The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 15, 1895, Image 2

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    Tii3 Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Weekly, 1 year :$ 1 BO
" 6 months 0 75
" 8 " 0 60
Dall, 1 year : 6 00
" 6 months 8 00
" per " - 0 50
Address all communication to " THE CHRON
ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. . v
FEBRUARY 15, 1895
Miss Fay Fuller, of the Pendleton
Tribune, scores the legislators of New
York for undertaking to pass laws upon
so paltry a thing as the average theater
hat worn by ladies. Miss Fuller takes
the ground that "the fashion is a pass
ing one," and that "at the worst com
paratively few women offend." This
assertion proves aim ply that Miss Fuller
is young, and also that she has not de
voted much time to the stndv of that
paltry object, the tfieater hat. Ever
since we can remember, the hat, as
sported by the female theater-goer, has
been a nuisance and an eyesore, and we
do not now rt member a play that we
have seen as well as heard since the
days of our kidhood, when we could
climb into some place where the hat
could not. Indeed, the hat, or the head
gear, of the theater-going female has
been a nuisance time immemorial. 'The
primitive inhabitants of New Anister
dam had an ordinance against high
coiffures. Ben Johnson ridiculed it.
Praed dressed one of his heroines up as
being a theater-going lady, who
"Hawked and hunted In all weathers,
And stood six feet, including feathers."
The subject, if traced back, can be fol
lowed into the remotest ages of an
tiquity. Sesostrotis killed her husband,
the king, when she got a high crown on
Ham got black in the face trying to see
over his wife's Easter bonnet when he
was watching for the dove to return to
the ark ; and it is probable that the rea
son Adam did not catch on, and so pre
vent the success of the wiles of the ser
pent, was because of Eve's high' hat
preventing his seeing the ' principal
The high hat at the theater is an un
mitigated nuisance, that is passing only
in the sense that it passes from one tash
ion to another, but unfortunately never
passes from one extreme to the other.
The bill introduced in the legislature
by Mr. Rinearson, of Clackamas, pro-
Tiding for a constitutional convention in
Oregon should pass. The constitution of
this state has, long ago, outlived its use'
fulness, and many are the amendments
which could be made with profit to the
state, bnd render better service to the
people. The constitution ot thirty years
ago does not fill the requirements of to
day, and the document under which we
are working might well be consigned to
oblivion, to give place to one which
would more nearly conform to present
conditions and emergencies. It is time
Oregon cast off the mask of old fogy ism
and get in line with the march of prog
ress inaugurated by your younger sisters
of the Pacific coast. Mist.
If The-Dalles Chronicle desires to open
the coffin and hold up that political
corpse coon, lor his own delectable gaze
we've no objection. But the Observer
has nothing to retract concerning the
sentiment in Sherman county respecting
tne scurvy scrun. opinions may diner,
but there is no difference of opinions in
this region when a man proves to the
people that he is a scrub. Moro Ob
The Chronicle is not holding Mr.
Coon up as a corpse, or otherwise, and
has not mentioned bis name since the
fight over the senatorship began. Th
Observer, it strikes us, is the principal
mourner at the wake, and seems to be
enjoying the corpse thoroughly.
Senator Huston's homestead exemp
tion bill which passed the senate Thurs
day, places the value of exemption at
$1000 instead of $1500 as now. It pro
vides further that if the homestead ia
sold the proceeds shall be exempt; that
if the house is burned the $1000 insur
ance shall be exempt; and that in case
of the husband's death the exemption
shall be in force for the benefit of the
widow and children until the youngest
child i" 21 years of age. A method of de-
termining the valuation is provided, to
be carried out by the appraisement of
three householders, to be called in by
the levying officer, the owner being al
lowed time to raise the excess over $1000,
An amendment offeted was agreed to
providing that the bill should not affect
existing; contracts.
The East Oregonian says thai St. Val
entine was not a preacher ; and that is
one time our contemporary is mistaken
St. Valentine, both' of him, for there
were two," was a preacher. Not only
that, but St. Valentine No. 1 was, ac
cording to all accounts, a very powerful
With a lawyer convicted of man
slaughter, a preacher a convicted bank
robber, and a doctor caught kidnaping
young lady patient, Portland's profes
sional people can : hardly be charged
with moesbackism. '
Minister Gray Dead.
Isaac P. Gray, United States minister
to Mexico, died at the City of Mexico
yesterday evening. He had been in
Washington,, but on account of the
threatened war between Mexico and
Gautemala he hurried back to his post.
He was taken sick on the way, arrived
n the city of Mexico yesterday morning
in an unconscious condition, and so re
mained until death claimed him. Mr.
Gray had been governor of Indiana, and
was prominently mentioned in connec
tion with the democratic nomination for
president three years ago.
Ten days loss of time on account of
sickness and a doctor bill to pay, is any
thing but pleasant for a man of a family
to contemplate, whether he is a laborer,
mechanic, merchant or publisher. Jas.
O. Jones, publisher of the Leader,
Mexia, Texas,' was 6ick in bed for ten
days with the grip during its prevalence
a year or two ago. Later in the season
be had a second attack, tie says: in
the latter case I used Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy with considerable suc
cess, I think, only being in bed a little
over two days. The second attack I am
satisfied wo aid have been equally as bad
as the first butfortheuse of this rem
edy." It should be'borne in mind that
the grip is much the same as a very
severe cold and requires preciselj the
same treatment. When you wish to
cure a cold quickly and effectually give
this remedy a trial. 50 cent bottles for
eale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists,
Harry I always wear a hat to suit
my head ; hang the style. Dick Yes ;
I notice that a soft hat is your favorite
Boston Globe.
Mrs. Emily Thome, who resides at
Toledo, Washington, says she has never
been able to procure any medicine for
rheumatism that relieves the pain eo
quickly and effectually as Chamberlain's
Pain Balm and that ehe has also used it
for a lame back with great success,
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton Drug
"I wonder what keeps her dress from
slipping off her .shoulders." "Er the
attraction, I suppose." New York Re
women often feel
the effect of too
much gayety
balls, theatres, and
teas in rapid
succession find
them worn out, or
"run-down" by
the end ot the sea-
son. They suffer
trom nervousness,
sleeplessness and
irregularities. The
smile and rood
spirits take " flight' It is time to accept
the help offered in Doctor Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription. It's a medicine Which
was discovered and used by a prominent
pnysician ior many years in ail cases ox
female complaint" and the nervous dis
orders which arise from it. The "Pre
scription" is a powerful uterine tonic and
nervine, especially adapted to woman's
delicate wants for it regulates and promotes
all the natural functions, builds up, invig
orates and cures.
Many women suffer from nervous pros
tration, or exhaustion, owing to congestion
or to disorder of the special functions. The
waste products should be quickly got rid
of, the local source of irritation relieved
and the system invigorated with the " Pre
scription." Do not take the so-called
celery compounds, and nervines which
only put the nerves' to sleep, but get a
lasting cure with Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. " ,
Mrs. William Hoover 'of ' Bellville,
Jitcmana Co., unto,
writes: " I had been
a great sufferer from
female weakness ; '
I tried three doc
tors ; they did me
no good ; I thought
I was an invalid for
ever. But I heard
of Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription,
and then I wrote to
him and he told me
I took eight bottles.
I now feel entirelvvU '
well. I could stand : Ms. Hoovbr. .
on my feet only a short time, and now I do
all my work for my family of five."
Sheriffs Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance of an
execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for Wasco County, on the 15th
day of January, 1895, in a suit therein pending
wnereln Algenon Disbrow was plaintiff and
Henry C. Coe and Kitty Coe were defendants, I
will, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of
the eighteenth day of February, 1895, at the
courthouse door in Dalles City, in said County,
sell at pnblie auction to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, all of the following-described
real property, lying and being situate in Wasco
County aforesaid, towlt: All- the east half of
the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter,
Section No. two. Township two North, Range
ten East Willamette Merldan, together with all
and singular the tenements, hereditaments and
appurtenances thereunto belonging, to satisfy
the sum of nine hundred and one dollars and
twenty-six cents, and Interest thoreon from the
13th day of November, 1894, at the rate of eight
percent per -annum, and frfnety dollars attor
ney's -fees, and sixteen dollars costs and dis
bursements of said suit and accrulng-costs. .
i v ' ' : T. J. DK1VER, '
' J19-I16 Sheriff of said County of Wasco.
- for ; . -
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Piles'l n ' ! ';?.'!' r !
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores, ;
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Scalds, ;
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously. . ;
, Mustang Liniment conquers
Makes flan or Beast well
Ladies' and
Gold and Silver
Large Assortment
to select from.
I. C. Nickelsen's.
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co
Wall Paper,
Window Glass.
129 Second St.,
23 G-arden and 225
Grass Seeds -T7
in Bulk, at
J. H. Cross' r
T-fc 'Feed. & G-ro- -b-w
;cery Store. f
'S .23-' 23'' -25 'S .
i Or
If you want anything in the shape of
For Man or Woman, Boy, Girl or Baby.
When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side
fiEW COliUjVlBlfl HOTEli.
' This large and popular House does the principal hotel business,
and is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any
House in the city, and at the low rate of
$1.00 per Day. - pirst CJass Teals, 25 Cerpts.
' 'Office for all Stagre IlnS leaving The Dalles for all
points ln Kastern Oregon and Jttastern Washington,
in this Hotel.
Corner of Front and Union 8ts.
And the Most Complete and
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINT8 used
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for JVlasury Liquid Paints.: JNo chem
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. . All orders
promptly attended to.
Store and Faint Shon corner Third and
"There is a tide in the affairs
leads on to fortune'1 ' '
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
Closi-Oil Sale iifc-
Fraiim & Carnets
Who are selling these goods
" ! I, . 4 I
Ticket and Baggage Office of the U. P.
- . Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel.
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables.
Pips Work, Hn ipls M lolinp
Shop on Third Street, next door ; west of Young Kus
i Blacksmith Shop. - - '-
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
Successor to Paul Kreft & Co ! ' ' '.' '
Latest Patterns and Designs in
HANGER. None but the best brands
in all onr work, and none but the
Washington Sts.. The Dalles, Oreot
0 men which, taken at its fiooa
out at greatly-reduced rates.
- Umatilla - House
R. R; Company, and office of the Western
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
v atsco county :
Caleb Brooks, 1
jfiainun, I
vs. V
Georgians A. Brooks, j
To Georgiana A. Brooks, the above-named de
tecaant: v
In the namA Of til. Kt H to nf Hroonn .
the complaint filed against you In the above-en-,
titled BUit, and now Dendinir in the above-enti.
tied. Court, on or before Monday, the 11th day or.
Feb., 1895, that being the first day of the next
regular term of said Court; and if you fail so to
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the said above-named Court for the relief de
manded In his complaint, for a decree of divorce
forever dissolving ana annuling the marriage
relations now exi&ting between you and plaint
iff, and for such other and fnrther relief as to
the court may seem equltame and just.
This Summons is served upon you by publica
tion thereof in The Dalles Chronicle, a news
paper of general circulation published weekly at
uaues tjity, wasco uounry, uregon, Dy oraer of
the Honorable W. L. Bradshaw, judge of said
Court, which order was duly mad3 at chambers
uaues city, wasco connty, Oregon, on tne Zitn
day of December, 1894.
d.ec20-f9 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
A Long
String of Fish
Is not Carried
up a Side Street.
It's just about as important
to let folks know that we've
got extra fine Hams and Ba
con,Eastern Buckwheat Flour,
genuine Maple Syrup. The
Finest Coffee in town. A fine
lot of New Breakfast Foods.
For all those who call on
us we have bargains in Fine
Goods; for those who don't,
- c ' ;i . ; Grocer.
Ask Central for 62.
We carry everything that is good
to eat, and at such prices that
we should have the trade of all
hungry people.
Try our
Teas and Coffees.
Can give you an excellent blend
ed Coffee at 25 per pound.
Ask for Halivor Butter.
Telephone No. 60.
TTtE 5tc
We wish to announce that
we have made a specialty of
Winter Blooming Bulbs.
We are prepared to furnjsh
on short notice cut Sowers
for all occasions ; also pot
plants and wires.
Hyacinths in bloom A
beautiful holiday gift.
Get your Chrysanthemums
at once to eend East.
gUil mill ble blood disease, IM
ft haft Spen hundreds
of dollars TRYING various remedies j
and physicians, none of which did me it
5 any good. My finger nails came off, $
Wand my hair came out, leaving me
5 perfectly bald. 1 then went to
2 Hoping to be cured by this celebrated
treatment, but very soon became
ft disgusted, and decided to TRY
Ihe ettect wasj
trulv wonderful. I
commenced to re- j
cover after takinci
the first bottle, and oy the time I had !
I taken twelve bottles I was entirely cured I
i cured by S. S, S. when the world-renowned
I not ispnnps nad railed.
WM. S. LOOMIS. Shreveport. La.
Our Book on the Disease and Its Treatment
mailed free to any address.
4 V." i T'j'Vi '-i v ivi f ..... : l .
Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon
Life-size Crayons a epecialty.