The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 19, 1895, Image 3

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Will You Pay
an Income Tax?
To make room for new stock, and this
If so, perhaps it doesn't make any difference to yon -whether
you buy of us or not, because you are able to pay higher
prices for your goods.
If You Don't
It's mighty important for you to give us your trade, as you
must undoubtedly be interested in close prices.
We Sell on Small Margin of Profits.
Hegafdless s of t Prices.
"We are doubling our Store Room to make
room for new Goods, and our present stock
has to go. Everything in the shape of
GliOTHlflG f Oft EtfEEYBODY.
Physician and Snrgeon,
n All professional calls promptly attende
to, day and night. aprl4
Register U. 8. Land Office, 1890-1894.
Business Before tbe United States Land
Office at Specialty.
Wells Block, Main St, Vancouver, Clarke no
Washington. BOYl
The Dalles Patty Chronicle.
ntered a the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
Clubbing List.
. Regular Our
price price
Cbreniele and Jf. Y. Tribune $2.50 $1.75
" nd ffectlj Oregonian 3.00 2.00
" aid Weekly Eiaminer : 3.25 2.25
" ffeeklj Be York World 2.25 2.00
Ijocavl Advertising;.
10 Cenva per line for first insertion, and S Cents
oer line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
.11 1 1 H 1 a 1 . .1 - I 1 l
will appear the following day.
Liaiei From the Notebook of Chronicle
The Knight's of Pythias of Arlington
will give a grand masquerade ball to
night. Mrs. Smith, the present missionary,
will speak in the Salvation Army hall
There will be no dance given by the
Union Clnb this week. This notice is
published by order of the committee.
Mr. Eugene Gordon wishes to Bell his
household furniture, carpets, cooking
utensils, etc. This is a rare opportunity
to secure a bargain. Inquire at Pease &
Tbe masquerade ball to be given on
February 22nd will be under the aus
pices of the Woodmen, the Workmen
withdrawing on account of the death of
L. Newman.
The ladies of the M. E. church, as
sisted by their musical friends, have in
preparation a concert, to be given tbe
firat week in March. The best talent in
the city will take part.
The Jacobsen Book & Music Company
filed articles of incorporation yesterday.
The amount of the capital stock is $5000,
principal place of business The Dalles
and duration unlimited.
Don't forget that the Regulator pulls
out in the morning at 7 o'clock to beg
her regular season's run
day to distribute blanks and take the
preliminary steps towards collecting the
income tax that may be found due in
this neighborhood. We do not antici
pate that it will take him long to dis
cover all those whose incomes are $3500
per annum, or over, and that tbe list
can be carried very easily in his watch.
The Salvation Army invaded the jail
this morning and conducted services
therein. As Otis Savage was the - only
person in the jail, he received enough
for a whole ball full of sinners. We
have the utmost respect for religion, but
must confess that the spectacular variety
of it does not increase our veneration.
If that was part of Savage's sentence, it
is all right, but if not he ought to be
allowed a rebate.
From parties who visited the locks
yesterday we learn that the work there
is being pushed very fast, and any one
who has kept any watch of the progress
of the work is convinced that if the con
tractors are not hampered in any way,
that boats will pass through the canal
before Christmas, and if the high water
is not of long duration, probably in
November. The gates are being put in
place, and a large force of men are em
ployed at that work.
Down near Irving in the Willamette
yalley a day or so ago, three men were
plowing, and one of them turned np a
nest with a squirrel in it. He stopped
his team and gave chase to the squirrel.
His companions stopped their teams and
joined in the chase over the plowed
ground. Then one of the teams got
frightened and run away, and that scared
the other teams and soon all three of
them were flying over the field. After
considerable damage was done the teams
were caught and the plowing was pro
ceeded with. The squirrel was killed. -
Baal Bstate Xr axis action a.
Portland will be made in hlt7 ?1""U
the run to
quick time.
The regular quarterly examination in
the public schools of this district will be
he held Thursday in all except tbe Court
street school, in which the examination
will be held Friday. This is . caused by
the accident to the heater which com
pelled the closing of the Court street
school Monday.
Mr. W. C Allaway arriued home from
Portland last night. He tells us the
Dalles City was successfully launched
yesterday and is in fine trim for the
Beaaon's run. Both steamers have been
thoroughly overhauled, repainted, re
furnished, provided with new carpets
etc.. and are in better condition than
Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue
Mima came down from Pendleton yeeter
The following deeds were filed for rec
ord yesterday and today :
Thomas W. Nooney and James M.
Nooney and Katie Nooney to Anna C
Stubling, lots K and L, in block 46, Fort
Dalles military addition to DalleB City ;
V $150.
n. Leslie Butler and J, F. Armour, ad'
ministrators of the estate of Henry A.
finnnpption lVtti deceased, to Mary J. Wingate, lot
will be made with the Dalles City and in block 2' Trevitt'B addition to Dalles
to Elizabeth Nooney,
lots K and L, block 46, Fort Dalles mili
tary reservation ; patent.
The Circuit Court.
The following business was transacted
in the circuit court today :
Peter Omeg vs Emma Omeg, referee
filed report and decree granted.
Chas. E. Gill vs. T. J. Watson et al
default and decree.
Eugene D. White vs. C. P. Heald et al
receiver ordered to make report by Sat
urday. "
Three girls as apprentices at dress
making. Apply to Mrs. For wood, on
Court between Second and Third up
stairs.- The Kellogg system of cutting
used and taught.
Death, of 1.. Newman.
This morning Mr. L. Newman, who
usually goes down to his store at quite
an early hour, on account of having a
bakery connected therewith, failed to
make bis appearance as usual, and a
messenger was sent to the house for
him. The door of the bedroom' was
locked, and getting no response to their
repeated calls, his family became
alarmed and City Marshal Blakeney
waa sent for, who procured a ladder and
gained entrance to the room through the
window. Mr. Newman ' waa found in
bed in an unconscious condition. Dr.
Logan waa called in, and did everything
possible for the stricken man, but with
out avail, and at 11 o'clock, without
Lhaving regained consciousness, his spirit
passed away.
Mr. Newman waa an old resident of
The Dalles, having come here in 1859 or
1860, and has been in business almost
continuously since that time. Mr. New
man was a remarkably well-informed
man, and the writer calls to mind many
a pleasant and instructive conversation
had with him, especially concerning his
experience as a merchant in Russia and
Siberia. He waa known by nearly every
reaident of Wasco county, and he com
manded the respect and earned the es
teem of all who knew him. He waa a
member of Temple lodge, A. O. U. W.,
of this city, and one of the oldest mem
bers of the lodge.
Mr. Newman was about 65 years of
age, and the cause of his death waa apo
plexy. Besides hia bereaved wife, he
leaves two .sons and two daughters to
mourn hia losa.
The funeral will take place Sunday.
Temple Entertainment.
Harmon Temple, No. 4, will give its
annual entertainment on Tuesday even
ing, the 26th. Among the many inter
esting features of the program will be a
military drill by a class of young ladies,
under the. management of Mr. J. M.
Patterson, and last, but not least, will
be the good night drill by an infant
class, under the management of Miss
Louise Ruch. Admission All over 12
years, 15 cents : under 12, 10 cents. A
cordial invitation to everybody.
Mbb. J. E. Barnett, S. J. T.
Edith Randall, Asst. S. J. T.
Certificates Granted.
At the regular examination of teachers
just completed certificates were granted
as follows:
First Grade Mrs. K. Roche, Miss
Emma F. Ward, Miss Cassie Cheese.
Second Grade Daisie E. Allaway,
Lindsey B. Thomas, H. R. Blue, G. L.
Third Grade Katie Davenport, E. F,
Surface, Florence J. Davis, A. V. Under
wood, Ben. Wilson, Marguerite Shelley.
They Say "Thank Ton."
For the love and kindness shown by
word and deed in helping to sustain our
loss by' fire on Jan. 31at, we return our
sincere thanks. May God by His grace
repay them, and protect all from a like
case. . H. Ysbxbq and Family.
11 mm:
who care to pay a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the
Made from the highest cost Onlri Tf
grown in Virginia, and are
Masquerade Ball!
The A. 0. U. W. and CQoodmen Lodges
On PEBEUAET 22, 1895.
The following prizes will be given :
First Prize for Ladies finest costume
Tea Set; on exhibition in Rorden'a
Second Prize fov Ladies best sustained
character Lamp; on exhibition in
Korden'a window. .
First Prize for Gentlemen finest cos
tame Chair; in Prinz & Nitschke's
Second Prize for Gentlemen best sns
trined character Album; in Jacob-
sen's window.
j -i
m ixaraen ana'
Grass Seeds
in- 3Til k, at
J. H. Cross
Feed & Gro
cery Store.
E5 5
Administrator's Notice.
Tolophono XOTo. SO"
Are Your Eyes Open ?
Just Received,.
A Complete Assortment of GARDEN
and TIMBER SEEDS. We can save
you money. , Now wend your way to the
Big Brick, opposite Moody's Warehouse.
Telephone 20. Terms Cash. -
' This well-known Brewery is now turning oat the best Beer and Porter
east of the Cascades. The lateet appliances for the manufacture of good health
ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed on
be markt.
125 Milk St., Boston, Mass.
Notice 1b hereby given that by an order of the
Court of the State of Oregon for the County of
Wasco, duly made and entered on the 9th day of
Januarv. 1895. the undersigned was amiointed
administrator of the estate of Joshna W. Reedy
deceased. All persons haying claims against
the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to
? iresent them, with the proper vouchers there
or, to me at my office in The Dalles. Oregon,
within six months f i om the date hereof.
Dated The Dalles, Oregon, Jan. 12, 1895.
Administrator of the Estate of Joshua W.
Reedy, Deceased. - - -Janl2-feb2S
This company owns Letters Patent
No. 463,569, granted to Emile Berliner
November 17, 1891, for a combined tele
graph and telephone, and controls Let
ters Patent No. 474,231, granted to Tbos.
A. Edison May 3. 1892, for a speaking
telegraph, which Patents cover funda
mental inventions and embrace all forma
of . microphone transmitters and of car
bon telephones - jan2
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
Oregon Railway & Navigation Company
Watch Repairer and Inspector.
Repairing- of Fine Watches a Specialty.
loe Seoond St., THE DALLES, OR.