room for ne-w stock, and this If You Don't It's mighty important for you to give us your trade, as you must undoubtedly be interested in close prices. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. . The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ntered a the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon as Becond-class matter. Clubbing List. Regular Our price price Cbraiiclt and If, I. Tribune $2.50 $1.75 " nd Weekly Oregwiaa 3.00 2.00 " . aid Wertlj Eiamiiier 3.25 2.25 " Weekly Se T.rk rld 2.25 2.00 10 Ceiita per line for first Insertion, and 6 Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 8 o'clock will appear the following day. MONDAY. - - FEBRUARY 25, 1895 BRIhF MENTION. tenTea From the Notebook of Chronicle Beporters The King's Daughters will meet at 2 o'clock tomorrow at the residence of Mrs. Willerton. The social to have been given by the members of Fern lodge next Wednesday evening, is postponed one month. Mr. Leavins of the Cascade Locks tele phoned here this morning that that place had experienced an earthquake shock the night before, and inquiring if we had felt it here. The dispatches this morning announce numerous cases of smallpox at Hot Springs, Arkansas. This is the place from which our smallpox patient came, ' leaving there ten days ago. Lost A small gold chain of three strands, the center one very small. Think it was lost on Washington street, near the Methodist church. Finder will confer a favor by leaving it at this office Street Commissioner Butts desires to state to all city property owners that they must have the alleys adjoining their property cleaned up within three days. If this is not done, he will see that the work is done for them and the bill therefor collected. A. Case of Smallpox. 8. Monahan, a stockman, arrived here from Arkansas Thursday, and took a room at the Obarr lodging house. Fri day night be was taken sick and Satur day morning Dr, Hollister was called in. The man bad a high fever and symptoms of smallpox, which developed during the ) day until there was little doubt but that was what the trouble was. As soon as the nature of the case was suspected vigorous steps were at once taken to v, quarantine the house, and those who were unfortunate enough to be found in the house were compelled to stay there, and were vaccinated at once. The old pest house having fallen into decay, it was decided to keep the patient where be was found, which has been done Dr. Geisendorfer of Arlington, this morning, in consultation with Dr. Hoi lister agreed with bim that the case was one of smallpox. A. Runaway. There was an exciting runaway this morning, that happily ended without We Sell on Small Margin of Profits. PEASE any one being hurt, or much damage be ing done. Mr. Maloney was driving the delivery team, a one horse rig, and was standing up in the wagon, a small boy, Pearl Haslam, being .with him. As they came down the hill near the Meth odist church, one side of the shafts dropped, the wagon took a lurch to port, and Maloney fell over the side of the wagon, his foot catching and he was dragged under the wagon for fifty yards. The HaBlam boy fell at the same time, but inside the wagon bed. The horse ran down Washington at a rather slow gait, being hampered by the shafts and came almost to a halt just below The Chronicle office. The boy took advan tage of .the lull in the pace to climb out over the back of the wagon, and as he struck the ground he threw up his bands, gave a whoop and shouted, "I ain't hurt." The horse was caught at the corner of Washington and First, and a bolt repaired all damages. Maloney fortunately escaped without injury. Beal Ratate Transactions. The following deeds were filed for rec ord Saturday and today : T. J. Driver, sheriff, to J. B. Condon, the n of ne, sec 8, tp 2 8, r 13 e ; $575. Chas. Lewis to Matilda Durbin, lots 11 and 12 in block 9, Antelope ; $70. Wade H. Hermann to Chas. B. Durbin a4, nw)i, sec 26, tp 8 s, r 15 e ; $450. United States to Wade H. Hermann, n4t nej and n, nw, sec 26, tp 8 s, r 15 e ; patent. United States to James E. Woodcock, sej, nwj and swj, nej, sec 21, tp 4 b, r 12 e; patent. . Burled Yesterday. All that was mortal of our old towns man, L. Newman, was laid away until the judgment day, yesterday. The funeral services were held at the house and were conducted by Rabbi I. Bloch of Portland. The procession to the cem etery was led by Temple lodge, No. 3, A. O. U. W., of which deceased was one of the oldest members, and the services of the order were conducted at the grave, The funeral procession was a large one and in it were many - who mourned sin cerely the loss of the genial and loyal friend. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. In these days of telephone, telegraph electricity and steam, people cannot af ford to wait days or as many hours for relief. This is our reason for offering you One Minute Cough Cure, Neither days, nor hours, nor even minutes elapse before relief is afforded. Snipes- Kinersly Drug Co. Promptness is a commendable virtue, That's why we offer you One' Minute Cough Cure. It is prompt in relief and prompt in caring. That's what it is made for. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. & MAYS. Farewell Party. Of the many society events which have taken place this winter the danc ing party and banquet given Saturday lght as a farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Gordon, who leave tonight for Leadville, Colo., lakes the lead. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon have made many warm friends daring a ten-months resi dence in The Dalles, who took this means of showing their esteem and the regret felt at their departure. About thirty couples were present at the Bald win opera house, and with music fur nished by the Orchestral Union, thor oughly enjoyed themselves in the 'mazy" for about three hours, when all adjourned to Keller's oyster parlors, where one of his famous banquets was served, daring which time everyone seemed to be posseesed of the most genial feeling, and as the following who were present bade Mr. and Mrs. Gordon good bye all felt that the even ing's pleasure was only marred by the thought that the best of friends must part : Mr and Mrs L E Crowe, Mr and Mrs Chas Hilton, Judge and Mrs Blake ley, Mr and Mrs W Moody, Mr -and Mrs F L Houghton, Mr and Mrs M 1 Nolan, Mr and Mrs F Faulkner, Mr and Mrs Theo Seufert, Mr and Mrs H J Maier, Mr and Mrs W H Hobson, Mr and Mrs S P M Briggs, Mr and Mrs C L Phillips, Mrs Geo St Johns of Tacoma, Miss Apperson of McMinnville, Misses Lay, Emma Lay, Nona Ruch, Florence Lewis, Beulah Patterson, Catherine Martin, Laura Thompson, Mamio Smith, Mamie Cashing, Messrs R H Lonsdale, J Hampshire, J Bonn, G Mays, J Wei gle, B Phelps, M Vogt, H Fowler, C Fritz, L Porter, W Fredden, H Riddell, C Lord of Cbillicothe, Ohio, Dr. Logan Would All Want the Onion. A Pendleton gentleman visiting in the Willamette valley sends the following, says the Tribune : "Society is always on the alert for some thing new and novel. A new game called the 'onion social' has made its appearance and is growing into the favor of the young people. This is how it is played : Six young ladies stand, in a row ; one of them bites a piece out of an onion, and the gentlemen pay 10 cents to guess who bjt it. The correct guessers kiss the other five girls, while the unsuccessful kiss the lass who bit the onion. People who don't believe In card playing ought to enjoy this game." As it is fair to presume that at least five would guess wrong where one guessed correctly; it will be seen that the girl who bit the onion would get five kisses to the other girls' one. This would come Under the head of class legislation, and here in The Dalles would cause a row the first time the game was played, for every girl would want to bite the onion. "Bacteria do not occur in the blood or in the tissues of a healthy living body, either of man or the lower animals." So says the celebrated Dr. Kock. Other doctors say that the best medicine to render the blood perfectly . pure and healthy is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. -FOB SALE BY- MAIER & BENTON. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. R. Sigman came in from Dufur yesterday. Dr. Geisendorfer and wife of Arling ton are in the city. W. N. West, proprietor of the Hood River meat market, is in the city. Mr. Robt. Mays returned from Salem last night and so did Mr. J. M. Pat terson. Mr. Otto Pieper, who has Ibeen rail roading in Washington, returned home Saturday. Hon. Chas. Cartwrieht arrived from Salem today, coming In response to a telegram on account of his brother's sickness. Theo. Cartwright is dangerously ill. He scratched his hand while at work a few days ago, and as a result has a very badiattack of blood-poisoning. Mr, Wm. Garreteon is confined to his bed from sickness. Mr. White, of Feld- heimer's iewelrv establishment, Port land, is in charge of his business. 'I guess my hat's my ownl I paid for it," snapped the young woman at the matinee, turning round and addressing the two men who were making audible remarks. about her towering head-dress; "and I paid for my eeat, too." "But you didn't pay for all the space between your eeat and the ceiling, my dear young lady," mildly observed the elder of the two men. Chicago Tribune. Parker rls there any life at all in your office boy? Barker Any life? He's out resting for a spurt. Wait 10 min utes and you'll see him close the office, Life. ARE TOE BEST CIGARETTE SMOKERS w ho care to pay a little more than the cost of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL. OTHERS Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf grown in Virginia, and are ABSOLUTELY PURE MRS. FOWLER, Fashionable Dressmaker Newest styles and' "work "neatlv done, Use the Norman Tavlor Svstem. which took the gold medal at the Colombian Exposition. Dressmaking Parlors over Pease & Mays' dry goods store, -room jno. l. leDZi-imo. Headless s We are doubling our Store Room to make room for ne-w Goods, and our present stock has to go. Everything in the shape of GkOTfllflG FOR JB. A. DIIIBICH; Physician and Surgeon, DDFUB, OREGON. 4 All professional calls promptly attends to, aay ana rugnu apr!4 JOS. T. PETERS & CO., -DEALERS IN- BUILDING : - AND - Teleplioiie 3Xo. 25' Are Your Eyes Open? IF SO, READ THIS. Just Received,. A Complete Assortment of GARDEN and TIMBER SEEDS. We can save , you money. Now wend your way to the Big Brick opposite Moody's Warehouse. E. J. COLLINS & CO, Telephone 20. Terms Cash. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony he market. The AMERICAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. 125 Milk St, Boston, Mass. 'This company owns Letters Patent No. 463,569, granted to Emile Berliner November 17, 1891, for a combined tele graph and telephone, and controls Let ters Patent No. 474,231, granted to Tbos. A. Edison May 3. 1892, for a speaking telegraph, which. Patents cover funda mental inventions and embrace all forms of microphone transmitters and of car bon telephones jan2S of t Prices. EVERYBODY. nr. MiiaHLis. JOHN I. GKOGHEGAN, Register V. S. Land Office, 1890-1894. Business Before the United states Land Office at Specialty. Wells Block, Slain St., Vanaouver, Clarke Co Washington, povl MATERIALS BREWERY, turning out the best Beer and Portei the first-class article will be p aced on T. A. VAN NORDEN, DEALER IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry AND SPECTACLES. Oregon Railway Navigation Company Watch Repairer and Inspector. Repairing; of Fine Watches a Specialty. 108 Second St., THE DALLES, OR-