Tiiey pxtst Go To make room for new stock, and this Muslin r New Goods- ) A i fA- ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ntered a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon as second-class matter. Clu'b'bing List. , . . . . : Regular Our ' ? : price price QroBide ud K. I. Tribune) . ........ .$2.50 $1.75 " aid ffeellj Orfgoniaii 3.00 2.00 , andWetkljEiaminer... 3.25 .2.25 " Weeklj Jew York World 2.25 2.00 Local Advertising-. 10 Ceuui yer line for first insertion, and S Cents ier line for each subsequent Insertion. 8pectal rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 8 o'clock will appear the following day. FRIDAY - - FEBRUARY 15, 1895 BRIfcF MENTION. .eaves From the Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. Goldia beginning to flow towards this country from England. The United States senate now has a majority of republicans. It looks as though the railroad com mission would be abolished. The legislature adjourns, or at least its pay stops at midnight next Friday night. Miss Emma Morse of Portland is in the city, the guest of the Misses Ruch. The Smith Bros., inform us that Mr. Miller has resigned, and they will have a new violinist tomorrow (Saturday) evening. The Regulator looks like she had just come out of a bandbox, for she is neat as an Easter bonnet and clean as the republican sweep last year. The day has been a cloudy one, with some dark leaden colored banks of clouds hanging 'over the mountains west of us. From all indications we are going to have some weather . of the sioppy ana winay variety. James Williams and Thomas Moore, who pleaded guilty to the charge of burglary in the robbing of Leaving & Cates store at Cascades, were sentenced this morning each of them being given two years in the penitentiary. . Judge Bradshaw cleaned up the crim inal and law dockets this morning and discharged all jurors. This is one of the shortest terms of court ever held here, There is some equity business yet to be Bettled, bat the main expense has been cut off. ' The case of T. G.Mitchell against O D. Taylor was dismissed this morning the court ruling that the action to re cover for the value of the stock was not the proper remedy, and. that if any cause of action exists, it is an action of damages. Grand Master Workman Brannin after a pleasant, and to the order profit able, visit here, leaves tonight for Ar lington, where he will speak in behalf -of the order. Mr. Brannin is an excellent gentleman, and a fine speaker. ' As a re salt of his lecture here there are already nearly a dozen, applications for member Ship. - i 'V -:.r . Underwear. Every Piece of MUSLIN UNDERWEAR In the House must go. The Sale Prices are Cost. Display in Center "Window. PEASE Mr. Eugene Gordon wishes to sell bis household furniture, carpets, cooking utensils, etc. This is a rare opportunity to secure a bargain. Inquire at Pease & Mays. The vote at Salem today shows no change. It was as. follows : Dolph 41, Lowell 12, Williams 10, Lord 7, Hare 10, Weatherford 1, Raley 7. Paired Smith and Rineareon.. The vote as we have said 5s unchanged except as to the un important part thereof. Senator Raley was giyen 7 votes by the democracy, and Lord's vote ran up to 7 from 5 yesterday. Horticultural BUI. The Moores horticultural bill which passed the house Monday creates a board of six members, one from the state at large and one from each of five dis tricts as follows: 1st Multnomah, Clackamas, Yamhill, Washington, Col umbia, Clatsop and Tillamook. 2d Marion, Polk, Benton, Lincoln, Linn and Lane. 3d Douglas, Jackson, Klam ath, Josephine, Coos, Curry and Lake. 4th Wasco, Sherman, Morrow, Gilliam and Crook. 5th Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Baker, Malheur, Harney and Grant. To hold office for four years. They shall have a secretary at not more than $1200 a year. The board is clothed with the necessary powers of regulating, inspecting, quarantining, disinfecting, etc., necessary to protect the fruit against the introduction and spreading of dis eases and pests among fruit trees. The members are to be appointed by a board consisting of the governor, secretary and treasurer of the state. They hive power to appoint quarantine guardians in each district when necessary and to pay them $2 per day. For the support of the board and prosecution of its work the coming two years, $12,000 is appropriated. It is considered by most fruit men' a very good measure. It is practically the same as the Raley senate bill. Real Estate Transactions. The following deeds were filed for record yesterday afternoon and today : Frank X Kramer to Chas B Adams, lots 4, block A, Kramer's addition to Dalles City; $200. Chas B Adams to Frank X Kramer, lot 3, block A, Kramer's addition to Dalles City; $200. Geo M Stirling to Zilla Stirling, lots D, E, F, G, H and I, block 32, Fort Dalles Military Addition ; $1,000. James Kelley and wife to John E Bar- nett, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 10, 11 and 12, block 28, Bigelow's Bluff Addition to Dalles City ; $900. United States to Fittz Henry Wake field, nej and nwJ4", sec 23, tp 1 n of t 15 e ; patent. United States to Simpson Copple, nwj, swJi; w nw, and nei of nwj, sec 23, tp 2 n of r 10 e ; patent. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she waa a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. & MAYS. Dafor Doings. Cold and cloudy, plenty of snow and some rain, Then a ray of sunshine with this altogether; The slop and the Blush that makes more mud again; But it takes all of this to make up the weather. It is with much regret that we note the stay of winter. The last end of the eastern blizzard has struck us in the form of two bitter nights and a two-inch fall of snow that covered vhat bare spots there were. We long for the soft breath of the persuasive Chinook ; but like spring, she is rather ehy and dis tant. Wednesday old Sol put on a smile of summer radiance, and poked oat , bis head from behind a dark cloud, warming the early birds, who returned thanks in a burst of summer song that made a painful contrast with the bare trees and enow-covered earth. H. M. Pitman and L. B. Thomas have gone to The Dalles to attend examina tion.' . Mrs. Adams and Miss Hitchcock of Portland are in town for a few days. Rev. Jenkins has commenced a series of meetings in the U. B. church, the U. B. meetings having closed after two weeks of protracted effort. A great deal of sickness is the result of the prolonging of winter, giving the doc tors plenty -of work, and making them glad while all else is sad. Mrs. Mary Vanderpool has been very sick with a bad attack of pneumonia, but is improv ing under the care of Dr. Kane. Miss Blanche Dufur, we regret to state, has been sick, but is a little better. Roy Peabody has been sick for three weeks with a form of typhoid pneumonia, but is far on the way to recovery. . Sunday night Johnnie Green was thrown from a horse and his collar bone fractured. Dr. Deitrich, with his nsual dexterity, attended the injury. The teachers' institute was held here and passed off pleasantly, but not a very large attendance, especially of teachers, on account of the impassable roads. But notwithstanding all this, the genial face of our superintendent was smiling, and a good program was carried out. There is to be a band concert Feb. 22d, and all look forward to a musical treat for 25 cents, under the training of Prof. Helfritz. - We have a new addition to the town in the shape of another shoe shop, with a notice to the public that Mr. Helfritz will oblige his customers with a neat job in repairing and all work peculiar to his art. - Quiz. Mays Sc Crowe's Regular Burglary. The regular semi-monthly burglary of Mays & Crowe's store took ' place last night. . This time the burglar fired one of Max Vogt's bricks through the front window, destroying about $10 worth of glass. The window was filled with pis tols, knives, and such wares, including a bicycle : watch, weighing half a pound, with' ball " bearing and pneumatic run ning gears. The thief took one pistol, a pearl-handled dagger, a ' spring-back hunting knife, and the bicycle watch. He would ' undoubtedly , have taken more, but as the goods were marked in plain figures,, he saw that they ..were -FOB SALE BY- MAIER & BENTON. marked down so low that he could get them delivered at his house cheaper than he could carry them home. The total value of the goods taken will not exceed six dollars. Mr. Crowe remarked to us this morn ing that "Procrastination is the thief of time," from which we suspect he is not sure who took the other things, but is satiefied as to the fellow that stole the watch. The time-piece is set in a nickel frame, with air brake and aluminum piston rods and is geared up to 56. Advertised Letters. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postofiSce at The Dalles un called for Feb. 16, 1895. Persona calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Austin, M V Baker, Geo Barker. Edwin .. Ferguson, O C Fisher, F E Fitzpatrick, E C Hansen, N B (2) Harris, C L Jones,-J T La Velle, Louis Neabeach, W McCormack, Mrs M Murphy, Jas Milligan, Jas Pemberton, R N Prall, Chas Reader, Emma Sun, Thun, Wm W Turnbow, W S Warner, Jo Wese, F A White. Miss Bell J. A. Ceossen, P. M. ARE THE BEST CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pay a little more than the cost of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf grown in Virginia, and are ABSOLUTELY PURE Masquerade Ball! GIVEN BY The fl. 0. U. W. and QJoodmen Lodges On PEBETJAET 22, 1895. The following prizes will be given :. First Prize for Ladies finest costume .Tea Set;. on exhibition in. Rorden'.s window. . ; - : i! .- Second Prize toy Ladies best sustained character Lamp; on exhibition in : liorden's window. . - . . . ; ' First Prize for Gentlemen finest cos tume Chair; in Prinz & Nitschke's ; window. ... . . Second 'Prize 'for Gentlemenbest sus trined character Album; in Jacob : sen's window. Regardless s We are doubling our Store Room to make room for new Goods, and our present stopk has to go. Everything in the shape of GliOTHlR FOR A. DIETRICH, Physician and Surgeon, DUFUR, OREGON. All professional calls promptly attende i, day and night. aprl4 JOS. T. PETERS & CO., -DEALERS IN- BUILDING : - GEItfS Mill! Teleplioue ITXTo. SO" Are Your IF SO, READ THIS. Just Received,; A Complete Assortment of GrARDETT and TIMBER SEEDS. We can save you money. Now Wend your way to the Big Brick, opposite Moody's Warehouse. E. J. COLLINS & CO. Telephone 20. Terms Cash. ' THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY. i : - . " - ..-'. j - ! AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Portet east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be pced oa he markt. - The AMERICAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. 125 Milk St, Boston, Mass. This company owns Letters Patent No. 463,569, granted to Emile Berliner November 17, 1891, for a combined tele graph and telephone, and controls Let ters Patent No. 474,231, granted to Thos. A; Edison May 3. 1892, for a speaking telegraph, which - Patents cover funda mental inventions and embrace all forms of microphone transmitters and of car bon telephones f ; jan28 - of s Mees. EVERYBODY. TJ. HARRIS. JOHN D. OEOGHEOAN, Register U. S. Land Office, 18O0-1S94. Bualness Before the United states Land Office a Specialty. Wells Block, Main St., Vancouver, ClnrkeTo Washington. novl MATERIALS AND - Eyes Open? T. A. VAN NORDEfJ, -DEALER IN- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry I . ' AND SPECTACLES. Oregon Railway A Navigation Company Watch Repairer and Inspector. Repairing; of. Klne Watches m Specialty- 1O0 Second St., " THE DALLES, OR.